The Undefined Love

Chapter 86: 86

The car was bustling down the street. A heavy silence spread over the atmosphere inside the car. Deming was striving hard to voice out the words which has been bothering him from the last night. But still something was lacking in his strength. He has done so wrong to her, how can he now ask her to drop her decision.

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Lifen was looking out of the window with daze filled in her eyes. There was a kind of suffocation in her heart, and she knew the reason for that but still can't help.

He sighed when he saw her eyes filled affliction. "Lifen, why don't you stop this. You don't have to force yourself that hard"

She tilted her head to look at him, he was looking at her for a while now. She understood what he was talking about but didn't know how a answer him.

"I can't break his heart this time. It pains a hundredfold when someone breaks it. I can't let him suffer again. And he had only asked me for 3 months. I can do that much for him".

Again Deming regretted. Here each word was a jab of a piercing dagger that twisted deep into his heart. He blamed himself for giving her such pain. And this blame can't be taken away from him because it was really his fault and only he was responsible for taking this blame.

She sensed everything that was going deep into his heart, "There is nothing to blame yourself. You shouldn't because we have already started fresh. We are now friends. No, wait we are best friends. So don't you dare blame my friend for all this, you can't influence my friend negatively". She spoke giving a warm hearty smile to him.

Her effort didn't went waste. Her soft words affected him positively and soon a his lips too gave a soft smile.

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They soon reached the First Hospital. Lifen asked Deming to return as she knew her friends are here and if they confront him now, there would surely be a trailer of World War IV, so she tried to avoid it.

Sending him off, she went straight into the room where the trio was waiting for her.

Seeing her enter the room, Chang's lips curled up. His heart was beating fast. Still he can't believe that his only dream to have her as his girlfriend has come true.

He attention was solely on her from the high school day. No matter who ever approached him, he would never budge. Several beautiful girls has proposed him but he simply rejected them, just for her. Today it seems, the almighty God has accepted his urges.

"How are you feeling today? Sorry, I am late", she said gently.

Only then Chang blinked his eyes. He was all time staring at her as if there was something new in her. He gave an ear to ear smile to her, "Yeah , I'm all fine. We can go on date anytime, you know".

Seeing him wagging his tail so high, Daiyu and Guang shook their head.

"Hey Chang, don't look at her like this. She is all same. Nothing is new in her. Everyone her dress is as casual. She hasn'tgot two horns on her head", Daiyu said frantically. She was already displeased with Chang's behavior. How could he force this relationship on her dear friend.

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"Daiyu you won't understand. Everything is new in her. She is now my girl", Chang said with a smug on his face.

Lifen was already feeling uncomfortable with his gaze and now his words didn't do anything good to her,"Excuse me, I will be back in a minute".

"Where are you going?" Guang asked.

Lifen gave her a weird smile, "To use loo". And she rushed out without waiting for her to speak anything.

Guang looked at Daiyu and signalled her to go after Lifen, while she had decided to have a clear talk with Chang.

Daiyu followed Lifen but she no where in the sight.

Back in the room, Guang was glaring at Chang. He clearly avoided her glare and started surfing on his phone.

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"Chang, whatever you are doing is really wrong. Can't you see, she is so uncomfortable"

He didn't heed to her words and ignored as if she wasn't in the room.

"Chang, I am talking to you. You know very well that she doesn't love you then why are you forcing her?"


She was immensely irritated with his ignorance. She swiftly walked forward and snatched away his phone.

"What are you doing?" his words flare up in a slight rage, which he was trying to hide hard. Why everyone is telling him that what he has done was not right? Why is it not right? He has always loved Lifen, then why can she be his girlfriend.

Guang shook her head in disappointment. She has one time wished that Lifen can get together with him but after knowing that she won't be happy in relationship without love, she never forced her. And now after looking at her condition, she would never let it go like this.

"This is not love, Chang. Love never force someone", she uttered in a sympathetic tone.

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Daiyu was searching for Lifen. She went to the washroom on the floor but Lifen wasn't there. She went to the other floor to check her but still she was no where to be found.

She took her cellphone to make a call, when she heard small whispers, "Hey, have you seen that guy. He is so handsome"

"Yeah he looked so much like the guy, I always dream off".

"But he was with some girl there. Do you think, she was his girlfriend?"

Daiyu took no notice of their words and dialed the Lifen's number. It rang and she could hear the ringtone. She moved her head to search her, then followed the sound.

After walking a short distance, she spotted Lifen. A small smile appeared on her face when she was smiling after so long, but when she saw with whom she was standing there and talking, her lips twitched with frustration. Why is this girl so dumb? She is smiling with the person who broke her heart heartlessly.

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