Challenge (2)

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Wen Yan’s expression became even more livid, and he was silent for a moment: “Retire.”

His voice was not loud, but everyone present at this moment had their eyes on him the moment before. This was not Wen Yan’s original intention, but at this moment, his heart was full of annoyance, his eyes were fixed on Xue Lan, and he could no longer care about what others thought.

Even though Wen Yan was always serious, he never said anything serious in front of this group of students, and the outside of the waiting hall instantly became dead silent, and he unanimously set his eyes on the two standing at the end of the crowd.

Others didn’t know what happened, but Xue Lan knew why Wen Yan had such a reaction.

In the original text, Wen Yan suffered a wrist injury due to long-term high-intensity training when he was at his best. As a professional player, he faced an extremely important game during the injury period. In order not to hurt his teammates, Wen Yan chose to continue the game by concealing his illness—he won In that game, the best time for medical treatment was also delayed, and the injury worsened, until now he could no longer support regular training. This is also the reason why he concealed his injury and came to the youth training camp to find the so-called “successor”.

The surroundings fell into dead silence, and everyone looked at Xue Lan with suspicion or sympathy.

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The youth trainees who were caught between the waiting hall and Xue Lanwenyan were in a dilemma for a while, and they didn’t know which side to look at was better.

Just when both sides fell into dead silence at the same time, a lazy voice cut through the silence——

“Why, are you afraid of losing again?”

Everyone turned their gazes to the waiting room in unison, and landed on the two teams who were discussing whether to hold the challenge.

After all, everyone present knew that in the single points match, it was this guy whose ID was Reset who shot down Deng Ruiqiu, the captain of the first team, and he was the one who kicked Deng Ruiqiu out of the “Rookie King” candidate again in the semi-professional invitational tournament. …

No matter how you look at the intersection of these two people now…they are already in the same situation.

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Sure enough, as soon as Duan Wenzheng said this, Deng Ruiqiu’s complexion turned black instantly, and he was about to take a step forward, but was held back by his teammates behind him.

“Fight it!” Deng Ruiqiu clenched his molars, and replied word by word after rejecting his teammates who opposed him: “This is a challenge you initiated out of self-control. If you lose, don’t blame others for bullying the weak.”

Deng Ruiqiu’s words made the silent crowd whisper again. This contest between the first and last scoring team in the youth training camp is unique. The most important thing is that even Deng Ruiqiu’s words did not make the other players present People feel the so-called “bullying the weak”, but they secretly take this extremely exciting game in their hearts.

Xue Lan, who was behind the crowd, subconsciously glanced at Duan Wenzheng in the crowd following the conversation between the two, while Duan Wenzheng was leaning lazily against the glass wall, and his eyes seemed to fall on Xue Lan casually amidst the noisy discussions.

Xue Lan’s eyes regained their tranquility at this moment, and he calmly turned his gaze back to Wen Yan’s eyes.

“For me every game is equally important, the result of the game is important, but more important…”

Xue Lan didn’t finish his sentence, he slightly bent his eyes: “Wind, if it were you, you would make the same choice, right?”

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Wen Yan was stunned.

The young man who was nervous and cramped just a second ago now has a calm expression. His eyes full of enthusiasm and hope make him seem to see the time and space far apart at this moment. Unexpectedly, it was exactly the same as the self who had never looked back.

Qi Siyu and Meng Weiran got excited when they got the answer of the first team challenge. While they were cheering, they saw Xue Lan’s position behind the crowd, and hurriedly ran to his side.

“It’s done!” Qi Siyu couldn’t hide the excitement in his eyes: “The first game is our game! Let’s go, it’s about to start!”

Duan Wenzheng walked up to Xue Lan, raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder: “Let’s go.”

Hearing this, Xue Lan turned his eyes to Wen Yan again, and he slightly bent the corners of his eyes, smiling gently but with determination.

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Without saying a word, he walked over Wen Yan to the training room with a few teammates.

It wasn’t until they walked out of the waiting room that Wen Yan came back to his senses. He turned around and looked at the backs of the few people leaving, but he didn’t make a sound to stop them.

“It’s not a big deal.” Zhou Wangqing patted Wen Yan’s shoulder like Duan Wenzheng, and comforted him in a low voice: “He will understand in the future that you are doing it for his own good. Now that he has just achieved some results, of course he doesn’t want to just give up like this. , after all, isn’t youth the one who doesn’t know without fear…”

Wen Yan stared at the back of Xue Lan leaving surrounded by several people, and said in a soft voice: “It’s not that those who don’t know have no fear.”

Zhou Wangqing didn’t hear clearly, he frowned and leaned forward: “What?”

Wen Yan didn’t answer, and followed a few people to the training room, which was the main battlefield of the team points competition, leaving Zhou Wangqing, who was confused, standing there in a daze, rubbing the broken hair on the top of his head into a mess in confusion. Tuan Bird’s Nest hurriedly trotted to follow.

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