Rui Wangfei said, “I have invited some Momo’s from the palace, let them teach these girls.”

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Seeing that Rui Wang nodded, Rui Wangfei slightly lowered her eyes and said, “Actually Third Girl, Fourth Girl, and even the youngest Fifth Girl are all good children, it’s just Second Girl… Wangye, I know you like Xu-shi, but in the end Third Girl is also your child, it’s not good to be like this, she is a sensible child and still suffers in every way.”

Rui Wang coughed a few times in embarrassment, Rui Wangfei said, “I have not been well these times, servants always flatter the upper and step on the lower, I see that Chen-shi… Third Girl’s clothing are all from last year, and Chen-shi’s hairpin is also very old already.”

“You are not to blame for this.” Rui Wang frowned, he knew that because Rui Wangfei’s health, most of the matters in the mansion had been handed over to Xu-shi, Xu-shi didn’t have prominent background and she was not very wise.

Rui Wangfei smiled, “Those few rolls of satin just received from the Palace, I feel the colours suit Third Girl, why not give to her?”

“You can decide.” Rui Wang remembered Xu-shi said those satins would look good for her own three daughters, but due to today’s incident, Rui Wang decided to be a bit cold to Xu-shi, “I also have three boxes of jewelleries, give two boxes to Qi’er, and one box for Jin’er.”

Rui Wangfei agreed, they talked about other things a while then Rui Wang left. Not long afterwards he sent those three boxes over, Rui Wangfei opened the box, approved of the items, but she didn’t give two boxes to her daughter like Rui Wang said, she called Shen Qi, “You know your mistake?”

“Daughter knows I am wrong.” Shen Qi said with her head bowed.

Rui Wangfei said, “These three boxes, your Fuwang said to give you two boxes, and your Third Sister one box.”

“Daughter will give my two boxes to Third Sister.” Shen Qi had had a lot of these things already, “Third Sister has suffered today.”

Rui Wangfei nodded, “Bring it over yourself.”

“Yes.” Shen Qi saw her mother’s tone softened considerably, she leaned over, “Mother, today I was too impatient, it won’t happen again.”

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Rui Wangfei has only this one daughter, naturally spoiled her, she slowly nodded said, “You have problem with that girl.”

Shen Qi humphed, “I just can’t stand her. She clearly was eyeing my stuff, I’d rather throw it away than giving it to her.”

Rui Wangfei didn’t say anything, she gently stroke her daughter’s face. Inside she was thinking Xu-shi only relied on Rui Wang’s affection, her three daughters were nothing great, but she dared to have her daughter playing pity in front of Rui Wangfei. Never too late to revenge, Xu-shi had apparently forgotten, her daughter’s marriage matter was still in Rui Wangfei’s hand, “Just wait later.”

“By the way, I see that the first son of Marquis Yongle is not bad.” Rui Wangfei gently said, “Marchioness Yongle is also my acquaintance, not only she is a kind person, our relationship is also very good, if you marry into their family she will take good care of you.”

Shen Qi blushed, “Mother why are you saying this to me.”

“Of course I have to talk it with you.” Rui Wangfei laughed, “I have only you this daughter, I certainly want you to have a peaceful and happy life.”

“Mother can just decide.” Shen Qi said in small voice.

Rui Wangfei laughed, ” I have met that boy, he is a stable one, after I talk it over with your Father and things are settled, Marquis Yongle can give him the Heir title, then you can be the Heir’s wife.”

Shen Qi responded, her face flushed red, “I am going to deliver things to Third Sister .”

Rui Wangfei nodded, Shen Qi took the three boxes and left without further words.

Cui Xi entered the room and whispered, “Rui Wang has gone to Yi Garden.” Yi Garden was the place for Rui Wang’s lower concubines.

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Rui Wangfei nodded, Cui Xi then said, “It was a little maid who listened to things when serving tea, I have had that maid locked up.”

“Ten strokes, and since she is bent on Xu-shi, send her to serve in Xu-shi’s courtyard.” Rui Wangfei spoke, her tone was still as gentle as before.

Cui Xi’s heart was aghast, this maid sent to Xu-shi courtyard, she wouldn’t live for much longer, but Cui Xi didn’t say further, she started to talk about matters in Chen-shi’s courtyard.

Rui Wangfei nodded slightly when she heard Shen Jin embroidered a handkerchief for her. After Cui Xi finished talking, she ordered, “Have someone delivered those satin over, then take out my butterfly-decorated set and the wire carp dangling hairpin, tell Chen-shi in five days I am taking Third Girl to Yongle Mansion. Also drop by Sewing Room, let them finish Third Girl’s clothes sooner.”


In Moyun Courtyard, looking at her sleeping daughter, Chen-shi was filled with joy, tucking her daughter under the blanket, she ordered the maid to serve her well. She left holding Li Mama’s hand, “Li Ma, today… “

“Madam this can be said disaster turned into blessing.” Li Ma thinking about what Cui Xi came to pass on, “Wangfei is going to promote Third Girl.”

“En, tomorrow I have to remind Jin Niang not to be naughty when going out with Wangfei .” Chen-shi laughed, “Right, have to hurry up make some clothes for Jin Niang.”

Rui Wang taking her daughter out without Second Girl along, Chen-shi understood this well. If they could lean on Rui Wangfei, it didn’t matter even if Xu-shi hated them mother-daughter. Hope Rui Wangfei took their obedience into account, and arrange a good marriage for Jin Niang.

“Miss is young, no need to wear too bright colours, I see the light blue satin one looks good.” Li Mama smiled, “And it matches the carp hairpin from Wangfei.”

“Isn’t this colour a bit too plain?” Chen-shi said after pondering a while.

Li Mama said, “Then make a dress of the pomegranate red one.. “

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Shen Jin didn’t know all these, she woke up in the morning, after freshened up she had a maid brush her hair, “Today make it double flat buns, then use the pair of butterfly pins from Mother Consort.”

Things given by Wangfei, regardless of the reason of giving, have to be worn today. Chen-shi stayed up late with Li Ma yesterday to plan Shen Jin’s attire today, so this morning she got up late. When she arrived, Shen Jin has finished dressing, she nodded in approval, “Good, Wangfei will be happy to see you wear the things she gave.”

Shen Jin didn’t think someone like Wangfei would take this trivial matter to heart, but she still smiled, “I know.”

Chen Cefei checked again before telling Shen Jin to bring the handkerchief she embroidered for Wangfei. Rui Wangfei had long exempted all Cefei’s and other concubines from morning greetings. She also didn’t require concubine’s daughters to come either. Xu Cefei let her three daughters to visit every five days, but her son never visited at all. Chen Cefei had her daughter visited all the time even if it’s windy or rainy, after so many years this devotion finally paid off.

When Shen Jin arrived, Rui Wangfei was still putting on make up, she let Shen Jin brought in right away, smiling “This child, why don’t you sleep a bit longer?”

“Already woke up.” Shen Jin didn’t talk much in front of Wangfei. Whenever Wangye stayed there, she would come a little later, so as not to be around when Wangye was there. She also never had meal there because Wangye usually come to eat breakfast with Wangfei and Wangfei’s children.

Shen Qi also arrived, seeing Shen Jin there she smiled, “I know Third Sister would be here, today Mother specially ordered Pearl Fuling cake, Lotus Root Osmanthus cake and so on for us to eat together.”

“Your quick tongue,” Rui Wangfei finished grooming, laughing when she heard her.

“Thank you Mother Consort.” Shen Jin understood with these words today she should stay. “I like these sweets, but Mother doesn’t let me eat, saying I am fat.”

“You are young and growing up, if you like just let the kitchen make it everyday, just don’t eat too much at once.” Rui Wangfei softly advised.

“Yes.” Shen Jin smiled in response, two small dimples looked extra cute, “I embroidered a handkerchief for Mother Consort, the embroidery is not good, please Mother Consort don’s dislike it.”

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“Let me have a look.” Rui Wangfei beamed, as if she had not known.

The maid besides Rui Wangfei picked up the handkerchief from Shen Jin, held it on both hands for Rui Wangfei. Rui Wangfei examined the handkerchief in her hand, “The embroidery is good.” Saying that she removed the handkerchief she was wearing, replaced it with the one Shen Jin embroidered.

“When will Little Sister make one for me too.” Shen Qi on her side laughed.

“Sure, as long as Elder Sister doesn’t mind the embroidery then I will make one.” Shen Jin heard Shen Qi called her Little Sister, so she also followed along.

Rui Wangfei laughed, “Don’t bully your sister. Jin Girl, don’t listen to her, don’t make yourself tired.”

Shen Qi supported Rui Wangfei’s hand, when they walked passed Shen Jin, Rui Wangfei reached out to take Shen Jin’s hand. No wonder Chen-shi said she was fat, Shen Jin had small frame so even if she didn’t look fat, she had quite some flesh.

Shen Jin’s heart skipped a bit when her hands were held by Rui Wangfei, but she recovered quickly, walked along with Rui Wangfei said, “Not tired, I will embroider slowly. It is just that, Mother always tells me not to waste material.”

“Why is that?” Shen Qi curiously asked.

Shen Jin’s face turned red, said in small voice, “The things I embroider always… look fat.”

Rui Wangfei didn’t respond right away, when they reached main hall she took out that handkerchief to have a look, she then started to laugh. Shen Qi also went over, she saw the embroidered stuff were all fat. Shen Jin’s embroidery was ‘carp playing lotus leaves’, the fish was as round as the lotus leaves.

When Rui Wang came in, he heard laughter all over the hall. Shen Qi and Shen Jin were laughing together in merriment, Rui Wangfei was also laughing so hard she didn’t see him, the atmosphere was all very warm and joyful.

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