The Undefined Love

Chapter 87: 87

Daiyu was fuming inside. These past few days it wasn't easy for them. They haven't seen Lifen so broken, they felt helpless. This time she won't let this person ruin her heart again.

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Lifen was simply thanking Deming with a genuine smile as he has come back to return her phone to her which she has left in his car. She was about to send him back before he came in sight of her friends but it was late. Soon he was going to face the wrath of her lady typhoon.

"What are you doing here, Mr.Wang? I didn't expected someone so high and mighty to come here", a sudden stiff voice came to to their ears and a small hand pulled Lifen away from Deming.


"Oh how could ask such a silly question. I can guess you are here to visit someone. Did you again broke someone's heart? That can be highest possibility here as breaking and crushing someone's heart is your favorite sport", she sneered. Lifen was dumb to her words. She knew well, that it's hard to control Daiyu's infuriated words which is always a jab to the ones to whom it's directed.

"Daiyu, it's okay. Relax, Deming is...", Lifen tried to explain but one shot glare of Daiyu was enough for her to know that she can't utter a single word in his defense.

"Daiyu...", he tried to say something but was again stopped by her words.

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"Mr.Wang, I don't expected you to be that brainless. Is that really you about whose intelligence the whole country talks about? If yes, then can you that silly to address me informally", Daiyu mocked.

Lifen bowed her head downwards and pinched the space between her brows. She can't let this continue. "Daiyu, listen to me first. We have already moved on with that incident. And now we are friends", she said in one breath as she closed her eyes to avoid her glare.

Her words made Daiyu shocked, "Really? Are you dumb girl. You consider him..." she pointed her finger in disgust towards Deming, "huh, him as your friend. Have you forgotten that not long before he had stabbed deep into your heart? I know you can't curse anyone, especially this man but still that doesn't mean that you do something this dumb".

Lifen slowly opened her eyes, "Daiyu, I know you care for me and I can explain my reasons to you now. But you have to support me. I can't live in past, I have to move on. And without letting go that incident and starting a fresh, it's impossible to move on. I can't curse him for the whole life, it's good to end things at good note".

Daiyu was still not convinced, she was about to say another word but there was a voice that stopped her, "She is right, Daiyu. It's better to move on. Let her take her decisions".

Daiyu gently tilted her head to look at Guang who was pacing towards them.

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Deming felt warm with Lifen's words but still there was something unknown hurting him deep within. This girl always impressed him with her sensible words.

But Daiyu won't let go that easy on Deming. He has to regret for what he has done to her friend. She nodded her head to give approval and said in clear audible voice, "Okay, I won't say another word about this. And it's true that she should take her decisions on her own. She deserves someone better. She can't be with someone who doesn't even know her value. Lifen you should move on and right now you have got an option, that's Chang. He has loved you sincerely from our high school days. It's time for you to consider him. If you can consider someone like this jerk, then Chang is far better than him".

Something again hurt him deep into his chest, it was more powerful than before. Though he knew Daiyu's words were directed to him to make him regret but each and ever word she said was so right. He has really done bad to Lifen. He doesn't deserve her. She deserves someone better, who cherishes her.

Guang shook her head seeing her friend's childish act. She knew very well, even Daiyu wasn't blind to not notice that Lifen would never have any future with Chang. It was simply impossible between them, yet here Daiyu used this to make Deming regret on his previous acts.

Lifen didn't know how to respond to her words. She could just say, "I will surely move on. Don't worry".

"Okay, Daiyu and Lifen you should now go. Chang is still waiting for you. I will just gou out to make a call", saying this Guang went out while Lifen send off Deming and returned with Daiyu to the room.

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Outside the First Hospital, Deming was about to get into his car, when a stiff voice stopped him, "Mr.Wang, there is something I need to talk with you".

Deming swiftly turned to look behind him. It was Guang.

Guang came forward and said gently, "You were right, Mr.Wang . I wasn't able to stop you hurting my friend".

"Ms.Zhou, I know you love your friend dearly and care for her sincerely. You can blame and punish me as much as you can. I admit what I have done was wrong and I can't reverse it now"

"Punish you? Really? I don't think that I or anyone else need to punish you", she sneered.

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Deming thought it was just her way to contempt, so he was just listening to her words.

"Huh, you didn't understand till now. I won't blame you of punish you because your deeds will serve you back. Your destiny will punish you. The pain which you have given to Lifen will soon come back to you".


"Don't worry, I won't give anymore spoiler to you. It will spoil all good things and I won't let that happen. Wait for that day when truth comes to you but then you would have lost all your chances. You won't be able to do anything then".

"Truth?" Deming was confused.

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