Ch40 - Looking Back Upon Memories V

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Translator: transcendentwings

Editor: teaff 

Meng Chongguang smiled, his voice dry: “I’ve resided in the savage wasteland for many years and heard that the Ghost King had a key fragment in his possession. . .”

“Bullsh*t.” Xu Xingzhi wasn’t swayed, “I’m a few years older than you, but I’m not so old and addled enough to be unable to remember things. What you told me a dozen days ago was that the leader of Feng Mountain told you this piece of intelligence in exchange for a quick death.”



Meng Chongguang became somewhat panicked: “Shixiong. . .”

Xu Xingzhi continued: “Besides, how did the leader of Feng Mountain come to know about the key shards? The key to the wasteland is coveted by all. If he truly knew where the other key fragments were, why would he latch onto the lot of you and make a desperate rally rather than look for Nan Li and have a fight to the death with him.” 

Meng Chongguang became more and more uneasy as he reached out to tug on Xu Xingzhi’s sleeve: “Shixiong. . .”


“Stand up straight and speak properly.” Xu Xingzhi yanked his sleeve out of the other’s grip forcefully.

Meng Chongguang widened his eyes and looked at Xu Xingzhi in a panic.

The feeling of losing control was unpleasant and Xu Xingzhi genuinely wanted to know why Meng Chongguang was keeping him in the dark and what else the other was concealing from him.


However he just peeped at him like this as if he was greatly wronged. His lips were pale but he kept silent.

Xu Xingzhi understood: “You can’t tell me?”

Meng Chongguang’s breathing became more labored.


Having said that, Xu Xingzhi also suddenly realized that he was being brusque. 

He also had secrets that he couldn’t spill to others, so what right did he have to demand for Meng Chongguang’s honesty?

In the end, he was just a despicable and shoddy fake. He hastily came to Meng Chongguang for an explanation to guarantee the safety of his own life only because of the unexpected situation before him.

Xu Xingzhi, who had always been easygoing and unrestrained, felt so suffocated until he was speechless when he arrived at this conclusion.

If he had known that it would come to this earlier then he wouldn’t have written this senseless novella in the first place, adding to his troubles for no good reason. 

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If he would still be fortunate enough to return to the present world, then he would definitely burn all of the drafts into flames and not touch them in the slightest so that he could separate himself from this group of paper characters. Each would go their own way, no longer intersecting or getting tangled with each other.

He loosened his hold on Meng Chongguang’s hand and turned around to leave.

Meng Chongguang asked uneasily behind him: “Where is Shixiong going?”

Xu Xingzhi didn’t answer. 

Where could he go?

If he left Meng Chongguang’s side, he wouldn’t be able to go anywhere. Ye Buyi’s fate would be his greatest example.


Xu Xingzhi didn’t know what to tell the other party about where he was headed and proceeded mutely.

There was actually another reason why Xu Xingzhi was leaving in such a brisk manner. 

He found that couldn’t face Meng Chongguang’s eyes. He only had to glance at him and Xu Xingzhi would become so softhearted that he was unable to raise any doubts.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Previously, he had never been able to imagine that a person could still have such clear, clean, and innocent eyes even after living in the wasteland where killing was the only way to survive. Only today did Xu Xingzhi vaguely guess that such eyes were reserved exclusively for the original owner.

—Zfcu Jtbcuuejcu mbeiv yf mgefi jcv jma ecgfjrbcjyif ab jcsbcf lc atlr kbgiv, yea bcis abkjgvr We Wlcuhtl kbeiv tf agfja tlw klat j mifjg mbcrmlfcmf.

Snfg rlcmf tf vlrmbnfgfv atja tlr rqlglaeji qbkfg tjv cba yffc ibra, atf kbgvr bo “atf Qbgivr’ Jbcrmlbercfrr” mbeiv cb ibcufg yf agerafv jcv atf ageat bo ktja tjqqfcfv yjmx atfc jirb yfmjwf defralbcjyif. 

Did Meng Chongguang really pin the crime of murdering one’s own master on his head? And why did their group want to steal the divine artifacts?

Yet, in the past few days, he had never found an opportunity to re-enter the original owner’s sea of consciousness to get another glimpse of the truth of the past. This made him somewhat irritated and anxious.

Xu Xingzhi decided that he had to take some time to meditate and contemplate what his next steps should be.

However, he was only able to tread three or four steps outwards. Just when he reached the rock wall, a gust of wind came from behind. Xu Xingzhi didn’t even have the opportunity to turn around before both of his wrists were seized and he was pressed against the wall, unable to move. 

A thin and hot body stuck to him from behind and Meng Chongguang’s head rested on Xu Xingzhi’s shoulder. A few strands of the hair on his temple hung down, lightly tickling the side of Xu Xingzhi’s neck.

“Don’t go.” Meng Chongguang’s voice was like a moan, “Shixiong, don’t leave me.”

Xu Xingzhi didn’t know whether to laugh or cry: “I just want to be alone for a while.”

Meng Chongguang refused to believe his words, his anger like gossamer: “Chongguang was the one who had a mistake at first, so it’s okay for Shixiong to be angry, just don’t leave me again. . . I really wouldn’t be able to stand it anymore, I really can’t take it. . .” 

The heat exhaled from his breath dampened the side of Xu Xingzhi’s neck and also softened Xu Xingzhi’s heart instantly.

Yet before Xu Xingzhi could come up with words to comfort him, he heard Meng Chongguang whisper: “. . . I’ll tell you, I’ll say it all. I know the location of all the fragments. One is at Feng Mountain, one at Hutiao Ravine, one at Huawai Land, and the last in Wutou Sea. . .”

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Xu Xingzhi was stunned.

The locations he named actually matched the places that Xu Xingzhi penned down in his novella. 

“How did you. . .”

Meng Chongguang didn’t breathe a word and refused to answer further.


Xu Xingzhi’s gaze darkened: “. . . If you knew all along, why didn’t you escape sooner?”

Meng Chongguang replied in a muffled voice: “I wanted to find Shixiong first. No one is more important than Shixiong.” 

Xu Xingzhi: “. . . Then why didn’t you disclose this to Beinan and the rest?”

Faced with Xu Xingzhi’s inquiry, Meng Chongguang paused for a while before answering in a trembling voice: “Searching for Shixiong, I had to find Shixiong first. . . Shixiong had to be back first and by my side, otherwise I can’t go anywhere. Anywhere would. . .”

Realizing that his thoughts and heart were inseparable from his shixiong, Xu Xingzhi was taken over by an inexplicable emotion for some time and with his back facing the other, he blurted: “You keep calling me Shixiong, it couldn’t be that you’ve never questioned before whether I was sent by someone else to take your life? What if I wasn’t Xu Xingzhi?”

Before the last syllable fell, Xu Xingzhi felt incomparably regretful. 

Hearing this, Meng Chongguang also promptly lost his voice.

Cold sweat dripped down Xu Xingzhi’s back, drenching it. For a while, their surroundings were as silent as stagnant water and all he could hear was his low and weak panting.

Just when he was feeling rueful of his thoughtless words, Meng Chongguang loosened his grip and released his restraint on his wrists.

Without waiting for Xu Xingzhi to become terrified, the hand with the exquisite joints adorned with a jade ring grasped his lapel and with a little force, flipped Xu Xingzhi’s body around. 

Meng Chongguang easily grabbed Xu Xingzhi’s two wrists with one hand and raised them high over his head, pinning them against the rock wall. His other hand clutched the fabric in front of Xu Xingzhi’s chest as he leaned over and kissed him roughly!

Xu Xingzhi was so shocked that his mouth was dry. His reaction was only delayed briefly yet Meng Chongguang had already seized control.

Meng Chongguang’s tongue was similar to a cat’s, delicate and small, but the roughness upon it was very distinct, coarse and prickly. After it effortlessly invaded Xu Xingzhi’s mouth, a sharp object followed up and bit Xu Xingzhi on the lips, grinding it back and forth between the other’s teeth and lips as if it were a very sweet delicacy.

Xu Xingzhi’s pair of hands were bound so he couldn’t resist. Gradually, all of his strength was slowly drained away by that pair of warm and soft lips. 

Meng Chongguang’s hand slowly slid down Xu Xingzhi’s chest, the pads of his fingers clutched his waist and grasped the lean muscle there, lengthily stroking it.

At first Xu Xingzhi still had the strength to think of the grand eight characters “Bullying one’s shifu, exterminating one’s ancestors, divine punishment”, but as the frequency of the movements of the cat’s tongue in his mouth increased, his throat clenched, and he was only able to rely on his reflexes to shrink his tongue back in a strategic withdrawal.

It was unknown how much time passed before Meng Chongguang was finally willing to release Xu Xingzhi.

His arm was wrapped around the soft waist of the person in front of him as he kissed Xu Xingzhi’s ear contentedly, repeatedly nipping at the cartilage as if he were having a taste. 

“. . . You are.” Meng Chongguang murmured, “You definitely are my Shixiong.”

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Xu Xingzhi: . . . Holy sh*t.


He suddenly felt like maybe his mind wasn’t very clear.

The various scenes that he experienced after entering the wasteland emerged in front of his eyes. The two of them shared the same room and had slept on the same bed. In lieu of all of it, Xu Xingzhi didn’t keep any of it in mind and just attributed it to Meng Chongguang treating him like he was the other’s father or older brother. It didn’t occur to him that Meng Chongguang actually harbored these kinds of feelings towards him. 

Could it be that he has coveted the original owner for a long time? Therefore, what was going on with the relationship between him and the original owner. . .

Xu Xingzhi’s mind was in chaos. He only felt that he had yet to climb out of one deep pit before he was swept into an even deeper bottomless swamp.

Meng Chongguang nibbled the tip of his ear like a puppy, constantly muttering vague things making various noises buzz in Xu Xingzhi’s ears nonstop, blending into one sound until he couldn’t hear anything clearly at all.

After a short while, he actually lost all his strength and his body slipped uncontrollably to the ground. 

The tinnitus turned into a whirlpool of sound and Xu Xingzhi was swept up by the endless wengweng until he lost consciousness once again.

. . . . .

On the side of the little bridge by the smooth bank, the winding river was quiet and peaceful, the belt of water entwined.

Xu Xingzhi cupped his head with both hands, laid beside the river with Xianbi placed beside his head. 

The young man with a bruised and battered face next to him, poked his head with a scabbard: “Get up. Again.”

Xu Xingzhi replied with his eyes still closed: “Do you particularly enjoy being beaten?”

The young man was born with a slightly wicked appearance, even when his face was injured, it couldn’t hide his beauty at all. When he smiled, the glimmer in his pair of phoenix eyes would become dazzling: “I like getting beaten by you.”

Xu Xingzhi gifted him with a kick. That person dodged too late and was kicked at the side of his waist, one stumble brought him into the shallow waters, wetting the rim of his pants. 

He hissed a breath: “F*ck, Xu Xingzhi are you a donkey?”

Xu Xingzhi knew that this person didn’t actually mean it and was only speaking nonsense.

The thing the other loved most was to engage in matches and exchange pointers, and he himself was only one of his more favored fellow swordsmen.

Fortunately, this person had a decent temperament and Xu Xingzhi himself was also not very picky and was willing to interact with him, accepting of him as a friend. 

What’s more, his identity was actually very useful to Xu Xingzhi.

“Sa Si.” Xu Xingzhi called his name and tried to inquire about some things “Last time you mentioned that there was an internal conflict within the demonic practitioners, what is the situation like now?”


Sa Si rubbed his waist: “Hai, a dog bites another dog and they each come away with a mouthful of fur bei, there’s really nothing to say.”

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Xu Xingzhi reminded him kindly: “You are also someone following the demonic path, calling those you belong to dogs isn’t very appropriate, is it?” 

Sa Si shrugged: “They are just that boring, fighting to the death for the leader’s position. If you want my opinion, then just drag them out for a fight. Whoever wins is the top dog, whoever loses should just f*ck off.”

Xu Xingzhi opened his eyes and stated: “If everything in this world were as simple as your head, that would be great.”

Sa Si didn’t mind Xu Xingzhi’s sarcastic sneer, or in other words, with his meat-headedness, he didn’t ponder the thorns in Xu Xingzhi’s words at all and just happily accepted everything completely: “. . . That’s not important, let’s go again.”

Xu Xingzhi climbed to his feet and swept off the grass clippings clinging to his body: “Let’s not. This time, those of the four sects, came out to catch the wild nine-tailed serpent, and Guangfu-jun is accompanying us. If I return a little later, he’ll definitely force me to copy scriptures.” 

When he brought Guangfu-jun up, lingering fears surfaced on Xu Xingzhi’s face.

Since Xu Xingzhi had other business to attend to, Sa Si didn’t force him to stay and only asked as Xu Xingzhi got up: “How fares our young prince?”

Hearing him mention Jiu Zhideng, Xu Xingzhi smiled unconsciously: “He’s doing well. . . . Why do you ask?”

Sa Si continued: “I heard some rumors that the lord was trying to forcibly overcome this disaster by suppressing two restless elder princes who were up to no good. His preparations were too hastily made this time so I think that the chances of succeess are quite low. . . . I wanted to ask, in case the Lord is unable to get through this, what plans does our young prince have for the future?” 

Xu Xingzhi furrowed his brow: “What’s the fight between two siblings have to do with Xiao-Deng? Xiao-Deng has grown up in my care since young, don’t try to drag him into it.”

Sa Si scratched his head and cheerfully replied: “It’s just a simple question, you don’t have to be so defensive. Besides, the little prince’s demonic bloodline has never been awakened ever since he was born so he has no right to inherit the position of the Lord.”

Only then did Xu Xingzhi feel relieved. Retrieving “Xianbi”, he punted Sa Si in the buttocks again before he finally followed the path he came to return to where the disciples of the four sects were camping and enjoying the scenery.

When he arrived back at Shangfeng temple, it was already twilight. 

He was surreptitiously prostrated by the door as he peered into the half-closed gates when the doors to the temple were abruptly flung open to either side.

Guangfu-jun’s roar came from the elevated platform: “Blasphemous disciple, kneel!”

The author has something to say:

Guang-mei: Shixiong is as shy as before, his tongue will retreat when being kissed. (*/ω\*) 

Shixiong: . . . (nothing left to live for expression)

Author’s Chapter Summary:


Telltale kiss, Sa Si, little prince

The translator has something to say: HAHAHA, the truly naive one is indeed XXZ that he never thought his BOTH his shidi actually harbored those types of thoughts for him 

The editor has something to say: KABEDON!

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