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"About time."

Cole said to himself before he sent a reply to the message. All he had to worry about now was the execution of the plan.

'Felicia should also already be in position.'

Cole looked at the outer part of the tournament walls and saw Felicia standing there. The guards stationed outside the gate were suspicious of her but they were told by the guards on the wall that it was totally fine.

The clothes she was wearing were the same ones she had wore when she went to go to the twins to investigate a certain special incense dealer.

She gave Cole a thumbs up in response. Getting the okay from her, Cole turned his focus to the people in the stands.

'It should start in 3...'



People started standing abruptly among the audience. The people sitting near them appeared to be a bit confused but they assumed that maybe it was another one of the special cheering acts a clan had prepared for their teams.

The people who had stood up then brought out a small pink crystal. It had the faint scent of a kind of incense but it wasn't strong enough to have an effect on the other people present.

The crystals then started emitting a pinkish-purple glow one by one.

From above, you could tell the lights together formed a circle around the arena. A magic circle appeared above the arena. Audience members started to stand one by one and were ready to bolt through the exits.

With the recent incident, all of them started being a little more cautious and they were a lot more sensitive to any possible kind of danger.

And then it happened.

The magic circle in the sky glowed brightly and covered the arena in its light. The sky started to darken and thunderclouds started to form and a beast emerged from the magic circle.

Golden eyes that now shone a fiery red full of hatred.

Shimmering blue scales that glistened with a dangerous light. A long serpentine body that looked like could wrap itself around the world several times over. It's golden horns that were shaped more liked antlers made the gazer want to touch them.

Whether it be due to the greed that was born due to their golden glow or its sheer enchanting nature, it didn't matter.

For anyone who dared to try and take the being's horn would be met with its fearsome jaws that could render anything into dust.

Anyone who lived on Red Moon Continent knew of legends surrounding it. The citizens of Blue County knew the monster well since statues of it were erected everywhere. It was the guardian of the county and the continent itself.

〈The Azure Dragon〉

The people wanted to whisper among themselves as to whether or not what they were seeing was real or not but there was no need to do so.

Because they could feel it.

The aura of a King.

They could feel the same oppressive aura they had felt when a dragon had appeared in the forest surrounding the city's outskirts. And back then, it was a bit far away but they still felt terrified.

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And with it staring them in the eye, they felt like they were suffocating. It was as if it were looking down on them. Foolish humans who only knew to take and consume from others. Maybe it had appeared to punish them.

They all wanted to run away. They didn't care where to. It was fine as long as it was somewhere far away from where they were right now. But they also knew it was useless. It was known everywhere in that the Azure Dragon was one of the guardian beasts of the〈Huaxia Zone〉

Even the ones who didn't even live in the continent didn't have much hope for an escape.

The citizens who couldn't afford a ticket to get in the arena locked the doors to their houses and didn't dare to try and peek through the window.

"Hoo, so that's what the Azure Dragon looks like."

Cole said with a bit of interest. It looked just like how all the legends and myths described it. It was a truly beautiful beast. Maybe if it wasn't glaring at the poor audience right now, they would've broken out into song or started worshipping it on the spot.

Unfortunately, it's beautiful scaled body might have to get scarred for a bit.

〔Arsenal, Activate〕

Felicia extended her arm to the dragon floating in the sky and recited out. A lavender-coloured visor extended from the headphones. A crosshair had appeared that was locked straight on the dragon.


An estimate of the dragon's stats appeared on her visor.
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----- Azure Dragon -----






Don't fuck with it.


'Well, I can't do that now can I?'

Felicia smiled bitterly and sent a glance with a tiny hint of resentment at the man who had ordered who to do such a thing.

But not a second later, her gaze sharpened and she uttered out a few words.

"〔Arsenal, Activate〕"

Her arm started disassembling itself and rearranged into a missile launcher. Without any kind of hesitation, she shot several consecutive missiles towards the dragon.


The Dragon roared in anger at the attack. It had just assumed that the missile was some random hunk of metal thrown its way. It would have never expected that it would have enough power to make some of its scales fall off.

Its eyes glowed with a brighter light and were now completely red. It was now completely focused on Felicia.

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'"Come at me you fucking snake!"

Felicia said with one of the smuggest smiles Cole had ever seen on her face. And come after it did.

It raced after Felicia. She ran away from it but she made sure she ran at a speed where the Dragon would still chase after her.

But her departure signalled another chain of events to start.

The audience snapped out of their shock and they focused their attention on the people that had caused the summoning of the Dragon.

It's presence still weighed on their mind and they had no idea when it might come back but their anger was nearing its bursting point.

The suspects started swinging in nervousness but it seems they had some kind of backup plan at least.

They brought out their crystals once again and instead of the earlier pinkish-purple, it started to glow a bright red.

But before they had any chance to show what they were going to do, a sound stopped them.


It was a loud thud. But it didn't seem to be made by a single entity. Everyone started to slowly look through the entrances of the arena.

There was a pile of dust rising in the distance that seemed to grow ever closer. The closer it came to the arena, the thuds they heard increased in number and volume.

They were then able to see what was behind the dust cloud.

It was a horde of beasts that all hailed from the outside forest. Not only that, there were all very strong monsters that only high-ranked cultivators could defeat.

Black-hided War Elephants.

Jade Blood Wolves.

Wind Marked Panthers.

Phantom Ravens.

Each one of them could massacre a small village if they so desired. They could kill a town if they tried. And that was with only one of them.

Yet there were multiple of them, all together, making their way to the arena.

The moment the audience realized that they all started screaming and fled in fear.

Even the people who held the crystals also tried to run away. But they didn't have the chance to. Before they could even make their way to the exit, a syringe were all shot their way. The crowd was in so much confusion that they didn't even notice them.

By the time everyone else had fled the arena, all that was left were the motionless bodies of the suspects.

"Okay, let's get to business!"

"We should get paid for this."

"We are."

"I don't think 'researching' these people were included in the job description."

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"Just deal with it. I'll go buy you a bar of chocolate when we get back."

"I'll remember that."

Mini and Gemi tied the bodies together so they would have an easier time transporting them who knows where.

Cole hopped down the wall and leisurely walked among all the terrified screams of terror. Yet, even as the people were fleeing in fear, not a single one of them died.

The monsters Val had brought were busy rampaging all the people who were involved with the instigator while the man himself was busy chatting with the injured blue dragon.

If the first scene of terrorists suddenly interrupting a zone-wide event wasn't enough to scare you, then you had the second scene of all highly ranked demonic beasts coming in to wreak havoc and lastly, there was an ominous black dragon happily smiling at a beat down Guardian of your world like it was nothing special.

Meanwhile, there was a single man left in the bleachers of the stadium. It turned out to be Father Nan and he had a strange expression on his face.


He had some popcorn with him but he didn't seem to have much motivation to eat it anymore.













"Huff... Huff..."

Among all the confusion in the crowd, there was just another man running away from all the chaos. But the thoughts racing in his mind were different than the ones around him.

'Fuck! How did this happen! Someone must have found out about my plan! But how!'

The man looked to be around the same age as Cole, if not older. He was pretty handsome but unfortunately, his face was twisted in despair at the moment.

'I can't let it end like this! I have to get my revenge!'

He had spent years carefully planning this. And the man was aware of the fact that if he were to get caught, all his time and effort would be wasted. He couldn't flee using an item or his cultivation or else he would found as suspicious and it might come back to bite him if he was somehow able to escape.

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The kingdom's hidden experts would also be able to trace his Qi signature.

It was why he blended into the crowd first but before he knew it, the man had already fled deep into the outer forest.

But he didn't even bother to rest and immediately followed a river. It just happened to the same river Cole had encountered Zhujiao. The man followed the river until he had reached a small waterfall.

The water was extremely clear and the sunlight reflecting off it made it look like there was a rainbow above the small waterfall. The greenery looked a lot lusher than the grass in other parts of the forest and the colours of the flowers were more vibrant.

But the man didn't pay any heed to the wondrous sight. He only angrily called out a title.


His loud shout would've either scared away the weak beasts in the vicinity or attracted any of the more hungry ones. But there wasn't a single movement that was made around the area. It didn't take long for after he shouted out, a light blue mist started covering the place.

The man didn't cower in fear from the strange event and his anger only rose with every second the fairy oracle didn't appear before him.

Then, a figure started to rise from the water.

Her skin was as clear as the water she rose from, her eyes were as gentle as the waves during low tide, and her movements were as elegant and soft as a river flowing and her black hair cascaded down her back like the waterfall behind her.

Her presence would daze anyone and her appearance would stun those who gazed upon her once more. She was indeed a fairy.

「The more time you spend here, the more your chances of taking revenge will lower.」


The oracle's brows furrowed a bit but she only let out a sigh. She covered her small mouth looked at the man before her in pity. He was a far cry from the righteous young boy he once was 10 years ago. It was quite a shame.

Maybe it was time that had changed him into such a vicious man which had even made him forget his original purpose.

The man was about to step in the small pond and grab the fairy in anger.

"Xia Yunzhen. The firstborn son of the Emperor and Empress. Was noticed to have had great talents from a young age and was designated, the crown prince. All of the higher officials were satisfied with such an arrangement."

Xia Yunzhen looked behind him. His face was filled with shock since by now, his past should've been forgotten news.

"Unfortunately, he was fed poison by presumably one Imperial Consorts. The highest suspect was Imperial Consort Fu Ren, but she was favoured highly by the Emperor and thus the case was no longer pursued."

"The prince, however, was able to spit out most of the poison in time but it still made him have a weak body. He would be able to recover in time. But since the prince was unable to bring himself outside due to his weak body and slowly lost favour with the Emperor. "

"And then an assassination occurred while the prince was on his way to the Nanqinq province where his summer home was located for further assistance in his recovery."

He was wearing clothes Xia Yunzhen had never seen in his life and he had thought that they looked a bit funny. But Yunzhen was in no laughing mood. He was holding the book where the information about his past was probably written.

The man then lowered the book and stared straight at Yunzhen. Yunzhen felt the urge to rip out the book from the man's hands and burn it until it was no more.

But his instinct was telling him not to do it. Yunzhen felt as if he was walking on thin ice with daggers against his back.

Especially with the man's eyes. He felt like he was going to sink into the Abyss just by looking into them.

A deathly silence ensued. Yunzhen couldn't tell when the man would strike. He just stood there, coldly staring at him. He knew that only about 3 seconds had passed, but to him, it felt like an eternity.

And just when Yunzhen couldn't bear it any longer, he struck.

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