Shen Jin’s small mouth was slightly open, her shocked eyes was round as if she had seen something unbelievable or incomprehensible. She looked at Chenyang Gongzhu, then the Empress, turned to Zhaoyang Gongzhu, and back to Chenyang Gongzhu again. Her head lowered, “Oh.”

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What kind of answer was this? Even Zhaoyang Gongzhu slightly frowned at Shen Jin. If Shen Jin really didn’t want to answer, she should just casually say something. That ‘oh’ was too perfunctory.

Rui-wangfei was laughing inside. The Empress’ face didn’t look good, for a moment she didn’t get Shen Jin’s meaning.

Chenyang Gongzhu was used to being overbearing, she directly asked, “What kind of answer is that? Didn’t I ask you a question?”

Shen Jin’s face looked troubled, her lips pursed, eyes helpless and nervous, very pitiful like a small animal being bullied. Her mouth opened and opened, in the end it was still just an: “Oh.”

Chenyang Gongzhu was so angry she felt like smashing the cup in her hand but then she remembered who Shen Jin was. If Shen Jin had been a maid in her palace, she would had been dragged and slapped.

“You don’t understand what I am saying?” Chenyang Gongzhu said through clenched teeth, “Do I need to repeat it?”

Because she felt she had been brushed off, Chenyang Gongzhu’s expression was really bad and her tone forceful. Shen Jin’s eyes reddened, the tears rolling in her eyes almost fell out, she looked wretched.

Zhaoyang Gongzhu knew the matter wasn’t completely Chenyang Gongzhu’s fault, but her heart still softened, she said, “Older Cousin, why don’t you tell us about the scenery on the road?”

“You are too nice.” Chenyang Gongzhu coldly laughed, she despised people like Shen Jin the most, people who pretended to be innocent. “How Count Yongning looks like, Countess Yongning doesn’t know?” The words were full of mockery.

The Empress frowned, Shen Jin was lacking manner but she wasn’t happy with Chenyang’s conduct either. She put down the cup and was going to say something when Shen Jin spoke.

Shen Jin bit her lower lip, her head slightly raised towards Chenyang Gongzhu,

“Fujun going to war is under the order of Imperial Uncle’s, so if Gongzhu questioning the order……” Her lips moved then she continued, “Rear palace should not interfere with politics.”

The trembling voice was weak but the Empress was shaken to hear it, Chenyang Gongzhu’s face paled, even Zhaoyang Gongzhu’s face also turned ugly.

Shen Jin turned to the Empress, she was all silent when Chenyang Gongzhu was harrassing her but now it’s as if a chatterbox had been opened,

“Fujun and the soldiers put their lives down to defend the country. Gongzhu’s words are hurtful to many people, if the soldiers hear it…….  Gongzhu is a member of the royal family, Gongzhu’s words and actions represent the royal family. If those words are heard by anyone they may be misunderstood …….”

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Some parts were left unspoken for people to fill in the blanks.

Shen Jin’s identity was sensitive, she was from royal family but now she was Count Yongning’s wife who occupied very high position in the eyes of the military. If a word of this was heard outside….. Chenyang opened her mouth but she didn’t know how to refute, before she could think of what to say, Shen Jin had continued,

“Moreover, although Fujun is the husband of Gongzhu’s cousin, but he is still a man from outside, it is improper for Gongzhu to enquire about a man.  And judging someone by their appearance is also not good.”

Shen Jin’s tone was very sincere with a tinge of concerns. “Imperial Aunt will surely help you explain it to Imperial Uncle. You are Imperial Uncle’s daughter so I am sure Imperial Uncle will understand. But still, this matter shouldn’t spread outside.”

Finished talking, Shen Jin turned to the Empress, “Is that not true, Imperial Aunt?”

The Empress looked at Shen Jin, silently hating inside that she had misjudged a vicious and cunning wolf as an innocent rabbit.

Her heart was shaken. Could this be a trap that Shen Jin prepared? Having this kind of hold over them, and by saying ‘rear courtyard shouldn’t interfere with politics’….. She was vexed at Chenyang for making things worse.

T/N – 成事不足 败事有余 = telling you to do something, but you make it worse instead.

But on the surface she said, “What Jin Girl said is right. Chenyang has always been straightforward that I didn’t notice, this time ….. Are you still not make amend to your cousin?”

Zhaoyang Gongzhu was panicking inside, Shen Jin kept saying Gongzhu but didn’t specify which one. Currently in the Palace there were only two of them of this age, how if her reputation suffered, “Older Cousin, Sister didn’t mean it that way.”

Chenyang Gongzhu glared at Shen Jin, she really wanted to give her some heavy slaps. But she stood up and bowed towards Shen Jin, “Younger Cousin, I was harsh just now but I didn’t mean anything bad.”

Shen Jin said, “It is fine. Gongzhu just pay more attention in the future.”

Only now Rui-wangfei spoke, “Don’t mention this matter again.”

“Yes.” Shen Jin obediently answered, then she admonished too, “Gongzhu also please don’t mention this to anyone, it is not good for your reputation.”

Chenyang Gongzhu was extremely irritated that she couldn’t breathe. It was obvious Shen Jin deliberately misinterpreted her words and set up a trap for her to enter, but now she pretended to be innocent, there was nothing more repulsive.

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The Empress said with slightly downcast eyes, “You do not care, but I cannot pretend that I do not know. Chenyang, copy the scriptures 100 times as an offering to the soldiers and generals who fell defending the country, you can’t go out before it finished.”

Zhaoyang Gongzhu said, “I will also copy the scriptures together with Sister. “

When the Empress finished talking, she looked at Shen Jin with a questioning look in her eyes if asking if Shen Jin was satisfied now.

Shen Jin looked at the Empress with a confused look, then as if she was hit with enlightenment she said, “Imperial Aunt don’t worry, when the scriptures copies are ready, I will have someone bring them to the border town so they could be burned at the graves of the soldiers.”

Had she not been cultivating mental resilience for many years, the Empress would have lost her composure. Today she has met someone who was so difficult to shake off.

Zhaoyang Gongzhu silently hated that she had opened her mouth. She was trying to earn some good reputation by promising to copy 100 scriptures to burn at a ceremony, with palace maids and eunuchs doing it for her. But now….. what good reputation could she get if the scriptures were sent to the border town? She also had to do it herself so the writing would be even, wasn’t this too much effort for a thankless job.

Chenyang Gongzhu didn’t think much of it, she only thought that Shen Jin didn’t trust her, now that she had lost out, she couldn’t say anything.

The Empress didn’t have the mood to talk to Shen Jin any longer, after a few more words she served tea to send the guests away.

T/N – Serving tea (again) means hinting the guests to leave.

However Shen Jin was too insensible, she asked, “Imperial Aunt, I am here to pick up Mother Consort and Mother. Mother Consort, is your packing finished already?”

“Not really.” Rui-wangfei calmly said.

The Empress had no intention to let anyone go today, she smiled and said, “In that case, you can leave some other time.”

“It’s all right. ” Shen Jin carelessly said, “Mother Consort and Mother please pack up now. I will be here talking to Imperial Aunt. In the past I didn’t talk much with Imperial Aunt so I have been worried. Who would ever thought Imperial Aunt is this familiar, and Older Cousin and Younger Cousin are also very kind. I really don’t feel like leaving.”

It had been a long time since the Empress felt this irritated, “I thought I would keep Sisters-in-Law for a few days more. And I also haven’t notified the Mansion, I am afraid there is no carriage to use.”

“Fujun is coming to pick me up,” Shen Jin had been looking naïve all along, her smiling eyes curved like crescents.

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“Don’t worry, at first Fujun and I was going to the residence to see Father and Mother Consort, but Mother Consort and Mother are in the Palace, and I was summoned here by Imperial Aunt, so I come here first, later I will go with Mother Consort and Mother so Fujun can meet them first, Fujun can meet Father at the residence later, didn’t I hear Father misses us very much? It will be Father’s birthday in just a few days…… Right, Mother Consort hires the cook from Wangjiang restaurant, isn’t it? I remember Father likes the food there very much……..”

Listening to Shen Jin’s incoherent ramblings on trivial matters, from dishes to decoration, from decoration to life in the Capital, the Empress really hated she couldn’t have Shen Jin’s mouth gagged. The chest was full of anger, but the smile on the face was still preserved.

After speaking for some time, Shen Jin took a sip of tea and looked at Rui-wangfei with a puzzled expression, as if asking why Mother Consort had not gone to pack up yet?

Rui-wangfei looked at the Empress. The Empress opened her mouth and as she was just about to say something, Shen Jin spoke again, “Mother Consort don’t  worry that the carriage is not big enough. Fujun will definitely take care of everything thoroughly.”

The Empress looked at Shen Jin’s face trying to see if she was pressuring her with Count Yongning’s name? But now since the matter had turned this way, she could only say, “Sister-in-law just go and pack up, and also say goodbye to the Mother Empress.”

“Yes.”  Only then did Rui-wangfei get up and said, “Jin Girl, stay here with the Empress to talk, and don’t be naughty. “

Shen Jin stood up and obediently said, “Yes.”

Rui-wangfei took Chen-cefei to leave.

Zhaoyang Gongzhu finally found a chance to say, “Cousin, why don’t I accompany you for a walk outside in the imperial garden?

Chenyang Gongzhu had been sitting without a word. The Empress was relieved, after Shen Jin left, she could send someone to His Majesty to ask what to do next.

“It is fine, Fujun told me in the Palace I should not wander off so I won’t make trouble for Imperial Aunt.” Shen Jin looked very tactful, “And Fujun also said, Imperial Aunt must have a lot of things to talk to me, so I have to accompany Imperial Aunt chatting.”

Who wants to talk to you! W-h-o again wants to chat with you? Things Shen Jin said clearly could choke people to death, but she was putting on an innocent face like a good little bunny. It’s good she was not a concubine in the Palace, people would have died from anger.

But such a calculating person like the Empress still weren’t sure if Shen Jin was really this innocent and well behaved, or if it was all just pretending.

Shen family had phoenix eyes, but Shen Jin’s were almond shaped. Chen-cefei’s almond eyes made her look weak and easy to bully, while Shen Jin’s almond eyes combined with her naturally red lips and the pair of small dimples gave her an air of innocence that invited people’s affection. If Chen-cefei had been just four or five part as good as Shen Jin, she wouldn’t had been neglected by Rui-wang.

Shen Jin’s appearance didn’t just make men wanting to dote on her, but even women would feel wanting to love her dearly, she was someone who could be accepted by both men and women. She wouldn’t make anyone feel threatened, only when they had suffered loss that they would wonder whether they had misjudged.

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After sending Shen Jin away, the Empress urgently had someone give her a back stroke without care that the two princesses were still there. She almost couldn’t breathe, she had been so angry but still had to reward Shen Jin a stack of gifts.

Both princesses left, the Empress asked, “Yuzhu, do you think that Shen Jin was doing it on purpose or she……”

Yuzhu’s eyes twitched, “This Slave doesn’t know, but I feel that Countess Yongning is not simple.”

“I have misjudged her.” The Empress said with cold voice, “Had she been simple, she wouldn’t have lived until today.”

Shen Jin who had taken her Mother Consort and Mother out of the Palace, was in a particularly good mood, but Chen-cefei was still worried, “How could you talk to the Empress like that? “

“It was the Empress who told me to call her Imperial Aunt and chat about family matters.” Shen Jin innocently looked at Chen-cefei, “Imperial Aunt is a good person, very close and very gracious. If not because Fujun is waiting outside, I still want to chat longer with Imperial Aunt.”

Rui-wangfei’s smile was very composed and appropriate, “Jin Girl is correct, your Imperial Aunt likes talking to you very much. If there is a chance, you should accompany her talking, she would be very happy.”

The corner of Chen-cefei’s eyes twitched, she wanted very much to ask, Wangfei are you serious?



T/N – Phoenix-shaped eyes

T/N – Almond-shaped eyes

(Yes, that’s Park Min-young on the left)

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