Meeting the Parents (3)

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Xue Lan couldn’t bear to look directly again and continued to scroll down. He thought that the bottom must be the “Resetwind” CP fan who was gradually showing signs. But who knows, the following popular microblogs are all——

@wind的风: Isn’t Babycandy so easy to chase stars and realize dreams? ? ? ? ? ?

@我想把猫miao: Oh my god, I deserve to be my god, this wave is too boyfriend-like! !

@我好善净CP: I thought Babycandy made it yesterday… Today I suddenly thought it was the script of “The Little Master of High-cold Idol”, but it was… so sweet?

@岁末天长: It turns out that light signs can also be used as tokens of love? I actually feel that I can extend a fanfiction of at least 30,000 words from this proposition composition… I am really not a fan of Wen Yan, but I decided to stand up! ! !


Xue Lan saw that his whole head had turned into a mess, and he continued to turn down without giving up. At this moment, someone suddenly snatched his mobile phone——


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“What are you looking at, let me see!”

The one who snatched his phone away was Zhou Wangqing, who had a bad face, obviously thinking that these photos were sent by Xue Lan.

“Give me back!”

Xue Lan hurriedly snatched back the phone, but Zhou Wangqing had obviously seen those photos, and was sizing up Xue Lan with an indescribable expression on his face.


Xue Lan knew that Zhou Wangqing must have misunderstood herself, so she hurriedly explained: “I didn’t ask someone to take a sneak shot, nor did I post it…”

Xue Lan also felt that his explanation was weak. After all, the original owner of the body had done similar things. He was about to explain a few more words, but at this moment, Duan Wenzheng and Wen Yan had already returned, ready to go back to the youth training camp together. .

Xue Lan thought that Zhou Wangqing would definitely tell Wen Yan that he had made some small moves in Chaohua again, but he didn’t want Zhou Wangqing to not mention this matter to Wen Yan even though his face was blue and black.

Xue Lan’s face was hot. He didn’t know if Wen Yan paid attention to his super talk. If Wen Yan knew, he would probably have to draw a clear line with him again in a serious manner.

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But what Xue Lan couldn’t figure out was, why did Wen Yan explain for herself in the morning? If he knew that because of his well-intentioned explanation, the fans had arranged the two of them together, would he be even more disgusted and even feel that he did it on purpose?

Wen Yan still looked indifferent, while Duan Wenzheng looked down at his phone while walking.

Xue Lan thought of Duan Wenzheng’s matter, hurriedly forgot what happened just now, and looked at Duan Wenzheng’s expression nervously.

Duan Wenzheng looked up at him at this moment, and happened to meet his gaze. He didn’t put the phone away either, and he seemed to not care about the content on the phone at all, and asked instead:

“Do you think I want to go back?”

Xue Lan raised his eyes in surprise, met Duan Wenzheng’s gaze, and then confirmed that he was talking to him. He hesitated and scratched the broken hair on the top of his head: “Go back, if you are worried, you should go back and have a look.”


Duan Wenzheng raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at him with a half-smile.

Xue Lan suddenly remembered that he knew the content of the information because he had read novels, but Duan Wenzheng at this moment seemed to have discovered the secret of him secretly peeping at the screen.

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Xue Lan quickly waved her hand: “It’s not what you think, I mean I didn’t peek, I really…forget it.”

He was embarrassed for a while, and finally found that this matter could not be explained, so he simply gave up.

Duan Wenzheng said quite indifferently: “The old man’s body is very strong, but it’s true that I haven’t been back for a long time, and it’s not good for my family to remember, don’t you think?”

Xue Lan nodded half-understanding when she heard the words.

“But the old man always wants to straighten me up, so he knows how to arrange those blind dates for me all day long.” Duan Wenzheng chuckled in a low voice: “It seems that if I don’t bring a girlfriend home, he will sever the father-son relationship with me.” Make these blind dates clear and clear, how dare I go home like this?”

Xue Lan blinked and didn’t speak. Seeing that Duan Wenzheng was really thinking about whether to go home, he thought again of the incident mentioned in the original article about Duan Wenzheng’s father falling down the stairs due to a power outage.

If Duan Wenzheng returns home, maybe…

“However, if I bring a girl back, I wonder if he can stop such a boring act of arranging blind dates for me?”

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take one home?

That’s right, if Duan Wenzheng brought back a girlfriend, maybe his father wouldn’t arrange blind dates again and again because he was worried about his preferences…

Xue Lan nodded subconsciously when she thought of this, but she felt that something was wrong when she nodded just now, so she quickly shook her head: “This is not good for the girl’s reputation.”

“En.” Duan Wenzheng echoed, but the smile on the corners of his lips gradually deepened: “How about——can you help me?”

Xue Lan was taken aback by a familiar voice, and he immediately avoided the other side, whispering: “This…how can I help…”

Duan Wenzheng replied very quickly, “Come home with me.”

Xue Lan was stunned.

Before he came back to his senses, the person sitting on the right said in a cold voice of disapproval: “Duan Wenzheng.”

“What’s the matter, Captain Wen?” Duan Wenzheng didn’t care when he was interrupted: “I’m not inviting Exist to my house.”

“If you don’t like it, don’t lie…”

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