Ch41 - Imposing Punishment

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Translator: transcendentiwngs

Editor: teaff 

Note: update 2/2

Xu Xingzhi knelt down neatly without any hesitation, going down with a putong.



Guangfu-jun’s face was immediately shrouded by dark clouds: “Who told you to kneel by the door? Such disgraceful behavior!”

Xu Xingzhi ah-ed, tidied up his robes and complained aggrievedly: “You didn’t specify to enter and then kneel ah.” 

Guangfu-jun didn’t waste any further breath quibbling with him and shouted sharply: “Scram over here!”


Under the actions of kneeling down then standing back up, Xu Xingzhi keenly realized that Guangfu-jun was truly enraged this time, thus he stopped dawdling and swiftly complied.

The purpose of this joint four sect trip was to capture the nine-tailed serpent wreaking havoc. The nine-tailed serpent possessed a ferocious temperament therefore, the leading disciples of all four sects were in position, standing on both sides of Shangfengguan Palace with their respective shidi as if they were especially awaiting Xu Xingzhi’s arrival.

Zhou Beinan held his long spear in his arms with a look of schadenfreude on his face. The moment Xu Xingzhi looked over, he even deliberately shook his head and clicked his tongue in disapproval.


Qu Chi wasn’t as relaxed as Zhou Beinan, his fingers wrapped around Fuchen tightened and a knot of worry adorned his brow; Wen Xuechen clasped the yin yang rings in his hand, spinning it distinctly, borrowing the movement to stretch his wrist. No joy nor anger could be discerned from his expression.

Meng Chongguang and Jiu Zhideng stood on opposite sides, their eyes followed Xu Xingzhi from the moment he entered through the doorway, veiled with concern.

Guangfu-jun sat under a plaque with the four characters “Li Jing Zuo Wang”. His expression was frosted over, representative of his manifestation of rage.


He interrogated openly and straight to the point: “Who did you go out with?” 

Taking note of his battle stance, Xu Xingzhi knew that it was useless to lie at this time, so he simply knelt down and confessed: “Sa Si.”

“Are you truly unaware of Sa Si’s identity?”

Xu Xingzhi lifted his hand and touched the side of his nose: “. . . An individual of the demonic path.”

Guangfu-jun scolded: “You cultivate good relations with someone of the demonic path? Xu Xingzhi, who do you think you are? You are the head disciple of Fengling Mountain, yet you have close contacts with those who aren’t of the righteous path. With such an ambiguous relationship, what position would you be forcing Fengling Mountain to be in? For Qingjing-jun to be in?” 

Only when he heard Guangfu-jun mention his shifu did Xu Xingzhi defend himself: “Shishu, the demonic path has already repaired their relationship with the four sects twenty years ago and there has been little mischief in recent years. Besides, Sa Si has no interest in demonic cultivation and only concentrates on practicing his swordsmanship. Since he cultivates his mind and doesn’t wish to cause harm, how is he any different from any other righteous practitioner?”

After hearing this, everyone present couldn’t help but turn their eyes to Jiu Zhideng.

Rather than saying that Xu Xingzhi was providing such a lengthy defense in order to protect Sa Si, it seemed more likely an argument developed to protect someone among them.

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Jiu Zhideng remained silent, but the copper coin pendant clenched in the palm of his hand was becoming slightly deformed. 

Guangfu-jun scoffed in anger: “What do you mean by this? How could a demonic practitioner be compared to a disciple of the immortal sects? If that’s the case then why don’t you abandon the righteous way and fall to the demonic?”

This remark was heartbreaking and Xu Xingzhi could no longer continue his argument as he hung his head: “This disciple doesn’t dare.”


“Don’t dare?” Guangfu-jun let out a mocking snort, “Is there anything in this world that you, Xu Xingzhi, don’t dare to do? If I don’t teach you a lesson here and now, then you will really become absolutely felonious!”

He commanded Xu Pingsheng beside him: “Bring the Xuanwu stick over here.” 

Xu Pingsheng was startled and his gaze lingered on Xu Xingzhi briefly, yet it only hesitated for a moment: “. . . Yes, Shifu.”

The Xuanwu stick was one of Guangfu-jun’s spiritual weapons. It was made of pure steel, solid and bright silver, pagoda-shaped and adorned with sharp barbs and thorns. The faces of all the disciples of Fengling mountain would blanch at the mention of this staff without exception.

Zhou Beinan, who had been watching the ruckus against the wall since the beginning, also changed expressions when he heard this. He put down the arms that were crossed in front of his chest and exclaimed in surprise: “Guangfu-jun, Xu Xingzhi is indeed rebellious, very wrong, but this has never incited a large-scale disaster. Just reprimand him and be done with it ba. Besides, we need the addition of his power in order to pursue and arrest the nine-tailed serpent. I implore Guangfu-jun to take the overall situation into consideration and set this aside for the time being. . .”

Guangfu-jun coldly interrupted: “This is the internal affairs of my Fengling mountain, it needs not Zhou-gongzi’s input.” 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Itbe Dflcjc kjr ja j ibrr bo kbgvr. Lf aegcfv ab We Wlcuhtl jcv rlucjifv atf batfg klat tlr fsfr, wbalbclcu tlw ab pera ulnf lc byfvlfcais jcv yfu obg ifclfcms, pera rqbea akb rfcafcmfr bo lii gfujgvlcu atf vfwbclm qjat ab mbcmievf la.

Tfa We Wlcuhtl kjr ecwbnfv. Lf xcfia glulvis bc atf rqba, tlr fsfr ibkfgfv, qgfafcvlcu atja tf tjvc’a rffc j atlcu, wjxlcu Itbe Dflcjc uglcv tlr affat lc jcufg.

After Xu Pingsheng brought forth the Xuanwu stick, Guangfu-jun ordered: “Twenty strikes.”

The color drained from Xu Pingsheng’s face: “Shifu, isn’t twenty hits somewhat overboard. . .” 

Guangfu-jun didn’t even spare him a glance: “What are you implying? You’re willing to be penalized in his stead?”

Xu Pingsheng was instantly silenced, and his thin lips moved from a moment before he replied: “Shifu, Xu-shixiong has a higher station than this disciple, this disciple doesn’t dare strike him.”

In the gap while Guangfu-jun pondered over this, Meng Chongguang and Jiu Zhideng stepped forward at nearly the same time as they spoke in unison: “This disciple is willing to take Shixiong’s place to receive punishment.”

This time, Guangfu-jun was determined to punish Xu Xingzhi and he stated airily: “Thirty strikes. If there is any further intercession, it will be increased to fifty.” 

Seeing that the punishment was inevitable, Qu Chi stepped forward and volunteered: “Guangfu-jun, this junior is willing to execute this sentence for you.”

“No need.” Guangfu-jun turned his gaze towards Wen Xuechen, “Since the disciples are unwilling to carry out the discipline in lieu of their status, Qingliang Valley Wen Xuechen, are you willing to take their place?”

The fingers Wen Xuechen was using to fiddle with the yin yang ring stopped as he replied calmly: “Yes.”

After receiving the Xuanwu stick, Wen Xuechen approached Xu Xingzhi with one hand operating the wheelchair. After briefly meeting his eyes, Wen Xuechen suggested: “Take off your robes ba.” 

Xu Xingzhi swept a glance at him: “No need.”

Wen Xuechen: “If the flesh and blood stick to the garments, then the one who will end up suffering is you.”


However Xu Xingzhi still refused to listen, he just knelt in the same spot and remained silent.

The expression on Qu Chi’s face wasn’t very good, while Zhou Beinan felt a little more at ease, he even whispered to comfort Qu Chi: “Xuechen knows to spare some restraint, he wouldn’t. . .” 

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Before he finished his words, the few of them present heard the dull sound of the stick striking upon flesh.

Xu Xingzhi was thrown to the ground and after the world spun around him, it was replaced with a gut-wrenching pain as if ten thousand nails had burst out of his body. His arm trembled as he tried to push himself off the ground and at the same time he attempted to swallow the surge of blood that rushed to his mouth, yet after swallowing a few mouthfuls, it was really too nauseating and so he just vomited it all out at once.

Wen Xuechen struck twice more in a row and the strength used was almost the same as the first.

Even Guangfu-jun didn’t expect for Wen Xuechen to strike so ruthlessly and the color of his face also changed a bit. 

Zhou Beinan gaped in shock, when he regained his senses, he disregarded that Guangfu-jun was still present and berated loudly: “Wen Xuechen, are you crazy? Are you trying to kill him?”

Wen Xuechen stopped, supported himself with his crutch and sat back down, citing peacefully: “It was Guangfu-jun who wanted me to carry out the punishment, I can not disobey.”

After that, he instructed Xu Xingzhi, who couldn’t climb to his feet: “Get up.”

Jiu Zhideng stared at the pool of blood on the ground, his thin lips opened a few times, his eyes gradually becoming bloodshot as he raised his head to look towards Guangfu-jun. After fixing his gaze upon the other briefly, he was about to snatch the Xuanwu stick away when Meng Chongguang charged out before him and knelt directly over Xu Xingzhi’s body, shouting with a sob: “This disciple is willing to accept the punishment on Shixiong’s behalf, this disciple is willing. . .” 

“Go back!” Not waiting for Guangfu-jun to respond, Xu Xingzhi roared with a hoarse voice, “Whose child is this ah, why isn’t there anyone to discipline him?”

Meng Chongguang didn’t expect to be reprimanded by Xu Xingzhi, looking up at the other in a panic, his eyes full of tears: “Shixiong. . .”

Guangfu-jun originally thought that Wen Xuechen dealt with matters fairly and simultaneously hated unethical people very much, so he wouldn’t be merciful, but he definitely didn’t expect for the other to deal such a deadly hand.

However the command had already been given, if he were to alter the order now, it would inevitably bring about rumors and criticism. He had no choice but to icily toss out a sentence: “Continue the sentence. Thirty strikes, not a swing to be missed.” 

After declaring such, he turned around and entered the main hall of the Shangfeng temple. Xu Pingsheng accompanied Guangfu-jun by his side. Before he entered the hall, he glanced back, his gaze unbearable, then lowered his head again and departed quickly with Guangfu-jun.

As soon as Guangfu-jun left, Zhou Beinan came forward and snatched the Xuanwu stick. He nursed a belly full of fire, but was also afraid that speaking loudly would provoke Guangfu-jun to return, so he could only lower his voice and curse at Wen Xuechen: “Wen Xuechen, you actually hit him for real ah?!”

Only now did Xu Xingzhi straighten his waist with trembling arms: “If he didn’t strike seriously, how could Shishu let me off so easily.” Having said this, he shot a look at Wen Xuechen as the intonation of his words changed drastically, “. . . F*ck your uncle Wen-baimao. I know you’re a heavy hitter, but couldn’t you be gentler?”

Wen Xuechen stretched out a foot to kick the back of his waist: “You talk too much. Lie down, pretend you passed out.” 

Xu Xingzhi sprawled back on the ground, his head was dizzy with the pain, but his mouth refused to rest: “I f*cking suspect that you actually wanted to hit me.”

Wen Xuechen admitted calmly: “I wanted you to learn a little lesson. Those who aren’t of the righteous way should definitely not be casually interacted with. This point, you must remember clearly.”


After the other’s confession, Xu Xingzhi lost his temper: “Scram.”

Wen Xuechen: “. . . I warned you to take off your clothes, yet you didn’t listen, now who’s fault will it be when you suffer.” 

Xu Xingzhi pouted: “Then should I have thanked you for your reminder?”

Wen Xuechen: “You’re welcome. Qu Chi, you carry out the remaining twenty-seven strikes.”

Qu Chi handed Fuchen to a shidi beside him, rolled up his sleeves, and accepted the proffered Xuanwu stick: “Don’t worry, I know the limits. It won’t hurt too much.”

Zhou Beinan was unwilling: “Why continue? The lot of you are so honest, has water clogged your brains? I will inform Guangfu-jun that you fainted, I won’t believe that he would want to plainly beat you to death?” 

The surroundings were extremely noisy making Xu Xingzhi dizzy.

In his daze, he looked back and saw Jiu Zhideng standing not too far away with his fists clenched tightly and Meng Chongguang staring at him tearfully, looking at the shape of his lips, he was most likely calling out “Shixiong”.

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Following that, Xu Xingzhi’s line of sight darkened completely.

When he woke up again, Xu Xingzhi found himself lying on a cot while the window beside it was wide open. Outside the window, there was a small lake where koi were playing and the slanting cypresses were verdant and silent, making it a rather tranquil scene. 

The clothing wrapped around his upper body had been removed and there was the cool aftertaste of the Baihui pill in his mouth, which should have been fed to him by Wen Xuechen. Although his back was still burning in pain, it wasn’t unbearable.

Xu Xingzhi sat up with difficulty, shuffled over beside the shelf with the washbasin in the room and turned his back to the bronze mirror to take a look at his wounds.

If he didn’t look, he wouldn’t have remained in the dark, but with this reflection, Xu Xingzhi startled even himself.

Around the edges of the three shocking bloody marks on his back, there were pieces of unevenly ragged lacerations. One look and he knew that it was because the flesh and blood were seriously adhered to the garments and that they had to be forcibly torn off. 

Xu Xingzhi supported himself on the washbasin rack and practiced putting on a pitiful expression.

No matter what one says, Guangfu-jun was still his elder. Since he was awake now, he should go to Guangfu-jun to admit his mistakes, lest the other finds him insolent and give him the remaining twenty-seven strikes to complete the set.

Xu Xingzhi was still practicing when he suddenly heard Meng Chongguang’s voice resound behind him: “What is Shixiong doing?”

Xu Xingzhi looked back and smiled: “Looking in the mirror, but the more I look, the more handsome I become that I almost can’t look away.” 

Yet, Meng Chongguang was hardly amused by Xu Xingzhi this time around and entered through the door with a copper tray in his hands: “Chongguang will apply medicine for Shixiong.”

“Huh, so many medicines.” Xu Xingzhi stopped forward with his upper body bare, picked up a bottle, and placed it in his hand to examine it meticulously, “. . . This bottle is easy to recognize, it’s from Qingliang valley. This one is Danyang Peak’s, you can tell just by looking at the pattern. They are all so considerate.”


Meng Chongguang gritted his teeth: “They beat Shixiong, then turn around to act like a good person, what is this worth?”

He stared at the wounds that stretched to his shoulders and declared softly: “I really hate that I can’t kill them.” 

Xu Xingzhi was stunned, when he lifted his gaze and met Meng Chongguang’s, his heart was shaken in response.

But soon, the look in the other’s eyes that made Xu Xingzhi’s heart quiver became softened by a layer of tears.

Meng Chongguang bit his lip and whispered: “Shixiong. . .”

Xu Xingzhi’s heart immediately softened, tossing the fierce killing intent that flashed across Meng Chongguang’s eyes to the back of his mind: “What are you crying for, I didn’t even cry.” 

Meng Chongguang avoided Xu Xingzhi’s hand and stubbornly mumbled with a soft cry: “. . . I’m not crying.”

Xu Xingzhi stretched out his hand and cupped the back of Meng Chongguang’s neck, patting it like petting a kitten: “Shixiong yelled at you at that time, are you angry with Shixiong now?”

“I am mad at Shixiong.” Meng Chongguang’s face was abnormally pale, “Shixiong clearly only needed to utter one sentence against those not following the righteous path, otherwise would Guangfu-jun be infuriated to that extent? You clearly just couldn’t bear for Jiu Zhideng to be scolded by Guangfu-jun, you. . .”

“Address him as shixiong.” Xu Xingzhi frowned slightly, “Jiu Zhideng is your shixiong. It’s too outrageous for you to call him by name and surname.” 

Meng Chongguang was always dissatisfied with Jiu Zhideng in his heart and then he heard Xu Xingzhi say this, instantly prompting a look of disbelief to spread across his face: “. . . Shixiong, you scolded me for being unethical for him?”

Xu Xingzhi was speechless: “I. . .”

Meng Chongguang shoved the medicine tray into Xu Xingzhi’s arms then ran off.

Xu Xingzhi chased after the other with a few steps and only made it to the doorway when he felt pain on his back. Just as he held onto the door frame, his body crumbling forward, he just so happened to lean into someone’s embrace. 

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Meng Chongguang initially slowed down his steps and even stopped moving when he reached the bottom of the steps before the door, merely waiting for Xu Xingzhi to come out. But who would’ve thought that Jiu Zhideng would appear halfway and scoop Xu Xingzhi, who almost fell, into his arms.

Jiu Zhideng’s complexion was also not very good: “Shixiong, you are seriously injured, I will help you in.”

Cold sweat drenched Xu Xingzhi’s forehead and he was unable to utter a word in response. Wrapping an arm around his waist, Jiu Zhideng sent him back into the room.

The muscles on Xu Xingzhi’s body were beautifully trained, thin and strong, only his waist was still unbelievably thin that merely a single arm could loop around it. 

Seeing Jiu Zhideng and Xu Xingzhi hugging each other so intimately, Meng Chongguang immediately regretted his actions and rushed back a few steps, but he could only watch as the door was shut right in front of his eyes.

He hammered the door angrily a few times, but found that Jiu Zhideng cast spiritual power onto the door making it impossible to open unless one also utilized their own spiritual energy.


Furthermore, according to common sense, the levels of Meng Chongguang and Jiu Zhideng’s spiritual power were too far apart, so he shouldn’t be able to break through the door at all.

Meng Chongguang lingered around the door, pacing in circles with an extremely ugly expression on his face. 

Jiu Zhideng carried Xu Xingzhi onto the bed and after he laid him out, he opened a medicinal bottle, poured the medicated oil into the palm of his hand, rubbed his palms against each other to heat it up, before he meticulously applied it for him.

Xu Xingzhi pressed his sweaty cheeks into the bed, his brows frowning in pain, and didn’t say a word.

Since Xu Xingzhi didn’t speak, the taciturn Jiu Zhideng would naturally also remain silent, but it was obvious that there was something he wanted to say. Xu Xingzhi was a little amused by his gestures of wanting to open his mouth to say something, but stopping himself each time.

He encouraged quietly: “Xiao-Deng, just speak your mind.” 

Jiu Zhideng held back a while longer, then asked: “Shixiong, is it painful?”

Xu Xingzhi: “. . . This isn’t what you wanted to ask. I’m in pain ne. If you still don’t ask me, later when I fall asleep, you won’t be able to anymore.”

Gaining his permission, Jiu Zhideng went straight to the point: “Shixiong, heading out this time, how many people were aware?”

Xu Xingzhi answered: “I didn’t mention it to anyone.” 

When he met up with Sa Si, it had always been Sa Si who sneakily sought him out and then he would follow the other out, he didn’t even have time to hide it, so how could he casually inform others.

“Just two hours ago, Guangfu-jun suddenly gathered all of us together to interrogate us about your whereabouts. However, judging from Guangfu-jun’s appearance, it was clear that he already knew you had gone to meet Sa Si.” Jiu Zhideng paused for a movement, then continued, “. . . Has Shixiong ever considered whether it was because someone relayed this secret to him?”

The author has something to say:

Guang-mei: yingyingyingyingyingying. 

Author’s Chapter Summary:

Blunt trauma, disclosing secrets, Xuanwu stick

The translator has something to say: Why do I suspect that it was his brother?

The editor has something to say: MCG’s face card too OP! 


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