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Cole had no idea where exactly he was running to. All he knew was that he was pissed off at life for being so unfair. Well, either unfair or being equal.

All his life, what he wanted to be was a chef. He wanted to be the kind of chef that could make dishes that brought smiles to peoples faces.

He had that dream ever since he was 4.

When he tried to practice at the age of 5, he instead made the frying pan into a weapon. When he tried to make his house into one made out of sweets like the one in Hansel and Gretel, it turned into some kind of fortress.

When he searched the galaxies for every master chefs to teach him, he ended learning and mastering martial arts and weapons instead!

When he wanted to try and make a super oven that could do all the types of cooking at once, he built a f*cking tank.

When he tried to build ice cream trucks for space, he instead built a spaceship. Even his underground bunker was originally meant to be a kitchen. When he tried to build magic lasers that could make food out of light, he built photon lasers.

When he planned on asking super smart people renowned around the galaxy, he instead beat them in a chess match.

He even won a war that he had no idea started when he was trying to set up mobile cafes and restaurants in space. As for the workers, they just immediately signed on for some reason.

When he was brought to an awarding ceremony, he didn't want it anymore. Unexpectedly, he died. Cole could only laugh at how he died. He would rather die by being in an oven.

And then he ended up reincarnating, he could accept the situation because while searching online for cookbooks, he would often read web novels.

Note: He would often stop reading the novels that involve cooking.

But when Cole finally found out that it was because his aptitude with cooking was a whopping <FFF> was the reason he couldn't cook, he couldn't take it anymore and decided to hack some random thing or person.

If it was a person, he'll patch them up later.




The land was ravaged. There were purple demonic flames slowly melting the ground and eating away at the forest's trees. The occasional lightning strikes burning the ground.

There was even more chaos going on with streaks of lightning and flashes of light blinding the surroundings. Arrows swooshed past, S-Grade <Magic> was cast, <Skills> were activated.

The cause of all this?

A battle between a <Dragon> and a party of 5 known as <Heroes>

The hero party was composed of 1 male and 4 females. Each and every single one of the females had a unique kind of otherworldly beauty that would cause any man's heart to stop upon seeing them.

One of them was dressed in white priest robes and was holding a golden staff that screamed divinity around it. She had golden hair like the sun and eyes as blue as the ocean.

She was the gentle and innocent type of beauty that everyone (except the Ms in the room) would love.

Another had her dark blue hair tied up in a ponytail and was covering her right eye. She was wearing some typical ninja clothes and had a conspicuous red scarf covering her mouth and contrasted greatly against her dark blue ninja clothes.

The emo-type, I guess?

Thirdly, there was a woman with big breasts and long, pointed ears. She had short green hair and green eyes. She was wearing pieces of armor that barely gave any protection whatsoever.

She was an <Elf>, one of the unique races existing only in the <Fantasia Zone> and despite her jiggling breasts, it seemed not to hinder her at all seeing that she was agilely dodging the purple bolts of lightning that came her way.

And the last one was a cute girl with milky-brown hair and a pair of cat ears and a cat tail dressed in knight's armor. The viewers would be too confused as to exactly on how the Elf woman was able to move so quickly without being bothered by her assets to focus on the last one.

Poor her.

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As for the guy with them, he had ordinary brown hair and dark-brown eyes. His looks were so average and plain-looking that you would have no idea how he got the four beauties to follow him.

But they all had one thing in common. They were all covered in cuts and bruises.

As for the <Dragon> that they were facing against?

It had black scales that were as strong as <Orichalcum> which was the strongest metal in the <Fantasia Zone>, claws that could destroy mountain ranges in one swipe.

Jaws that could eat mansions for breakfast. Teeth that were nearly unbreakable. Powerful purple <Lightning Magic>. And the <Skill> unique to the <Dragon> race.

<Dragon Breath>

A skill that could boil the ocean depending on the user.

Oh, yeah, and the dragon didn't have a single scratch on him. Go, Dragon!

"Krr... We can't get through his scales at all! What are we supposed to do, Yuuechi?!"

Yuu, the plain-looking guy and main <Hero> of the party, responded to the cat-girl Coco.

"It's okay, Coco! Emilia (priest girl), Tsubaki (ninja), Sara (Elf) get ready! I'm gonna use my trump card!"

"What?! No! Yuu, you might die!"

"I can't let Master Yuu die first!


With lines you would hear from every single Shonen anime, Emilia, Tsubaki, and Sara spoke in order with fear in their voices.

"There's no choice! I'm doing it now! HHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!"

「How long are you guys going to try to kill me?」

Meanwhile, you have a 50 meters tall Mr. Dragon. Who just woke up and accidentally let out a <Dragon Breath> as a yawn which attacked the heroes.


It seems that Yuu was unable to hear the remark as a golden aura radiates out of him the longer he screams.

「I just wanted to be a chef that was renowned across the continent.」


Mr. Dragon was still ignored by the heroes and started looking back on his life choices.

As for Cole, who just happened to pass by this scene after hacking some monsters as he ran and activated new part of his Stats menu called skills.

Was thoroughly confused by the entire incident.

'Hmm... Should I help Mr. Dragon or a group of generic heroes that actually cause more harm than good?'

Cole opened up his status and decided to explore his <Skills> section.

--------- Cole Steward ---------

Race: Mechanica (Combat-type)

Sex: Male (Heterosexual)

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Age: Indefinite (Time Active: 23 years)

23 (Appearance-wise)

----------- Aptitude -----------




--------- Skills ---------

<Weapon Mastery>: SSS [NEW!]

► Has fully mastered any weapon.

<Keen Sense>: S [NEW!]

► An inherent battle sense due to your status as a Combat-type Mechanica. Can easily detect enemies in hiding. Can spot the weak points or vital points of an enemy.

<Reader (Foresight)>: SSS

► A skill unique in the Steward line of Mechanica. Is capable of "reading the future" Is currently only able to see 3 seconds om the future. More distant readings will require more practice with the skill

*The <Reader> skill varies from person to person.



Ignoring the fact that Cole had just glossed over the fact that he can see the future. Cole thought that he could easily dispatch the party of heroes without killing them.

And yes, he decided to help out the dragon who was clearly fine instead of the underdog.

"Yosh! 1, 2, 3 and... Throw!"

And with that, Cole threw the kitchen knife in his hand. The knife smoothly tore straight through the air while spinning at the same time.

「I was planning to make some cake when I woke up to.」



Before Yuu could say the 12 other words in the ultimate attack's name. He got hit by the rubber handle of the knife and fell unconscious due to the sudden impact.





The four girls were surprised on seeing the knife hit Yuu and turned their heads to what seemed to be the source of the throw. They could easily see far away with a <Hero>'s advanced senses.

And then they saw a man with beautiful silver hair that shined like the prettiest of ornaments, deep black eyes that held profoundness and mystery in them that just pulled you in.

A body, that although covered with his black coat trimmed with silver linings that complemented his hair and eyes, only boasted masculinity while being on the slender side.

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But he had a few unique traits. From where his ears should be, there were two objects resembling headphone pieces covering them. He had dark-blue eyeliner at the sides of his eyes and there was a metal framing at the side of his face.

That didn't diminish his handsomeness meter at all though.


'His voice is nice too!'

And after all the 4 heroines had that thought, they were quickly knocked out by a throat stab. While this happened, Mr. Dragon snapped out of his depressing thoughts and looked at the small human(?) before him.

「What the? Umm... Thank you for your assistance(?), stranger. 」

"Hello, Mr. Dragon."

「Umm, I have a name. It's Valerion.」

"Oh, I'm Cole. Cole Steward. Nice to meet you."

「Nice to meet you too.」

Valerion was slightly surprised by the man named Cole's friendly attitude towards him. Nevertheless, he appreciated being able to hold a nice conversation with someone.

"Anyway, Valerion. I heard you wanted to be a chef?"

「Hmm? Yes, that's right.」

And this was the true reason why Cole had decided to help out Valerion.

Because they shared the same dream.

"I once aspired to be a chef too like you, but I gave up because my hands could only cause death and destruction to those around me."

「Is that so...」

'Why did this guy's speech suddenly turn more formal?' Valerion thought this for a moment but he was instead paying attention to the fact that there was another person who shared the same ambition.

「I have a feeling we'll be great friends.」

"Me too."




30 minutes later




「Using butter instead of oil, huh. That seems like an interesting concept.」

"It's a normal thing in the <Times Zone> and <Avant Zone>, though. They don't always do so though.

「That makes sense. I feel like visiting those places one day.」

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"Sure, I'll take you there."

This was the scene Felicia was met with when she finally found her beloved-- I mean, Cole. He was lying down peacefully on slightly burned grass while talking to a man.

The man had black hair and purple eyes and was wearing a simple black dress shirt and black pants. He possessed the same kind of beauty as Cole that could make anyone's heart race.

'Birds of the same feather flock together?'

Felicia thought this but quickly pushed it away since she needed to take Cole home. There was still Eva to worry about after all.

"Cole, we need to head back to the <Neutral Zone>. Eva will cry, you know?"

"Aah! Sorry about that!"

"Shouldn't you care more about y(our) daughter?"

"I got her a present though."

While saying that, Cole pulled out a white bunny plush toy with crosses for eyes. It was bigger than Eva so the sight of her tightly hugging it would make a cute scene.

「Hey Col, you got a kid? Bring me to see her!」

"Sure Val."

In just 30 minutes they had already gave each other nicknames. Felicia could only be happy for Cole who made a new friend. It's really hard to meet other people in the <Neutral Zone> after all.

"Anyway, may we go now?"

"Hai, hai. (1)"

「We'll get their quicker if I fly, just tell me the directions.」

And on that day, many commonfolk of the kingdom spread a rumor that they saw a black <Dragon> flying through the skies.

It was never confirmed though.

As for the leftover Hero party, they were eventually saved by one of their other companions that wasn't part of the battle.

Her name was Mia Miller.




----------- ♦♦♦ ------------


► An existence that can tip the balance of the <Fantasia Zone> when awake. People usually forget about the threat they are due to them being asleep 80% of the time.

► But when awake, most kingdoms or empires will attempt to subjugate them in fear of their kingdom being destroyed. It's funny about how they wouldn't plan on destroying it in the first place if they weren't attacked.

► Because of that, most Dragons have no idea what happened to the world. It is also said they can pass through the barriers dividing the zones.


► A Title given to people who have the ability to save the world. The people who give these titles usually ignore the fact that that same power can destroy the world too.

► Gives a rank-up to the holder of the title's <Attributes> which can change a <C> to a <S> for simply having the title. (Will be explained further in the next chapter)

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