Actually there was not much else to see except for people, leaning in Chu Xiuming’s arms while warmly wrapped with a cloak made Shen Jin sleepy. She rubbed her eyes and put her head back into the cloak.

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This time she fastened the buttons herself, the whole person shrunk nestled in Chu Xiuming’s arms, and she started to doze off. Chu Xiuming usually looked slender but when embraced like this she found he was not skinny at all, he was sturdy and warm. Half asleep, she wriggled.

Chu Xiuming froze for a while, then he lightly pinched Shen Jin’s waist. “Pah!”. Shen Jin’s hand slapped the back of his hand, turned a bit and vaguely muttered, “Itchy, annoying…. “

Her complaining voice sounded cutesy, Chu Xiuming put his chin on top of her head, rubbed it slightly, “Silly thing, why aren’t you grown up yet.” His voice was so soft that Shen Jin didn’t hear him, she soon fell asleep again.

They stopped outside the market at the place for resting and parking horses. Chu Xiuyuan had dismounted, “Brother, how is Sister-in-Law?”

“Sleeping.” Chu Xiuming replied.

Chu Xiuyuan narrowed his eyes, asked in low voice, “Can’t bear to wake her up?”

Chu Xiuming looked at him without smile, Chu Xiuyuan instantly stopped his nonsense, Chu Xiuming sorted him enough times already when he was younger.

Chu Xiuming released the rein, he held Shen Jin’s waist with both hands, then smoothly rolled over and dismounted from the horse.

Chu Xiuyuan spontaneously covered his eyes, he couldn’t see underneath the cloak but was it really good to take Shen Jin off the horse this way?

A small surprised voice came out from under the cloak, Shen Jin was sleeping soundly when she felt like falling sideways. Eyes still closed, she twisted around tightly hugged Chu Xiuming, even her legs were hooked around him.

Chu Xiuming gently supported her underside beneath the cloak, saying, “Let’s go.”

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Chu Xiuyuan and the guards, “…………. “

Not good, but this was his brother the General so let him be, the cloak covered everything anyway. The guards stored the horses, two of them would take turn watching the horses.

Shen Jin was startled awake, “Eh…… ” Something was not right, “Wait!”

Chu Xiuming stopped, Shen Jin came to realise herself still in his arms, her face instantly brushed red, “Put me down.”

“Alright.” Chu Xiuming’s eyes gleamed, he let go of her then supported her waist so she could stand smoothly on the ground.

Not waiting for her to ask, he unfastened the cloak’s button, then Shen Jin’s own cloak under it. He handed both garments to the guards, they would stroll the market so better not carry these things.

The corner of Shen Jin’s eyes were tinged red, either from the sleep or what had just happened. “So we arrived.”

“Sister-in-Law, you awake?” Chu Xiuyuan on her side laughed.

Shen Jin shot a glare at him, but her glaring was not intimidating at all. Chu Xiuming lightly waved at Chu Xiuyuan and he shut up quickly.

Chu Xiuyuan said, “I just want to tell Sister-in-Law that I am going to look around, Sister-in-Law can go with Brother.” He took off with the other two guards, leaving Shen Jin alone with Chu Xiuming.

Chu Xiuming helped Shen Jin fix her hair and clothing, then he took her hands, “Hungry?”

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“Not hungry.” Shen Jin tilted her head thinking, her reaction was a bit slow, Chu Xiuming saw her still not completely awake so he didn’t ask again, he walked her towards the market.

They paid 20 copper coins to enter. The entrance fee was to pay the cleaners and the guards of the market. People wanting to sell things still had to register and pay stall rental fee. Rental fees varied according to the location of the stall.

The market was crowded, by now Shen Jin had been completely awake, she had also forgotten what happened when getting off the horse. “Fujun, so many people.”

Chu Xiuming responded. The shopping duty today had been handed to Chu Xiuyuan, he would just accompany Shen Jin strolling the market. “Take your time.”

“Okay.” She hadn’t stopped smiling since they entered the market. The crowded market was full of sellers and people who came to play like them. Some people were dressed strangely, Shen Jin saw a girl with bare arms and bare calves, a lot of bells hang on her dress, her dress was without waistline so it looked like a tube….

The young girl was very lively, she was walking ahead of her family. When she saw Shen Jin looking, she smiled and waved at Shen Jin, the bells on her dress tinkled ‘ding ding dang dang’. Shen Jin smiled back at her, dressing like this in the Capital would get people sneering and insulting, but here it just fit the environment. This place was like hot pot, all kinds of ingredients put together felt harmonious instead of odd.

Shen Jin pulled Chu Xiuming’s hand, “I am a bit hungry.”

Chu Xiuming lowered his head, looking sideways at Shen, didn’t you just say you were not hungry? Shen Jin blushed but of course she wouldn’t say hotpot just appeared in her mind, “Just hungry.”

“Alright.” Chu Xiuming’s voice was very nice, it carried some doting tone, sweet and intoxicating like peach blossom brew stored for many years.

He took Shen Jin towards the food area, explaining, “The market is roughly divided into 4 areas: clothing, food, accommodation, and transport.”

“Can stay overnight here?” She hurriedly asked while he was willing to talk.

Chu Xiuming affirmed, “The market is open for a month.” He looked at Shen Jin, “But you don’t want to stay here.”

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“Why is that?” Shen Jin pursued, playing for just one day wouldn’t be enough.

As it’s getting more crowded Chu Xiuming took her in his arms, escorted her towards the food area, “You see how many people in this big market, but only one area is for accommodation.”

He didn’t want to scare her so didn’t say too much, he and Chu Xiuyuan had stayed here overnight and the smell was simply unbearable.

Shen Jin blinked, watched around, and didn’t talk about staying anymore. The market was for one month, wondered if Fujun would bring her here again?

She looked up to see him, but since her whole body was in his arms, she could only see his chin. There were many girls secretly looked at Chu Xiuming, and even more were openly looking. Sorry to you this man was her husband. This thought made her smug, she unconsciously snuggled deeper.

Chu Xiuming’s step halted, he looked down at her, gently patted her back. “Almost there, bear a bit.”

Aiya, she was too shameless, but this was her own husband, and there were so many people here, he was not the only husband protecting their wives and daughters….. Eh what did Fujun just said, bear what?

Didn’t matter, she responded to him but her eyes kept roaming.

That stall over there was crowded by so many people, wonder what they were selling? She stretched her head trying to look but because she was not tall so couldn’t see anything.

Chu Xiuming thought Shen Jin was hungry but he didn’t rush in case she couldn’t keep up. He looked down wanting to ask if she still had meat jerky to nibble, when he saw Shen Jin was enviously looking at their right side.

He also looked, there was a man holding up his wife so the wife could see across. Chu Xiuming’s eyes flashed, he asked, “Like that?”

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“En.” Shen Jin noticed him stopping, she pointed to the stall with many people, “That one.” She looked at him expectantly, she wanted them to walk towards that stall.

Who knew Chu Xiuming’s face looked helpless, like ‘why are you acting cutesy in public’ helplessness.

He switfly and smoothly lifted Shen Jin up, before she could react he had thrown her on top of his shoulder with his arms around her legs. Shen Jin exclaimed in shock, but Chu Xiuming only said, “Is this okay now.”

“But…. ” Shen Jin’s face burning, “But …. not this…. “

“Hard to see the way if I hold you up, this is better.” Chu Xiuming adjusted Shen Jin’s position again, after making sure she was sitting firmly, he said, “Hold tight, lets’s go.”

Shen Jin awkwardly moved her legs, she felt everyone was laughing at her, even her neck was red, “This is not good……. ” Her timid voice was not convincing at all.

Chu Xiuming felt nothing was not good, he even thought this was great.

Shen Jin didn’t realise it but Chu Xiuming was keenly aware that as soon as they entered the market so many eyes lingered on Shen Jin. Her fair and delicate skin, her clear and beautiful eyes, her pure and innocent appearance, and her vibrant look were extremely eye-catching.

Shen Jin sitting on his shoulder attracted even more eyes, but it was also a declaration this young lady was his. He was like a strutting male leopard showing off his possession.

Shen Jin was about to cry when she realised many other women were also sitting on their men’s shoulders, moreover her line of sight was now exceptionally good, she could see what’s being sold at that crowded stall.

Her tears were retracted before they were even shed, she was now excitedly looking around with interest.

Eh, that guy over there was bald in the middle of his head! Wait wait, where was this roast meat smell came from…….

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