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In a building back in 〈Pandemonium〉, Eva and the other silver haired woman were having a not so intense stating contest.



"Who are you?"

"A person~"


Just from that single response, Eva deciden not to expect anyhing else from her kidnapper.

She didn't even know how she disappeared in the first place. All she did was blink her eyes a few times since coming to the 〈Demon Realm〉due to confusion before whoosh! She's in another place again.

When Eva took a closer look at he room she was quote on quote trapped in (she wasn't restrained in any way or form at all and was just sitting on a wooden chair), she noticed it was quite a fancy one.

The room was filled with a bed two people could fit in, a wardrobe that was plastered into a wall, a rug made out of some kind of fancy fabric that Eva could care less about some personal trinkets on a desk.

The color scheme of the entire room and its furniture was quite simple. Mainly consisting of only 4 colors. Black, white, red and blue.

After taking note of all these details, she directed her attention to the woman she she was in a staring contest again just minutes ago.

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The woman had bluish-silver hair which reminded Eva of her father's hair for both seemed to sparkle in the sunlight.

Her eyes were a pretty and not too gaudy shade of gold with a white four pointed star serving as her pupils.

She had two red and blue hair clips on the right and left side of her hair respectively revealing her pointed ears which had earrings bearing the same four pointed star design as her pupils.

She was wearing a dress that reached until her knees which was red on the right side and blue on the left side, just like her hair clips.

She was also wearing a pair of black gloves on her arms where her face was resting upon as she sat in a leaning in posture on another wooden chair.

Oh, she was also not wearing any shoes or any kind of footwear of that sort for some reason.

Just staring at her made Eva feel a vague sense of familiarity she couldn't explain.

Maybe it was because of the woman's similar hair color to Eva' and Cole's. It could also have been the reason why Eva wasn't feeling any fear from the person in front of at all.



"What pretty eyes you have~"


The woman strerched out her hand and pointed one of her long fingers right between Eva's eyes. The woman wasn't sitting far from Eva but the distance between them could only allow her to reach that far.

"No wonder he fell for them..."

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"What are you--"


Eva"s question was interrupted half way by a door slam and a man dressed in a shiny set of armor with some kind of insignia or flag of a country painted on the breastplate.

"Your Majesty!"

"Aww~ It looks like our time is up, little one. I shall see you later with another person."

The woman stood up from her previous stance and fluttered her dress as she turned around to give Eva that last message before leaving the room with the assumed knight.




"Haa... Haa..."

"Cole, why not we rest for a bit?"

"Haa... Haa..."

Back again somewhere else in 〈Pandemonium〉, was our couple again.

This time, Cole was leaning against a brick house with Felicia supporting him as he heavily exhaled.

"Haa... Okay..."

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And then Cole slumped onto the stone pavement. He furrowed his brows in deep thought and ran over what he saw using 〈Reader (Foresight〉

'I saw 3 seconds of this entire city's future and as I thought, using it is tiresome.'

'It would probably be less tiring if I used it on a smaller scale but I'm not planning to experiment any time soon.'

As much as Cole wanted to hurry over to where Eva was, in the state he was in right now, that was unwise decision.

And the more Cole thought over, when he looked into the future, Eva wasn't restrained in any way and she seemed to only be having a staring contest with a silver haired woman.

"Felicia... Haa... Where are we right now?"

"Umm... One of the signs we passes by said that we were in Crimson Sunset St."


"? What do you mean?"

"Just wait a bit."

Felicia became even more confused than when Cole started running to a specific direction. He didn't display any powers like that in the 5 years she knew him.

It could be because he didn't show his abilities that often but when she thought more about it his peesonality was also slightly different.

Despite her blind love for him, she was still sensible and decided to talk about it with Cole some other time for they were still looking for Eva.

「So Lala, where is you parents' house again?」

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"It's just on this street."

「You've said that 4 times already.」

"Mother, Father, I'm tired..."

As they continued to lean on the brick wall, Cole and Felicia heard a familiar voice along with a two new ones which seemed to be of a female in her 20's and a young boy.

「Now, Lala. I trusted that we were goin in the correct direction because you should have remebered at least your old house despite your terrible sense of direction...」

"Have faith in me!"

「I had faith in you the last 4 times... Eh? Col?!」

Val was planning to continue on ranting to the woman named Lala when he had noticed Cole in front of him.


Seeing that Val had noticed him, Cole sprang up and acted as if he totally wasn't exhausted just a bit earlier.

「Col! What are you doing here?」

"I could say the same thing to you but right now I need your help."

「Sure! What is it buddy?」

Taking into note the fact that Val was acting as friendly to Cole as ever, Felicia was wondering if Val even remebered that he was thrown from the〈Neutral Zone〉all the way back to the〈Fantasia Zone〉

"I have to go rescue my daughter. "

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