The Undefined Love

Chapter 84: 84

Deming wasn't able to believe. How can she be a drug addict. He had known his little girl for 10 years, loved her for 10 years but he has merely met her after 10 years too.

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He has left her alone when he has to go overseas for study. After his return, he has rigorously searched for her and only found her when she herself approached her. What happened to her that she has to take the help of drugs. She had previously told him that after he left her, she had become very lonely as her uncle and aunt were always busy with their business. He reproached himself for leaving her alone.

Lifen was all time looking at his expressions. She can tell that he was hurt. So she broke the silence to draw his attention back to Jie's health and asked the doctor, "Dr.Yang, since the reason is already known then now she can be treated. How long will it take for her to get all fine?"

Deming turned to look at Lifen. Her intentions behind asking this didn't go unnoticed by him. His heart filled with warmth. Dr.Yang gave a gentle nod to her, "Yeah soon we will start the treatment. Her medicines will get change as we have to take an account of the Synthetic Cathinones in her body. We will try our best to drain that drug out of her body but it wouldn't be drained to the fullest".

He continued further, "As synthetic cathinone, affects the brain in a manner similar to cocaine, but is at least 10 times more powerful. In future, after her condition stabilizes, she will have to visit rehabilitation centre for behavioral therapy and motivational enhancement therapy".

The other doctors soon enter the room and greeted their leader Dr.Yang . They soon proceeded with the regime of treatment mentioned in the report.

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The other doctors after looking at the regime of treatment exclaimed to Dr.Yang, "Wow, Professor. This process and the chemicals prescribed to be used are so perfectly mentioned. Indeed made by a great doctor. Will we be able to meet such great doctor, Professor?"

Dr.Yang lips curled up in smug, "That's my grandson. And yeah indeed he is a great doctor". He then turned to look at Lifen with a smile but all her attention was on Deming.

Deming was still thinking about reasons which led Jie to be a drug addict. He then left the room and Lifen followed behind him.

Murphy remained there looking at the doctors and Ms.Long , he was also wasn't able to believe that the little girl who was so bubbly in her childhood is now a drug addict.

In the garden, Deming was sitting on the garden sofa, his head pulled down full of guilt.

Lifen saw him from behind, she walked swiftly and settled beside him. She knew it was not right but still she can't leave him like this. He pulled up his head to look at her, "I am sorry. I blamed you the deed which you haven't done. All this time, I was in the fault. Her condition is because of me. I wasn't able to protect her", he held hi head and grieved.

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Lifen's heart felt a tinge of pain, she gently held Deming's shoulder, "It's not your fault. Don't blame yourself for everything. You have loved her dearly, though I haven't seen it but I can say it by looking into your eyes".

"No, it all my fault. If I haven't left her...if only I have been with her all these years, she wouldn't be what she is today", Deming's voice was full of guilt, nearly sobbing but still his eyes didn't held any tears.

Something jolted inside Lifen, hearing him but soon she shrugged of her thought. "You can't blame everything on you, Deming. It's not the way to face the problems. Wait for her, wait for her to wake up, then you can ask her. For now you should care for her, only your love can help her recuperate faster. So push all your current thoughts at the back of you head. Do you got it?".

Deming looked at her with guilty eyes. How can he hurt her like that? She is so good to everyone How can he even think that she can hurt anyone?

He gently held her hand. Lifen was startled by his move but one look into his eyes made her calm. "I am sorry, Lifen. I know what I have done to you is unforgivable but still here I am asking you to forgive me. I know it's hard for you, so I won't force you for that but at least help me a little with my guilt".

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Lifen smiled and looked warmly at him, which made him startled, "It's okay, I don't blame you. What you have done was your love for Ms.Long, so I don't blame you. Don't hold any guilt for that".

He never expected her to let go the matter like this. She is too strong to let everything go that easily. How can she forgive someone that easily. At that time he understood the quote, 'The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong'.

His lips curled up a little when he realized how strong this girl was. It was something similar to the girl he has met 10 years before. "Okay, so can we be friends now?" Deming asked hesitantly.

Lifen gave some thought to his words. She thought, 'It will be good to end everything at a good note. Why to hold some grudge against the person whom she has loved for half of her life. And soon she will be leaving this place so it's useless to make relationship sour'.

She nodded her head in acceptance, "Okay, let's end this by being friends". She smiled and gently shaked his hand in hers.

After talking to her, Deming was a little relaxed when her phone rang which wasn't noticed by Lifen. They were together enjoying the cool breeze in the garden while it was almost time for the sun to set. The phone rang again, "Lifen"

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"Huh?" Lifen responded.

"Your phone is buzzing. There is a call, I think".

Lifen slipped out her phone from her pocket and it was 'Chang'.

She gently closed her eyes and reluctantly picked the call. "Where are you, dear? I am still waiting for you. You have promised me yesterday", Chang said from other side of the line.

"Chang, wait a little. I am on my way to the hospital", Lifen said and disconnected the call. She stood up and waved her hand to Deming, "I think, I should leave now. I have to go and visit Chang in the hospital ".

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