Shen Jin did not lie, Chu Xiuming had been waiting with his people at the entrance of the Palace. He had a few carriages, the front one was for Rui-wangfei and others, the second one for the maids and the pozi‘s. Not just the their luggage but the rewards from the Palace could be brought back at once.

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Chu Xiuming rode his horse next to the carriages, Shen Jin opened the curtain and sent him a sweet smile before closing the window and sat down.

Rui-wangfei didn’t need to ask if Shen Jin’s life in the border was good, she could see it from Chu Xiuming’s behaviour and the unhidden affection on Shen Jin’s rosy face.

She noticed that as soon as they came out, the silent Chu Xiuming’s eyes were first placed on Shen Jin, only after he was sure that she was fine that he looked at the others. Someone with such a dignity of Count Yongning’s, waited for a long time at the entrance and arranged everything for her, it was impossible if he didn’t have Shen Jin in his heart.

“Mother Consort, the two of you were in the Palace for so long, are you all right?” Shen Jin asked with some concern.

Rui-wangfei pursed her lips and smiled, “Your mother and I were usually at the Empress Dowager’s place, she is always fasting and chanting, she doesn’t go out much. Apart from not being able to walk around freely, we are both fine.”

Shen Jin felt the Empress Dowager didn’t know to enjoy life, being the Empress Dowager but always fasted and chanted everyday. “What about Mother Consort and Mother?”

“We naturally have to accompany the Empress Dowager.” Rui-wangfei didn’t think it’s a big deal, “Wangye also came to the Palace from time to time.”

“Oh.” Shen Jin responded.

Rui-wangfei looked at Chen-cefei, “We finally get to meet Jin Girl, why are you not talking?”

Shen Jin also asked, “Mother, why are you not speaking to me?”

Chen-cefei held Shen Jin’s hand and smiled, “You look taller.”

Shen Jin smiled and wormed herself into Chen-cefei’s embrace, saying in delicate voice, “Yeah.”

Holding her only daughter like this, with Shen Jin wriggling a bit in her arms, Chen-cefei felt her heart was melting. She started asking about Shen Jin’s daily life despite Rui-wangfei’s presence. Rui-wangfei was smiling, she listened at their side without speaking.

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Shen Jin had poured three cups of tea, one for Rui-wangfei, one for Chen-cefei, and she slowly drank the last cup herself. Chen-cefei was thirsty, she drank most of the cup before she put it down.

Chen-cefei suddenly realised herself losing manner, but Rui-wangfei didn’t mind it. Rui-wangfei smiled, “Today is probably too late, come to the Mansion tomorrow with Count Yongning, I will invite your two sisters and brother-in-laws, we can have a family get together.”

“Alright,” Shen Jin responded with a smile.

Without noticing the time, they suddenly had arrived at Rui-wang Mansion. Chu Xiuming had sent someone to inform them of their arrival. Rui-wang was at the Palace, so his two sons Shen Xuan and Shen Xi waited at the entrance. After thanking Chu Xiuming, they took Rui-wangfei and Chen-cefei inside. Chu Xiuming and Shen Jin didn’t enter, they went back to Count Yongning Mansion.

Hot water had been ready when they arrived, An Ping helped Shen Jin freshened up and changed into regular clothing. By that time An Ning had finished talking about what happened in the Palace. Actually she didn’t know much because she couldn’t enter when the Empress was talking to them, but An Ning could tell the time the two princesses came and the time Rui-wangfei and the others left.

Zhao-momo said after listening, “When I first heard His Majesty intended to reward a marriage to the General, I guessed it would be one of the two princesses because they were the only ones of the suitable age among His Majesty’s daughters. Zhaoyang Gongzhu was the Empress’ birth daughter but she was younger, so I thought it would be Chenyang Gongzhu. I had never expected in the end it would be Rui-wang’s daughter.”

Not only Zhao-momo, actually the advisors of the General’s Mansion had tried to guess as well. Rewarding a marriage was the best way to show favour to the Chu family and at the same time strengthen the relationship between the royal family and the Chu family. It wasn’t that Chu Xiuming thought so highly of himself, but with Chu family’s achievements and status in the military, the position of Countess Yongning was really worth a di daughter of the Empress.

Any normal person would have thought this way, unfortunately this was Emperor Cheng. He was muddled-headed in major matters and too calculating in small stuffs. Let alone the Empress’ daughter even a concubine’s daughter he was unwilling to give, and instead ordered Rui-wang’s daughter to marry.

The Emperor wasn’t lacking daughters, he just wasn’t willing. It was a different matter if he did so out of love for his own daughters, but his conducts afterwards proved it hadn’t been the case.

Rui-wangfei sent the money to Chu Xiuming for something she found out decades ago, she just didn’t make a move until now when the border town was finally out of siege. In the end it was all about her disappointment towards Emperor Cheng.

If the Emperor was really wary of Chu family then he shouldn’t have used them but unfortunately he couldn’t let go of them either. What he should have done was using graces to pull them to his side, then waited for them to make mistakes. If he took them down that time, the world would still be on the Emperor’s side.

But who was Emperor Cheng? He wanted to pull Chu family but had no control over himself. He wanted to guard against Chu family but his actions were too obvious. He didn’t have a hold on big matters, and he used small matters to be hateful towards Chu family.

For example the rumours he circulated in the Capital. Which of older generation had never seen Chu Xiuming’s parents, unless he was adopted there was no way his appearance was like the rumours. They knew but just didn’t say it, the rumours had deceived only younger people like Shen Jin’s generation.

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Regarding Chu Xiuming’s marriage, Rui-wangfei also thought it would be either  Zhaoyang Gongzhu or Chenyang Gongzhu, she was speechless when it fell on Rui-wang.

Actually even without Rui-wang’s words, she wouldn’t have let Shen Zi be married to Chu Xiuming. If it had been Shen Zi, they wouldn’t have gained a relation with Chu family, but gained an enemy instead.

Rui-wangfei had thoroughly lost hopes when she found out that Emperor Cheng not only failed to send help during the siege, but he still withheld food and provisions after the siege.

It was fortunate that Emperor Cheng’s confused move had left Rui-wang a way. She remembered Father’s words that time when she was getting married, as some matters had turned that way, Father had chosen Rui-wang for his status and his muddle-headedness.

As a matter of fact, had Emperor Cheng simply ‘break the cauldron and sink the ship’ and ordered Chu Xiuming be killed, Rui-wangfei would still have some regards to him, but now…..

T/N – ‘break the cauldron and sink the ship’ 破釜沉舟 = cutting off someone’s means of retreat.

Rui-wangfei warmly said to her two sons, “Xuan-er, your Third Sister is finally in the Capital, you have to be good to her, take her around the Capital.”

In the residence, Shen Xuan trusted his mother the most, he said, “I understand.”

Rui-wangfei nodded in satisfaction, her son was talented in both literary and martial, if not because …… Rui-wangfei curbed the expression in her eyes.

“Xi-er, you are not young anymore, you have to ask your Third Brother-in-Law for guidance, you know?”

Shen Xi was slightly younger, he smiled, “This Son knows.”

Rui-wangfei said, “Alright, go back and study.”

“I will come to accompany Mother at dinner.” Shen Xi spoke.

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Rui-wangfei nodded her permission. After Shen Xi left, Cuixi took the other maids out and stood outside guarding the door. There were only Rui-wangfei and Shen Xuan in the room. Shen Xuan saw his mother had something to say, he opened the window and poured red date tea for her.

Rui-wangfei slowly released a breath, “Xuan-er, when Count Yongning leave, I am going to send Xi-er to follow him.”

“The border town is barren and wild and Barbarians are targeting it, wouldn’t it be too dangerous?” Shen Xuan and Shen Xi were very close, “I am afraid Second Brother won’t be able to bear it.”

“A girl like Jin Girl can, what can he not bear?” Rui-wangfei said in deep voice, “You know why I never let you become an official at the Court?”

Shen Xuan was raised by Rui-wangfei since young so he wasn’t muddle-headed like Rui-wang. Especially after he almost lost his life, he became more like her, calmer and steadier. He said, “I understand.”

Rui-wangfei nodded, “From the day your Imperial Uncle bestowed the marriage, Rui-wang Mansion’s position had became difficult.”

Shen Xuan’s face was tinged with anger. He knew very well the real reason his mother was taken to the Palace even though the premise was taking care of the sick Empress Dowager. He couldn’t rely on a father like Rui-wang.

“This Son understands. In this case why don’t we ask Third Brother-in-law to arrange a position for Second Brother, even just an errand boy position is fine.”

“It won’t be that far.” Rui-wangfei eased up her expression, “Besides, Jin Girl is a good child, she will understand.”

Shen Jin would put extra care not because of the good relationship between her and Shen Xi, but more because Shen Jin was a person of understanding. Such a person wouldn’t make mistake. Had it been Shen Zi who married there, Rui-wangfei wouldn’t have made this arrangement.

In Count Yongning’s Mansion, Shen Jin was slowly eating red date curdles while talking about what happened at the Palace, “There were fake immortals, and the small animals have some intuition, whether really good towards people or not.”

T/N – I don’t get the meaning, so it’s the literal translation for ”就是有些假仙,小动物都有一种直觉,是真的对人好还是假的. ”. Maybe someone who understands can tell us!

Zhao-momo had some sympathy towards the Empress, afraid today she wouldn’t be able to swallow her meals.

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Chu Xiuming nodded, “It’s good that the Empress is kind.”

The Empress was putting on a kind face on the surface, this meant not only she dared not make trouble for Shen Jin, she would even help Shen Jin cleaning up the mess. Who told Emperor Cheng to spread good words regarding Shen Jin so naturally the Empress couldn’t pull the rug under the Emperor. His order had given Shen Jin a golden armour.

“Chenyang Gongzhu is very natural.” Just a bit foolish, probably the Empress had spoiled her to be a waste. “I feel Mother Consort is really not bad.”

As a di mother, although Rui-wangfei towards Shen Jin wasn’t as good as towards Shen Qi, but she had taught Shen Jin everything that needed to be taught. She had also never laid a hand on the shu children, at most she just didn’t care.

Chu Xiuming smiled, “Because Rui-wangfei is a person of understanding.”

Shen Jin nodded, she continued, “Zhaoyang Gongzhu is worthy to be the Empress’ daughter.” She did resemble the Empress.

Chu Xiuming didn’t say anything, Shen Jin lowered her voice, “Mother Consort said the Empress Dowager is always fasting and chanting suttas, it’s really…..” It’s really a waste having good fortune and didn’t know to enjoy it.

“Hmph.” Zhao-momo coldly snorted, “One with so much dirt in the heart certainly has to fast and chant everyday.”

Shen Jin looked at Zhao-momo with confusion, her almond eyes looked exceptionally innocent. Zhao-momo’s heart softened, “Furen probably didn’t get anything warm in the Palace, I will ask the kitchen to make pigeon in honey sauce.”

“I had golden roll in the Palace, it was very good.” Shen Jin hurriedly added, “Very very good.”

Zhao-momo’s eyes darkened for a moment before she smiled, “I can make that too, it just needs a bit more time. If Furen wants it, I will go make it now.”

“Good.” Shen Jin reached out and pulled Zhao-momo’s hand, “I missed you there. There are many things in the Palace but they didn’t feel fresh, so I ate only one.”

Zhao-momo felt more heartache, “Furen eat first, I go now.”

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