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'Not this feeling again...'

Yuu could feel his breathing getting heavier and quicker as he felt the cold sensation of the gun barrel against his head. Whether he liked it or no, it had now become a familiar feeling to him.

He felt his shirt being drenched with his sweat and his throat going dry from the fear.

He didn't dare say a thing or move an inch because that's what had gotten him killed in his last life. If he didn't turn out to be the hero his kingdom was waiting for, then he would have long ceased to exist.

His eyes slowly started to tear up, but when the man who had taken him hostage felt it dripping onto his hands. He leaned his head closer and whispered into his ear.

"Okay, look. I won't do anything if you do what I want. Igor's the name and I just need you to answer some questions."

From the man's accent, he could tell that he was Russian or something.

Seeing as he had no other choice, Yuu slightly nodded his head to show his compliance. With that, the man loosened his grip, causing Yuu to fall to the floor.

He repeatedly gasped for air since the man's grip made him nearly choke to death. He was about to stand up but he was instantly knocked back to the ground by the force on his back.

"Now. Answer obediently."

Igor put a bit more pressure onto his foot and nuzzled his gun at the back of Yuu's head.

"Question 1: age, name, race, and purpose for coming here."

Igor's tone became serious and his eyes pierced through Yuu. Yuu felt as if he was looking directly into his brain.

"1-16... Sekizahara, Yuuichi. Japanese and... We came here looking for someone..."


Igor put his hand to his chin and thought for a bit. There was the possibility that they were looking for the same person and it would benefit both parties if they were to cooperate.

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When Igor's thought process had reached that point, he decided 'why not?', all his boss had told him was to recruit the dude. He removed his foot from Yuu's back and put his gun back into his pocket.

He extended a hand towards Yuu. Yuu stared at the hand for a while before he reluctantly grabbed it.

"Now, it's possible that we're looking for the same person. So, let's cooperate. But give me a brief description just to make sure."

Yuu gave him a mean glare before responding.

"...Silver hair, black eyes and porcelain skin."

Igor raised an eyebrow at Yuu's description. It reminded him a whole lot of his boss's daughter rather than a random dude.

"You sure you ain't talking about a girl there?"

"Well, my friends said that he was incredibly handsome."

"You sure they didn't fall for the man's sex appeal?"

"It'd be better for me if they did. Then they'd stop harassing me..."

Despite that horrible and dreadful first meeting, the two of them actually seemed like they could hit it off. It's either that or maybe the power of a light-hearted, comedy's plot armour.

"Ah, I should probably introduce you to them."

Igor agreed, and the two went up the stairs into the second floor.

"? They don't seem to be here..."

"They're probably too busy looking at the modern things inside the rooms. I'll go check this room. You go check the other one."

Yuu headed towards the room that was near the second floor's balcony while Igor approached the one near the stairs.

It was a bedroom. It was very simplistic and besides the bed and TV, nothing else in the room looked like it was used much. Everything was neatly organized and there wasn't a single spot of dirt.

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Igor was planning to leave but then noticed another door that was left slightly open. He went closer and it turned out it was a bathroom. He should have expected one since the house was pretty big. He went inside and then he noticed the sound of water running.


"Huh? The water's running...!!"

He had stepped closer to close the faucet. He thought that maybe it was possible that Yuu's companions had turned it on and then quickly moved to the next thing that had interested then. But he remembered something.

If that was true, then why wasn't the bed in shambles?


Igor turned around but the bathroom door was slammed in front of him.

He tried to pull out his gun but before he could, a hand slammed his head onto the edge of the bathtub and another one swiftly followed after. It covered Igor's mouth with a mask. He knew what would be coming next but was powerless to stop it.


Before he could even finish cursing in his mind, the mask let out a gas that knocked him out cold. The hand that was holding him let go, causing him to fall to the floor.

"Oh, he had a Grach."

Cole pulled Igor's gun from out of pocket and checked the magazine to see how many bullets it had.

'Fully loaded? Guess he hasn't used it yet.'

He popped the magazine back into the gun and put it inside his pocket. He closed the tap so it wouldn't overflow the bathroom and left the bathroom.

He locked the door from the outside and muttered out.

"5 down, 1 left."



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"Sara, Coco, Tsubaki, Emilia! I have someone to introduce to you..."

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Yuu had opened the door but was met with a sight he did not expect. He found his friends unconscious on the bed with everything around them in disorder.

"!! Everyone!"

His companions were bound together by what looked like metal strings. Yuu could see that the threads were already digging into their skin and making them bleed onto the sheets.

"Who did this yo you guys?!"

Yuu tried shaking them awake but they were knocked out cold. He was about to try and see if maybe magic would work on them.


But before he could completely cast it, he could feel something knock him out from behind.


"Well, that was quick."

Cole said to himself as he watched Yuu fall on the bed. For some reason, he felt the current situation to be kind of similar to one he had experienced in the past.

But he decided that wasn't important. He still had to clean up the mess they left and transport them...

Somewhere they wouldn't be seen.

To get someone to assist with that, he sent Felicia a message that they could come back already and went to the backside of the house.

Behind a bush, he had met an interesting pair.

It was a goblin named 'Sekuren' and an unconfirmed Demon Lord called 'Rigor Mortis.' They said that they were looking for the original owner of the body to settle some business.

Cole was expecting a fight but when he talked about how he was from the〈Avant Zone〉, they became incredibly docile for some reason.

He had them bring his new... hostages(?) into a lab he had found access to when he was browsing through the numerous books in the library. Questions, many he had but Cole could see that it was built without it ever being used.

After all that, he settled Zhujiao in and made his preparations for the next day.

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