The Undefined Love

Chapter 83: 83

Next day, Deming was busy completing his pending works and has intended to do his work of the coming weeks too. He was planning to get his mind and heart engrossed in work, so that it doesn't give any attention to Lifen.

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Seeing their devil boss getting engrossed in work so intently, the pressure on the employees got increased. In such a pressurize situation, the employees skipped their lunch to finish their work.

Dan said in frustration, "Arghh!! What's with Devil today? It's so torturous".

"Here goes another file, I have completed my work on this. Now it's your turn, prepare a presentation on it", Lisa said slamming the file on Dan's desk. Her hair were all messed up with several strands falling on her face and her hair bun was tied up with the help of her pen.

Murphy was well aware of the situation. He walked into the CEO's with his phone, "Boss, it's a call from Dr.Yang ", he said and handed the phone to Deming.

"Mr.Wang we got the reason of Ms.Jie's illness. You should come now", as expected Dr.Yand didn't elaborate more on the phone.

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Deming quickly wrapped up the work and dashed out the office. When the devil left the office, everyone heaved a sigh of relief. It was already about to get sunset and everyone's work was almost completed to they all rested making the environment comfortable and friendly.


In the Carnation Hills.

"Good job, Xiao LiLi. You have done the thing that was next to impossible. My crazy stubborn grandson called me yesterday. And look, the reports are all done now", Dr.Yang exclaimed looking at Lifen.

Lifen let a small chuckle on her lips, "Grandpa Yang, don't address Brother Yuzhe like that. You know how much I idolize him. And it was not an impossible thing to ask this help from him. He just needs to know the right reason to do so, and I gave him that. He hasn't help Ms.Long here, he has helped me".

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Dr.Yang lips curled upwards. Only he knew his grandson won't help anyone like this. It's not that Mr.Wang Deming hasn't approached him for treating Ms.Long . It was his grandson who rejected his efforts. But one request from this girl made it all and that too very efficiently and effectively. And here this girl, don't even know that she is so special and she deserves to be.

"Grandpa Yang, may I ask you what's the main reason for her illness?" Lifen asked hesitantly.

Dr.Yang brows got furrowed a little bit, "I can tell you about that but it would be right if I inform that brat Wang Deming first. He is just on his way here. Wait a little bit, you know it's only right to tell the closest relative first".

Just his name, brought all the thoughts related to him back to her. All his words were again replayed in her mind. She thought she should leave before he arrives, but again she wants to know the reason of Ms.Long's illness.

Dr.Yang saw her conflict in her eyes, "Xiao LiLi, is there anything bothering you. You know my one of the specialization is human psychology. I can see that something is there you are hiding. And I haven't asked you how do you know that brat and Ms.Long . As far as I know, neither your grandfather nor Li Corporation has any dealing with them".

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"Grandpa Yang, I won't lie. Yeah, there is something. But there is nothing serious, it's just that I have to go somewhere but I also want to know the reason for her condition", she pouted. Her pout was a facade and Dr.Yang can see it. He didn't stipulated her any further.

"Okay, girl. I won't force you any further but I want to inform something to you now. Soon I am going to visit your grandfather. I hope to see you there too", he said to divert her thoughts and at that exact moment the door of room was opened.

Lifen turned her head to look at the door and as everyone was expecting, it was Deming.

Deming noticed Lifen standing in the room, but ignored her. His behavior didn't bothered her even a bit. She averted her gaze at Dr.Yang and Deming swiftly walked to him, "Dr.Yang, you said earlier that you got the real reason that's hindering the treatment. Was that true?"

Dr.Yang chuckled listening to the young boy, who is recognized as the most youngest, domineering and cold tycoon of the country, "Mr.Wang, I don't think I have any such relation with you in which either of us is allowed to joke around ".

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Lifen was taken aback with his blunt statement but it was not new for her because both her grandfather and this man are same. Deming clenched his jaw hard, this blunt words of this old guy left him feeling a little insulted.

Murphy quickly stepped forward to ease the atmosphere. He gave a gentle bow to Dr.Yang which Deming has never given him. "Dr.Yang, please enlighten us about Ms.Long's condition".

Dr.Yang looked at Deming with a poker face, he then turned to look at his patient who was lying on the bed, "It's because of excessive of Synthetic Cathinones present in her body".

Deming was shocked with the unfolding of the reason. Lifen was shocked too. She said in a disbelief, "Grandp...I mean Dr.Yang, isn't that the rarest and one of the dreadest drug in the world? How can she have that in her body? It's so injurious to health that it can kill her".

Dr.Yang nodded his head in approval. Deming didn't knew how to react any further, he was just blankly looking at the girl lying on the bed.

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