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「Rescue? Why what happened?」

"No time to explain. I'll just tell you on the way there."


Before Val could continue to question what had happened to Eva, Cole had arbitrarily pulled Val along for the ride.

Felicia and the woman that was with Val looked at each other and shared an apologetic and understanding smile respectively before following the two along with the deadweight child.

「So what exactly happened?」

"For no specific reason, Felicia goofed up by sending us here instead of an amusement park."

「What? How exactly do you mix those two up?」

"Exactly. But we'll get into hat another time. By using a skill of mine that allows me to see a bit into the future, I was able to see he enture future of the city."

Before Val even had time to question or be amazed by a skill like that, Cole continued to brief the situation to him.

Meanwhile, the women and the child in the back were also having a conversation, albeit drastically different in intensity or seriousness.

"So you're Val's wife, Lala. You're really beautiful."

"Why thank you, well you're pretty as well."

"Is he your son?"

"Umu. He has Val's black hair and my red eyes so we decided to name him Braith!"

"I see..."

It was as of they did not understand the gravity of the situation at all. Well thag would be understandable for Lala and Braith but for Felicia...

Cole might have to buy other books besides the ones about Teleporting.


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In the building that Eva was locked (not really) in, was a Eva that thought of going outside said building and maybe escape if she could but ended up getting lost in the corridors and became a helpless bunny instead.

On her face was the expression of someone who ended up arriving at a concert that they didn't sign up for with not a single person they know to help them.

"Well... What do I do now?"

Eva asked herself out loud, not that there was any need to. She only did it to relieve her own anxiety and nervousness in an unfamiliar place.

Well, if you think about the fact that she's still 5, you can say she's doing a good job since she hasn't broken down crying yet.

"... Guess I'll look around some more until some random guard eventually brings me back to my room or something."

And she did. For like, 10 minutes.

After she wandered around the luxurious corridors that she forgot to mention to herself earlier due to not giving two childish sh-- poops about them. She found herself in a garden.

The space it occupied was ginormous considering the fact that she was still inside a trapped building with a glass dome overseeing the garden.

Despite its unnecesary size, the garden only had one kind of plant. Roses. White ones, to be exact.

As for why such a decision was made, Eva decided to toss he thought into the back of her mind and take a nap within the evergreen and white sea of roses.

"It's not like I have anything better to do."




"Your Majesty, it seems they have already found out she has been brought here."

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"Excellent, I expected no less from that man. Prepare a grand reception for them."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

In the exact same corridors that Eva was lost in just 10 minutes ago, was the silver haired woman known as "Your Majesty" and the knight/soldier.

"Your Majesty-- No, Lucille


Lucille stopped walking and paused for a bit after hearing, the knighht, Clyde call her name.

"... It is impolite and rude to call your Queen by her first name with no honorifics attached."

"Lucille, I--"

"Silence. Anymore insolence from you and I shall have you removed from your post as the leader of the Royal Knight Order even despite our long relationship with eavh other.

"I... I'm sorry, Your Majesty. I shall not do it ever again."

Lucille paid no more attention to him and strode off, leaving him behind.

Watching her back slowly shrink, Clyde stared at the red carpet covered floors and got lost in his own thoughts.

"Umm Clyde, come here please. I think I'm lost again."

Or so what would have happened if not for Lucille's poor sense of direction.






「*Haah* So... We had... *Haah* run back from the west district... all back to the center... just because... you got slightly lost...?」

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"And the fact that Cole forgot I could teleport."

"But Miss Felicia, was it not your ability to teleport what roped you two into this situation in the first place?"



Back to the... one... two... three... four... Quintuiplet, they were in front of the black castle gates which belonged the one located in the dead center of〈Pandemonium〉

「 Don't go "Hmmm..." on me! Look at my poor son, he's so tired already!」

"Dad, no I'm not. You wouldn't be either if you used some magic."

「 Shaddup.」


Cole continued staring at the castle. He had already found a way to get inside but was currently fixated on the fact that the castle reminded him so much Dark S•uls.

"I didn't know your son was so sassy. "

"You wouldn't know it until he opens his mouth. Sometimes I wonder who exactly does he take after."

Felicia and Lala were simply chatting happily with each other since both actually didn't have much chances to talk with other women about such things.

And just as Cole was about to finally do someting to enter the castle.



A black hole appeared under his feet, plunging him into the darkness inside of it.


"Sir Cole?!"

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"... Dafuq?"

And thus, he dissapeared right in front of their eyes, with them not knowing where it brought him.









Inside a glorious thone room, filled with items and trinkets a normal person could and would never see in their entire life, servants and knights dressed in clothes and sets of armor extravagant enough to gatner the question 'Is this okay?'

And a bluish silver haired woman sitting on the black throne that seemed tailor made jusy for her along with a man dressed in a black coat foolishly staring at the entire scene.

"Nice to meet you, Sir Cole Steward."

"... Who are you?'


The woman chuckled at Cole's question. She stood up from her throne, placed her hands on her waist and let out a gentle smile and said...

"My name is Lucille Etern Starset, a Vampire of he Starset lineage, Queen of the〈Demon Realm〉and..."

"... One of your ancestors."



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