When helping Shen Jin with the last piece of clothing, Zhao Momo said, “Madam, I have something to say but I don’t know if I should say it.”

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“Momo please speak.” Shen Jin watched Zhao Momo.

Zhao Momo thought for a moment before saying, “I was outside when I heard Madam said something. I know Madam wanted to write to the Capital for items was to help the General with the situation here.”

Shen Jin bit her lower lips, asked in low voice, “Did I do something wrong?”

“Madam is kind.” Serving Shen Jin for a while, Zhao Momo understood she was simple-minded and really didn’t mean anything else, “But if others heard this, afraid they thought Madam was unable to bear hardship, or that Madam disliked the General’s place…. ” The words were not finished but the meaning was obvious.

Shen Jin paled, her eyes turned red from anxiety, “I didn’t mean it that way.”

“I know.” Zhao Momo comforted her, “Madam just pay more attention in the future.” She said this for Shen Jin’s sake, sincerely reminded her.

Shen Jin understood, she nodded, “Now I know.”

“Madam better explain to the General.” Zhao Momo said in low voice, “No matter what others think, as long as the General understands Madam, that is what matters.”

“Alright.” Shen Jin knew good and bad, she understood that Zhao Momo was well-intentioned. She didn’t say it but in her hearts she remembered Zhao Momo’s taking care of her and would repay it one day.

Zhao Momo took more water to help Shen Jin washing up, when there was no other reaction she helped Shen Jin out.

Chu Xiuming was still sitting there waiting for Shen Jin, the dishes on the stone table were still covered. The maid opened the lids when Shen Jin and Zhao Momo entered. Chu Xiuming didn’t need anyone serving, he had everyone left.

Shen Jin finally got to eat the steamed cake she had long craved. Just like what Zhao Momo told her, it was filled with red dates, walnut kernels and raisins, it smelt quite milky and tasted so good. The red dates millet porridge was soft and sticky, and the other dishes also suited her taste. Even though Shen Jin had something in her mind but she ate very happily, her eyes opened wide and her chopsticks never stopped moving.

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Chu Xiuming normally didn’t like sweet stuff, but that time he ate an extra bowl, it was either today’s dishes were very well made or because he saw Shen Jin eating so keenly. After they were done and the maid had cleared up the table, Shen Jin remembered Zhao Momo’s advice.

She bit her lips, stole a glance at Chu Xiuming, only when she saw him in good mood, she spoke, “Fujun, I asked Mother Consort for stuff because I am greedy, I have no other intention. Please do not think too much….  if, if you don’t like it, I won’t ask for other things anymore….  but the medicine and supplements…. we don’t have much here in town, and still not sure when His Majesty would give us…. “

Shen Jin was quite incoherent and her face was troubled, Chu Xiuming didn’t quite get it at once but then he felt helpless and amused. When Shen Jin’s ramblings halted, he flicked her forehead,

“Don’t worry, your Fujun is not that small-minded, whatever you want you should ask for. I should be happy with a wife who thinks about our benefits, why would I be angry?”

“Really?” Shen Jin’s eyes lit up, looked at him expectantly.

Chu Xiuming flicked her forehead again, “Do not question your Fujun’s words.”

Shen Jin just reacted now, she covered her forehead, wrinkled her little nose, “It hurts, don’t flick.”

“Who lets your little brain think here and there.” Chu Xiuming knew himself didn’t flick too hard, he took down Shen Jin’s hand and rubbed her forehead,

“Alright, go write your letters now. Don’t forget to ask for the ham and the palm-size prawns.”

“Okay.” Shen Jin’s eyes curved as she smiled cutely, she got up, “Momo, let’s go back.”

“I have something to talk to Momo.” Chu Xiuming said.

Shen Jin frowned, glanced at Zhao Momo. Momo laughed, “Madam can go back first, I will serve you in a moment.”

It was about not having anyone to serve her, she was a bit worried for Momo, but she nodded and left.

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Chu Xiuming waited for her to leave, then he turned to Zhao Momo, “Momo, I want you to be with Madam, is to take good care of Madam.”

Zhao Momo instantly understood, it must be related to the letters.

“It is fine for Madam to be as how she is now, Momo just take care not let anyone mistreat her.” Chu Xiuming raised it.

“This Old Slave understands.”

Zhao Momo now understood the General liked Madam just the way she was, no need to instruct her too much, Momo only needed to prevent anyone bullied Shen Jin. As for Shen Jin bullying others? Not a problem, as long as Shen Jin liked it, the General would always had her back.

Zhao Momo was speechless, was the General keeping a wife or raising a daughter?

“Madam is very smart, everyone cares for her.” Zhao Momo figured out Chu Xiuming’s mind.

Chu Xiuming nodded approvingly, “It is good to be sensible. What does Madam like?”

Zhao Momo lowered her head, so she guessed it right. Alright, just took it as raising a daughter, as long as the General liked it then she’d adjust.

“Madam seems to like animals. An Ping said Madam had a few rabbits, but because of the war…. injured people need nutrition to get better.”

Chu Xiuming responded, he stood up, “Alright.” A pause, then he spoke as if to himself,

“After all Chu family owes her one. As for the future, it is good to win, but if we lost….. For now just let her be happy everyday.”

Zhao Momo sighed as she watched Chu Xiuming’s back, she could see the General’s meaning.

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After thinking for a while, she went to the kitchen to wash some red dates, then to Shen Jin’s room.

Shen Jin didn’t write yet, she was just sitting in the room. She stood up when Zhao Momo entered, with a pampered voice she said, “Momo, help me look for the writing papers that had golden plum blossoms, I couldn’t find it.”

This silly Madam, Zhao Momo knew Shen Jin didn’t write yet because she was concerned about herself. Her excuse was unbelievable but Zhao Momo just went along, “Alright I will help Madam search, Madam just have some red dates.”

“Okay.” Shen Jin responded, headed to the book room, “Mother Consort is very cultured, so I want to use the paper with gold plum blossoms. Where is the dried flowers bookmark I made a few days ago? We can put it in a brocade box as a gift for Mother Consort.”

Zhao Momo felt the gift was too cheap, “Why not add some jewelleries? Even if not as good as the ones in the Capital, but it is still interesting.”

Shen Jin thought for a while, “That’s also good, I will pick some later. Mother Consort likes simple but elegant things, and Eldest Sister likes coral, so also put some corals in the gifts to Mother Consort. The other sisters, no need to give anything.”

“The General had been in many expeditions over the year, we have plenty of rare treasures.” Zhao Momo heard her gift arrangement, tactfully reminded Shen Jin.

Shen Jin smiled, “Momo, I have my own reason.”

Zhao Momo remembered Chu Xiuming’s words, she didn’t try to advise further, “And for Rui Wang?”

“Fujun killed some Barbarian leaders, rights? They had ceremonial knives on their belts. Choose one with a lot of gems on the hilt.” Shen Jin laughed, “Father should like it.”

Zhao Momo thought men usually admired martial achievements so sending battle spoils as a gift was also a good idea. However she was a bit suspicious, was it because battle spoils didn’t need money to buy?

“Also get one for His Majesty.” Shen Jin spoke.

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Zhao Momo laid out the writing paper with gold-sprinkled plum blossom prints on the desk, “It’s still Madam who has thought of everything.”

Shen Jin’s smile was a bit smugly, “Anyway, those things take up space in the storehouse, and we still have to maintain them, it’s not worth the cost. Better send them to the Capital so we can get more useful things.”

Zhao Momo guessed Shen Jin’s mind, but she said nothing. Shen Jin spoke again, “The other day, Little Brother complained again about Fujun taking those things back, it’s a pity to just throw away, but giving to others, noone wanted. Can’t blame the General, he won too much. I think we can use them as gifts on New Years or Emperor’s Birthdays and other holidays.”

The things you didn’t want, did you think the Emperor would want?

“Heard there are also battle axes, hatches, and so on. Every year we send a few, add some other things in it as well, then it should be good enough.”

Shen Jin was very good at this kind of meticulous calculations.

In Rui Wang’s mansion there were a lot of social interaction events. Going outs, receiving guests, even just banquets inside the mansion, clothing and jewelries couldn’t be worn repeatedly, otherwise others would laugh.

Before Shen Jin was taken up by Rui Wangfei, the things they wore were just the Mansion’s rations. The rations were quite luxurious compared to ordinary household’s standard, but if sadly felt short in an environment such as Rui Wang’s. Shen Jin and Chen Cefei were different from Xu Cefei who received Rui Wang’s gifts all the time, plus Chen Cefei’s background was just so so.

When Shen Jin grew up, Chen Cefei saved her share for Shen Jin, so finally Shen Jin was roughly able to meet the standard, but still she couldn’t showed her face as often as Shen Zi and her sisters. Chen Cefei often re-smelt or altered the jewelries, their clothings were also often altered.

Shen Jin was very conscious of this, her heart hurt for Chen Cefei, but nothing they could do.

Gifting and regifting also needed careful calculation, the person they were gifting to should not be related with the original gifter, otherwise it would look bad if found out.

Zhao Momo listened to Shen Jin’s ramblings as she wrote, Shen Jin’s tone wasn’t complaining or upset, she was even a bit proud,

“That time I removed the gemstones from the bracelet, then melted the gold to make a hairpin. Noone knew it, they even praised my hairpin beautiful. So yeah, things we don’t need here, we can give out …. “

Shen Jin’s voice was soft, as if asking to be pampered. Listening to her Zhao Momo imagined a little squirrel busily going back and forth moving things to hide in her house. Behind the squirrel, there was a lion sitting on top of a pile of treasures. From time to time the lion waved his tail and threw a piece of treasure for the squirrel to pick. Squirrel came out from her house, lion threw treasure, squirrel picked it and ran inside, squirrel appeared again…..  rinse and repeat.

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