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The next day, Cole headed straight to〈S.T.E.L.L.A〉with a brown envelope in hand. He excused himself from his work for a bit and took the elevator to Aries's office.

When Cole arrived in Aries's office, he was met with the twins happily dancing around an Aries who was slumped over her desk with the rest of the Department Heads he met before all happily checking their phones or counting money in envelopes.

Cole stood there at the door while the others still hadn't noticed him and said to himself.

"I see corruption has begun to rear its ugly head in this organization..."

Cole's face grew grim and his gaze heavy. The world had lost its colour. The twins' happy faces morphed into hideous smiles just like those of evil government officials. The sound of crisp bills being flipped through was magnified by ten times. Everyone's laughter started ringing inside Cole's ears.

'Steward, I don't need you making me hallucinate such a vision.'

〔But I just had to go with it!〕

'Revert everything back this instant or you aren't getting that body.'

In no less than a second, colour returned back to Cole's vision and everything had gone back to normal.

"Ah, Cole, what have you come here for?"

Mini was the first one to notice him. He stopped dancing and walked towards Cole.

"I have some business with Aries, but before that..."

"Ah! You must be wondering why we all look like corrupt government officials right now, right?"

"...Not the exact words I was planning to say, but yes."

"We're just celebrating the fact that we got our 13th month and end of the year bonus. Since Rory hates giving money, even when necessary, she always hates doing so and ends up becoming like this."

Mini's thumb pointed at Aries whose mouth had started to froth with foam.

"How long is it gonna take her to come back from that state?"

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"It can take as short as 10 minutes to about 2 hours."

Cole didn't want to waste time waiting for her to recover. So, he pulled out a wallet from his infinite-storage coat and counted the bills inside of it. It was actually quite packed. It had numerous valuable bills from different countries found in the〈Times Zone〉

However, the majority of it was either American Dollars or Euros. Bu Cole quickly put it back to wherever it was inside that coat of his and then brought Debit Card and put his thumb over a small square located on the bottom-right of the card.

The card itself was pure white and had a black stripe on the front and back. The only other decoration was a grid globe that had letters "UEAB" on top to serve as a logo.

Cole held his thumb for two or three seconds which caused a string of numbers to appear on the backside of the card.

Mini froze when he saw the number of digits that card had.

"It's not that bad in comparison the amount I had back in my life at the〈Avant Zone〉..."

'Okay. You can just casually flex that.'

Although Cole had said it to himself, Mini couldn't help but think so.

Cole then put back the card and then brought out two leather purses. Mini's eyes nearly left their sockets when he saw them. The coins inside them looked like they were ready to burst them open any second. Not to mention the sizes of the purses.

'They look like they're nearly the size of my head...'

Mini unconsciously clutched his head as he stared longer at the purses. But then he realized something. He gulped and asked with a tad of nervousness.

"Cole... When and where did you find the time to get all that?"

"During the night when I have trouble sleeping. It's either I go out or train so m,y skills won't get rusty."
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"...And how often has that been?"

"About every night so far."

Mini's eyes started to swirl. He had so many thoughts that crossed his mind about normal standards, health, and well being.

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'Wait, isn't that kinda bad? Should I refer him to our Health or Medical Department? Should I make Gemi have a session with him?'

Seeing Mini's dazed state, Cole thought that maybe he had to give some kind of reason or justification for his actions.

"I mean, I need something to keep me busy while I'm awake."

Cole then left the Mini who was still rooted in place, and without a single bit of hesitation, dropped both of the purses onto Aries's desk.

The sound of them falling onto her desk snapped everyone present out of any kind of condition they were stuck in.

"What is this?"

Aries wiped the drool that had already started to form and focused on the envelope that Cole was handing her.

"It's my resignation letter."

Aries dropped the envelope in her hands before she even had the chance to read the contents of it and looked up at Cole.


She couldn't understand why he would want to resign. Sure, his department dealt with a lot of stuff and the workload was huge but it had the most staff members out of all the Departments for that and even tied with Pisces and Virgo Departments for the top.

It was high work but high-pay. But to be honest, Aries also knew that it was for those exact reasons why they had to switch the position so many times. But the impression she got from Cole was that he would be fine with it.

Maybe it had something to do with how she introduced herself when they first met. That he was a transmigrated person.

'I never expected I would meet another one...'

Aries looked at Cole who was still waiting there. Presumably for her reaction.

"Fine, but Lucy told me that if you were ever gonna leave〈S.T.E.L.L.A〉, then you'd have to visit her first."

"Mira, open up a portal."

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"E-eh?! Ah, yeah..."

Mirabelle waved her hands, causing her pastel-coloured portal to open a doorway into the〈Demon Realm〉

Cole bowed as he left to show them respect and left without saying a word. It ended up leaving the office that was buzzing with activity just a bit earlier silent.

"Just after his first mission and he's already decided to quit..."

"He hasn't even worked here for half a year yet!"

Pisces was the first one to speak and was then quickly followed up by Mirabelle. However, Taurus, as in Maynard looked a bit sad at his departure.

"That's a bit of a shame..."

"Eh, why do you say so, Maynard?"

"Even to the end, he only called us by our position names."

Silence enveloped the room again. They thought that maybe he was keeping his distance that way.

"Wait, what about us?"

"Our nicknames are really 'Gemi' and 'Mini', after all."

To that statement, none of them could really say anything at all.






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"So, you probably expected this, didn't you?"

That was the first thing Cole said the moment he stepped out of the portal. Lucille merely responded from the mountains of document and books crowding her desk.

"Expected what?"

"I don't really have to say it do I? Since you're so fond of watching me."

The sound of a pen scribbling against paper stopped at Cole's words. Lucille stood up from her chair, walked towards Cole and cut straight to the chase seeing that he had no intention of having a long stay.

"I won't beat around the bush. How about instead of leaving〈S.T.E.L.L.A〉, you do a job transfer? To a new organization, I'm planning to make."

She turned around to pick up a folder on her desk. Cole prompted Lucille to continue on. Whether or not he accepted the offer was a different matter but he wanted to hear more out of pure curiosity.

"What's it called?"

Lucille turned back to face Cole. Lightning struck behind her at that exact moment. It cast a shadow over her face, but her smile was obvious even in the dark.

"〈Black Hollow〉"

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