The next person to get off the carriage was Zhao-momo. One glance and she knew these people’s scheme but her expression didn’t change a bit. Had Chu Xiuming really been a lecher Emperor Cheng wouldn’t have feared him this much. Zhao-momo disdained the Emperor, as a ruler of the country he used women trick, it was not only small-minded but also lowly.

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They arrived at dusk so Chu Xiuming simply let Shen Jin sleep until morning. That morning he got up and went to practise martial-art outside without letting anyone wake her up.

People from border town knew Chu Xiuming, but those from Count Mansion didn’t know. Noone was stupid enough not to understand what the georgeously dressed maids like ‘sprig of blossoms swaying in the breeze’ were doing as they ran around carrying water and bringing teapots. An Ning quietly told Zhao Momo, Zhao-momo just laughed coldly, “Ignore them.”

T/N – ‘Sprig of blossoms swaying in the breeze’ 花枝招展 = describing a woman all dressed up.

Shen Jin was awaken by an ear-splitting scream from outside, only dead people wouldn’t wake up with this scream.

Zhao-momo didn’t expect that she hadn’t taken action yet but it had already turned like this, she rushed inside in case Shen Jin was frightened. Shen Jin was wholly refreshed without sleepiness at all, “What’s going on?”

Zhao-momo spoke, “This is my fault, Xiaobudian was left outside last night, this morning it came in following the smell.”

The screaming outside was still going on non-stop, Shen Jin frowned, Zhao-momo said, “An Ning, have a look outside, stop any injury.” Zhao-momo didn’t explain and An Ning didn’t ask either if she meant stopping the dog injuring people or stopping people injuring the dog.

Chu Xiuming was in the next courtyard, he was also startled, annoyance flashed on his eyes, he put down the weapon and walked back. He was practising martial-arts so was wearing a short tight-fitting clothes, it made his body looked more slender and his brows looked like pictures.

When they saw him, some of the maids who were screaming dramatically used their hands or sleeves to cover their faces and some stared at him with tears streaming down their faces.

Xiaobudian was crouching on the floor, it’s front paws was covering the ears. As it saw Chu Xiuming, it wagged it’s tail, “Woof woof woof.”

At this moment Xiaobudian was looking quite cute instead of scary. Except for it’s huge size, it looked innocent with a slightly turned head and a tongue lolling out. It wasn’t looking like that just now, when the maid saw it, it was baring it’s teeth and it’s fur was all standing like bristles, the maids thought they had met a wolf.

Chu Xiuming didn’t even looked at them, he walked next to Xiaobudian, patted it’s head then took it inside.

An Ning had came out by that time. After Chu Xiuming got inside she looked at the bunch of people who were now looking more like ‘flower blossoms losing colours’ and said, “Take them all out.”

Without waiting for further order, border town pozi and guards moved forward and took them out, either grabbing one by one or by pairs but all thrown out.

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As Chu Xiuming entered, Zhao-momo was helping Shen Jin freshened up, she was staring at the bronze mirror, “Did they disturb Fujun?”

“Just some ‘clowns jumping off the beam’.” Chu Xiuming spoke, then asked a servant boy to bring him water to wash up.

T/N – ‘Clowns jumping off the beam’ 跳梁小丑 = bad person desperately try to stir up troubles but still unable to create much disturbance.

Zhao-momo gently asked, “Furen has a plan?”

Shen Jin thought a while and nodded, “Is the kitchen tidied up?”

Zhao-momo’s eyes twiched, “Cleaned up. Replaced with our people. It’s probably too late for this morning, but whatever Furen wants for noon just order it.”

“Momo can take care of it.” Shen Jin said, “Fujun doesn’t need to go to the Palace?”

Chu Xiuming wasn’t as anxious as Zhao-momo, he replied, “Wait a bit later, today Rui-wangfei and others will have gone back.”

Shen Jin calculated and said, “Then today we pack things up and send a visit request, we can go tomorrow.” She knew Mother would be just fine with Rui-wangfei, but she wouldn’t feel relieved until she could see her herself, “Fujun also going?”

“Of course I am going.” Chu Xiuming smiled, “I want to see the place my wife grew up.”

Shen Jin smiled too, she started telling things to Chu Xiuming about Rui-wang’s mansion like which garden had a pond, she only stopped talking when it was time for meal.

After helping Chu Xiuming changed into court dress, she stretched, “Zhao-momo, gather all Mansion servants in the front hall.”

“Yes.” Zhao-momo didn’t ask further. The General wanted all the matters at the residence be given to Furen, so she would just assist from the side without interfering.

An Ping and An Ning didn’t know the plan, they just stood next to Shen Jin. When the time came, they moved towards the front hall. Today Zhao-momo had Shen Jin wear an aqua red dress, it’s not Moonlight brocade but wasn’t bad either, they were at home so there was no need to dress up.

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Everyone on the name list was at the front hall. A few mansion stewards stood at the front, and behind them were all the maids, manservants, rough-jobs pozi and so on.

They were relieved when they saw Shen Jin with her tender face, her pair of moist almond eyes, and her lips that naturally curved upwards. She looked like a person with soft temperament, in other word, someone who could easily be swindled.

Shen Jin didn’t even look at the name list, she directly asked, “Those who were born in the residence, stand up.”

There was noone, Chu family’s root was in the border town, there were not many people in the Count Mansion in the Capital. Shen Jin thought this made it much simpler.

She handed the list to Zhao-momo, “Momo have a look if there is anyone you know.” Zhao-momo flipped through, “This Old Servant has left the Capital too long, there is noone I know.”

Shen Jin nodded, “Good then. Alright, bring the account books here.”

All the stewards knew this was the normal process, and there wouldn’t be any problem because the account books had been rewritten when the news of Count Yongning’s return was received.

The Emperor had Count Yongning’s salary sent to the mansion instead to border town. Mansion people found Count Yongning never asked so they got bolder, mansion expenses were made balanced with the salary and nothing left to sent to the border. They even privately pocketed profits of the hamlets and the farmlands that the Emperor had rewarded.

An Ping collected all the account books, Shen Jin asked, “Are there more?”

Chief Steward respectfully said, “No more, these are the general ledgers. The account books are in the accounts room, Furen can send someone to check.”

Shen Jin nodded then said, “Someone come, take the stewards to…… Just find an empty courtyard and take good care of them. Steward Zhao, please check the accounts, if there is no problem then they can go home.”

And how if there were problems? Count Mansion’s stewards didn’t have the chance to speak, they had been taken out by the guards from border town.

Steward Zhao was specially brought by Chu Xiuming. Shen Jin had long known Chu Xiuming was a narrow-minded and vindictive person, he was just too lazy to care about Count Mansion. They were not his people, since they wanted to die then let them, when the time came just settle all the accounts altogether.

T/N – Cheating him means they wanted to die…..

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“Yes.” Steward Zhao didn’t ask anything, the young apprentice besides him took the general ledgers and the keys to accounts room then stood behind him.

Shen Jin said, “If you are too busy, go to….. Rui-wang Mansion and borrow a few people, I will talk to Mother Consort.”

“Yes.” Steward Zhao still didn’t speak much. Shen Jin didn’t care, she said, “Then go ahead, tell me how many people you need.” Steward Zhao bowed and took his apprentice away.

“Which ones serve in the Main Courtyard?” Shen Jin asked.

At these words, some of maids walked out of the crowd with lowered heads.

Shen Jin looked at them, there should be more than 20 maids. At this moment they were no longer looking like ‘sprig of blossoms swaying in the breeze’, their clothing was much plainer and simpler.

“Quite beautiful.” She was telling the fact. “Zhao-momo, bring their deeds. Each of them gets 5 liangs, and they can leave.”

T/N – Deeds here is 卖身契 = Deed of sale into slavery.

“Furen…..” They knelt down and cried, “Furen…. This Slave will serve Furen and Count Yongning faithfully, we definitely not dare to……”

“Look they are all crying with joy.” Shen Jin made her own conclusion. “No need to thank me, everyone gets 1 more liang then. Consider it as Count Mansion giving you dowry, beauties like you don’t need to worry about not getting married.”

Two crying maids tried to grab Shen Jin’s legs to beg, without waiting for them to make further noise, An Ning had move forward and threw them outside. Shen Jin gloomily sighed, An Ning was so strong, what sort of man should she choose for An Ning later, so worrying.

Zhao-momo said in cold voice towards the rough-job pozi’s, “Is everyone deaf here, didn’t you hear Furen’s order? The Count Mansion doesn’t keep useless people.”

A pozi with a gold bracelet on her wrist said, “Furen, this is not good, some of them were rewarded by His Majesty. How about waiting until Count Yongning is back.” She thought Shen Jin was just too jealous and this couldn’t have been the Count’s intention.

Hearing this Shen Jin turned to her, “If anyone else thinks this is not proper, don’t worry, I will certainly talk to Imperial Uncle.”

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That pozi’s eyes widened, she just remembered Countess Yongning was a Junzhu, the Emperor’s niece. Trying to suppress her with the Emperor’s name or Count Yongning’s name wouldn’t work.

Noone else dared to object, every two pozi’s grabbed one pretty maid to take outside.

Shen Jin looked at the rest of the maids whose appearances was more average. She said, “You are not as pretty as them. Never mind. Zhao-momo, give everyone 7 liangs each, let them leave with their deeds. You get more so it’s easier to marry.”

This wasn’t right! Average-looking maids in the crowd felt twisted, how could this happened? One extra liang and they were dismissed too?

“We are willing to serve Furen.” Some smarter ones only said Shen Jin’s name and didn’t mention Chu Xiuming’s, they thought Shen Jin was just trying to prevent the maids seduced Chu Xiuming. Moreover they were average-looking so they wouldn’t attract attention.

Shen Jin said, “No need, I have people serving me.” She waved after speaking.

The pozi’s were all anxious and terrified, this time they dared not delayed, they hurried to forcefully send the maids out.

At this point there were only a few younger maids left. Shen Jin didn’t tell them to get married, she said, “If you still remember, write down your homes. I don’t need money for your deeds, everyone gets 8 liangs, you all can go home.”

“This Slave has no home anymore.” A little maid not older than 6 – 7 years old knelt on the floor crying, “Begging Furen mercy, This Slave’s mother has gone, father has remarried….” The story of her life was so pitiful, it was sad to hear.

“Poor thing.” Shen Jin sighed, everyone thought she would let her stay, but then she said, “In this case, you should learn a skill. If your family is not reliable then you should rely on yourself.”

Shen Jin was very serious, “Who else wants to learn a skill? Noone? Then take your deeds and money and leave.”



T/N – I still don’t know if Xiaobudian is a male or female dog, can I just call it a ‘he’?

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