At that time, Maribelle was measuring Ethelred’s patience. Ethelred put his hand on his forehead, holding back his anger. He swept it down and exhaled shallowly. However, at the end, he vented his anger as if all the previous actions did not work.

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“Why are you fearless? Why do you do things without permission?”


“There seemed to be no point in killing Sir Kir.”


“Maribelle, I don’t place  any importance on people. It’s just a loss of life.” 


She may lose money if he is left alive, but there is no benefit from his death. She would have to go to war with him to convince him. 


Ethelred’s words roughly translated to this: ‘The king is the king.’


Maribelle’s impression for him was, well, a little..She thought it was the Emperor who was really calculating. In fact, Maribelle saved Kir and Theovalt because she had something to ask. It would be easier and more natural to go through Kir to meet Theovalt.


But why is Ethelred so angry?


He looked angrier than ever, the most upset Maribelle had ever seen. To be exact, he seemed to hold back his anger, mostly, since she had met him. Ethelred’s low-pitched voice crept out, scratching her ears.


“In my palace, don’t do anything I don’t approve of.”


“If you keep me alive, you’ll lose money.”




Ethelred seemed embarrassed by the unexpected words, but Maribelle didn’t care. She rarely pulled other peoples strings.


“You said that you placed no importance on people. Saving my life will be your greatest loss, Your Majesty. I’m worth less than Sir Kir.”




“Are you going to kill me?”


“Stop it.”


“Your Majesty.”


Maribelle approached Ethelred. The sword he had held was on the ground. Maribelle dared to trample the handle of the sword. She soon kicked it with the tip of her shoe. Ethelred only watched. Within a few steps she was able to step in his shadow.


‘I wonder why?’


‘What makes me feel so safe.’


He can’t understand it. In front of his gaze, Maribelle seemed as though she felt safe. Safety in front of a tyrant was an unsuitable feeling.


Maribelle looked at his face as he dropped his head. The scene didn’t seem believable. Maribelle whispered as if singing.


“Look at me, Your Majesty.”


Her most outstanding and beautiful knife. That’s what the man in front of her is. The finest knife she’ll ever use to slaughter her repulsive ‘family’. If a knife that cuts people regardless of who they are is reluctant to cut, it softens the sharp blade. it is enough to hold the knife rather than ponder why it’s reluctant.


The important thing is the result rather than the process.


Maribelle hesitates, reaches out and wraps her hand around Ethelred’s cheek. It was a small touch, it was still hugely embarrassing though. Hiis gaze immediately returned to Maribelle. It looked as if he were attracted like a magnet.

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Maribelle met his red eyes and opened her mouth gently.


“Someday you’ll regret not killing me in the first place. Your Majesty will be sick just by having me. I’m going to use Your majesty and fill my own pockets. I took Your Majesty for revenge. So I intend to use you as my sword.”




“I told you. I need you, Your Majesty.”


This was her last having a conscience. 


‘I’ll take advantage of you, and I’ll tell you in advance, so don’t blame me.’




A moment of silence. Ethelred didn’t keep his opponent waiting long. Instead of answering, he held Maribelle’s hand to his cheek. The waist he wrapped his arms around snapped closely to his body. Ethelred whispered quickly. 


“Is your goal, revenge?”


“Yes, that’s why I need you. I intend to use you as my sword.”


“So ambitious.”


“You can’t kill me like this.”




It wasn’t a call, it was a warning. ‘No more talk’, a warning that he was losing patience. Maribelle ignored his warning.


“Listen to me, Your Majesty. I need Your Majesty. And you need me, too.”


“What an arrogant-.”


“Don’t you need me? You have to get some information.”


Maribelle smiled gently and kissed Ethelred on the cheek. It seemed closer to soothing a child than to meaning sexual love.


“I’ll see you again, Your Majesty. Come to think of it, I couldn’t even say hello properly.”


It was an untimely greeting. How contrived it is to say a greeting belatedly while being held in the other person’s arms. It was an act that clearly showed her intention to change the subject.


“··Yeah, I didn’t even say thank you for accepting the marriage proposal, Maribelle.”


But Ethelred accepted this apparent turn of events. The well-worn sword disappeared in an instant, and only a gentleman with a pliable smile was filling his place.


Ethelred showed the gentle smile from the other day and placed a kiss on the back of Maribelle’s hand.


“Welcome to my hand, dear.”


“Well, don’t you think it’s too late to welcome me?”


After a short burst of laughter, Ethelred’s smile slowly opened up.

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“Seeing you say that, do you want anything?”


Maribelle’s mouth is bent to the fullest.


“Kiss me.”


‘So that I can use you freely.’


Ethelred could not have missed the meaning contained in it. Willingly accepting the contact, Maribelle wrapped her arms around his neck. Blonde hair, which seemed to symbolize his authority, was wrapped around her fingers.


‘What are you thinking?’ He wondered internally.


While Maribelle also wondered, ‘is this how to tame me, an arrogant person? Do you still doubt me and think that I am a spy?’


Whatever the two’s  inner thoughts were, the kiss was hot. They were so close that every breath was entangled, Maribelle had to grasp Ethelred’s shoulder, dizzy from the intensity. On the surface, it seemed like a kiss from a lover who desperately wanted the other person.


Maribelle stopped thinking. All that mattered to her now was revenge.


The role of a wicked woman who is favored by a tyrant and holds the power was hers, so she must stick to it. He’ll be on her side. She’ll be too attractive to be thrown away because of the information, she chose this role, so now she’ll act it.


‘If it’s the only way I can get revenge, I can love you.’




Theovalt glanced at Kir, who was welcoming him with a blank face.


“What the hell is this?”


“Argh.. I’m hurt—”


“I guess things didn’t go well with the concubine.”


‘Any other stab wounds?’ Theovalt glanced over Kir’s body, prodigy with his toes, and when Kir seemed severely crushed, he put his foot back to the ground. There seemed to be no other stab wounds. 


“You know—No, let’s go take care of the wounds. Get up.”


“Give me a piggyback.


“That’s a lot of crap.”


“Ah, I’m dying….. A person without friends should die like this.”


‘This brat really.’ Theovalt narrowed his eyes and glared at Kir. It wasn’t every day or two that Kir was severely injured, but even though he was injured so much, nothing changed.


Theovalt sighed quietly, grabbed Kir’s right arm and raised him roughly. It’s ugly to give a piggyback ride, so let’s do this. Kir is now lifted like a burden onto Theovalt’s shoulder.


“Huh. Is this a piggyback ride?”


“Keep your mouth shut before I throw you away.”


Even if this kid was in danger, he’s still likely to yap away. Even so, he felt sorry enough that he was still unable to abandon his friend. Theovalt suddenly grumbled and moved his encumbered feet.


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Only after receiving treatment, Kir came up with the proper story.


“I think I found out why His Majesty brought that woman here.”


‘That’s why he called me first, prioritizing finding me over everything.’


Theovalt glanced at Kir, looking down on Kir as if Kir was pathetic. Kir, who was blinking his eyes, wondered about something and laughed. He remained in that state for a long time and only opened his mouth again after a while, thoroughly antagonizing Theovalt.


“Theo, I heard you were in a mess again.”


The meaning that Kir was asking was clear. The mission to find the location of the Crown Prince. Theovalt calmly confirmed.


“….That’s right. “


“Your Majesty seems to be looking for other ways than you.”


It was not long after the Peopil Empire became quiet. Only two months at least. Since then, there has been a scent of blood in the capital.


Ethelred cut off the heads of his five brothers and ascended the throne to slaughter them. That’s why Ethelred is called a tyrant and why the high-ranking nobles are still struggling to keep up to this day.


That is what is known to the public.


However, Baldwin Peopil, the eldest of Ethelred’s five brothers, is alive and missing. That’s why Ethelred had his closest aide Theovalt searching for his location, but so far he has had no success.


Kir was convinced that this mission would also be related to Maribelle. 


“I heard she overheard His Majesty’s conversation. If there’s a reason she’s been keep alive, it can only be that reason.”


Kir gently touched his shoulder, which had been bandaged. He couldn’t believe he was stabbed. As expected, he can’t be around His Majesty for long either.


“So. Are you saying that she could be a spy?”


“I know your brain is your most unexercised muscle, but let’s think about the basics, Theo. You know Lady Maribelle’s identity is not that important.”


Kir clicked his tongue and slung on his shirt. Every life that enters the palace hangs on the whims of Ethelred. So even if Maribelle was Baldwin’s spy, she could always be put before the guillotine.


So, here’s the conclusion. 


“His Majesty will use her as a tool.”


She’s still a candidate for the Empress, but he doesn’t know what will happen later. With Kir’s neat conclusion, Theovalt carefully opened his mouth after agonizing over what to say with a frown that could not be seen.


“Kir, I don’t think you’re wrong. However—”


“Is there anything that caught your notice?”




Theovalt’s voice carefully leaked out like a prudent blade.


“She’s too dangerous.”


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“Yeah, damn it. I almost died! Next time, you go!”


“Isn’t it because you were being rude?”


“I didn’t say that…”


Kir’s voice suddenly subsided. He talked calmly, as if his intensity a while ago was a lie.


“That woman, she has no hesitation in her actions. Did you not notice that? It seems like there is no tomorrow to her. You should have seen it….”


Who doesn’t have tomorrow? Kir’s honest appreciation was like this. It was too bold to be called clever, and not dramatic enough to be called manipulative.


Kir recalled the embarrassment of revealing his stiff white expression when the sword was held in Maribelle’s hand. And the face that was leaning a sword to her neck and talking back to Ethelred.


‘If you want to scare me, please choose another method.’


Kir understood Ethelred’s feelings for throwing the sword away as soon as he heard Maribelle’s words. No one can help but do that in front of that expression, those words.


Even though it looked like she would burst into tears right away there wasn’t a single tremor in the hand that held the sword and in the voice that spoke strongly as if threatening Ethelred, but it seemed that only the expression alone couldn’t help but betray her. Only tears did not come, but her eyes still had a teary appeal.


‘If you kill me when I do this, will you be satisfied, Your Majesty? Do you have to pierce this heart to satisfy your cruel nature?’


That’s what Maribelle said. At least for Kir’s sake.


‘Whether I’m alive because of her…’


Maribelle is dangerous. A shrewd sword is quiet, but she is a sword that swings loudly. Both Theovalt and Kir also agreed that she’s dangerous. 


“What shall we do in the future—. I’m worried about you—.”


Even if a slaughter didn’t take place, the palace, which was peaceful for now, was filled with poison that was extremely fatal, so he can’t help but be worried.


“Should I tell His Majesty to change the lady’s curriculum a little…”


The deeper he worried, the deeper the wrinkles on Kir’s forehead became. Theovalt just stood by Kir, who was agonizing silently.


Less than a day later, Kir’s worries became nothing but useless.


“Kir, you are the Chancellor from today.” 




“Because there is no head of the palace, we will need someone to fill in the vacancy. Start Maribelle’s education today, she will take over the work.”




“We’re old friends, right?”


Kir alternately looked at Maribelle, smiling brightly, and Ethelred, who seemed to have a carefree look on his face for some reason, and thought. 


‘Should I have just died back then?’


As expected, she’s the devil. Kir has revised his assessment of Maribelle.

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