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"3...2...1.... Start!"


A loud bang resounded throughout the stadium accompanied with the roars of the audience stands.

The contestants could be seen sprinting inside the arena. It was basically the track event in the Olympics but it was a bit different.

The Clan Tournament's events were like this.

There was Speed, Power, Endurance, Teamwork, and Fighting Ability.

The Speed event included the person who was able to finish the track the fastest while still having a good reserve of Stamina.

Medals were given to whoever finished first, second, and third but a point system existed in the Clan Tournament.

Points were put in each category of the events and whoever had the highest number of points at the end of it would win.

'It' more like a school sports festival.'

Is what Cole had thought when he had first heard the rules.

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Scoring first place granted a lot of points but if they had expended all of their stamina in doing so, they wouldn't gain any extra.

Because Stamina was one of the extra categories along with Willpower. Willpower was added since it was something that every single cultivator needed in the kind of world they lived in. Cole understood it but personally, he didn't get it.

Cole observed the runners from up above. They all weren't using their Qi yet since they needed that if they ran out of Stamina and in case of emergencies.

They all had legs that were paid a lot more attention than the rest of their bodies which probably meant that they were trained for this certain event.

There were only 6 runners on the track while there were a total of 30 clans present. For each round, there would be 6 runners since it would just cause chaos if all 30 runners would run all at once.

Obviously, there were more than just 30 clans in the entirety of the 〈Huaxia Zone〉

It was just that the Clans who were allowed to participate in the Tournament were all Clans who passed the preliminary and qualifying rounds.

Although Cole was watching the runners, the moment he noticed that all they had were their strong legs, he immediately became disinterested.

All it meant for him was that they probably wouldn't be any other events they would be participating in.
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Such Clans who had decided to form specific teams and focus on certain people for selected events were usually ones that couldn't make it to the very top of the Tournament.

It was already the third round and the past ones also had participants just like the ones he was watching then.

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Steward had sent him analyses about the contestants and he was getting tired of having to wait.

But amidst the audience stands, Cole noticed a person who got up from their seat and started walking towards the wall.

Cole zoomed in and it turned out to be Mini. He had told him to blend in with the crowd and just be part of the audience. He would normally attract a lot of attention if he were to start scaling the tournament walls but with his ability, it wasn't a problem at all.

Mini went up and scaled the wall like Spiderman. When he was right below Cole, he had a stupidly bright smile on his face which Cole had no idea what the reason behind it could be.

"Hey, Cole. I got a joke for you."

His face showed that he was proud of what he was planning to tell Cole. Cole had a bad premonition but he went along with the kid anyway.


"What do you call yourself when you have to watch over a gate?"

Cole could feel his bad premonition growing even stronger. He hesitated for a bit before he replied to Mini.


The moment he had spat out that single word, Cole had a feeling that in less than a few seconds, he would be greatly disappointed with the blue-haired boy in front of him.

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A few seconds of passed in that awkward silence. Mini's smile had not faded by a single but and Cole's eyes were growing colder bit by bit.

Cole's foot fiercely and down on his face which shot him on a one-way ticket to the ground.

The last thing Mini saw was Cole's gaze full of disappointment towards him.

But before Mini had the chance to be turned into scrap metal. He muttered out something which caused green magic circles appeared down on the ground and on the soles of his feet.

Instead of crashing down everyone's hopes and dreams, Mini slowly made his way back to the ground.

When he looked back at where Cole was arrogantly sitting (or at least he thought he was), he put on a grown and pouted his face before he started walking back to his post.

The guards nearby Cole were prepared to jump into battle the moment they sensed a bit of Qi activation but they had never seen such weird glowing circles.

The patterns were nothing like they've ever seen and were filled with characters that looked nothing like their system of writing.

They couldn't help but recall the words that a certain lady had told them.

'Ah, don't be surprised if you see something weird. We're just that otherworldly.'

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They were told that she was an outsider that had close ties with the prestigious Feng Clan. She had sent a letter to their revered Emperor and its contents were something they couldn't just ignore.

The more they looked at the silver-haired man that was just silently sitting there, the more they grew curious and afraid.

He seemed to notice their gazes so he turned to face them and just gave them a small smile before he turned his back to them once again.

'Hmm... Strange.'

Cole started to think to himself. An interesting problem had popped up into his head.

Magic circles had appeared when Mini cast magic but whenever Cole cast his magic, it would just blast straight from his hand. Cole started to think that the world was slowly becoming more and more interesting than it already was.

But he didn't have the time or leisure to think about such things now.

Cole stood up and decided he would go infiltrate the waiting rooms himself. Just as he was about to jump down, he heard a sudden beep.

He could see that he had received a new message. Cole tapped on the icon and saw that he had a message from both Gemi and Felicia.

The guards near him only saw him making weird movements in the air but that didn't matter.

〔Found him.〕

〔All targets found.〕

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