Secret of the Ruins 

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“What’s going on?” 

Entering the depths of the ruins, Anjie and the others stared at a hole that wasn’t there before. 

They tried holding up a lantern, but couldn’t see inside. 

It seemed like the floor had collapsed. 

“Could it be──that they dropped down from here?” 

Hearing the sounds of gunfire from within the hole, Anjie was uneasy. 

Jilk immediately began preparing to descend. 

“I’ll set up a rope soon.” 

Greg shouldered his spear and was about to descend, saying “I’ll go down  there alone. It’s likely that Marie and Baltfault are in there. We need to hurry up and help them.” 

Livia expressed her intentions. 

“I, I’m going too!” 

“You stay here.” 

“I’m going too!” 

When Anjie was about to descend as well, the village chief came running 

  while yelling. “What are you doing?!” Anjie maintained her firm attitude towards the angered village chief. “There’s a hole in the floor. There might be two people inside. We’re  going down there too.” “E, err──I understand. I’ll go down there soon, so all of you, please wait  outside.” Worried about Marie, Greg rejected the village chief’s suggestion. “There’s fighting going on down there! What will you do if something  happens to Marie?!” “In that case, you should return to the village at once and tell an  experienced person.” The village chief carried a rifle in his hand and descended down the hole. Anjie felt uneasy seeing his figure. (That village chief isn’t fazed at all?) They didn’t even know what awaited them down there. The village chief marched towards the area where gunshots could be  heard. 


We were down in the underground layers of the ruins. 

While Luxon illuminated our surroundings, Marie and I walked along a 


“The underground structures─I remember it now. The underground of these ruins was an explorable location.” 

Portions were broken, causing dirt and rock to come in and block passages, turning the place into a maze. 

I turned my head around and stared at Marie. 

“You used healing magic, right? You’re walking slowly.” 

I complained towards the limping Marie, having to adjust my walking pace to match hers. 

While irritated, Marie didn’t seem to take notice of that. 

“It hurts for a bit even after healing! Walk slower.” 

“Livia could erase the pain as well. That’s what makes you a fake.” 

“What was that?! You look stupid being so engrossed in her just because she’s a little cute. Nobody’s going to be with a mob like you.” 

“Unfortunately for you, I’ve ended up becoming quite popular with the girls despite how things may look. I’ve received a mountain of invitations.” 

The letters weren’t that pleasing, but Marie seemed genuinely frustrated in response to my bluff. 

I once again brought up a certain subject. 

“──Why did you think about making a reverse harem?” 

“You got a complaint? It would only be human for someone to seek a happiness that they could reach.” 


Happiness? That’s the reason why this girl took everything from Livia? 

“You’re saying that it feels great to kick others down for the sake of your  own happiness? Apologize to Livia.” 

Marie cast her eyes downward while grumbling within the dark passage. 

“What do you know? I wasn’t blessed with fortune in my previous life. 

What’s bad about living my second life as I please? This is about me! I just want to be happy.” 

Her methods were so heartless that I couldn’t even laugh. 

She had five idiots latch onto her, and to make matters worse, made an irreversible mistake. 

“You’re being a nuisance to Livia and sabotaging Anjie. You’re the worst.” 

Thereupon, the glowing Luxon spoke. 

[The same could be said about you too, Master. In a sense, you looked for me and snatched me away from Olivia, Master. Furthermore, you also said something along the lines of ‘It feels great beating up those five in front of the public!’] 

Hearing that, Marie criticized me this time. 

“You’re the worst. You have no right to criticize people.” 

“I don’t want to hear that from you! You’re the one causing me trouble in the first place! What do you even plan on doing during the final battle? If you mess up, the kingdom will lose.” 

In that otome game, Hertrude was supposed to use an item called the 


“magic flute” to summon the final boss. 

Currently, Hertrude and the magic flute are being managed by the kingdom, so having that final boss appear is unlikely, but──I’m worried. 

“I can figure something out using my power as a saint.” 

“Huh? The saint’s strength alone? What are you going to do about Livia’s power?” 

“What are you talking about? That girl’s power is the saint’s power, right?” 

“No, l mean──” 

Luxon interrupted our conversation. 

[Master, one of my suspicions has been answered.] 

When Luxon said that, it suddenly became bright, forcing me to squint. 

It appeared that our surroundings were being illuminated with lighting equipment. Looking around, it seemed that we were in a large room. 

“C’mon, give me a break.” 


──I was disgruntled while Marie was shocked. 

Within the large room stood cylindrical capsules filled with fluid, and inside them were figures resembling humans. 

There were elves waiting there, pointing rifles and handguns at us. 

I stood forward to cover Marie while readying my own rifle. 


There are a mountain of things I need to hear from this girl, so it wouldn’t do good to have her die here. 

One of the elves pointing a gun at us, their representative, made an eerie smile. 

“You’ve arrived at the land of humanity’s beginning. Quite welcoming to have a human male, human female, and while I’m at it, strange round thing be here, isn’t it? Perfect laboratory specimens.” 

Laboratory specimens? Upon looking at the elves, there were some wearing white robes as well. 

That behavior and manner of speaking were akin to those of a mad scientist’s. 

“Are you the ones who made those freaks?” 

If they were monsters, they would have disappeared when killed, but the creatures underground here don’t do the same. 

In other words, what I’ve been killing up until now weren’t monsters. 

The representative-like male elf answered while pointing his gun at me. 

“You’re certainly quick on the uptake. I didn’t think you people would be able to make that guess.” 

The male gently touched a capsule with his hand. 

Inside it was a large flower──and in the center of the flower was a human face. 

Uncanny. It’s more frightening than a monster. 


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“You’ve set foot into these ruins, a god’s domain where life is created. You humans probably don’t comprehend it, but long ago there was a civilization more advanced than what you see today. It was a period ruled not by savage humans, but by us elves. These ruins are proof of it.” 

The ruins, where life was being created, resided within the island they lived on. And from that basis, they’re saying that elves created humans here. 

The male chucked in laughter when I didn’t respond. 

“You don’t get it? That’s all you humans amount to. Our ancestors have created many lifeforms here. Among them are you humans, an inferior race.” 

In response to the elf’s declaration… 

“Impossible! That kind of setting didn’t exist.” 

──Marie was astonished. Or rather, she didn’t believe him. 

Leaving that aside, the thought of elves creating freaks here long ago gives me the shivers. 

When I turned towards Luxon, it shook its one eye in denial. 

It seems that this is beyond Luxon as well. 

The elf didn’t stop blabbering on. 

“We will take back the world which has been stolen by humans. Then, the elves will bring along all races, guide them, and the world will regain its rightful figure. For that, you all will become our precious sacrifice. What kind of experiments should we run first? Oh right──” 

Luxon interrupted the elf, who was so intoxicated over himself. 

[That is incorrect. This facility was run by humans, and the ones they 

  created──were you elves.] 

I tilted my head in confusion when Luxon suddenly asserted that. Up until just a bit ago, this thing had a lot of questions about the elves, so  what’s with this change in attitude? Marie grabbed my clothes and tugged several times, looking up at Luxon. “Hey, what kind of familiar is that?” “This is Luxon, a cheat item. You should know what this thing is, right?” “I don’t know about it. Or rather, cheat items are unfair. Let me use it.” “You’ve got the greatest of personalities, you know that?” The elves’ expressions distorted. “What do you know? Humans creating us? Even for a joke, I can’t laugh  at that.” [I accessed the AI lying dormant within this room. As a result of sharing information, I’ve found that this island was one involved with taboo──an experimental site.] In response to what Luxon stated, a large electronic noise resounded  within room. It was a voice different from Luxon, a voice more akin to a woman’s. [That is correct. The elves on this island are those have become feral after  being created here.] “There are AIs other than Luxon?” 


Though I looked around, I couldn’t find the figure of this AI. 

[Indeed. I have been on sleep mode for a long time. All things considered, it is fortunate meeting someone like you who carries the genes of the former humans. It is proof that our fight was not meaningless.] 

The elf glanced around him, panicked over the electronic voice. 

“W, who’s there?! Who would say such lies! Us elves are beings who surpass humans. We have longer lifespans and are more capable of using  magic!” 

The AI plainly spoke the truth. 

[The longevity is just for the sake of being able to fight for longer. It would be troublesome to have them die soon. Proficiency at magic is again a design choice. However, it seems there has been a drop in quality compared to the elves of our initial stages.] 

While the elves were in confusion, the male in front of us was in anger, his face turning a deep red. 

He trembled while darting his eyes around, perhaps wondering where to aim his gun. 

“Don’t joke with me! There is no truth to that. We are──” 

Feeling a presence from behind, I turned around to find the village chief there. 

However, he seemed strange. 

“What in the world are you doing?!” 

The shrieking village chief──pointed a gun at us. 


“Oh, Village Chief──huh?” 

The village chief pointed his rifle at Marie, who thought that he came here to save us. 

Luxon seemed to comprehend something. 

[I see. So the village chief was also involved in these ruins.] 

The village chief ordered the panicking elves. 

“Dispose of these people here. Make it look like they were finished by artificial lifeforms.” 

The elves began to regain themselves in response to village chief’s words. 

Upon the touch of a control panel, the fluid inside the capsules were drained, sending out the artificial lifeforms. 

[Should I praise them for being able to operate the equipment?] 

I readied my rifle while beside the calm Luxon. 

“So you’re going to kill us as a destruction of evidence? It seems that elves are as black-hearted as they come.” 

The village chief looked at me and smiled. 

[A human shouldn’t get cocky. Inferior beings like you should just bow to us!” 

The AI complained. 

[What foolishness──this has been judged as a state of emergency. It will thus be dealt with.] 


Immediately following, weapons appeared out of the walls, aimed at the lunging artificial lifeforms, and shot them to death. 

The elves were frightened by the sudden event──and not passing up the chance, I shot the village chief in the shoulder with my rifle. 


The village chief dropped his rifle, so I closed the distance and bashed him in the face with the gunstock. 

The elves turned towards me and yelled. 

“O, open fire!” 

As bullets and magic were being fired at us, Marie was at her wits’ end. 

“I can’t take this anymooore!” 

While thinking about how annoying she was, I gave Luxon an order. 

“Do it.” 

[You won’t be able to hurt Master with just this much.] 

All the bullets and magic were repelled by a wall of light that appeared around us. 

While pointing my rifle at the village chief, I looked over at the elves. 

Realizing that their guns and magic had no effect, the elves stopped their attack and stood still. 

“Still want to have a go? Do such high-class, wise elves take a fancy to the aesthetics of destruction?” 


Knowing that they couldn’t win, the elves tossed their guns and put their hands up. “Restrain everyone. You, lend a hand as well.” “Hey! Despite how it seems, I’m still a saint. I’m your higher-up!” “How about I just blow your brains out? Destruction of evidence, right?” I didn’t intend to actually go through with it, but upon threatening Marie, she forced a smile. “Now, no need to get so angry. I, I’ll do what you say, so don’t shoot.” ──She could have just said that from the beginning. 


We were just about finished with restraining the elves. 

The AI spoke to Luxon and me. 

[It has come to my understanding that we had lost in the end. That being the case, this facility will need to self-destruct.] 

“You guys sure like to self-destruct. Isn’t that the same response Luxon made?” 

Thereupon, the AI began to talk about the role of the historic ruins and this research institution. 

[This research facility was originally created for the sake of opposing the new breed of humans. However, now that this duty can no longer be accomplished, leaving the area untouched is a risk.] 

There are probably some people who would misuse the equipment, just  like the elves who produced artificial lifeforms. 

Indeed, leaving this behind is certainly an unsafe move. 

“Are you okay with that? You just woke up, right?” 

The AI, which had managed this place for a long time, would have to self- destruct right after waking up from a long sleep. 

How sad. 

[There’s no problem. I will transfer all of my data to Luxon. If there is any  object you need, carry it out of the vicinity. Furthermore──take this. It will be a necessary item for you, the one with the ship.] 

Some weird object with countless cubes attached to it appeared from the floor. 


It floated and looked shiny. 

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[Accept it. With this, I can accomplish more work than ever.] “What is this?” [A very valuable object.] Marie leapt up when hearing that. “Treasure!” [Correct. It is a valuable object for us, but those of this world won’t know  how to use it, so they would only see it as a shiny ornament.] 

“──This really is the worst. If there’s no treasure, maybe this really is different from the game? I thought that this would be fantasy, but I never  heard about it being sci-fi.” 

The ones who made elves were humans. 

Elves were created to oppose the new humans. When pondering about the  other sub-races being created for the same purpose as well──this is indeed a strange world. 

It seems that this isn’t a simple fantasy world of swords and magic. 

Whatever happened to that otome game’s “lackluster” setting? 

“Is there no other treasure?” 

Marie, evidently depressed, attempted to check with the AI. 

[Expecting treasure inside a research institution won’t do much good.] 

Marie wiped her tears with a sleeve and grumbled. 


“──We’re going back.” 

How pitiful, going through such trouble only to end up with nothing. [However──if you bring this with you, it might help. It could be valuable  in this world.] 

[What, so you do have something! Hand it over!” 

Seeing Marie’s sudden liveliness made me think about how similar she  was to my sister in my previous life. 

I had suspicions that she might be my sister, but──I didn’t want to think about having to be involved with her again in my second life. 


We were away from the ruins. 

Within our current location── 


──We were struggling to calm down a furious Luxon. 

“Calm down already.” 

[I am calm. I will calmly destroy this object, pulverize it, turn it into  ashes, and decimate it until not even a speck of dust is left──gaaah!] 

──Luxon broke down. 

Marie lied down on the ground with a vacant expression of hopelessness. 

“──Receiving this kind of thing doesn’t make me happy.” 


Jilk and Greg, who were comforting her, had looks of genuine relief. “It’s good that you’re safe.” “Right, Marie. We can just look for treasure again.” In front of us was the object the AI handed over during our final moments  in the ruins. 

It seemed like a part for some kind of power suit armor, but I don’t know what part it is. 

The crazed Luxon couldn’t help but kick up a fuss in front of the sharp part. 

Furthermore, Marie grieved over how this junk part wouldn’t make any  money. 

Livia was in front of Luxon, bewildered. 

“Calm down, Luc! Look, take a deep breath, a deep breath!” 

[I don’t need to breathe.] 

“Err, um, right. S, sorry I guess.” 

It was cute seeing Livia confused over the calm answer she got. 

Anjie confirmed the situation while beside me. 

“Leon, why aren’t you removing the village chief’s restraints despite him being injured? Also, where were these elves in the ruins? Could it be that you captured them?” 


She looked at the restricted elves with suspicion. 


I’m quite troubled on what to do with these elves. 

Since I shouldn’t talk about the matter of the ruins so hastily, I was  puzzled over what to say about them. 

“Oh, these guys are uh──umm.” 

Sensing the ground shaking, I supported the surprised Anjie while looking  towards the ruins. 

It seems that it self-destructed without a hitch. 

I can’t say that it’s safe, but with this, those ruins will no longer create  artificial lifeforms again. This is good. While thinking about it as such, a giant airship appeared in  the sky. 

──It was Luxon’s main unit. 

It blended into its surroundings like a form of optical camouflage, but I  could see the unnatural phenomenon up there with my eyes. 

I could faintly make out the appearance of Luxon’s body in the sky. 


When I glared at Luxon, it spoke indifferently. 

[Here’s retaliation for deceiving me. To think you’d force this object onto  me!] 

The enraged Luxon used its main unit to slam a pillar of light into the ruins. 


The village chief trembled in fear upon seeing the light. 

“Don’t tell me that this is what the collective chief was talking about. The demon lord. The demon lord is angry at us!” 

Sorry, that’s the work of my accomplice. 

That’s no demon lord. 

The other elves looked as if the world was ending. 

While everyone was captivated by the pillar of light, Hertrude was the only one who stared at the armor part. 

All things considered, I feel as if I’ve seen this shape somewhere. 

I’ve seen this black, sharp part somewhere, but I don’t remember. 

“Would you mind?” 


Hertrude spoke to me. 

“Do you want to hand this over to me? If it’s money you want, I can prepare some.” 

Seeing Hertrude’s serious expression, I had suspicions that she was scheming something. 

“I refuse.” 

“If you do it, I will grant anything you want. Besides, why don’t you try emigrating to the principality? I promise that you will be granted a suitable position. You have no reason to stick with the kingdom, right?” 


“──I said no.” 

Though a bit hesitant, I rejected Hertrude’s proposal. 

Hertrude seemed to have just the slightest bit of frustration on her face. 

“It seems you’re quite fixated on the kingdom. Isn’t the kingdom just a  cruel authority for you countryside feudal lords? Or perhaps you don’t notice that you’re being tamed and oppressed?” 

I couldn’t help but agree with what Hertrude was saying. 

However, fleeing to another country is not so easy. There’s no guarantee that Hertrude will keep her promise. 

Not to mention, I would enter an enemy nation──the principality bears a grudge towards me. 

It’s likely that I would encounter a surprise attack, get detained, and be executed when I arrive there. 

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Damn it──I wish I hadn’t agitated the principality any more than necessary. 

“I’m not interested.” 

“──I see, what a shame. Truly, what a shame.” 


Upon returning to the elven village, the collective chief was waiting there. 

I also spotted many elves exiting their homes, kneeling on the ground, and begging to the sky for forgiveness. 

“Demon Lord, please forgive us.” 


“Please overlook our island.” 

“I was against it! The village chief and the others were the ones invading the ruins!” 

Kyle, seeing the situation at the village, grinned as if looking down on  them. 

He soon returned to his blank look though, so I pretended not to see it. 

It seems that he has his circumstances. 

Greg and Jilk looked around while both carrying the armor part. 

“The atmosphere seems a bit different.” 

“I thought they would resent us for the ruins collapsing, but it seems like  we’re in the clear.” 

When we arrived, the collective chief approached us. 

She looked at the elves we seized and muttered something. 

The female elf next to her spoke on her behalf. 

“We would like to talk about the treatment of these people. If possible, the  collective chief would like representatives to come to her residence.” 

I decided to have a talk with the elves so that I could explain things. 

The collective chief looked at Marie. 

“Is it better to invite her as well?” 

“Yes. Furthermore, that black-haired woman and those two over there as 


Being summoned, Greg and Jilk lowered their luggage, allowing them to take a break. 

“You guys can talk it out. We’ll carry this thing.” 

“It’s tough work having to bring it all the way to the airship.” 

Hearing the two speak, Luxon made a voice of disgust. 

[You’re placing that filth on my Partner?] 

“Give it up already. C’mon, let’s go.” 

This thing went and labeled the old armor part as filth. 


We were in the collective chief’s residence. 

As we were sitting, the collective chief across from us said a word of thanks. 

“The collective chief gives you all her gratitude.” 

Marie acted bashful. 

“Your gratitude is appreciated, I guess. If you could prepare treasure or something valuable, I’d be delighted.” 

Anjie silently glared at Marie. 

“We didn’t do anything. On the contrary, you lost the historical ruins. You shouldn’t be thanking us.” 

The collective chief shook her head. 

“The collective chief is relieved that we were fortunate enough to have the old demon lord’s wrath only amount to this much.” 

──Again with the demon lord. 

Livia spoke to the collective chief. 

“E, excuse me! This is off-topic, but what is a mixed one? Yumeria called herself that, and Kyle seems to be acting strange about it, so what does it mean?” 

Marie openly made a displeased face towards Livia, who seemed worried about Kyle. 

“I’d prefer if you didn’t meddle in the affairs of someone’s exclusive servant.” 


“B, but, we can’t ignore this matter. Kyle’s attitude isn’t normal.” 

Yeah, he’s definitely not normal. 

When I looked at the collective chief’s spokeswoman, she cast her eyes  downward while answering. 

“You know that for elves, beauty is judged by magic, right?” 

Jilk had proudly boasted about his knowledge of that. 

As I nodded my head, she continued explaining. 

“Magical power is unique to each individual. It’s difficult to explain to  others, but it’s judged as a color. However, there are rare cases where some are born with a magical power with multiple colors mixed in.” 

It’s not something we really comprehended, but it seems that’s what elves consider ugly. 

“The magic such people use is strong and unique. However, we can’t help but feel disgusted. These people are called mixed ones within the collective.” 

Does that mean they can use different magic than normal? 

If the elves as a whole feel disgusted by mixed ones──then it can’t be helped. 

It’s probably some instinctive repulsion or something like that. 

“In addition, Kyle’s mother, Yumeria, left the collective for a period of time and used magic to act like a travelling entertainer. During that period, she made a child with a human male.” 

Anjie’s eyes widened in surprise. 


“I’ve heard rumors of this. A half-elf, right? So they do exist.” 

The female elf nodded. “The situation with half-elves is complicated. The fact that half-elves are  born is an undeniable problem for males working away from home.” Elven slaves are bought at high prices to serve as exclusive servants. One of the reasons why they’re well-received is that they can’t have  children while with humans. Women would hesitate to buy a slave otherwise, even if the chance of  such a thing happening was small. Or would they? I feel that some wouldn’t hesitate. Rather, they would buy them for that exact thrill. What a cruel world this is indeed. “S, so that’s why he said that he was a half-elf.” Ignoring Marie, who was breaking into a cold sweat for some reason, I put  the conversation to a close. “So you’re saying that the mother and child are considered burdens in the  collective. Let’s leave it at that.” “Leon, don’t just close the conversation like that!” Livia criticized me, but there’s not much we can do. “Poking our noses into the affairs of the other households isn’t going to 

  fix anything. We now know why Kyle hates this island, so it’s fine, isn’t it? Saying “stop feeling disgusted,” to the elves isn’t going to resolve the matter of Yumeria, so we have no other choice than to leave this matter alone.” 

In response to my words, the spokeswoman hung her head as if she was about to cry. 

“I suppose that’s true. This is something you wouldn’t be able to solve.” 

The collective chief spoke to the spokeswoman. 

“The collective chief will tell everyone’s fortunes. She says that this is a token of her gratitude.” 

The residence was plainer than the village chief’s, and there were few objects. It didn’t seem like its resident was living luxuriously. 

The collective chief’s gratitude, was it? I’ll accept it. 

“Now then, first is the saint.” 

“A fortune? I’m listening. Tell me something good.” 

This girl really does have a big attitude. 

Seeing her interest in the divination reminded me of my younger sister, who would check her horoscope every morning. 

“It seems you’re under a curious fate. Furthermore, you’ve passed by your fated partner.” 

“Who’s my fated partner?!” 

“That is unknown, but it appears that you’ve already come across that person. It’s said that if you break off relations with that person, you will never be together again. Furthemore──” “What?” 


“You cannot run away from the burden you carry. A hard life awaits you. It seems that you have only two paths, to either gain everything or lose  everything.” 

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Marie left her mouth agape for a short while, gradually getting angrier. 

“Redo! I need a redo!” 

“Now then, next is the black-haired one──” 

“Listen to me!” 

The silent Hertrude listened to her fortune while seeming uninterested. 

“The collective chief says that at some point, your life’s turning point will  be accompanied by great difficulty.” 

“Oh, is that so?” 

“Furthermore, you will meet your fated partner during that hardship. If  you can walk together with that person, a light will shine on your difficult path and you will find a reliable support.” 

“I, I see. Well, I’ll keep that in mind.” 

The girl seemed just a tad bit delighted. 

I suppose she was happy to hear about a fated partner. 

I’m envious that such things can delight her. 

“Next is you.” 



Anjie, who looked a little eager, seemed different from usual, which was cute. 

──I suppose fortune-telling is good every once in a while. 

The spokeswoman seemed a bit perplexed after hearing the collective chief’s words. 

“W, what is it? Tell me. I’m starting to feel uneasy.” 

The spokeswoman spoke upon Anjie urging her. 

“It seems that you and the one over there are protected by a hero, accompanied by the old demon lord. It’s unknown if you’ve already come across them or if you’ll meet them in the future.” 


Anjie tilted her head to the side while Livia seemed a little confused. 

“Such people appear in tales told to young boys. However, I haven’t come  across such a grand person yet.” 

“Same for me. I mean, who’s the demon lord?” 

“If you don’t know, then I don’t know either, Anjie.” 

The two talked to each other about it, but it seemed that they didn’t know  anyone who would be that hero. 

I’ve got a bad feeling about this. 

Again──there’s that demon lord. She’s the one who’s been talking about  the old demon lord’s wrath, right? 


Could it be that? Did the collective chief use up all of her strength already? The village chief did say that her accuracy had diminished, right? Actually, if there’s a hero, then show up already. Save this otome game world right now. While we’re at it, save me too. I’m serious, someone help me. “If the collective chief is tired, then how about we just call it a day?” The spokeswoman stopped me. “I, it’s fine. Err, we will proceed with those two together.” Perhaps this person also thinks that something’s strange. Amidst the odd atmosphere, we listened. 

“You two have fates that are intertwined in a complex way, ones that are far deviate from what they normally should be. Furthermore, you are carrying a burden that should normally belong to someone else.” 

Livia was puzzled. “U, um, I suppose I did receive help when I needed it.” “Indeed. The both of you have something to rely on.” Anjie turned towards me. “W, well, I received support many times though.” The spokeswoman was troubled. 


“It appears that it’s too complicated for even the collective chief to see into. However, it seems that she can see that you two are in the vicinity of a hero’s protection.” 

Both Anjie and Livia glanced at me. 

“Hero, you say?” 

“Could it be that the hero──” 

Noticing their glances, I denied their suspicions, naturally. 

“No, it’s not me.” 

Marie and Hertrude were both peeved and angry. 

“Obviously not. You’re just a mob.” 

“How pretentious.” 

Them bluntly saying it made me furious. 

While thinking about such things, Livia asked the collective chief a  request in a voice louder than usual. 

“Um──please look into Leon’s fortune as well!” 

Anjie did the same. 

“P, please. Wouldn’t he feel left out if you didn’t look into his fortune? 

It’s not like I’m interested or anything, but this is something that everyone should have a part in!” 

The collective chief looked at me. 

“Collective Chief, if you’re tired, then it’s fine for you to rest. Even if you 

  look at my fortune, it won’t be interesting.” 

The collective chief straightened herself in front of me. She spoke to me in a quiet voice. Though her voice was hoarse, she seemed delighted. ──Don’t push yourself, old lady. Doesn’t it make this look like I’m doing  something bad? 

“Thank you for saving the ‘Fan Collective’. You seem to be a very kind one.” 

Marie’s and Hertrude’s eyes widened in surprise towards the collective chief’s words. 

──Do they have a complaint or something? I don’t mean to boast, but I am quite the kind man. 

Leaving that aside, this is the first time I heard the name of this collective, Fan. 

“My divinations cannot see into your future. However, one day──you  will lose something important──harsh──the──」 

What she told me was the worst kind of thing to hear. 

I whispered in a hushed voice. 

“C, Collective Chief? E, err, I’d like another go at that fortune~──” 

When I earnestly requested for another divination, the collective chief  remained silent. “Huh? Collective Chief?” 


The spokeswoman supported the collective chief. 

“It seems that she’s fatigued. She has fallen asleep.” 

I stood up and grabbed the collective chief’s shoulders. 

“Wait! I beg of you, open your eyes! Please, tell me! Don’t just say  something ominous like that and then fall asleep!” 

Anjie and Livia pulled me away from the collective chief. 

“Leon, how about we end this?” 

“Treating an elderly person with disrespect is a big ‘no!'” 

I know that, but I don’t want to accept what I heard. 

I will not accept it! 

Marie and Hertrude looked at me and snickered in delight. 

“Serves you right.” 

“Indeed. How pitiful.” 

Marie and Hertrude grinned while calling me pathetic. 

I already knew from the beginning that Marie was like this, but it seems  that Hertrude indeed has a wicked nature too. 

“I don’t want this! I demand a redo!” 

Luxon, who had been silently listening, muttered something in  displeasure. 


[You seem quite dissatisfied despite saying that you didn’t believe in fortune-telling.] “You’re being noisy! Nobody would want this kind of fortune!” This isn’t a mere matter of whether my fortune sounds cool or not. For the sake of living my life in ease, I won’t accept this fortune! I mean, I’ll lose something important? Like what?! 

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