Meeting the Parents (2)

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I don’t know if it’s because it’s the first time I’ve received a “fan gift” for so many years, and I didn’t realize it for a long time.

Xue Lan obviously didn’t expect such a result, but since he threw out this hot potato, there was no reason to take it back. He simply pretended nothing happened and turned his head to look at the giant screen in the center of the arena, instead of looking at the people around him.

But when he looked up, he found that the camera shot was cut to the audience, and it seemed to be precisely focused on Wen Yan in order to ensure the ratings of the live broadcast.

Xue Lan’s eyebrows twitched, and she quickly lowered her head feeling that something was wrong.

Fortunately, this shot is not long, and the team exhibition competition on stage is coming to an end, and the most popular newcomer voted by all the audience within this period will soon announce the results… and the most anticipated “Rookie King” award in this competition , which is the combined score of the individual match points and audience votes.

Duan Wenzheng’s solo score topped the list, and the popularity vote was undoubtedly far behind the others, and he was successfully invited to the stage for the awards ceremony.

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The guest of honor for the rookie king is naturally Wen Yan, the well-deserved king of popularity in “Dawn of Doom” and the number one striker of the doomsday.

On the stage, the blockbuster shots of Duan Wenzheng’s solo competition were played in a loop, while the audience was ignited by the atmosphere, screaming and shouting enthusiastically!

Xue Lan’s heart was pounding, as if he was standing on the stage at the moment.

This is Duan Wenzheng’s first award, and it is also the moment when Reset’s name comes into everyone’s attention!

Wen Yan walked towards Duan Wenzheng, he took the trophy and handed him to Duan Wenzheng amidst the uproar of cheers.

This scene, which was recorded as an epic scene in the e-sports world, was clearly engraved in front of his eyes at this moment, and Xue Lan was so excited that he couldn’t calm down for a long time.

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He remembered that the picture of handing over the trophy was repeatedly swiped by the fans. At this moment, both of them hadn’t returned to their seats. Xue Lan took the opportunity to open Weibo to see the latest CP fan back picture on the Internet…

But as soon as he opened Weibo, he was shocked by the red dots all over the screen.

Xue Lan shook his head, and then remembered again his words that could provoke public anger before going to bed yesterday, and reluctantly dared to read the messages and private messages, and quietly clicked on Wen Yan’s super chat.

What he never expected was that what appeared in front of him was not the pictures and videos of Duan Wenzheng and Wen Yan, nor the accusations and scolding from fans, but Wen Yan reposted his own Weibo!

“@LGW-Wind: Solo is after training, it is not a live broadcast content, and the owner of the house is me, and I am the one who did not close the permission of others to watch the game.//Forward Weibo: @Exist: Outgoing video…”

Xue Lan stared at the Weibo in front of her for a long time before she recovered.

Wen Yan’s last Weibo was the official event news that was quickly reposted a few months ago, and the next one is no different. This Weibo naturally aroused the fanaticism of fans. They all changed directions and returned to LGW-wind’s Weibo.

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At this moment, this Weibo has been criticized by fans, and the top few pages are full of gentle expressions from fans: Since the youth training has ended, there is no situation where you cannot watch the game, and it is not closed for the welfare of fans watching the game. And so on.

Xue Lan casually flipped through the replies, and saw that those who said that there was no situation where they could not watch the game listed a few youth training camp rules that prohibited live broadcasting, and the female fans who gently expressed their understanding were obviously the most vicious and craziest ones who rushed to the forefront yesterday. …

But Wen Yan, a person who ignores public opinion and never pays attention to Weibo, would reply to this matter and explain the whole story for him, which Xue Lan never expected.

After all, he is someone he can’t avoid.

Xue Lan turned over this Weibo helplessly, and was about to read the topic about Duan Wenzheng and Wen Yan in today’s semi-professional invitational tournament, but suddenly froze.

In the super chat, under the popularity ranking of Wen Yan’s deity, the next one is not the picture of the two handing over the trophy or being ambiguously held by fans in Xue Lan’s imagination, but——

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@兰燕is true: What the hell did I see! I said why Wind suddenly posted an explanation on Weibo, a miracle in the history of star chasing! ! Babycandy successfully chases stars! ! Lan Yan is real! ! ! [image][image][image]


Xue Lan couldn’t bear to look directly and clicked on these photos.

The first one was that he was called by Wen Yan to the professional player viewing area, the second one was that he stuffed the “Wind” light card into Wen Yan’s arms, and the third one was that he was sitting between Wen Yan and Duan Wenzheng—and the two The picture of people facing each other.

The first two photos—no, this third one is wrong, it is obviously a love and death of immortal love, how could he be picked out by fans as the “protagonist of the story” as the background board! ?

Fortunately, the reason why this Weibo is very popular is that there are a group of people with obviously bad eyesight standing outside the line, and there are also most of the gentle fan-only disputes and voices that want to report.

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