The next day the Count’s Mansion officially accepted the Imperial Decree. Chu Xiuming’s face was pale, his whole person smelled of medicine and blood, he  obviously hadn’t completely recovered from heavy wounds.

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Chu Xiuyuan didn’t even appear. According to Shen Jin his condition was even worse, he couldn’t get up at all, and that the doctor had warned them any movement could cost his life.

The envoys were very unsatisfied, but of course they couldn’t ask Chu Xiuyuan to risk his life for the decree.

Shen Jin supported the ‘severely injured’ Chu Xiuming all the time during the ceremony. After the decree was accepted, Chu Xiuming was helped to rest inside. Shen Jin stayed to supervise the rewards from the Court transported into the Mansion.

There were gold, silver, gems, fertile lands and villas, even Shen Jin was given a lot of fabrics and jewelleries made by Palace craftsmen. But nothing was really useful. The fertile lands and villas were all around the Capital, she didn’t lack jewellery and fabrics, and they couldn’t eat silver, gold, and gems. They needed food supplies and medicine, but none was given.

Shen Jin watched the rewards one by one brought into the storeroom. She suddenly asked, “How about food supplies?”

The envoys now knew Shen Jin’s identity and yesterday they had tasted her savagery, today they became much more respecful. “Food supplies and the rest, His Majesty had ordered Minister of Revenue to prepare, will be sent here shortly.”

Even if Shen Jin had been ignorant, she also understood this ‘shortly’ was difficult to ascertain, she looked at the envoys, “And then?”

The envoy was confused, what ‘then’?

“That ‘shortly’, when is it?” Shen Jin asked.

The envoy said, “This official doesn’t know.”

Shen Jin nodded, the envoys was sighing in relief when she naively said, “Then write a letter to ask.”

Ask what? Ask the Emperor or ask the Minister of Revenue? Whichever she meant, they couldn’t ask any of them!

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Shen Jin seemed didn’t understand their difficulties, “Your letter will need to be sent to the Capital, so you can also help me send letters to Imperial Father, to Mother Consort, and my two married sisters.“

So Shen Jin wanted them to ask the Emperor.

“I think letters to the Court are sent faster than normal letters.” Shen Jin saw their troubled expressions, she frowned, “What is it? You are not willing to help?”

Actually her frowning was not scary at all, she looked cute with her round eyes and her childish young face. But the two envoys couldn’t feel she was cute, they respectfully bowed, “His Majesty ordered that we are to return immediately.”

“Writing letters doesn’t take long.” Shen Jin ordered, “Bring paper and ink for the two Masters.”

As soon as her words fell, the staff promptly closed Mansion gates, moved a desk nearby, prepared writing materials on the desk, and even carefully spread the paper on top of the desk, “Two Masters, please.”

Shen Jin said, “The two Masters can write here, I will be inside writing to Imperial Father too.” She turned and left right away. She was wearing the cumbersome Countess formal dress to receive the decree, her movement was slow but the two envoys didn’t dare to hinder her steps.

“Madam Countess, please wait. How if we write when we are back at the station?” The envoy asked with shrill voice.

Shen Jin didn’t answer, she glanced at Zhao Momo. Zhao Momo didn’t even lift her head as she said, “Madam rose very early today, had no time for morning meal. This old slave has prepared red dates porridge.”

Recently a lot of more connected merchants heard the news and came to town. Chu Xiuming had also ordered people to buy items from nearby places. The meals at the Mansion had now improved, at least Shen Jin didn’t have to watch the brothers eat horse meat everyday.

“Alright.” Shen Jin simply discarded the two envoys without care.

An Ping stayed with the envoys, her face full of smile as she respectfully asked, “Would Masters like the lunch brought here?”

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The meaning was clear, wanted to get out without writing letter? No way.

Shen Jin was surprised to find Chu Xiuming was waiting in her courtyard. Her eyes wide as she asked, “Why are you here.”

Chu Xiuming raised his eyebrows but didn’t speak. Zhao Momo smiled, “I will ask the kitchen to serve the meal soon.” She left right after speaking. There were not many people in the Mansion, they were outside helping to rebuild the town, so Shen Jin was left with just Chu Xiuming.

This was the first time Shen Jin alone with Chu Xiuming, she was quite nervous.

Chu Xiuming had guessed Shen Jin’s upbringing in Rui Wang’s mansion, but he never said it in front of his little brother. Today he had become quite certain.

Rui Wangfei had Shen Jin at her side because she was good at reading others. Before Wangfei even asked, Shen Jin would had brought her what she wanted. How warm her tea should be, what dishes she liked, Shen Jin was very clear. Despite the mistakes at the beginning, she had became very good at it.

(T/N: and that’s how she instantly understood what attitude towards the envoys they expected her to show.)

The skill to read others, the careful and attentive attitude, must had been the result of long term practise. Having refined this kind of abilities, and hearing of how good Shen Jin’s performance was during the war, he could guess what kind of life she had as a concubine’s daughter in Rui Wang’s mansion.

“Sit down.”  Chu Xiuming was not difficult to get along with, he definitely wasn’t murderous like in the rumours. It’s probably Shen Jin’s illusion, his eyes were not only cool but also faintly melancholic, and that made him more interesting.

“En.” Shen Jin responded, sat besides Chu Xiuming.

Chu Xiuming pretended he didn’t notice Shen Jin’s cautious attitude, smiled a little, “Those two envoys, did they make things difficult for you?”

Shen Jin was dazzled by that smile, she said, “No, I asked them to write back when we can have the supplies, and also to help me send letters to Father and the rest.”

As if asking for Chu Xiuming’s opinion, she asked, “Do you think I am right to do that?”

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Actually he had had someone relayed what happened in the front courtyard, he said, “You’ve done it, how if I say it’s not right?”

Shen Jin paled, her lips moved, “Then what to do…”

“I am just kidding.” Chu Xiuming saw her expression, softened his voice, “Don’t worry, you did well.”

Shen Jin puffed out her cheeks, she wanted to glare at Chu Xiuming but didn’t dare to, so she just lowered her head and kept quiet.

Chu Xiuming laughed in low voice, and reached out to press Shen Jin’s hand. His fingers were long and slender, his much larger hand easily covered hers. Shen Jin panicked but she couldn’t pull her hand out, Chu Xiuming gently squeezed it, “Don’t be angry.”

“I didn’t.” Shen Jin face was flushed, she raised her head but dared not look at his face.

“So what are you going to write to Father-in-Law?” Chu Xiuming asked.

Shen Jin spoke up, “I want to ask for things. Mother Consort said I can write if I need anything, they will send it to me.” Her voice was a bit smug, “I want supplements and herbs, I will also say I am not used to the food here so they should send me some dried vegetables, dried fruits, sweet snacks, bacon….. I like the ham that Eldest Brother-in-Law sent last year, it’s a bit sweet and smells very nice, tastes good roasted or steamed, if I write to Eldest Sister maybe she will send some for me.”

Chu Xiuming listened to her muttering, he was not impatient at all, he was even listening with some interest.

“Little Brother must like it too.” Shen Jin became afraid Chu Xiuming thought her greedy, so she pulled Chu Xiuyuan’s name, “Also dried shrimps as big as palm, it’s a bit salty but very good for cooking, Fujun you will like it too..… “

Chu Xiuming watched her, his eyes were very gentle, when she stopped talking, he reached out to pinch Shen Jin’s face. It felt good on his touch, but a little chubbier would be even better. “Grow up soon.”

“Ah?” Shen Jin pulled her hand from under Chu Xiuming’s, covered her face, looked at him with puzzled expression.

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Chu Xiuyuan didn’t say anything else, he turned to Zhao Momo who was waiting outside with food box with a maid behind her. “Come help Madam change her clothes.” Countess formal dress was gorgeous, but not comfortable to wear while eating.

Zhao Momo handed the food box to the maid, she stepped in, “Yes”. She then helped Shen Jin into the room.

The maid saw Chu Xiuming nodded, she also entered to prepare the dishes on the table.

After that conversation, Shen Jin felt Chu Xiuming was very gentle and nice to her. Thinking about his hand on hers, she blushed and bit her lower lip, looking a bit embarrassed.

Zhao Momo noticed this, the smile on her face thickened, she said, “Today the General especially ordered steamed cake with dates, and also walnuts.”

“Really?” Shen Jin eyes lit up. She at once forgotten to be embarrassed, she looked expectantly at Zhao Momo.

Zhao Momo’s eyes twitched, the important part was that the General ‘especially’ ordered the cake.

“Yes.” Zhao Momo deftly took down the numerous ornaments on Shen Jin’s head. “The walnut was the General especially had people buy it. Didn’t Madam yesterday said wanted to eat walnut?”

Shen Jin quickly asked the next important question, “Are there raisins in it too?”

Zhao Momo was picking up the dress, her hands stopped, “Yes, it has raisins. The General knows Madam likes raisin, so he especially told the kitchen to put raisins too.”

“Very good.” Shen Jin grinned from ears to ears, she grabbed the dress to wear it herself, and urged Zhao Momo, “Momo, let’s hurry up. Steamed cake is best eaten hot. I only had steamed cake a few times in the Capital. Mother Consort didn’t like it, but I had to eat breakfast with her everyday, so I didn’t have steamed cake much.”

This time not only Zhao Momo’s eyes twiched, the corner of her mouth was twitching too. It was going to be a long wait for the General’s lady to grow up.

Looking at the shadow of Shen Jin’s back, she quietly sighed. It’s very distressing, when would she get to hold the Little Master? She couldn’t see the end of the tunnel.

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