Recently at meal times Shen Jin always found an extra bowl appeared in front of her. Sometimes it’s steamed eggs, sometimes fried little fish, last time was some sort of bird. There’s not much, just enough for Shen Jin to eat.

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At first Shen Jin was embarrassed, Chu Xiuming and Chu Xiuyuan ate horse meat while she had something special, but Chu Xiuyuan said, “Sister-in-law, these little things are not enough for us two, so you should just have it.”

He glanced at his brother besides him, who was pretending not to hear anything. Just some little things, but Brother put so much effort in getting them everyday.

Some were bartered with people, some were hunted outside the town. It’s not that Chu Xiuming didn’t want to get enough for everyone to eat, but it was really not easy to obtain extra food, he had to spend so much time just for little extras. The brothers were used to horse meat even if it’s difficult to eat, but Shen Jin was different.

Actually Chu Xiuyuan didn’t understand this sister-in-law, when the town was sieged by the Barbarians, she ate everything without problem, not picky at all, but now she had turned into a spoiled young lady again.

Even so she didn’t bother anyone, when she didn’t like something she just didn’t eat. She would pick something else, never complained or troubled others.

Chu Xiuyuan swallowed his meal, looked at his brother again. So apparently the more Shen Jin didn’t complain, the more Brother wanted to please her, even when busy he would still find time to get something she could eat. Maybe because when Shen Jin ate, her eyes curved like crescent moon, similar to the little white cat they used to keep.

Shen Jin always divided the content of the extra bowl into three parts, even though Chu Xiuming said it’s not enough for all of them, she would still put some in their bowls.

Sometimes odd things left like one or two pieces of small fish that couldn’t be divided into three. If it was something she liked, she would happily eat it herself. If she didn’t like, she would give it to Chu Xiuyuan, saying it’s good for Chu Xiuyuan to eat more.

Her little thoughts were easy for others to see, everyone knew what she was doing, but this litle slyness just made them closer to her. Soon Chu Xiuyuan would laugh when he received the extra leftover from Shen Jin, “Sister-in-law, this one you don’t like?”

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“Not like that.” Shen Jin would not admit it, her expression was like ‘this is for your own good’, she said, “I see you are a bit pale, you have to eat more.”

Chu Xiuming didn’t speak, he just watched them talking. After these times, Shen Jin found him have many faces. This Chu Xiuming to outsiders was different from the Chu Xiuming with family members, the Chu Xiuming to strangers was different from the Chu Xiuming with familiar person. Not sure since when, Chu Xiuming didn’t speak much in front of Shen Jin, he liked to just sit quietly on the side.

Chu Xiuming had good profile, face a bit cold and aloof without expression so when he was silent like that, Shen Jin felt he totally exuded an otherworldly aura. But of course she kept this to herself.

When the envoys from Imperial Court arrived, Shen Jin had just had her lunch of chicken stew mushroom. She finished off all the mushrooms and two wings, the rest of the chicken went to Chu Xiuming and Chu Xiuyuan.

“So they are here now.” Counting the days, the date was just about right.

Shen Jin was very full, so Zhao Momo made her walk sleepily around the courtyard. These few days had been sunny, An Ping and the others had taken blankets and beddings out to dry under the sun. Looking at the soft and warm bed, Shen Jin really didn’t feel like walking.

Zhao Momo of course knew it, she no longer forced Shen Jin to walk. Zhao Momo prepared the bed, saying,  “Madam just take a rest, the envoys have just arrived, they must be still freshening up.”

Shen Jin’s eyes lit up, “Zhao Momo is right.” Without waiting for An Ping, she changed her own clothes then lied down on the bed. The blankets were warm and fluffy.

Zhao Momo inwardly sighed, this one was still just a child. She tucked Shen Jin in and closed the curtain, “I am just outside, Madam call me if you need anything.”

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“Alright.” Shen Jin had closed her eyes, didn’t make any other sound. She yawned and slept soundly, this should be in line with Chu Xiuming’s intention.

Later Zhao Momo called her to get up, had An Ping bring brown sugar water to completely wake Shen Jin up.

She didn’t put on make up after washing but this time’s grooming was more careful than usual. In contrast to this meticulous grooming, she didn’t wear any of Junzhu insignia.

Before waking Shen Jin, Zhao Momo had ordered staff to invite the envoys to the main hall. With all the washing and grooming, they had been waiting for more than an hour, their faces had turned sour.

Shen Jin slightly glanced at them but didn’t pay attention. She thought them stupid, they were on her turf, but dared to show unpleasant faces. Shen Jin herself didn’t put on air when she just came even with a Junzhu status.

The two envoys didn’t know who she was, they expected Count Yongning but the person meeting them was only a weak female. This wasn’t the first time they delivered imperial decree, but they had never been treated this way.

An Ping waited Shen Jin sat down then poured tea, “Madam, these are the two Masters from the Capital.”

Shen Jin raised her eyebrows at them, “Masters come too late.”

Zhao Momo was standing behind Shen Jin, her eyes lit up when she heard it. This double-meaning sentence was really good, not only saying the officials came late, but also the assistance from the Capital was late.

“The auspicious time has passed, even if I wish to accept the decree, I dare not disrespect the Emperor. If my Imperial Father knows, he will reprimand me for not knowing rules.” This was the first time Shen Jin ever mentioned Rui Wang, it’s time to capitalise his name.

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“Alright, just go. Come back tomorrow, but don’t be late again.”

Shen Jin’s tone as if concernedly advising them, but her words meant it was all the envoys’ fault for missing the auspicious time, so the Mansion couldn’t be blamed for not accepting the decree now.

Right after talking, she stood up and left. The envoys didn’t even have time to react.

Zhao Momo raised her assessment towards Shen Jin, this sort of air was worthy enough as a Junzhu from the Capital.

But when supporting Shen Jin walking back, Zhao Momo was very surprised to find her hands icy cold and the palm damp of sweat.

Momo really couldn’t understand Shen Jin. This delicate little Madam took care of many injured soldiers during the war, she was fine with missing limbs and open wounds, was fine with blood all over her. Momo herself had seen it and she almost collapsed of shock.

But just for this little matter Shen Jin was so shaken.

“Momo, how was I just now?” Back in the room, Shen Jin asked, a little smugly.

“Madam was very good.” Zhao Momo chose to just forget the icy cold hands. “Madam was right to hold it that way.”

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Shen Jin pursed her lips, she tried to look serious, but in the end couldn’t help laughing. The little dimples on her cheeks faintly appeared, her eyes sparkled, “I learned from Mother Consort.”

Learned what? The fortitude, or the countenance? Zhao Momo was going to ask but saw Shen Jin was not prepared to talk further.

Shen Jin had pulled out some silk fabric. Silk was not wanted during war, not good as bandage and not warm enough as blanket, so only this kind of fabric was left in her dowry.

“Momo, how about this one with cyan stiches for fan cover? I can work on it until summer, for Fujun and brother-in-law one each.”

“I think it is very good.”

Zhao Momo was with Shen Jin for less than a month, but she had been more at loss than she had ever been.

Later on, when Zhao Momo and An Ping caught up, she heard that Shen Jin looked fine in front of the soldiers, but once back in her room, she would be completely wretched, trembled in shock, cried and vomited. An Ping didn’t tell the General for fear that he would look down on Shen Jin.

Zhao Momo reevaluated, maybe Madam wasn’t a rabbit, she could be a turtle. Her reaction time was so slow, when bumped she would slowly stick out her head to look. And the General? Probably the turtle’s shell. Anyone wanted to beat Shen Jin would taste the hard shell first.


T/N note: Zhao Momo addressed herself  as 老 奴 = “old slave”, but I translate it simply as “I”. I still feel icky of the class system, lucky we are modern people. I will use “This Old Slave” when it’s needed for the story’s atmostphere.

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