Challenge (3)

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The points challenge adopts a best-of-three rounds system.

Because she had to be prepared for the possibility of playing three rounds in a row, Xue Lan was extra careful when checking her wrist.

Even with Xue Lan’s guarantee, Qi Siyu still looked worriedly at Xue Lan who had adjusted the game presets and was checking his wrist with his head down.

“Are you really okay?”

“It’s okay.” Xue Lan raised her head and replied with a smile.

Qi Siyu seemed a little worried, and was about to say something more, but Duan Wenzheng had already put on the headset and interrupted the conversation between the two: “Wait, you will fight 4v4 around the medical soldiers.”

“You mean…” Qi Siyu whispered hesitantly.

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Xue Lan immediately understood what Duan Wenzheng meant. He opened his eyes slightly and looked at Duan Wenzheng in disbelief.

Duan Wenzheng did not explain, and entered the lineup as the last player who adjusted the presets—the first round of the game officially began.

In order to save time, the Challenger League arranged the preliminaries of several teams at the same time, but when the eight provisional teams were divided into four groups and took their seats at the same time, the remaining teams that did not play were all surrounded by the two teams of Xue Lan and Deng Ruiqiu. behind.

After the start of the game, Xue Lan and the others played more steadily, and the four mainly played conservatively by protecting Qi Siyu, the only medical soldier in the team.

Deng Ruiqiu had suffered from Xue Lan and Duan Wenzheng before, and this time he also played extremely conservatively, so in the first ten minutes of the first game, the two sides did not have any head-to-head exchanges of fire, at most, they just avoided each other to preserve their strength.

The two teams are not in a hurry, and the young trainees standing behind them will inevitably lose interest in watching the two groups delaying time like this.

Deng Ruiqiu has never been such a wretched | developed character, as time goes by, his patience seems to be exhausted bit by bit, and he can’t find a breakthrough in the boredom that has been suppressed for a long time.

His frown became tighter and tighter.

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At this moment, he suddenly discovered that Reset, who had been hiding behind the enemy, went around the border of the map to clean up the mobs that had just been spawned.

Deng Ruiqiu was shocked, and the irritability and fatigue just now were swept away in an instant.

Duan Wenzheng actually placed an order at this time.

He opened the map and glanced at the location where he had just inadvertently noticed Reset clearing monsters.

The position Duan Wenzheng chose was extremely close to the four teammates, and it was a stuck point where he could quickly take advantage of the terrain and return to his teammates once he was discovered.

If he was in a position where it was difficult to get effective support, Deng Ruiqiu, who had suffered more than one loss from him, would definitely notice something unusual, but such a tricky position made Deng Ruiqiu’s heart tremble suddenly.

If he rushes over now, not to mention that Duan Wenzheng may withdraw from the protective circle at any time, he can also ask his teammates to provide immediate support.

Deng Ruiqiu had very little hope of seizing this opportunity to take him away, but it was such a slim probability that Deng Ruiqiu was shocked.

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After hesitating for almost a second, Deng Ruiqiu quickly directed: “Frank, follow me, the three of you go and hold back the four people on the opposite side, don’t fight recklessly.”

The team members were startled when they heard the words: “But…”

Deng Ruiqiu immediately interrupted him without any doubt: “Let’s go.”

They had always followed Deng Ruiqiu’s command, and it was still a critical moment in the competition. Even though they felt that his idea was too risky, they still acted according to his command after hesitation.

Deng Ruiqiu is not a brainless person, if it were someone else, he might solve it alone. But at this moment, he was facing Duan Wenzheng, who had made him suffer several times. To be on the safe side, he still brought along Frank, another assaulter in the team.

Deng Ruiqiu and Frank surrounded from two sides, and the spectators behind the two teams couldn’t help but held their breath and sweated, but Reset still cleaned up the zombies at the refresh point without any sense.

“Both teams have medical soldiers, Deng Ruiqiu and the others think it’s not difficult to delay three times…”

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“As long as the two raiders take out Reset, the situation will become 4v5 again.”

The murmurs among the spectators were obviously not optimistic about Reset, who was still unaware of the current enemy and calmed down.


With medical soldiers on both sides, even 4v3 is extremely difficult to produce kills in a short time, but it is easy for two assaulters to deal with a sniper whose position has been exposed.

Everyone naturally watched the game with an attitude of watching and learning, but this time, everyone turned their worried eyes to Xue Lan, who was sitting at the innermost side of the five, and showed a cautious but… worried look at the same time.

There is only one chance for the points challenge in the preliminary round of the team competition. Xue Lan had already lost one chance in the last single points competition, and now that he loses again… it is very likely that he will miss the professional competition.

Xue Lan naturally didn’t see their worried eyes. The enemy snipers who launched the dragging battle directly cleared half of the blood of Meng Weiran and Qi Siyu based on the terrain advantage, and began to intercept them continuously in a guerrilla manner.

On the other hand, Duan Wenzheng, who was at the zombie spawn point, heard the news and did not return to support immediately. He seemed to want to clean up the wave of monsters that had attracted him, but he only accelerated the speed of clearing monsters but did not go to support immediately.

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