Shen Jin needed less than an hour to get rid of everyone in the mansion. It had reached the Emperor’s ears even before Chu Xiuming knew it. The Emperor’s face changed and changed multiple times.

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At first Emperor Cheng was going let Rui-wangfei and Chen-cefei go after he saw Chu Xiuming but now he decided to wait. He would have the Empress probe Shen Jin first to see if this was Chu Xiuming’s doing?

This was quite the first time Chu Xiuming appeared in front of many of the people. Everyone in front of the Imperial Study silently cursed, if this face of his was called hideous, then how to call theirs?

Emperor Cheng saw the faces of some senior ministers had mellowed, the hatred in his heart grew stronger but he still maintained the smile on his face,

“Count Yongning had worked hard guarding the border for long time. This time with Rui-wang’s birthday, it is also good to take a bit of rest in the Capital.”

“Yes.” Chu Xiuming’s face was solemn and unsmiling, the full body official court robe helped setting off his elegance and gracefulness.

This time seeing Chu Xiuming, there was no telling how many ministers was upset in their heart. Even Emperor’s father-in-law Prime Minister Chen was sighing gloomily inside, the rumours were really misleading. Then he remembered it was spread by himself under Emperor Cheng’s instruction and he felt a bit guilty.

Emperor Cheng wanted to kill Chu Xiuming but afraid that if Chu Xiuming died the border would be unstable. He also wanted to keep up the appearance of a good Emperor who knew to appreciate meritorious officials, and that was the reason Count Yongning’s mansion in the Capital was quite large.

There wouldn’t be enough manpower in the mansion after those people were kicked out. Shen Jin said, “Keep the Main Courtyard and one guest house open, and lock up the rest.”

Zhao-momo brightened, she understood, “I will arrange it now.”

Shen Jin nodded, “Have to trouble Momo, please let them work hard, make all those people go away soon.”

“Yes.” Zhao-momo respectfully responded.

An Ping went to help Zhao-momo while An Ning stayed with Shen Jin, Xiaobudian was sitting next to Shen Jin’s feet, she was using a special brush on it’s fur. Xiaobudian wagged it’s tail in comfort, it’s having a great time, even when sometimes she brushed too strongly it didn’t struggle. After the back was done, Xiaobudian lied on the floor so she could brush it’s sides.

“Furen, how did you think about letting them all go?” An Ning asked from the side.

Shen Jin said simply, “Because I don’t know which ones can be trusted, better get them all out.”

An Ning thought for a while but didn’t ask again.

Emperor Cheng had Chu Xiuming stayed for lunch, when he returned Shen Jin was taking a nap. He went to the Palace with just one attendant, everyone following them from the border was left for Shen Jin. As he entered the mansion he saw the scene.

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The guards didn’t understand ‘to pity the fragrant, to cherish the jade’, their obedience to orders was really too strong. Working in groups, one gave out deeds, the other handed money, then the person got kick out. Your other possessions? Sorry, Furen didn’t say.

T/N – ‘To pity the fragrant, to cherish the jade’ 怜香惜玉  = men treating women with care and consideration

Seeing Chu Xiuming was back, Zhao-momo told him what had happened. Chu Xiuming said, “It’s fine, just do as Furen said. And these few days give the residence a few searches.”

“Yes.” Zhao-momo smiled as she said, “Never expect that Furen could think so thoroughly. It is good to take action today because yesterday the luggage still needed to be sorted out.”

Chu Xiuming paused walking and turned to look at Zhao-momo. She was still busy praising Shen Jin, saying things like how Shen Jin normally looked confused but she was formidable on big matters. He opened his mouth but in the end didn’t speak. It’s unlikely that Shen Jin had thought that far, the reason she only took action today because she was sleeping yesterday.

“This Old Slave couldn’t think of such a simple way.” Zhao-momo sighed, “All the way here I was thinking how to find the moles, but Furen just got rid of them all at once.”

Chu Xiuming had changed into everyday clothing, he smiled, “What did Furen have today?”

“Furen ordered ready-made dishes from the restaurant because of the disorder in the morning.” Zhao-momo replied, “Furen enjoyed the sweet and sour fish.”

Chu Xiuming nodded, he didn’t speak and Zhao-momo didn’t either. Shen Jin was sleeping soundly, so he moved to the study next door and called Steward Zhao over.

Chu Xiuming asked, “How was it?”

Steward Zhao was actually a military advisor. He said, “Which matter General is referring to?”

“Furen.” Chu Xiuming smiled at Steward Zhao.

Steward Zhao thought for a while then said, “Beyond expectation.”

Chu Xiuming nodded but didn’t continue. He started to talk about what happened in the Palace. Steward Zhao frowned and said, “Afraid tomorrow the Emperor would have the Empress call Furen to the Palace.”

“En.” Chu Xiuming had also thought the same when he heard what Shen Jin had done today. His eyes narrowed, “Not a problem.”

Steward Zhao didn’t talk about it further, he said, “It is better if General could see Rui-wangfei alone.”

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Chu Xiuming slowly released his breath, “We still need to contact those in the Capital.”

Steward Zhao understood. It’s still uncertain how many of their people were left, and whether any of them had sold out. They had just arrived and everyone’s eyes were on them, at this moment some matters were not possible to do.

“If Furen is trustworthy, it would be better to entrust Furen with this.”

Chu Xiuming’s eyes narrowed for a moment then slowly shook his head, “Too dangerous, wait a little longer.”

“Yes.” Steward Zhao responded.

Chu Xiuming looked at Steward Zhao, “You can first smooth out the account books. Don’t worry, I know the limit.”

Steward Zhao responded, as Chu Xiuming had no other order he withdrew.

“Going to the Palace?” Shen Jin didn’t understand, “Aren’t we going to see Mother Consort and others?”

“Rui-wangfei they are still in the Palace.” he replied.

Shen Jin confusedly looked at Chu Xiuming who explained, “Looks like the Emperor will have the Empress question you about today’s matter before letting you and Rui-wangfei and the rest leave.”

“So troublesome.” Shen Jin was quite exasperated, “How…… what is he doing with rear courtyard affairs.”

Chu Xiuming touched her face, “Don’t be scared in the Palace, I will pick you up.”

“En.” Shen Jin responded, “It is alright, Mother Consort is there.”

Chu Xiuming suddenly asked, “Did Rui-wangfei teach you about household management?”

“En.” Shen Jin spoke, “After Eldest Sister married, Mother Consort took me up to be on her side.”

“Then what about today’s matter?” Chu Xiuming wanted to know what sort of person Rui-wangfei was. He could ask Shen Jin, but on some things he needed to make his own judgment.

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Shen Jin nodded, “Mother Consort said, things that you can’t guess just don’t guess, get straight to the point, and don’t waste time on unrelated matters.”

“What happened?” Chu Xiuming asked.

Shen Jin looked at him with surprise, her face was like ‘how do you know!’.

Chu Xiuming reached out to pinch her ears. Shen Jin hesitated a while before saying, “That time Father…… with a subordinate’s wife….. promoted the subordinate to be steward, he became quite insolent, arms stretched long, offended Mother Consort. Mother Consort had the whole family tied up, poured hot oil and sent to the Officials, said they stole things in the residence.”

T/N – ‘arms stretched long’ 手伸的很长 = meddlesome and bossy.

“Eldest Sister had married, so Mother Consort was accompanied by Second Sister, I have two older sisters.” Shen Jin hesitated whether to tell Chu Xiuming as this was not a very good thing.

“Mother Consort also said, as the main lady of the residence, if even Main Courtyard matter you can’t handle, then just don’t manage anything.”

“You haven’t been in Count Mansion for so long, afraid these people are not disciplined anymore so better just have them all leave.” Shen Jin indignantly said, “I can’t tell who can be used and who can’t, then simply don’t use any of them. There are only two of us here, people from the border is enough.”

T/N – She said afraid these people ‘already have their own minds’, I take it as not disciplined, no longer loyal, or not in sync with their master anymore.

Chu Xiuming felt it’s a waste that Rui-wangfei was married to Rui-wang. Rui-wangfei could see things clearly, could deal with things swiftly and cleanly. She could look unconcerned as long as you hadn’t crossed her bottom line, but once you did……

“Had nightmares?” Chu Xiuming asked.

Shen Jin shook her head, “Mother Consort didn’t let us see, but she still let the maids make us calming stew.”

Chu Xiuming nodded, Shen Jin laughed, “Mother Consort had also specially told me that I am no good at playing tricks. So towards people whose status are lower than me, I should just ignore. And to those who are higher than me….. when I am not sure, I should just smile.”

She smiled after saying that, her eyes narrowed to a line, lips curving upwards and two dimples appeared, looking extra cute. Such a smile, anyone wanted to give her trouble would become soft-hearted.

T/N – Rui-wangfei said Shen Jin wasn’t good at 玩心眼 which is being dishonest in social interactions and always think of petty tricks to achieve some trivial advantages.

“Tomorrow at the Palace just do it this way.” Chu Xiuming was completely relieved, Shen Jin had Rui-wangfei, she wouldn’t be disadvantaged. It’s not because she was from Rui-wang’s mansion, but because Rui-wangfei’s heart……

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Shen Jin obediently responded, before they could talk further a news came that the Empress summoned Shen Jin,  Rui-wangfei and Chen-cefei to the Palace tomorrow for a ‘family chat’.

Shen Jin sighed in relief after hearing it, she still had to dress up but didn’t have to wear the formal Countess attire. However the words ‘family chat’ was a bit peculiar.

Shen Jin watched Chu Xiuming with slightly lowered eyes, it couldn’t be that far, could it? Was the Emperor trying to drive a wedge between them husband and wife? Wasn’t it a little….. low?

The Emperor and the Empress were well aware Chu Xiuming and the Emperor was not on good terms, the use of ‘family chat’ had highlighted Shen Jin’s status. Shen Jin picked her fingers, she couldn’t say what she was feeling.

T/N – Grouping Shen Jin as ‘family’ was akin to highlighting her status as a direct relation to the royals while alienating Chu Xiuming.

Zhao-momo recovered faster than Shen Jin, she sneered grimly inside but her face didn’t show it, “Furen what would you like to wear to the Palace tomorrow?”

Shen Jin turned to Zhao-momo, “Momo can arrange.”

“Yes.” Zhao-momo respectfully withdrew.

Chu Xiuming patted Shen Jin’s hand, “Don’t think too much.”

Shen Jin responded, “I quite miss Mother Consort and Mother.”

Chu Xiuming took her hand and walked back, “You will meet them tomorrow. If you like, we can also stay at Rui-wang’s mansion for a few days.”

Shen Jin nodded. Actually she wasn’t nervous about entering the Palace at all, she had been going there every New Year. It’s just that the feeling was different this time.

Chu Xiuming took her to the Palace entrance. Shen Jin was going with An Ning only, Zhao-momo wasn’t going but she didn’t ask. Looking back at Chu Xiuming who was still standing outside, the smile on her face reappeared.



T/N – I wonder if Steward Zhao is related to Zhao-momo, or just coincidence? On Chapter 1, Rui-wangfei was also from Zhao family. Either there were too many Zhao’s in China or coincidence or there is something here.

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