Chen Cefei took Shen Jin and saw that not only Rui Wangfei was present but Rui Wang was also in the room. Shen Zi was crying in Xu Cefei’s arms, while Shen Jing stood by the side silently shedding tears.

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Shen Qi was sitting next to Rui Wangfei, she nodded slightly at them, Rui Wangfei frowned when he saw Chen Cefei. Chen Cefei took Shen Jin to greet them, Rui Wangfei spoke, “Chen-shi and Third Girl sit down, Cui Xi serve tea.”

Rui Wang didn’t say anything, even though he favoured Xu Cefei, he seldom interfered with the affairs of the Back Courtyard, leaving it in the hands of Rui Wangfei who had never let him down.

Shen Jin sat on Chen Cefei’s side, lowered her head without a word. Although she was Rui Wang’s daughter, but very seldom met him, mostly only heard Second Sister Shen Zi saying today Father gave her this, tomorrow Father bestowed that. At the beginning there was jealousy, but in the end it was just like ‘Oh Father is being generous again’.

Rui Wangfei’s voice was very gentle, “Third Girl, your father and I have something to ask you.”

“Yes, Mother Consort.” Only then Shen Jin raised her head, looking at Rui Wangfei.

Rui Wangfei said, “Tell us what happened in the garden today.”

“Yes”. Wild grass usually didn’t live long, so Shen Jin lowered her eyes slightly while speaking about the incident. She didn’t embellish the story, everything was as seen and heard, but some words can be reordered and the effect will be different. Shen Jin secretly gleaned at Rui Wangfei again and again. She was a bit anxious to see Shen Zi crying beautifully like pear blossom sprinkled with tears, ” … then I went back first.”

From the beginning Rui Wang had guessed this must be because Shen Zi saw that set of coral jewellery on Shen Qi. When Shen Zi asked for it that time, Rui Wang didn’t give it to her because when the jewellery has just arrived, Rui Wangfei had already said she wanted it for Shen Qi. Shen Qi was almost a the age to be married out, they had to prepare things for her to bring.

Even though Rui Wang loved Shen Zi, but in the end Shen Qi was the legal and the eldest girl so naturally Shen Qi came first. However he had also sent people to buy things from the South, with special instruction to buy more stuff that Shen Zi liked.

Now the matter had become like this, one side was the legal main wife, the other side was the pretty and gentle Xu Cefei. Rui Wang knew it’s all Shen Zi’s fault, but he had always loved this daughter, so he frowned and said, “Chen-shi, how do you educate your daughter.”

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This was definitely an attempt to shift blame, Chen Cefei didn’t try to defend herself, she just directly kneeled down, Shen Jin held her tears, hurriedly knelt along by Chen Cefei’s side.

Rui Wangfei gave a look at Shen Qi who appeared wanted to speak, Shen Qi pursed her lips and stopped trying to say anything. Shen Jin fought hard to hold her tears, said, “It’s all this daughter’s fault.”

Rui Wang coughed a bit, turned to Rui Wangfei, “Wangfei, what do you think?”

Rui Wangfei casted a rebuke at Rui Wang, gently said, “Chen-shi and Third Girl please get up. Just a small matter among sisters, no need to say who is right and who is wrong.”

Only then did Chen Cefei said, “Yes.” She felt it would have been better if she died when giving birth, so Shen Jin would be raised by Wangfei. Both girls were Rui Wang’s daughters from concubines, but why it’s them who always got trampled.

But then Xu Cefei said, “Chen Meimei, please don’t mind this older sister say a few words. Third Girl is the youngest, not only two elder sisters having argument she didn’t persuade them, but also she sees something then straight away wants it. Good thing this was at home, if this was outside it would be embarrassing for Wangye’s family.” Xu Cefei’s voice carried slight sighs, “Zi’er just couldn’t help herself so she said some words, this girl is never good at speaking, but she looks up so much to her eldest sister.”

These words were as good as saying Shen Jin was a short-sighted person who coveted Shen Qi’s good things, while Shen Zi just loved her eldest sister so much but was too clumsy so her words were not very pleasant. This was putting all the blame on Shen Jin, practically pointing her nose calling her a shrewd troublemaker.

Chen Cefei’s face changed, she was willing to suffer but not when it came to her daughter, but before she could say anything, Shen Jin already came forward.

Xu Cefei’s eyes flashed, if today Shen Jin dared to contradict her even a word, she was prepared to shit Shen Jin to death, she couldn’t let her own daughter looked even a bit bad.

But Shen Jin didn’t pay any attention to her, instead she said to Shen Qi, “Today is all my fault, Eldest Sister gave me this bracelet because you care about me, who knows this becomes an issue. Eldest Sister if this bracelet is mine, can I then make decision?”

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Shen Qi looked at this third sister whose eyes were holding tears, nodded and said, “Can’t blame you on this, I gave it to you because you looked so cute, it’s yours now so you can do what you want.”

Shen Jin smiled at Shen Qi, her tiny dimples made people heartbroken and wanted to cry, she was so cute and so sensible.

Even Rui Wang felt a bit unhappy, in the end the most innocent in this matter was Shen Jin. Even if he didn’t like Chen Cefei, Shen Jin was still his daughter. Obviously just now the matter had been resolved, but Xu-shi still persisted not giving an inch, Rui Wang’s was a bit upset inside.

Shen Jin slid the coral bracelet off her hand, her white fingers ran over it for a while, then turned to Xu Cefei and Shen Zi, “Second Sister please don’t cry, I didn’t know Second Sister really likes it, I’ll just give it to you, Father and Mother Consort always love us sisters very much, they will be heartbroken to see us.”

Rui Wang was stunned hearing this, several times he thought Third Girl was going to shed tears but in the end she didn’t. Wasn’t this too stupid, don’t you know that crying kids always get the candy?

Rui Wangfei at his side was also sighing, murmured softly, “This silly girl”. Others didn’t hear it, but Rui Wang could hear it clearly.

Shen Jing felt bad as well, hurriedly said, “Third Sister please don’t misunderstand, it is not because of the bracelet.”

“En, it is fine.” Shen Jin didn’t refute, she just stepped forward and directly shoved the bracelet into Shen Zi’s hands, saying “Consider this is a gift from to Elder Sister .”

Shen Jin’s words made Shen Zi looked deliberately cried to get Rui Wang’s pity, but if Shen Zi stopped crying now then it meant she cried because she was coveting the bracelet.

Suddenly realising this, and seeing Rui Wang’s unhappy expression, Shen Zi fiercely let go of her hand, “I don’t want it.”

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The coral string bracelet fell to the ground, Shen Jin’s body trembled, then she squatted down. She was young, her body had not grown yet, still had baby fat. When she squatted down, she looked like a small ball, particularly lovable.

She picked up the bracelet but didn’t immediately stand up, she wiped her face with her sleeves secretly, as if trying to hide it. Rui Wang and Rui Wangfei couldn’t see her face clearly but they could see the small movements.

Shen Zi hurriedly stood up, “I didn’t mean to, just now…… just now I was too surprised and missed it.” This was a weak explanation.

“En.” Shen Jin stood up, wiped the bracelet clean with her handkerchief, then passed it again to Shen Zi, “This is for Second Sister.”

Shen Zi looked at her mother, she wasn’t aware at that moment Xu Cefei’s heart was full of hatred. It was unexpected that the saint-hearted Chen Cefei could have such cunning daughter. Today they suffered this loss because she never put them in her eyes, she could only say, “Why haven’t you thanked Third Girl yet.”

“Thank you Third Sister.” Shen Zi gritted her teeth saying it.

Shen Jin shook her head, returned to the side of Chen Cefei, lowered her had and not speaking again.

“Alright, all go back.” Rui Wang said.

Xu Cefei brought her two daughters to bow then left, Chen Cefei walked behind her with Shen Jin. At the entrance of the main courtyard, Xu Cefei turned, her face was smiling but not smiling, she said, “I have underestimated Sister Chen in the past.” She turned and left.

Chen Cefei took her daughter’s hand, this moment Shen Jin was not as calm anymore, her face pale white and her small hands were very cold, “You this child… ” Chen Cefei heart was painful, but she could only walked her towards their residence.

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Only after everyone left, Rui Wangfei said to her daughter, “Today you are punished by copying <<Female Commandments>> three times.”

“Yes.” Shen Qi didn’t dare to say more.

“Go.” Rui Wangfei said. Shen Qi bowed and left.

Rui Wangfei looked at Rui Wang, “Today Wangye has been too partial, it was unfair.”

Rui Wang was also remorseful but too embarrassed to admit it, he only said to Rui Wangfei, “Xu-shi has taught Second Girl to be too petty, she is not as well behaved as Third Girl.”

“Why don’t you bring her up with you?” Rui Wang also felt that even though Xu-shi was affectionate but she was petty, and her birth was too low to be able to teach her daughter well.

Rui Wangfei sighed, “I have been busy with Qi’er’s affairs, where do I have time, and besides if I bring up Second Girl, what about Fourth Girl and Fifth Girl?”

“Then how if you take Hao to live with you?” Rui Wang thought of Xu Cefei’s son, it would be a great regret if a son wasn’t taught well.

Rui Wangfei had two sons of her own, she didn’t want this extra trouble, but of course this couldn’t be said out loud, so she just said, “My good Wangye, just give me a break, Hao is still young, he can’t leave his mother. Soon he would be at front courtyard anyway, that time with Wangye and Teacher teach him personally, there should be no problem.”

Rui Wang thought so too, he didn’t say anymore.

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