Is this the only thing connected with the Edenbert Family?”

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“We don’t have a lot of information. The house appears to have been replaced, and much of it appears to have been purposefully erased.”


“So this was done on purpose.”


Is he implying that someone interfered with the data? Ethelred began turning over thick sheets of paper one at a time. The specific size of the Duke of Edenbert’s assets, as well as the people involved in the family. There aren’t many in the direct lineage, but there are a lot of relatives who have been absorbed into the main branch.


‘It’s a big family, as expected.’


That was the end of Ethelred’s inspection.


Maribelle stated that she wanted revenge. Ethelred himself drew his sword for her to use. Ethelred didn’t give it much thought about which way he was going.


“Investigate Edenbert.“


Theovalt lowered his eyes. He realized when he ran to Kir’s aid a few days ago.


“Why do you look like that, Theo?”




“Haha—I almost died.”


Ethelred was testing himself.


Kir may have also guessed the truth or expressed a meaningless impression. Kir possessed a rare talent. How many vacancies are there for work if Kir disappears right now? Kir was an important person for Ethelred, though despite all this time there was no particular accumulated affection.


The spot where Ethelred stabbed was a “safer” spot on the shoulder, as if to only threaten him. Even then it wasn’t very deep.


After examining the wound, Theo concluded that Ethelred did not intend to kill Kir. He’s not sure what kind of threat it is though.


“I can’t live because I’m so sad and upset—what have I done wrong to deserve this from His Majesty? He turned a blind eye to his devoted loyalist.”


By the way, Kir claimed he was really close to death. He said it too much to be an exaggeration.


‘What happened after the stab?’


This was the thing Theovalt wanted to know the most.


“Theovalt Peregrine.”


At the call of Ethelred, Theovalt gave up the idea. He looked up and saw his king. His emperor, who had never failed to claim victory since he met.


If Ethelred told Theovalt to kill himself again, he’d slit his own throat in less than an hour.


Attempting to understand what is going on inside such a person is an extreme privilege in and of itself. Theovalt lowered his gaze once more.


“Please instruct me.”


“I need to create a new government post. Get ready.”


“I’ll hand it over to Azil.”


“Also, to Kir—”

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Ethelred’s back words had been completely devoured. There were no other reasons.




No matter who heard it, it was the sound of metal clattering out. There was also not just one or two things falling. There was no way for the sound to come from inside the palace unless someone had opened the weapons warehouse and threw everything inside out?


What in the world happened? Not only was Theovalt surprised, but Ethelred also stood up, tossing the paper he was holding.


“Theovalt, open the door.”


What a fuss at the main palace. Are you someone who has two lives? Theovalt bowed briefly before approaching the door and grabbing the handle.


Without a squeal, the door opened softly.


“What’s the fuss—Maribelle?”


Maribelle? That woman? Theovalt hurriedly shut the door and followed Ethelred, who was the first to leave.


Theovalt had to close his eyes for a moment and chew the inside of his cheek as soon as he walked out the door. He was perplexed as to what all the fuss was about.


‘Kir, you said you almost died?’


Do you think you have two lives?


The disturbances were Kir and Maribelle. The weapons that decorated the wall were tangled and collapsed.


‘Is she responsible for this?’


A silver-haired woman standing right next to him. Maribelle’s face was covered with blood, and even her left hand was bloody.


What appears to be the source of the blood,


“Kir, explain this matter.”


Kir’s hands were splattered with blood. Because of this, Ethelred’s voice was smeared with suppressed rage.




Theovalt had no idea what was going on. At the same time, Kir’s previous bluff was discovered.


Ethelred was now fuming. Kir, Theovalt, and Azil were childhood friends of Ethelred, they were like his own body, who gets angry with his own hands and feet? It hasn’t even been a day or two since the stab wound from Ethelred either, so it was unusual Kir was stirring up such a ruckus. 


Ethelred, in fact, was on the verge of losing his cool completely.


The weapons that had fallen on the wall had no effect on him. But visions of Maribelle, who was desperate to save Kir’s life, and Maribelle, who stood looking at him so defiantly, overlapped he gritted his teeth trying to suppress his anger. The woman who didn’t like the smell of blood appeared in front of him with blood on her hands.


“As I previously stated, I need Your Majesty.”


Perhaps it’s because of that. Hah, to be swayed so easily by her.


Ethelred was having difficulty swallowing. He might have had to appoint a new prime minister in a day if Maribelle hadn’t told him she despised seeing corpses.


“Your Majesty,” 

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In the middle of all the liveliness Maribelle’s mouth had opened.


“It’s great to see you.”


She was smiling.


“…Your hand,” 


“It’s not Sir Kir’s fault, so don’t begrudge him. I did it on my own.”


Maribelle shook her blood-splattered hand, shrugged, and approached Kir, who was still appeared broken.


“Sir Kir, please raise your head. That is why Your Majesty regards you as a sinner.”


Kir remained motionless. Maribelle grabbed his shoulder with her blood-splattered hands.


“Sir Kir,” 


Kir only caught her eye at that point. Soon after, a malicious whisper was heard.


“There is no longer any life to save.”


I hope you behave yourself. Maribelle smiled and stepped away from Kir. She liked the look on his face where his eyes had fallen blank. Maribelle was convinced after seeing the look on his face like he had met a ghost or almost became one himself.


‘There’s nothing else to teach for now.’


Maribelle sighed quietly to herself. To be honest, it was a bit of a risk. Maribelle had hoped only that a few people would come out and intervened as a third party in this situation.


‘I had no idea His Majesty was here.’


She can only say that she was lucky. Maribelle looked back at Kir. Kir appeared to be in a state of shock.


In fact, Kir’s rejection of Maribelle was a fairly common reaction. Prior to that, he did that because he didn’t want to be with Maribelle, but it would be difficult for anyone not to stand up if something like this happened at their workplace.


The opponent, on the other hand, was very good.


Maribelle often talked to Ethelred. It would be false to say Kir’s attitude didn’t bother her, but all this time she had been standing with her head down so now she wasn’t sorry at all.


“Your Majesty, I’ve knocked down all the weapons.”


“Never mind. More than that—”


“I’m going to the doctor’s office. Maintain control of your face. I’m not going to die because of this.”


Maribelle gave a casual smile. She was screaming silently, and her bloody palm was pulsating enough to count her pulse right away, but she had to smile as much as possible in this moment.


But, as a result of the blood loss, Ethelred’s eyes darkened and he couldn’t conceal his darkening expression.


“…Follow me. No, I’ll call a doctor from here. In…”


“I’ll go. Look after your work, Your Majesty.”


“Are you going to be able to go with your injured body?”


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She did not injure her body, it was only her hand. Maribelle looked at her hands as the blood dried up, turning her head and glancing at Theovalt, who was nailed to his seat and staring at Kir.


It was like looking at a Thanksgiving turkey on a dinner table.


‘Ahright, I still had a question for you.’


Maribelle spoke softly to Theovalt and fixed her gaze on him.


“I’m going to go with Sir Peregrine. Don’t worry.”


Ethelred’s brow furrowed and he nodded roughly. It was not satisfactory, but it would have to do.


“Take Maribelle with you, Theo.”


“—You mean me.”


“My escort has already declined, leaving you as the only one left. Kir, please come inside. You still have a story to tell.”


Kir remained unmoved, it seemed he was quite shocked. Perhaps he was taken aback by the fact that such a conceited man had finally met his match. If only pride had turned poisonous, Kir lamented.


Maribelle frowned as her gaze met Theovalt’s. She then smiled tenderly as she watched Theovalt come over to escort her.


Ethelred was not the only one who had some questions to ask.




“What did Kir do?”


“He’s got a lot on his plate.”


Maribelle responded insincerely, moving her feet along towards the doctors office. Theovalt was one step ahead of everyone else. They were on their way somewhere else, not to the Doctors office. 


There is no other explanation. This is due to the fact that the doctor’s office is currently vacant.


“Where have all the doctors gone?”


“The palace doctors were always… busy.”


Maribelle didn’t bother to ask why. Because it’s obvious. 


“What should we do? Should we keep going? “


“No, I know a guy who is similar to a doctor. We can ask him because he’s better than most of them. Let’s go.”


And now. 


That was all Theovalt could say after remaining silent for the majority of their walk. What exactly did Kir do? Maribelle, who had been tamed by Kir’s complaints, was taken aback. To be honest, it caught her off guard.


Theovalt’s words were not ill intentioned.


“I understand the impoliteness. He appears sociable, but he is actually very sensitive.”


“He looks pretty special, but the overall review is cold.”


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“I don’t know what I can do if it’s true.”


Theovalt tilted his head and smiled slyly. Maribelle was forced to soften when she saw his cold face making a smooth smile, which looked better than she had expected.


“You are aware that Sir Kir came to me and injured his shoulder, correct?”


“I know.”


“You saw what happened today.”


“Of course.”


“Aren’t I the one to blame?”


“There is no one to blame. I knew there had to be a reason. Kir is now alive as a result of you.”


Ethelred’s voice was lighter than Theovalt’s. Unlike the pressure that many people would find difficult to bear, Theovalt’s tone was like sitting a softly swaying willow. Should she say it’s like speaking to a finely tuned organ?


Maribelle chose her words for a moment caught in a mood that was difficult to explain. Words did not come out easily, as they usually did.


“Would you have been angry with me if he had died?”


“It would have irritated me. I don’t blame you because it’s all his fault.”


‘Oh, I see.’ Maribelle only realized why she thought Theovalt’s voice was strange after that.


‘You said you wouldn’t blame me.’


Theovalt used logic to suppress his emotions. Maribelle has harmed Kir not once, but twice. But it was entirely Kir’s fault. He can’t blame the person who returned it to him. So Theovalt tried hard not to blame Maribelle.


As a result, this is what happened.


Maribelle exhaled only then.


It will be easier to talk now that she understands the reason.


“I’m glad you don’t blame me. I am also quite sorry for the anger that Sir Kir has suffered.”


“It is your responsibility to say sorry.”


“Well, is it really my fault that Sir Kir surprised me?”


Theovalt’s stride, which had been brisk, abruptly stopped. Maribelle scoffed inwardly at Theovalt’s stiff expression.


‘This is more comfortable,’ she thought, preferring being upfront. 


The enemy has a full face. Maribelle shrugged, as if she were watching a well-tuned organ pipe twist.


“I’m not sure why you look like that. Do you have any issues?”


“Did you get the finger?”


“I assumed it was sent by Sir Peregrine.”


Maribelle gave a warm smile. It was a beast’s eyes smiling and keenly seeking information.

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