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Partner departed from the elven island. 

Inside the airship, I was talking with Luxon while watching the island growing smaller. 

[What happened to not getting involved with the matters of other households?] 

On the deck, Yumeria was staring at her native land. 

She had an indescribable expression while placing an old leather traveling bag next to her. 

Perhaps there was some sadness in that expression, or maybe a bit of happiness──it seemed quite complex. 

“I couldn’t turn a blind eye to this. What am I supposed to do, tell the elves to stop feeling their instinctive repulsion? That’s impossible. This is the best I can do given the situation.” 

[Nevertheless, there were many elves there to see off Yumeria. Interestingly, the female elves were all in approval. The male elves seemed a bit disappointed.] 

“I couldn’t even laugh when they said that they didn’t want her to go since it would decrease her worth as a slave.” 

[Slave work is an important source of income for the elves, so there’s no helping it.] 


“──How unpleasant. Also, it serves those elven jerks right.” 

[If that’s how you feel, you can show those elves what it means to have their value as a slave greatly reduced.] 

“I’ve gotten my hands on a good trump card. I’ll make sure to put it to good use.” 

The elven men of the island didn’t want to part from Yumeria, who gave birth to a half-elf. 

Since I said that I was bringing her out of the island, they naturally opposed it. 

In the end, I managed to bring her along, but I had to be a little pushy. 

The collective chief and elven women helped out as well, but all the elves complied once I invoked the demon lord. It seems that the destruction of the ruins had affected them quite a bit. 

I suppose things ended without too much trouble. 

Before I knew it, an anxious Yumeria grabbed her bag and approached us. 

“U, um, what’s going to happen to me?” 

In order to reassure her, I answered her honestly with a softened tone. 

“I’m looking for a servant to stay at my household, so I’ll let you work there.” 

“B, but, I’m──” 

Yumeria, with her low self-esteem, was discouraged about everything, or rather she was a withdrawn individual. 


She did quite well as a travelling entertainer considering her personality. 

“Humans don’t care about what elves consider beautiful. You know that, right?” 

“──In the collective, they called me a dullard or a blockhead. I’m worried about whether I can be helpful.” 

I heard that Yumeria’s treatment at the collective was terrible. 

It’s sad to think that even elves have a cruel side. 

Though, I suppose anyone would realize that after seeing how the elves are in the academy. 

“Not to worry. Besides, there are quite a few reasons for──” 

Kyle, with an obviously furious face, interrupted the conversation. 

“What’s the meaning of this?!” 

Kyle, who made a complaint towards me, was violent and enraged. 

“Of what?” 

“Bringing my mother out of the village. Do you understand the significance of this?” 

Yumeria grabbed Kyle’s arm. 

“Wait. Kyle, this person is concerned about me and──” 

“Zip it! You’re always being deceived like this, aren’t you?! Do you know who this guy is?! He’s the worst heap of trash in the whole academy!” 

Kyle’s shouting attracted the gazes of those on the deck. 


“Awfully cruel of you to call me that.” 

How rude of him to call me a heap of trash. He’s going too far. I don’t think I’m the worst there is. 

The worst heap of trash would be──Marie, I think? Not me. 

“It’s the truth. If you’re not a trash heap for beating up his Highness in front of the public, then who is?!” 

“In that instance, I was evaluated as a good knight who had taught his Highness Julian a lesson. Unfortunately, that doesn’t make me a heap of trash.” 

“It does!” 

“Kyle, u, um──err.” 

Yumeria was bewildered by Kyle’s threatening attitude. 

Kyle seemed irritated at Yumeria. 

“You always lose your proper judgement and get swindled. It was the same at the collective. You know nothing and go around carelessly, leaving everyone to work you to the bone while you remain penniless!” 

Kyle’s outburst of complaints tormented Yumeria, his mother. 

“They call you a mixed one, they look down on you and push you around for being a fool. You’re a hopeless cause when you just smile and accept it!” 

Yumeria hung her head and teared up. 

Unable to watch this any further, I was about ready to stop them until… 


“What’s with that attitude?!” 

Livia stepped in. 

“W, what? This doesn’t concern you. Step back!” 

“No, I won’t have any more of this. Why do you speak so rashly towards your mother? Apologize!” Unlike how she usually was, her voice was loud, making her quite frightening. 

Kyle flinched in front of Livia. 

“You don’t even know anything. I’m broke because of this person. Do you know why I’m working as a slave at this age? Do you know how I’ve been treated at the collective?! You act so self-important, but you don’t know a thing!” 

While weeping, Kyle stormed out of the deck. 

He didn’t have his usual feisty attitude, and it was a little scary to wonder if that was actually him. 

He was supposed to play the role of a cute, somewhat cheeky character. 

When Livia was about to chase after him, Yumeria stopped her. 

“P, please wait. It’s my fault. It’s as that child says, it’s my incompetence that led him to suffer.” Since people around were gazing at us, I led the two to the ship’s interior. 


Once we entered a vacant room, Yumeria began to speak. 


Her position and treatment within the collective was just as bad as I imagined it to be. “Mixed ones like me cannot use ordinary magic. Due to that, I couldn’t do work in the village that required magic.” “The collective chief said that you could a special kind of magic though.” When Livia said that, Yumeria nodded and demonstrated. “I can’t do much, but I at least have some redeeming features.” Seemingly glad, she retrieved a tiny flowerpot from her travelling bag. She had that in there? She then took out a pouch, retrieved a seed, and planted it. As she held up her hand, the seed sprouted and grew into a lively flower. “──Amazing.” When I said that, Luxon agreed. 

[Given what she can do, I cannot believe that the elven collective would place her in an unfavorable position. Under normal circumstances, this ability would be regarded as essential and they wouldn’t let her leave the collective. It seems that they prioritized their psychological reaction over this useful ability, doesn’t it?] 

Luxon expressed its disbelief over the elves and also criticized them. Perhaps being delighted from the praise, Yumeria’s went red up to her ears. 


“I, it’s not that great. It has its limits. Aside from me being a mixed one, I think that the reason for my treatment in the collective also has to do with me giving birth to Kyle, a half-elf.” 

It seemed that Livia wasn’t aware of the matters regarding half-elves. 

“Why is that bad?” 

Yumeria responded in a dispassionate way, though a little hesitant. 

“──Mixed ones are hated, but they can live in the collective with their power. However, I went on a journey to know the outside world. Soon after, I trapped in a noble’s residence for a while and suffered through a lot there.” 

It seemed that Livia also had an idea of what might have happened there. 

I wanted to say something kind to her, but immediately held my tongue. 

“When I made a child, I was driven out of the noble’s residence. When I returned to the collective, I was told that if I gave birth to a half-elf, the child’s value as a slave would diminish, and I was met with strong opposition towards giving birth. However, my belly had already grown large, and I wanted to see my child born.” 

It was painful to watch Yumeria as she shed tears. 

“So that’s what this is about.” 

Livia made a face of disbelief while Luxon seemed convinced of something. 

[Elves who are at risk of being pregnant would certainly be seen as defective exclusive servants. There’s no helping it if such a thing diminishes their value. However, nobody should know about it if one kept silent.] 

Yumeria shook her head. 


“While half-elves look the same, there are differences between them and elves. ──That child’s growth speed is the same as that of humans.” 

So they would know if someone’s a half-elf by looking at their growth rate? 

There’s something I’m curious about then. 

“In that case, why was he sold as a slave?” 

When I asked that question, Yumeria covered her face and cried. 

“There was a slave merchant who liked Kyle. The village chief couldn’t refuse that person’s request.” 

Hearing the details, Luxon reworded it in a way that Livia and I could easily grasp. 

[So that acquaintance’s request couldn’t be refused. Did that slave merchant happen to know about half-elves?] 

Yumeria nodded her head. 

“Indeed. That person knew about the circumstances of elves. However, they said they wouldn’t reveal the secret since it would diminish his value and cause trouble. They said that if they kept quiet about it, nobody would notice. In addition, there was a lot going on at the time, and it didn’t seem like we would be able to make it through the winter──so Kyle sold himself without saying anything to me, left the money, and exited the house.” 

──Perhaps he was caring for his mother in his own way? 

When I was about his age, I had been roaming around carefree. 

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This world really is cruel. 


“I think the reason why that child is hard on me is because he’s irritated about a lot of things. However, he’s a good kid. I don’t receive much from my salary, but he sends home money for me.” 

After listening, Livia hung her head and felt ashamed of herself. 

“Leon, I didn’t know anything and yet I said such cruel things to Kyle.” 

I suppose that I don’t dislike this part of Livia. 

“You weren’t wrong, so there’s no problem. ──I’ll talk to him.” 

[Oh, planning to interfere again?] 

“As Yumeria’s employer, some action should be taken, right?” 

[You’re skilled at making excuses for yourself, Master.] 

“──You’re being noisy.” 

Why am I the one who has to take care of Kyle? 

In the first place, shouldn’t this be Marie’s job? 

Though, I don’t think she would be able to resolve this kind of issue. 

Nothing good will happen if I don’t take action. 

Besides──she wouldn’t be good with this parent-child stuff. 

I need to solve this issue soon since otherwise, I won’t be able poke fun at 




I came across a dead end within a narrow passage inside the ship. When I found Kyle sitting there, hiding himself, I called out to him. 

“Hey, brat.” 

“──What do you want, worthless knight?” 

This little brat is not cute at all. 

“I’m here to talk about your mother.” 

With the twitch of his pointed ears, Kyle listened silently. 

“My family has recently rebuilt their house. It’s gotten bigger, so we need more workers. We will make proper arrangements so that servants living there will be properly accommodated.” 

“And why should I take your word for it? It seems that you’ve taken a fancy to my mother’s appearance and now you’re trying to make a move on her. Do you really think I can trust your household?” 

Yumeria’s outward appearance is certainly a cut above the rest, so I suppose he can’t help but be concerned about that. 

Despite her young appearance, she had the large chest of a parent. 

“The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. My father, a baron, may appear a bit barbaric, but he has a pure heart. He treasures my mother and doesn’t engage in any adultery. ──Probably.” 

When I said “probably,” Kyle lifted his face and glared at me, which was a bit frightening. 

“I cannot trust you.” 

“I’m a man who keeps my word. Besides, I have a reason to keep that person close at hand. ──A trump card against the elves. If they do anything to me, they’ll risk having their secret revealed. It’ll be worthwhile to be with me. I will not do anything harsh to such a valuable and talented individual.” 


In all honesty, based on my credibility, there will be few people who would believe me if I did reveal the elves’ secret. 

Luxon also said that nobody would believe me and that they would likely think of it as a lie. 

However, just having the elves know that I’m aware of their weakness is enough. 

Personally, I’m thrilled that I found a way to intimidate the prideful elves. 

Kyle was silent. 

“If you want to meet up in the future, then stop by to see me. If it’s just you, then I can grant you entrance into our territory. However, you can’t bring Marie.” 

I hate that girl. Moreover, if she came to my family’s household, she’ll probably cause some mischief. 

Kyle wiped his tears with a sleeve. 

“──That person──my mother, is good-natured and easily deceived.” 


“She’s timid and has a low self-esteem──but I can’t find it in me to hate her for how kind she is. What a terrible parent.” 

It seems that Kyle doesn’t really hate Yumeria. 

Kyle stood up, straightened himself, and silently bowed. 

He didn’t have his usual cheeky attitude. 


“Viscount, please take good care of my mother.” 

It seems that he’s worried about his mother, Yumeria, in his own way. 

I nodded my head and reassured Kyle. 

I then asked something I wanted to know. 

This information was established in the game and it was also in Luxon’s pool of information, but Kyle had changed masters many times. 

“Now then, there’s one thing I’d like to ask. I heard that beforehand, you had been rapidly switching masters. Could it be that──” 

Perhaps not wanting to show his tears, Kyle answered while hiding his eyes. 

“I decided to look for a trustworthy master. Even though I was able to find a woman who captivated his Highness the crown prince, it all fell to ruin because of you.” 


When I gave a half-hearted apology, Kyle glared at me, but──he soon made a face of exasperation and sighed. “You really are a nasty guy, aren’t you? And here I thought that my livelihood would be smooth sailing.” 

Could it be that this guy is quite calculative? 

“So, why aren’t you abandoning Marie?” 

“I’m tired of finding new masters. Besides, since she’s the saint now, there will be many benefits to being with her. ──That girl may seem bad, but she’s strong.” 


Isn’t this supposedly strong Marie neck deep in debt right now though? 

It’s not like Kyle doesn’t know about that, so could it be that he’s taken a liking to Marie? 

Kyle gave me some advice. 

“You should be careful about that principality’s princess. It seems that she’s scheming something.” 


She didn’t seem to give up on exacting revenge on the kingdom, so I did suspect that she was planning something. 

“I’ve heard many things. I also spoke with the village chief, and I have a hunch that there’s something dangerous about her. Well, knowing you, you’ll be able to manage somehow. You’ll just pull off whatever unfair tactic is necessary.” 

“What does that mean?” 

“Exactly what it means.” 

Did Hertrude talk to Kyle while we were in the ruins? 



It was the evening. 

Entering the deck, I carried a heavy bag containing the sharp, black armor part. 

“Are we really doing this?” 

Luxon’s red eye glowed ominously, which was a bit eerie. 

[Of course. The preparations are already complete. This destructive impulsive is deeply ingrained into my program. Speaking in terms of humans, it’s an instinct. I have to get rid of it within the next minute, or even the next second.] 

──Is that so? All things considered, it’s scary to have an AI talk about destructive impulses. 

[It seems to have been preserved in the ruins as a research object, but it has no value now. Now then, hurry!] 

I took out the black part from the bag in order to throw it out, and when I touched it with my hand, the part pulsated. 

“Ugh, disgusting!” 

There was a gap in the part that opened up to reveal a giant eye, making me let go. 

The lively eyeball seemed like a human’s, but it was definitely larger than one. 

Twisting tentacles from the part reached out towards me. 

[Be careful. This thing is still alive.] 

The part raised a ghastly cry. 


Luxon shined a laser from its eye to signal for robots to attack the part. 

The tentacles were burned down and the part’s eyeball continued receiving attacks. 

The gathering robots carried the part and flung it into the sky──and then Luxon’s main unit, which had been hidden, attacked the part with a direct hit. 

“Are you sure we burned it without leaving behind a speck of dust?” 

Luxon answered with a robotic voice that seemed satisfied. 

[Of course. That thing is a weapon that must not exist. No relics of the new humans have any value in this world. At any rate──is that what they call ‘feeling refreshed’?] 

Well, it seems that its mood has improved, which is good. 

However, that was a relic of the new humans? How revolting. 

Having disposed of the part on the empty deck, we returned to the ship’s interior. 

Thereupon, on the opposite side of the deck, Hertrude appeared. 

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“So you were here.” 

“What are you doing? Actually, what happened to your escort?” 

Hertrude didn’t answer my question. 

“I wanted to talk with you alone. I already said this at the collective, but could you sell me that object you found? To tell the truth, it’s a valuable item. I will pay a suitable amount for it.” 


──Hmm? That thing had worth? “That thing was actually valuable? Wasn’t it just a junk part?” In the first place, how is that thing supposed to be useful? “You do not know its value. So, sell it to me. It’s even alright if you want me to offer it to the kingdom. I’ll only negotiate with a government official this time.” 

Staying silent might not be the best option. 

Luxon said something like [Oh my,] acting as if it has nothing to do with this. 

Are you just going to like act you aren’t involved? 

“──Sorry. I dropped it.” 

When I said that, Hertrude’s mouth was agape for several seconds. 

“A, are you an idiot?!” 

──She was furious. 

“No, you see──I got bad vibes from it!” 

“That’s not the problem! Idiot! Idiot! Complete idiot! I can’t believe it. You dropped an important treasure? Lower the ship and retrieve it at once!” 


Hertrude trembled when Luxon immediately refused. 

“T, this matter will be reported to the kingdom’s upper management!” 


[Oh, and what is that supposed to mean? The treasure was found by Master and is his property. You’ll only burden the upper management by complaining to them.] 

There’s nothing left of it, so I can’t retrieve it anyways. 

“If you can’t handle such valuable treasure with care, you have no qualifications to be an adventurer! What have you been learning at the academy?!” 

“Sorry. The academy’s just a place to find marriage.” 

[Too bad.] 

Luxon was quite cold towards Hertrude. 

Hertrude turned around, causing her hair to sway, and returned to the ship’s interior. 

“K, keep this moment in your memory!” 

Seeing her leave that parting remark left me with one thought. 

“──What an interesting person. I thought she was just a calm beauty, but surprisingly, she has a plethora of emotions.” [Are you interested in her? She’s deviates quite a bit from your tastes, 

Master. The stats on her chest are too low.] 

“Do you think of me as a guy who only judges people by their chest?” 

[I do.] 

Luxon’s immediate reply irritated me. 



Upon returning to the academy, I rushed to get ready for the royal palace. Luxon stared at me as I was changing my outfit. [A report as soon as you come back? How tough.] “I wonder why I have to do all this while still being a student.” When I made a complaint, Luxon responded. [What happened to being an adult male on the inside?] “My heart is always that of a child who never forgets how to have fun.] Since I have to head towards the royal palace immediately, I had no time to rest. [Didn’t you call yourself an adult beforehand?] “Did I say that?” [You did. I haven’t forgotten.] “You sure are an insistent one. Listen, forgetting whatever’s inconvenient is also the way of an adult.” [That’s called escapism. I suggest you improve yourself.] “I refuse. C’mon, we’re going.” [Alright.] Luxon and I left the room. 



I was in a hallway of the royal palace. 

I was dead tired after having to report the latest matters. 

It was dark outside. 

“It’s already night.” 

[This visit had more to do with a women’s tea party than the report.] 

What awaited me there was a tea party with women who had graduated from the academy. 

The daughters of influential nobles and of nobles who had recently gained power were there. 

The tea party lasted for several hours despite the report being done in about ten minutes. 

“I did not enjoy it at all.” 

[That seems about right.] 

The daughters of baron through earl households were there at the tea party. 


However, they all had exclusive servants with them. 

They kept talking about money, asking me what kind of revenue I would earn in the future. 

It felt like being asked about my annual income at a mixer, I suppose. ──It gave me a headache. 

Walking along the nearly vacant hallway in the royal palace, I happened 

 to come across the queen, Milaine, who was wearing a different dress than when I had last met her. 

Her platinum blonde hair looked as if it was sparkling. 

Her gentle eyes soothed me and her smiling face compelled me to fell delighted as well. 

“Oh, it seems that the viscount is tired.” 

The attendant standing behind her stood with a blank expression. 

I braced myself and straightened my attire. 

“Apologies for the appearance. As for what the queen──” 

“Viscount, may I have some of your time?” 

──I felt joyed on the inside after having Milaine call out to me. 

“It would be my pleasure!” 

Luxon muttered something while watching me accompany the smiling Milaine. 

[What an easy-to-read person.] 

Luxon had hidden itself when Milaine arrived. 


I was inside a room within the royal palace. 

I was sitting across from Milaine, drinking some black tea that was brought here. 


It’s better than the tea I have. 

It’s not just the tea leaves, but also the technique that has to do with it. 

While feeling a slight sense of defeat, I listened to what Milaine had to say. 

Luxon stayed silent and hid near my side. 

“Have you been getting along well with her Highness Hertrude? I was a bit startled to hear that her Highness was taken along for an adventure.” 

“She was forced to come along. It seemed like she was given permission to though.” 

Milaine’s expression turned gloomy. It seems that she didn’t want to permit it. 

“There are people in the royal palace who have varying opinions about it. 

As for me, I don’t think that this matter falls under studying abroad.” 

It seems that despite Milaine’s objections, someone gave permission. 

I suppose anyone would be worried if the princess of a country that declared war was in the same academy their son was attending. We need to be watchful of Hertrude’s safety, so if possible I’d prefer if she stayed still. 

I agree with that opinion. 

If some crazed person appeared and Hertrude got hurt, it would be an international issue. 

When she’s in the academy, she’s escorted by female knights dispatched from the royal palace and students who have been given detailed instructions. 


Even so, there’s still some unease. 

“I also spoke with her Highness. She didn’t say it explicitly, but she holds quite the grudge against the kingdom.” 

I didn’t see it for myself, but I did hear about the kingdom’s doings. 

Listening to them made me raise an eyebrow. 

However, I can’t reply to Milaine by lightheartedly saying “The kingdom sure is cruel, isn’t it~?” I kept my mouth shut over this dicey issue. Is it cowardly? Yeah, it sure is. I’m a coward. 

As I kept silent, Milaine continued. 

“Viscount──no, Leon. I don’t think the principality will give up.” 

“It seems that way.” 

It’s not so easy to erase a mountain of grudges. 

“Even the matter of the bodyguards is causing trouble. Did you hear about the Lafuan viscount household?” 

When I shook my head, Milaine place a hand over her cheek and with a troubled expression, told me about what happened. 

“Julian had been working around the clock to solve the saint’s debt, but the Lafuan viscount household increased it further. I thought about revoking that family, but as to be expected, there was a lot of opposition towards destroying the saint’s household.” 

Marie really is cursed, isn’t she? 


I wonder if Marie will faint after hearing that her debt increased even though it should have been resolved. 

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Though, I’d kind of want of laugh if I saw her in despair. 

“It would be nice if the royal palace and temple could help pay back the debt on her behalf. However, there are a lot of things to budget for next year.” 

After hearing about it, in order to pay back Marie’s debt──well, it would require a large cut in flexible funds, or in other words a large budget cut. 

The debt is that large. 

Just hearing about it alone makes this tea tasty. 

What fine tea cakes these are. 

It seems that I’ll sleep well tonight. 

“Now for the main subject at hand. The commanding officer of the saint’s bodyguards is──you, right? Now it’s become a question of where responsibility lies.” 


“Even when considering the time of your appointment and other matters, the royal palace and temple will be calling for someone to be punished.” 

This doesn’t look good. 

Just what kind of responsibilities do I have? 

“W, wait a minute. My job is to be her bodyguard, so I don’t understand why I’m involved in her debt too.” 


“I know that. Even so──this is a world where people will look for someone to blame.” 

This world is the same my previous one. 

Society is rotten. 

“There are also people who are jealous of your sudden rise. As for me, I can’t bear to see the knights, who supported the promotion, being accused. I’ll need to patch things up as much as possible.” 

“Thank you very──huh? Supported?” 

“Right. You see, it was during the suppression of the sky pirates. Brad and Greg visited me and spoke about your achievements. There was also that matter of the principality, so I endorsed it.” 

Milaine gave me a dazzling smile──no wait, something’s not right here! 

I didn’t want to get promoted. 

“S, say, rather than me being promoted──” 

“Rather than being promoted?” 

Milaine, who tilted her head to the side, looked sublime. 

She’s so charming despite her age! I might be older on the inside, but I’m feeling kind of skittish all of the sudden. 

Would it okay to hurt this person by saying that I didn’t want to be promoted? 

Perhaps she would regret promoting me. 


──I can’t let her feel sad. 

I opened my mouth to quickly change course. “──I want you.” “W, wait! W, w, w, we can’t. I mean, the age difference between you and me is akin to that of a parent and child.” We’re less than twenty years apart──we can’t? I mean, she’s more splendid than the girls in the academy. She’s perfect! I clutched Milaine’s hand. “Even so, I──” “Ahem!” I then heard a forced cough. I don’t know who did it, but it was one of the attendants accompanying 

Milaine. Whoops. ──I got carried away and made a move on her again. I forgot that this was the royal palace. Milaine blushed. What a nice reaction. It makes me want to tease her. “Again with the teasing. That’s a bad habit of yours, Leon.” If only she wasn’t the queen──I’d really go after her then. Changing the topic, Milaine spoke about Hertrude once more. 


“By the way, there’s something curious about her Highness Hertrude.” 



Receiving news that Leon had left for the royal palace, three sub-race exclusive servants gathered inside the student dormitory. 

One of them was “Meole,” the exclusive servant of Leon’s older sister, Jenna. 

The tall, muscular, cat-eared man stood before Leon’s room along with his companions. 

“That Kyle guy betrayed us. He won’t lend us a hand.” 

The other two calmed Meole down. 

“He’s the saint’s servant. He can’t afford to do any reckless conduct.” 

“The elves as a whole are strange people, isn’t that why he refused? More importantly, it’s a good thing we got the key.” 

“You mean this?” 

Meole, having obtained a key to Leon’s room, made a smirk. 

“When that woman went in and out of this room, I took the key and, well, you know. That foolish woman is too easy to deal with.” 

Those weren’t words to be said towards a servant’s master, but slavery is a relationship defined purely by contract. 

Slaves have no intention to work earnestly. 

Unlocking the door, they entered Leon’s room while being cautious of their surroundings. 

One of them stood outside the room to be on guard duty, so Meole and the other servant carried a package into the room. 


“What do they plan on doing with this thing?” 

“As if I’d know. We place this in the guy’s room and we receive money, end of story.” 

The exclusive servants hated Leon. One reason being that he defeated the exclusive servants who tried to make a move on Milaine during the school festival. 

There was a legitimate reason as well, but nevertheless, from the viewpoint of the exclusive servants, Leon was a unlikeable boy. 

Their current action was a form of revenge. 

Once the three finished their work, they then left the room. 

It was odd that there were exclusive servants in the boys’ dorms, but no boy there dared to question them. 


It was the next day after school. 

I had a tea ceremony to host. 

The guys had to periodically do tea ceremonies or else the girls would spread ill rumors of them. 

Well, it’s not like my reputation matters at this point though. 

Besides, tea ceremonies, or rather tea, is a hobby I’ve come to enjoy after arriving in this world. 

Hmm, such an intellectual hobby indeed suits me. 

However, today’s guests were quite unique. 


There was the daughter of an earl, “Deirdre Fou Roseblade,” who had blonde hair in ringlets. She wore red lipstick, had a strong-willed appearance──and had an amusing personality. 

“You’re quite carefree.” 

While in front of a seemingly dissatisfied Deirdre, I drank the tea I made. 

“Today’s perfect.” 

While I was satisfied, there was another girl there who seemed a bit irritated. 

“Clarice Fier Atlee,” Jilk’s former fiancee, spoke with me about royal court affairs. 

“Leon, you’re in a very dangerous spot. Do you know that? The Redgrave duke household is weakening and has lost its influence in the royal palace. The emerging Marquis Frampton is advocating that strict action should be taken against you.” 

Since I’m the commanding officer for Marie’s bodyguards, it seems that he’s also the one who wants me to be responsible for her debt. 

I can’t help but laugh at how high-handed he is. 

“The debt is not my responsibility. It’s the responsibility of Marie──or rather, her household.” 

Deirdre crossed her legs and put her elbows on the table. 

“Foolish. He doesn’t care about the reason. He wants to hunt you down. Furthermore, he wants to steal your airship. They’re just a group of people trying to come up with a pretext.” 


“How frightening~.” 

It seems that the nobles have quite a lot of spare time if they’re trying to find fault with me. 

I can understand his desperate desire to take Luxon away from me, but he’s not the most righteous person for conspiring with others to reach that goal. 

“It seems that Marquis Frampton is quite acquainted with her Highness Hertrude. The reason why the principality is quite lenient right now is because of Marquis Frampton’s faction taking control of power.” 

Deirdre, perhaps looking for what kind of response I would make, had a serious expression. 

She’s a genuine noble’s daughter, so her information on the royal court should be accurate. 

In addition, Clarice, being a noble of the royal court, would be even more knowledgeable on the subject. 

“Currently, Marquis Frampton is pushing his way trough, a bit forcefully even. Leon, you need to be cautious.” 

It seems that this has turned into a troublesome matter, but I don’t really want to get involved with the royal palace. 

──That feeling hasn’t changed, even now. 

“In that case, just demote me already.” 

Deirdre smiled. 

“You really are a fool. You think those people are going to be that lenient? Before you know it, they’ll pull the carpet from under you at any given──” 


Deirdre’s voice was interrupted by a sound of hurried footsteps. 

A great number of knights and soldiers entered the room, pointing their weapons at me. 

“Are you Leon Four Baltfault? You’ll have to come with us.” 

Clarice stood up. 

“──Quite impolite, isn’t it? He’s officially a viscount of the lower-fourth rank.” The knight raised the corner of his mouth and laughed at the dauntless 


“Rank has no meaning for a traitor. Now then, come along, brat!” 

The knights seized me from both sides and dragged me out of the room. 

“A traitor? He’s a hero.” 

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Deirdre exclaimed as such. 

“Hero? You can’t call him a hero when he’s been making secret dealings with the principality. Now then, excuse us.” 

The knight had a stern look. 

Secret dealings with the principality? Well now, what’s this all about? 


The girls’ dorms. 


Anjie, entering Hertrude’s room, was breathing a bit roughly since she came in a hurry. 

Hertrude, who calmly looked at Anjie, sat down on a chair while crossing her legs, placing a hand on her knee. 

It was as if she had been waiting for Anjie. 

“You’re in quite a hurry. I’ll forgive your rudeness just this once.” 

“What are you planning?” 

Hertrude smiled. 

“Hmm? Whatever are you talking about? Speak clearly.” 

“Are you playing dumb now? Rumors have spread about Leon supposedly working with the principality!” 

“Anjelica, it’s not good to suspect people without any proof.” 

In response to Hertrude asserting the lack of proof, Anjie readjusted her breathing and spoke. 

“It seems that you’re quite close with Marquis Frampton. What’s the reason for going so far to unseat Leon?” 

Hertrude spoke a word of pity for Anjie. 

“You went to me for that kind of reason? It’s as the rumors say, you’re quite hysterical. Too much of that and you’ll be no more than a mere fool.” 

Anjie brought her face closer to Hertrude, who was giggling. 

“What are you thinking? Do you really want to go to war? What can you people do when you’ve lost to Leon already?” 


The smiling Hertrude began to talk about Leon’s shortcomings. 

“You have quite the high evaluation of Mr. Hero, don’t you? I’ve taken a look at the viscount too, just for a short while though. From appearances, he’s an ordinary person. Perhaps he has some potential, but as a knight, he’s below-average.” 

Seeing Anjie’s eyebrows shift to express a sense of discomfort, Hertrude laughed even further. 

“I’m right, aren’t I? Kind-hearted knights are just a fantasy. A knight who can’t kill in war is useless. Very different from Bandel.” 

Hertrude had been looking closely at Leon. 

“He’s a knight who stumbled upon a lost item. That familiar he has is related to that lost item, right? It’s a waste of potential to have it only follow his orders.” 

Anjie stopped herself from talking about what Leon could do if he was being serious. 

No matter how good he may be, he’s still immature as a knight. 

This is a world where war is commonplace. 

In this world, a knight who can’t kill is unqualified as an adult. 

“Do you hate us that much?” 

Hertrude’s smile disappeared. 

“What do you know? Do you know the grief of the citizen’s whose children, parents, and families were killed? Don’t think that we’ll forgive you for having attacked us so one-sidedly!” 


“How naive. It seems you’re the one who knows nothing. The royal palace was right to have you study abroad. What you need──” 

Anjie was interrupted by a group of female knights who entered the room. 

“Halt! Anjelica, you’re coming with us.” 


The female knights surrounded Anjie. 

“What are you all doing?” 

The female knights smiled and answered her question. 

“How ill-mannered. Assaulting her Highness Hertrude.” 

“It seems that the duke’s daughter is uncouth.” 

“Now then, this way.” 

Anjie understood it all. The female knights, originally thought to be Hertrude’s escorts who served to supervise her, were already working with the enemy. 

With a face of disgust, the knights restrained her. 

Anjie’s gaze shifted from the knights to Hertrude as she questioned her. 

“Are you people getting serious?” 

Hertrude stood up and whispered to Anjie’s ear. 

“This time, the Holfault Kingdom will be stained with blood. And then, this land──” Anjie’s eyes widened upon hearing the last few words. 


“──will sink. Stop us, if you think you can, Anjelica.” 


Seeing my devastated room inside the boys’ dorm, I made a face as if I had bitten into a bug. 

There was a letter there indicating that I was connected to the principality. 

There were a large collection of letters I’ve never seen before in my room. 

──I’m quite impressed that they went this far. 

A knight stood before me and unfolded a letter. 

“You can’t talk your way out of this one. ──To think that the hero was actually conspiring with the enemy nation behind our backs.” 

I shifted my gaze to the shameless knight. 

“You’re quite devoted to them, aren’t you?” 

I scornfully laughed at the knight, who brought his face close to mine. 

“You’re quite thorough in unseating me.” 

Thereupon, with a smile, the knight hit me in the face. 

As I fell over, the knight’s subordinates gathered together. 

“Your compliance, traitor!” 

After having been punched despite not showing resistance and lying on 

 the floor, Luxon looked at me. 

I gestured that I was fine and then let myself be restrained. 

──Though I felt a bad premonition before, this really is the worst possible outcome. 

“How does it feel to have risen up, only to have your status soon taken away?” 

“I thought it was suspicious. It’s impossible for a brat like you to become a viscount.” 

“It seems you were involved in some evil deeds behind the scenes. Be prepared for a thorough investigation.” 

As I was tied up, schoolboys gathered outside my room. 

Among them, I saw the figure of Meole, an exclusive servant. 

He looked at me and gave a telling smile. 

“Little bastard.” 

Meole’s smile heightened in response to my words. 

I was kicked from behind and fell down. 

I was then forced to get up, pulled by my hair, and as I walked, I also saw schoolgirls and their exclusive servants outside. 

“Serves you right.” 

“I thought something was strange from the beginning.” 

“I suspected him this whole time.” 


As I walked along the path the students made, they spoke their mind and threw rubbish at me. 

Really now, they’re making a complete reversal in attitude again? Though──there shouldn’t be reason for them to go this far. 

The students in the academy made a complete 180, or rather a full 360 back to the beginning. 

Strangely, this feels more fitting. 

The knight who kicked me from behind spoke. 

“Viscount Leon Fou Baltfault──no, you’re just Leon now. Prepare yourself, criminal.” 

They listed a variety of charges, but they were all false accusations. 

I was restricted, set to be thrown into jail. 

“This is not how I wanted to be demoted.” 

Garbage flied around as I cracked a joke, and to make matters worse, I was being kicked as well. 

Pushing her way through the crowd of people, Livia appeared. 


I made a small wave to Livia, who called out my name, and then walked while trash was being thrown at me. 

Among the crowd, Clarice, Deirdre, Daniel, and Raymond looked at me in worry. 


Good grief──this otome game world really is the worst place to live in. 

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