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Cole could only feel pain as he woke up. There was a throbbing sensation at the back of his head and his arms and legs all didn't have any strength in them and it felt as if he couldn't move a muscle.

He was also having difficulty opening his eyes.

"Oh! Felicia! Papa is awake!"


His ears were welcomed with the voice of two people coming from the east of him. The first one sounding immature and filled with relief and happiness while the other seemed to be in their twenties and was the kind that was pleasing to listen too and naturally made one loosen their guard around the owner of the voice.

Both of them seemed to be female.

Filled with curiosity against the two new voices, Cole had finally mustered enough strength to open his eyes, he was greeted with an unfamiliar ceiling. It seemed to be made out of some kind of metal and was a cappuccino white.

It would be a wonderful weapon when used to fall on the poor enemies under the ceiling.

The bed he was on barely let him fit and he could tell that it was a bit creaky. The mattress felt a bit thin but still soft and he was covered with a baby blue blanket.

Cole thought that if the bed frame was disabled, he would be able to put all the nails onto one board causing the killing power to skyrocket. The mattress could be used to hide a few firearms underneath it since it wasn't too thick and should have enough space for it.

The blanket was made out of cotton making it really soft and was absorbent. He could either set the blanket on fire after soaking it in oil and catching the enemy with it or use it to strangle his foes.

As for the pillow, he could fill the case with bricks and smash against a person's head instead or suffocate the enemy. If he couldn't do that, he could at least make it into a silencer if he's shooting.

After assessing the items that could be used if he was suddenly stuck in an immediate crisis in a fraction of a second, he finally turned his attention to his right, where the voices were coming from.

There was a little girl who barely reached the bed frame and was tightly clinging on to his bandaged yet muscular right arm.

She seemed to be a toddler, as suggested by her height. Her hair was short and was silver like his and had skin like freshly fallen snow. Her eyes were a dark grey and were filled with worry towards him and paired nicely with her skin and hair.

She was wearing brown bear pajamas and had a hood over her head with little bear ears. It made her look extremely cute and innocent. Cole also noticed that he and the little girl shared a striking resemblance with each other.

Although it was cruel, if any people hostile to him came here, they would probably try to use her as a hostage against him.

Behind the little girl was what seemed to be a maid? Cole gathered that she was the "Felicia" that the little girl called out to earlier. She black hair that was styled in a hime cut.

(For those who don't know:

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She was wearing one of those short-skirted maid uniforms commonly seen in anime and had white thigh high socks and a simple pair of black doll shoes. She also had grey eyes like the little girl but they were a lighter shade.

Cole also noticed the hidden knife in the waistband of her dress which meant that she had at least some kind of fighting ability. Cole decided he shouldn't let down his guard around her for now.

And for some reason, she seemed to be holding back laughter? Weird.

"I-I'm glad you're awake, C-Cole."

Cole did not like the feeling of being laughed at the moment he woke up. Especially by someone he had no idea was. Unfortunately, she was the one with the weapon at the moment. If not, Cole would have already threatened her into stopping already.

"Who are you?"

That easily caused the laughter-holding maid and the little girl to be shocked into silence.

"P-Papa?" The little girl asked with a wavering voice and her eyes were nearly bursting out to tears.

Cole sat up and gazed directly into the little girl's eyes. The more he stared at her, the more he noticed that they both looked extremely similar. He even sat up to get a better look at her.

'But still...'

"I don't remember having a kid... Hyuk!"

Just as Cole was about to finish his sentence, intense pain attacked his brain causing him to hold his head. It felt as if numerous memories were being implanted into his brain.



After a few seconds had passed, the pain subsided and there was no more throbbing at the back of his head.





Cole seemed as if he couldn't hear a single word the other two were saying. He was currently gazing into empty space. He had a soulless look in his eyes as if there was no meaning in life.

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'So I, the greatest Weapon Master in history, died due to a slip on the rug. And the world I have transmigrated into is a jumbled mess of a sci-fi, xianxia, supernatural, and western fantasy novel all mixed together.'

'And the person I reincarnated into who just so happens to have the exact same appearance and name as me. Has a 3-year-old daughter named Eva and while hunting in the <Fantasia Zone>...'

'...Died, due to slipping on a banana peel and falling off a cliff... This is probably why Felicia was laughing at me.'

"Haha... Hahaha... HAHAHAHAHAAH--"

And then he passed out.




"So, Cole, you know remember everything?"


"You also remember your daughter?"


"You also remember how you slipped on a banana peel and nearly got yourself killed right?"


Currently, our famous (not anymore) Weapon Master, Cole, was currently being questioned by our resident maid, Felicia.

"Okay, so you also remember the five zones that exist here on Gaia?"


Luckily, he had inherited this body's memories. 'Knowledge and Information is also a weapon!' If Cole had recalled correctly, the planet they were on was known as Gaia. According to his estimates, it should at least be 7 times bigger than Earth.

After 4 dimensions collided against each other 20 years ago, a total of 5 zones were created with 4 representing their original dimension. The event itself was known as the <Collapse> Each zone retained a 'special element' that could only be used in that zone.

The <Fantasia Zone> which was basically any Western Fantasy styled RPG game in the west of where they were and its special element was known as <Magic>.

The <Super Zone> where every single modern citizen had the special element called <ESP> and was plagued by high crime rates in the east.

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The <Huaxia Zone> which is every single Xianxia novel you have ever read in the south and the special element there was <Cultivation>.

The <Avant Zone> a zone where the technology was extremely advanced and was extremely similar to his past life's world located in the north and its special element was <Space Travel> and its advanced technology.

And finally, the <Neutral Zone> a zone which came to be to balance the four zones located in the middle of it all and was a zone where people from the other zones could co-exist and use their special elements freely.

Also, a person from Zone A isn't able to cross into Zone B, if they try to do so, they will either be blocked or be Erased. But if they cross into the Neutral Zone, they would be completely fine.

Cole thought that this world was really interesting due to those factors. He also noted on how recent this <Collapse> had happened.

"That in itself is good and all, but you said you forgot what a <Mechanica> is."


Cole said disappointedly. Another thing he came to know after inheriting the past owner's memories was that he, Eva and Felicia belonged to a race called <Mechanica> Unfortunately, it could be due to the cliff fall, but he couldn't remember anything in regards to that.

"<Mechanica> is a race that originally existed here on Gaia before the Collapse occurred. We are a race that is somewhat similar to the cyborgs and androids existing in the <Avant Zone> but have the ability to, although somewhat difficult, to reproduce naturally."

"We are also the common residents of the <Neutral Zone> Because of that, we are a race that can cross over to any of the other 4 zones and learn their special element. "

"Doesn't that make us a little overpowered?" Cole thought that this little perk really offset the balance of the world.

"Well, yes and no," Felicia said with a difficult expression on her face.

"You see, although we Mechanica have the ability to cross over, we still have that <Aptitude> that limits everyone's ability to learn their special elements like anybody else."


"Oh yeah, try reciting out <Stats>"


Cole did as Felicia instructed and a string of blue words was projected in his eyes.

--------- Cole Steward ---------

Race: Mechanica (Combat-type)

Sex: Male (Heterosexual)

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Age: Indefinite (Time Active: 23 years)

23 (Appearance-wise)

----------- Aptitude -----------

<Weapons>: SSS

► Is able to make anything and everything a weapon. Can fully master any weapon.

<Appearance>: SSS

► You have an extremely handsome appearance that can people of both genders fall head over heels over you. As for how people can have an aptitude for appearances... just roll with it.

<Crafting>: SSS

► Is very skilled in crafting in general. This involves Blacksmithing, Potion Making, Weaving and etc., Due to <Weapons> you can only make items that can be used as weapons.

<Cooking>: FFF

► Your cooking sucks. Every single dish you try to make will end up in failure and will instead be served as a deadly poison that can even kill a person with <Poison Resistance>: SSS

<Good Luck, Bad Luck>: ???

► Has an aptitude into getting extremely luck situations or extremely unlucky situations. Can also be called the skill of a protagonist


The more Cole stared at the string of words only visible to him, the more he felt irritated. And no, it wasn't because of <Appearance>, it wasn't because of the troublesome <Good Luck, Bad Luck> either.

It was because of <Cooking>

After staring at it a bit more, Cole dismissed the words in his eyes and stood up from the creaky bed he was sitting on.

He grabbed a black coat that was hanged on a coat rack near the exit and grabbed a knife from the kitchen.

Felicia was wondering what Cole was about to do with the knife when Cole dashed out the door and headed west, where the <Fantasia Zone> was located while tears were streaming down his cheeks.

"Eh? Cole!"

Felicia hurriedly ran after him, not knowing of a party of 4 fighting against a black dragon in a forest the direction they were headed to.

Little did Cole know, he would meet one of his best friends there.

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