You can give that to the head of staff, and this… you can send it up to me.”

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“Is that all?”


Maribelle was being handed over to Kir at the moment. The chief of palace has been in charge of it, though it was initially the Empress’s responsibility. In addition, Kir was promoted to Prime Minister, and the Chief of the Palace’s responsibilities were transferred to Maribelle.


Of course, this was merely the procedure Kir had to go through in the education of Empress Candidate Maribelle, even if he didn’t have to be promoted, but the issue was that there was no sense that the timing was too advanced.


The reason was none other than Pepper.


“Nanny, you look tired. Are you sick?”


“Oh, does it look like that? Did I overdo it these days?”


“Why don’t you make the other maids work? Nanny, please take a break, okay?“


“Can I do that? Everything must be done by me to be done to perfection. Lady, don’t worry. I’m going to be alright.”


“Really? Is there anybody who is causing issues or spying?


If there is, I will step on them. She bit her lower lip and swallowed her words. But even with that question alone, Pepper was waving her hand in surprise and smiled. 


“Not at all! Who dares to scream at me, my lady’s nanny? It may have happened at the mansion, but not here unless you have an obvious weakness.”






“What prevents it from happening? Because I’m a candidate for empress? Or is it because I’m rumored to be His Majesty’s only woman?”


Pepper felt embarrassed since she couldn’t think of an answer. Maribelle didn’t bother waiting for a response. Most likely the answer is both of those reasons.


At the end of the day, Maribelle and Pepper may be comfortable with the fact that they are related to Ethelred. It’s not bad for the time being, but what if Ethelred’s shallow interest begins to fade and the deal falls through? Pepper was sure to be kicked out even though she said it wouldn’t be over even if she died. 


‘I can’t get my nanny kicked out twice.’


She was tired. Maribelle believed she had to preserve the peace between her and Ethelred more securely since it seemed like it may change at any time.


And that very idea was the foundational reason why Maribelle moved up her classes.


Of course, Kir did not know that.


Maribelle’s current goal was to gain a better understanding of her time in the palace and how things were run, so she was still a dedicated student. The handover went smoothly as a result of this.


‘There’s less work than I expected.’


Obviously, she had heard in the past that there was a joke that the busiest thing in the palace when people were carried out every day was the chief of the palace. Kir, on the other hand, was given a day’s worth of work to complete in half a day.


‘Isn’t this enough time after finishing up quickly to ask about Theovalt—?’


Concerning the finger model.


It seemed like Maribelle’s miscellaneous thoughts were evident as Kir asked a sour question.


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“What’s wrong? Is it too much?”


“Oh, no. It’s less than I expected.”


Kir straightened his lips. At first glance, he appeared dissatisfied. She thinks she should ask him if he was okay at least once because he had many  complaints on his face.


Maribelle coughed once and rose to her feet.


“I’m not sure what’s wrong with you. Didn’t you get a promotion?”


Kir’s disgruntled gaze shifted to Maribelle, and a coy voice emerged.


“Maribelle Edenbert. I can’t even call you by name, so I’ll call you Lady Edenbert. What makes me feel bad is—”


“Call me Miss Maribelle, Sir Kir.”


“…Miss, Maribelle?”


Maribelle raised her body with a bunch of papers as Kir’s voice, filled with questions, flowed into her ears.


“I’m not Edenbert’s young lady. If you have trouble calling me by name, just call me Lord Edenbert.”




“…Don’t you have a question to ask?”


Even if he did a favor by calling her the appropriate name— he must have thought she didn’t see what he was implying, so Maribelle had no choice but to beat him down once, just to show him. But that worked rather well.


Kir finally came to his senses and said, “…You’re also a difficult person to understand. Yeah, well, that’s good. There are three reasons why I feel bad, Miss Maribelle.”


“You love lists of three.”


“That’s why we get along. The first one is my promotion. Thanks to that, things have improved dramatically.”


Kir, who speaks in hushed tones and suppressed smirks, smiled as she placed the papers on the shelf. Kir had a talent for making everything suspenseful.


“It’s true, you know.”


“Yes, I have a strong desire to one day throw my resignation in His Majesty’s face.”


“I’m hoping it will come true.”


Who dares to use the term “kind and forgiving” in reference to the Emperor? Maribelle admired Kir’s suicidal plans.


Kir, on the other hand, shrugged it off as if it were natural and only pulled up the robe that he always wore. He always wore cumbersome robes, and today was no exception.


Isn’t that heavy? Kir finished organizing the documents and opened the door in a fairly disciplined manner while Maribelle laughed.


“I’ve explained all of the internal procedures, so now I’ll show you around the palace. Let’s get started.”


“Oh my, Sir Kir. You appear to be a human right now.”


“Thank you very much. Miss Maribelle, who isn’t always a human being.”


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Haha. Maribelle walked out the door with her dying and twisting laughter flowing out behind her. Kir was talking about ‘the three reasons he was feeling bad’ not long ago, but Maribelle decided not to inquire about the other two. It was obvious that her insides would swell as she listened more.


Kir slammed the door and walked over to Maribelle’s side, where he began to guide her.


“The Imperial Palace is divided into two sections: the main palace and the star palace. A star palace is typically designed for residence, whereas a main palace is designed for business purposes. Only the Emperor and Empress are exempt from this rule.”


The Emperor and Empress are also residents of the main palace. Maribelle nodded, taking in Kir’s dry explanation piece by piece.


Kir was not a sloppy teacher despite his sloppy use of words. He never allows a student to have any stray thoughts while listening to his explanation, which is deep and the subject matter is always presented in his own way. If the listener appears to have a different opinion, he asks with sharp eyes.


Just like this:


“Did you understand?”


She’ll get a test question if she nods her head here. An arbitrary teacher like Kir doesn’t take into account a student’s comprehension. Every time, test questions boasted ridiculously difficult levels.


So, in order to get out of Kir’s test, she had to answer the question with a question or change the subject.


“Yes, the Palace of Calende must be the star palace, based on the description.”


“You noticed it right away.”


Kir then withdrew his keen gaze and resumed guiding.


“This is the Imperial Palace’s main palace, where the Emperor resides and where most of the business is conducted. We’re in Igcentium’s garden. It’s my second favorite garden in the palace.”


Kir blabbed out personal information about which she had no interest and opened his mouth as if he had thought of something.


“Doesn’t that remind you of the second time we talked?”


She just wants to know when he’d let go of it. Maribelle swears silently in her heart. On the outside, she laughed casually.


“—You forgot so naturally that I briefly wondered if Sir Kir’s hair was a flower that grew like hair out of a flower pot.”


“When I have a lot of work to do, I sometimes overlook the minor details. So let me tell you a second time. It bothers me that your class has been rescheduled. It’s nice to be stuck inside the Palace of Calende.”


Kir said this while standing in the middle of a sunny garden. When the fountain sprayed behind him, he attempted to make a rainbow.


The story he tells is bad, but the scenery is stunning. It would be ideal if he didn’t wear only that purple color. Maribelle took a step on the lawn, thinking about how she wanted to put Kir behind her.


“Being with you is not a pleasant experience. I almost died because of you.”


“I was able to live because of you.”


“Oh, thank you very much. If I hadn’t been trapped in the Palace of Calende, I’d appreciate it.” Kir said, sarcastically. 


“You don’t know the concept of grace.”


“You pulled a thorn from the paw of a lion but for whose benefit, Edenbert?”


He dared to use her surname. Maribelle frowned as she looked at Kir. She didn’t frown because his words bothered her; it was just that the sun was too bright.


“If you’re going to call me Edenbert, call me Lord.”


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“Yes, Edenbert. There is me, Theovalt, and a few others who have been preserving their lives in the palace for a long time now. It’s not a huge number, but they’ve all been with His Majesty since childhood.”


“I said call me Lord Edenbert.”


“They’re all crazy people. Except for me.”


Kir’s words continued unhurriedly, ignoring Maribelle’s protests.


“Among them, I’ve always held a strong position. Chief of the Palace, I was content to rot my talents and sit in this small seat with the best qualities.”


“I’m not sure where to begin.”


“It’s not fair that I was promoted because of you, but I have to attend all of the classes. I’m going to have to use my brain more now. Oh, my God, how could this be possible?”


‘Whether I live or die.’


Maribelle had to admit that listening to Kir’s condescension was becoming too much for her. He was obviously a bright, sociable individual, but he was too much for her to handle. 


There’s no denying that Kir’s open hostility toward Maribelle played a role. Maribelle cast a sidelong glance at Kir, who was talking to himself.


“I’ve been attempting to rot as an office worker for the rest of my life working inside the palace, and you’re dragging me out and wiping the mud away—why that’s I feel sorry for the jewels in the mud—”


‘There would be no circle if I closed my mouth—’


Maribelle, who was tired of Kir’s complaints, wanted to kick him to keep his mouth shut.


Kir’s lamentation ended suddenly almost like he hadn’t been complaining the entire walk. He had stopped due to arriving at the new location.


“Oh, it’s Ecathio.”


“There are… quite a few weapons.”


What weapons are there in the main palace? When Maribelle became puzzled, Kir approached her with a kind smile and explained.


“It’ll be the first time you hear it. This is a training facility. To be more specific, it’s a knight training center. It is in charge of both military practice and military administration. If you go inside, you’ll find a knight training ground.”


Maribelle nodded sometimes as she listened to Kir’s detailed explanation. Her attention was drawn to the weapons lined up on both sides of the wall, rather than Kir’s explanation. Swords ranging from thin to long and long. Shields and spears coming in a variety of styles.


Maribelle had never seen such intriguing weapons before, so she asked, touching the three swords on the wall with a gentle touch.


“Does Sir Peregrine work here as well?”


“This is this way. He’s in charge of Knight training.” 


Kir turned around and stared at Maribelle, then raised his brows and grinned as if he was sly.


“See, it’s an area where kids shouldn’t go in and out. That sword isn’t something you can get your hands on.”


“Hm, really?”


Maribelle took a glance around, pretending to examine the three swords.


‘Well, this is a training center.’

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At first look, the black marble-clad corridor, which is thought to be quite costly, and weapons made of expensive silverwork gave off an austere and solemn impression. There were also some horses that appeared to be a little further away from the dusty training center.


Are those swords special due to the fact that it is the Imperial Palace? Well.


‘You’ll find out when you check it.’


Maribelle took the sword’s handle in her hands, gazing at it, and aimed the blade directly at Kir. Her earlier playfulness had vanished, leaving just a grim look.


“I understand well enough that Sir Kir hates me, so let’s just get past the drivel and lead the way. I wouldn’t even be here if I was confused by words like those.”


“Wow, put your sword down. That’s really dangerous. I don’t like being hurt. You see me standing there? You’re not going to be able to stab anyway. Don’t be sassy and put it down.”


“Kir, be honest with me. Is this the training center?”


Kir’s smile had vanished from his lips.


“Miss Maribelle, you’re taking a tremendous leap of logic. Do you not see these weapons? Is there any location with that many weapons besides the training center?”


“It’s absurd to claim that it’s a training tencer with no dust. Nowadays, I believe the soldiers are given a silver sword with an imperial pattern.”


Maribelle scornfully placed her sword in the palm of her palm, grasping her hand and drawing it. Uh, her brow was frowned upon in undeniable pain.


“W-what! What are you doing!” 


Kir, who appeared uncomfortable, took the bloody sword. But Maribelle, who was the perpetrator, stayed very calm.


As he stated previously, he had nothing to gain from harming Maribelle, but Mariebelle does have something to gain from Kir injuring her. So she did what she was good at, making a scene.


Maribelle clenched her blood-splattered hand and approached the wall lined with the weapons, she used her hands to swipe at the walls.


It’s all over the place!


Weapons were swept down like dominoes, producing various noises. In the corridor where the two were standing, the sound of metal clattering to the floor broke out.


There were several weapons, and the sound was fairly loud due to the hallways natural acoustics. To what extent would she have to go before he finally came?


“What is this fuss… Maribelle?”


She expected someone would run in annoyance as a result of all this loud noise.


‘As expected.’


Maribelle raised her blood-splattered palm and touched her cheek, pretending to wipe her eyes.


After having looked at the beautiful silversmithing and the obvious cost of the sword she knew it wasn’t ordinary. There aren’t many places where you may proudly display such silver swords with imperial crests either.


“Kir, explain this matter.”


Maribelle hid her laughter as she listened to Ethelred’s angry voice. Her predictions were right.


This is the main palace where the Emperor’s branch office  is located.


She was in Igcentium not Calende.

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