Shen Jin sat on a small wooden stool busily trying to suck in more air while chewing the meat in her mouth. Pieces of roast meat laid on the top of oil paper covering the small table in front of her.

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After just one bite, she had felt it was unbearably spicy, eyes and nose were all red, she complained in low voice, “So spicy…. ” She thought herself able to eat spicy, so she had very positively told the seller she liked chilli so much so please put more!

“Spit it out.” Chu Xiuming was somewhat helplessly holding his hand upwards in front of her.

Shen Jin covered her mouth with one hand, the other was holding the meat stick. She chewed faster, she would not spit something in public, and definitely not on Chu Xiuming’s hand.

Chu Xiuming didn’t force her, he poured a cup of cold tea and when Shen Jin had managed to swallow the meat in the mouth, he brought the cup to her lips.

Shen Jin hurriedly drank it mouthful by mouthful, her mouth felt burning and bitter. Chu Xiuming poured another cup and placed it in her hand, this time she drank it up herself. He took the hand which was still holding the meat stick, pulled it towards himself, lowered his head, and ate the rest of the meat that Shen Jin had nibbled.

The chilies Shen Jin had in the Capital and in the General’s Mansion were all seeded so they were not too spicy. Chillies differed by the varieties and the places they were grown. The ones used at the Mansion were mostly chosen for the fragrant taste, while chillies outside were the real deal. Chu Xiuming knew this but not sure why he didn’t tell her…… Looking at her rabbit-like eyes, Chu Xiuming’s expression turned gentler, “Let’s get one without chilli.”

“En.” Shen Jin had two cups of tea already, she drank the third cup but her mouth still felt unbearable. “Buy a bit less.”

In Rui Wang’s mansion there were a lot of dishes at every meal, only a few chopsticks were eaten from each dish so the waste was very high. Since living in the border town she had developed the habit of not wasting things. “Fujun, too spicy, I can’t eat.”

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Chu Xiuming stopped her, he ordered almond tea from the stall next door. It was a bowl full of almond tea with black and white sesame seeds, crushed peanuts, hawthorn and other things on top, it looked really beautiful.

“Eat this.” Chu Xiuming stirred it well then pushed the bowl in front of Shen Jin. She responded, the almond tea was a little hot so the first sip made her mouth worse, but it was sweet and sour so she had a few more sips, then the burning feeling in the mouth lessened.

“Tasty.” Shen Jin smiled her satisfaction, in a soft voice said, “Don’t eat these spicy ones.”

Chu Xiuming sighed as if helpless, he used bamboo stick to eat the roast meat Shen Jin abandoned, “Some places have heavy tastes, you are just not used to it.”

“Then next time I will ask you before eating.” Shen Jin cutely said in a kissing up tone.

Chu Xiuming nodded as if he reluctantly agreed just because Shen Jin asked.

The roast meat without chilli was served, Shen Jin started eating it, she looked at Chu Xiuming and asked, “You are not afraid of spicy?”

Chu Xiuming eyed the ones with chilli, then the portion without chilli in front of Shen Jin, finally raised his eyebrows. Shen Jin hurriedly grovelled to him, she held up her half-drank bowl of almond tea with both hands, “Fujun you are the best, have this and it won’t be spicy anymore.”

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The two of them finished eating roast meat and sharing the bowl of almond tea. They continued but this time Chu Xiuming didn’t make Shen Jin sit on his shoulder anymore, he held her hand as they walked around food stalls.

There were a lot to try, Chu Xiuming had Shen Jin tried only bits of each, he then ate the leftover. Finally even Chu Xiuming couldn’t stand eating anymore, he pulled the reluctant Shen Jin towards the leather area.

The market was divided into clothing, food, accommodation, and transport areas. The area called clothing wasn’t just for fabrics and clothes, it meant anything that could be worn. Shen Jin saw leather goods, herbs, and even medicine.

(T/N: I am not sure how herbs and medicine could be ‘worn’ or grouped as ‘clothing’, but okay.)

Ginseng sold here were not of good quality, the largest one was not even a thumb thick. “I remember in Mother Consort’s dowry there was a very rare old ginseng, ” Shen Jin whispered, “When Eldest Brother was seriously ill, Mother Consort stewed cuts of the ginseng. Imperial Doctor said that if not for that ginseng, afraid Eldest Brother wouldn’t have been saved.”

Shen Jin’s voice was calm, but the memory was deep. That time entire Rui Wang mansion was in turmoil, even Chen Cefei and Shen Jin’s meals were affected, it was the first time Shen Jin ever ate cold meals.

Noone dared to make a fuss. Eldest Brother Shen Xuan was the eldest legitimate son, Rui Wang’s and Rui Wangfei’s most valued child. When he recovered, Rui Wang submitted a petition to confer him the Heir position.

(T/N: It seems royal or noble families had to get approval by the Court to set up their Heirs.)

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Chu Xiuming responded, then asked, “How did he get so sick?”

“I don’t know.” They were standing so close that from time to time he couldn’t see the things on the stall.

“I remember …… He was carried home…. ” She was still too young so couldn’t remember clearly, “Eldest Sister mentioned it, he was going out with some prince. That ginseng was used more than half, then Brother had to recuperate for long time, but he is still not fully well. Every year at the start of winter Mother Consort would be very worried.”

Shen Jin was born by a concubine, she very rarely met princes and princesses. Shen Qi, Shen Xuan and Shen Xi every now and then would go to the palace to accompany Empress Dowager and the Empress. They would bring some rewards back, sometimes palace-made jewelleries, sometimes cakes.

(T/N. Refresher (No) Daughters / Moms: (1) Shen Qi / Rui Wangfei, (2) Shen Zi / Xu Cefei, (3) Shen Jin / Chen Cefei, (4) Shen Jing / Xu Cefei, (5) Shen Rong / Xu Cefei. Sons not listed here.)

(T/N: Shen Xuan and Shen Xi seem to be Rui Wangfei’s sons, so they and Shen Qi are the legal children who could play with princes and princesses. Concubines’ children have no such honor)

“Eldest Sister always shared rewards from the Palace, but then I had to be careful of Second Sister. She was jealous but didn’t dare to offend Eldest Sister.” She wrinkled her nose, “Very annoying.”

Shen Jin didn’t say but Chu Xiuming heard it. Didn’t dare to offend Eldest Sister, then how to vent? Shen Zi wouldn’t vent on her own birth sisters, so there was only Shen Jin the punching bag. Hearing this even Chu Xiuming felt heartache, “It won’t happen again.”

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Shen Jin laughed, her eyes turned like crescent moon, “But I wasn’t foolish enough to just let others bully me, I had Eldest Sister. After Eldest Sister got married, I was always with Mother Consort.”

Plenty of her memories were formed through hardships and heartaches, but she didn’t tell. “And after the news of my marriage with Fujun spread, the Palace also rewarded me things many times.”

So Shen Xuan almost died when going out with the princes, something secretive must had happened. If it’s related to the princes, then it was interesting.

(T/N: I can’t see if Shen Xuan went out with one prince or some princes, plural isn’t obvious in Mandarin. I don’t know if this little incident will be important in future chapters or it points to one prince in particular, you have been warned of potential confusion.)



Almond tea (杏仁茶)

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