Although Rui-wangfei had made an excuse to smooth out the stupid incident caused by Shen Zi but noone stayed for dinner, everyone was leaving after talking with Rui-wang for some time.

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Shen Zi was called back in by Rui-wangfei, she had redone her make up and changed to a crimson gauze dress embroidered with large peonies that complimented her lovely looks.

She was extra careful and considerate this time as she knew the incident at noon had caused Zheng Jiaqu to lose face. Her person was pretty and they were married for less than a year, so the anger in Zheng Jiaqu’s heart had quickly lessened and his face also became less twisted.

Shen Jing and Shen Rong also reappeared, either due to concerns for Shen Zi or for some other reasons.

Rui-wang was still angry at these three daughters and it showed on his face. In contrast Rui-wangfei was as kind and gentle as ever.

Rui-wangfei ordered some stuff prepared for daughters and son-in-laws to be brought home, “Today is the first time Jin Girl returns after married, you all can’t blame me for being more biased towards her.”

Shen Zi was still trying to please Zheng Jiaqu so she didn’t dare to say anything despite the dissatisfaction in her heart. Shen Qi laughed, “Mother, don’t say that, it’s only right that Third Sister gets more.”

Shen Jin who was standing on Chu Xiuming’s side smiled, “Big Sister just don’t be jealous.”

“Bad girl.” Shen Qi’s smile was very bright, her eyes were not tinged with gloom as earlier that day. Shen Jin had it tougher than herself but she turned out well, Shen Qi this elder sister shouldn’t be less than her. “Tomorrow remember to bring Brother-in-law to my place.”

Yongle Shizi could see the big picture, hearing it he said, “I have good wine at home, when Brother-in-law is there we can drink until drunk.”

The corners of Chu Xiuming’s lips slightly curved, the coldness between his brows also lightened, he looked even more an upright and outstanding gentleman, “Alright.”

His low voice was very attractive to ears, Shen Zi felt as if there was a hook lifting her heart, she couldn’t help but stealing glances at Chu Xiuming, biting her lips with an indescribable loss in her heart.

Shen Jing forgot to be shy, her eyes flashed as the fingers wrung the embroidered handkerchief in her hands. Count Yongning had such attractive voice on top of his good looks, and he was a powerful man who had guarded the borders for the country. Her heart was moved by this thought. Yongle Shizi was not as imposing as Count Yongning, while Eldest Childe Zheng’s bearing was even short by a few more points.

Shen Xi said, “Eldest Brother-in-law, I am going too.”

“Alright.” Yongle Shizi immediately agreed, he turned to Shen Xuan, “Shizi, you are coming too, okay?”. Shen Xuan agreed.

T/N – Shen Xuan is Rui-wang’s heir, so he can also be addressed as Shizi (even by another Shizi).

Yongle Shizi didn’t really take Shen Zi in his eyes but being aware of Zheng family’s status, he asked Zheng Jiaqu, “Second Brother-in-law?”

Zheng Jiaqu’s face was much better now, “Eldest Brother-in-law has invited, how do I dare to refuse?”

Everyone laughed for a while, Rui-wang finally felt more comfortable. His three daughters had made a mistake today but in the end it didn’t amount to anything. He laughed, “All of you young people should be close to each other. Wangfei, give them a few jugs of Xinghua wine and Yuhong wine to enjoy tomorrow.”

“Father is so generous, but how about us daughters?” Shen Qi looked at Rui-wang trying to earn favour, “You can’t give things to just sons-in-law.”

At that moment Rui-wang felt this daughter raised by Rui-wangfei was composed and dignified, and his third daughter was also charming and sensible, while the daughters raised by Xu-cefei behaved like commoner girls. He said, “Of course there is, bring out honey wine for Qi-er.”

“Thank you Father.” Shen Qi said with a smile.

Rui-wangfei smilingly ordered that two jugs of the wine Rui-wang mentioned be given to Shen Zi, “Alright, let the children leave, it’s not convenient when it gets dark.”

“Wangfei is right.” Rui-wang laughed.

Shen Jing softly said, “Father, Mother Consort, This Daughter is going to see sisters and brothers-in-law off.”

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Rui-wang just thought Shen Jing was regretting the noon incident and wanted to make it up, “Go on.”

Rui-wangfei’s eyes flashed but her smile was even gentler and warmer.

After bowing to Rui-wang and Rui-wangfei, the group walked to the carriages with Shen Jing and Shen Rong following behind.

Shen Jin was talking to Shen Qi, shamelessly telling her what she wanted to eat tomorrow, Shen Qi agreed to everything she asked for. Chu Xiuming quietly touched Shen Jin’s hand, he paused and turned to An Ning, “Cloak.”

“Yes.” An Ning who had been waiting at the back hurriedly handed the cloak to Chu Xiuming. He personally put it on Shen Jin with his eyes full of tenderness and doting. Shen Jin chuckled, her almond eyes narrowed into a curve and the two small dimples appeared, “I don’t feel cold.”

Chu Xiuming didn’t speak, white and long fingers deftly tied the cloak before turning to the others who had stopped waiting for them. As if nothing had happened, he said, “I still have some strong wine from the border, tomorrow Eldest Brother-in-law and Second Brother-in-law can try it.”

“Good.” Yongle Shizi didn’t expect Chu Xiuming was so loving towards his wife but he didn’t say anything as it’s other family’s business.

Zheng Jiaqu sighed, “Third Brother-in-law and Third Sister-in-law relationship is really good.” Such a pure and lovely woman was indeed worthy to be cherished.

Shen Zi lowered her head and tightly wrung her handkerchief, viciousness and grudges flashed in her eyes. The better Chu Xiuming treated Shen Jin, the more she was upset. This obviously should have been hers, Shen Jin had schemed to snatch it away from her, the rumours must have been Shen Jin’s and Rui-wangfei’s ploy…. she raised her eyes slightly at Chu Xiuming…. those absurd and unfounded rumours……

Shen Jing’s eyes brightened, the hand holding Shen Rong’s had unconsciously tightened that Shen Rong lightly exclaimed. Shen Rong looked at her with surprise and saw Shen Jing was secretly staring at Chu Xiuming’s back.

A thought flashed in Shen Rong’s mind, but it was too absurd, however ……. feeling little lost, she softly called, “Fourth Sister?” The call awakened Shen Jing, her face flushed and a young girl’s shyness appeared in her moist eyes.

Shen Jing said, “Big Sister, I wonder if tomorrow Fifth Sister and I can also go to your residence?”

Shen Qi smiled at her, “Of course you can.”

Shen Xuan’s eyes narrowed, he said, “Then tomorrow we will go together.”

“Thank you Big Sister.” Shen Jing said in delicate voice.

Shen Qi turned away from them, she looked at Shen Jin but spoke to Chu Xiuming, “Third Brother-in-law, in the future please don’t let Third Sister eat outside food again.”

Shen Jin’s eyes rounded, she couldn’t believe Big Sister would directly say that to Chu Xiuming. Actually Shen Qi only had the idea after seeing Chu Xiuming put a cloak on Shen Jin. Mother told her to be have a good relationship with Count Yongning, so as Chu Xiuming cared about Shen Jin, she could approach him through Shen Jin.

Shen Jin’s face was flushed of anxiety, she stomped her feet, “Big Sister, don’t say anymore.” She wanted to show that she was angry but in other’s eyes it was just a playful protest, not intimidating at all.

Shen Qi lightly nudged her forehead but didn’t speak. Sometimes it’s better not to overdo something, Chu Xiuming would certainly asked Shen Jin, and Shen Jin definitely couldn’t win over him.

“Alright.” Chu Xiuming glanced at Shen Jin and smiled as he responded. Shen Qi smiled and stopped.

Everyone said goodbyes and walked to their own carriages.

Shen Jing pulled Shen Rong’s hand and looked at Chu Xiuming, partly shy partly nervous asking him, “Third Brother-in-law, I wonder if This Sister could have the honour to visit Yongning residence as a guest?”

Shen Xuan raised his eyebrows.

Shen Rong was already too embarrassed to raise her head.

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Chu Xiuming was helping Shen Jin getting to the carriage, he smiled, “All household matter is Furen’s to decide.”

Shen Qi also heard it, the corners of her lips formed a cold smile.

Shen Jing lowered her head, the bright and clean neck was tinted with some shades of red. She said in small voice, “Third Sister, I haven’t been to Yongning residence, may I visit some day?”

“It’s not very convenient.” Shen Jin was a bit troubled, she honestly said, “I have let go many of the people, a lot of courtyards are closed. If you visit, there is no place for you to play.”

Shen Jing’s face changed, when looking up again it was moist of weeping, “I know before Third Sister got married you were somewhat at odds with Mother, but I just want to be close to Third Sister…… We are all Father’s daughters, Father also wants to see us close to each other.”

Shen Jin was at loss, the whole thing was absurd and exasperating, “I am not familiar with Xu-cefei, how am I at odds with Xu-cefei?”

Chu Xiuming gently took Shen Jin’s hand and helped her get down so she wouldn’t accidently misstep, “Speak slowly, there is no need to rush.”

“En.” Chu Xiuming was there, Shen Jin had a mountain to lean on. Puffing her cheeks she said to Shen Jing, “I was raised by my mother when I was small, then by Mother Consort as I was a bit older. Xu-cefei didn’t visit Mother Consort due to poor health, so I have never really been with Xu-cefei. Fourth Sister, you must have mistaken?”

Zheng Jiaqu glanced at Shen Jing. Shen Jing’s words were too senseless. He heard Xu-cefei was arrogant and oppressive, not paying visits to Main Courtyard on health excuse meant what he heard was not baseless.

T/N – Concubines should pay regular visits to the main wife residing at the Main Courtyard.

Shen Qi opened her carriage window, “Fourth Sister, has Third Sister said anything to you that make you this upset?”

Everyone had heard of Shen Jin getting rid of servants at Yongning residence, it’s probably a bit too much and she sounded spoiled and willful, but today it seemed there could be a misunderstanding somewhere.

Shen Jin’s pink tender lips pursed as if she was a little sad, “I have just returned to the Capital, the residence is not cleaned yet. When it is ready, I will invite sisters to come for a chat.” With that she lowered her head and stood by Chu Xiuming’s side.

Zheng Jiaqu had always have soft spot towards the small and weak, plus Shen Jin’s features had developed from the time in the border, she wasn’t as captivating as Shen Zi but delicate to the extreme like a soft and clean white lotus in a jade bowl.

Zheng Jiaqu said, “Fourth Sister how are you so desperately forcing others?”

Yongle Shizi had his thought but he didn’t speak, he looked at Shen Qi. Shen Qi slightly lowered her eyes and spoke, “I am afraid Fourth Sister isn’t sober yet.”

Shen Zi’s face changed, if these words got out it wouldn’t be good for Shen Jing’s reputation. “Fourth Sister is still young, she hasn’t seen Third Sister for long time so she wanted to get closer. Third Sister, you are the older one, what do you think?”

The hot potato had been handed to Shen Jin. If she’s still unmoved then she was the one who’s narrow-minded towards a younger sister, she would appear petty and holding grudges. But if she changed her tune, she would offend those who had spoken on her behalf.

Before Shen Jin could open her mouth, Chu Xiuming had spoken, “Today Fourth Sister could say this means there is an issue with Furen. As the older sister, Furen has to give way to the younger sister.”

Hearing these words Shen Jing was joyful, the eyes looking at Chu Xiuming had some extra measures of unspoken feelings. She had been spoiled since young, while Shen Jin would have been completely forgotten had Rui-wangfei not protecting her.

Shen Qi’s eyes flashed, she looked at Chu Xiuming, but his expression didn’t change.

However Shen Jin just said, “Alright.” She trusted her Fujun, there wasn’t any slightest hesitation.

Zheng Jiaqu was quite moved by such an innocent and good-natured girl, he wanted to speak but Shen Zi was fiercely pinching his hand so he became very annoyed.

Yongle Shizi wasn’t sure whether it was a good thing or a bad thing that Rui-wang’s residence could produce such a naïve girl like Shen Jin. He was also slightly envious at Shen Jin’s reliance towards Chu Xiuming.

“Thank you Brother-in-law.” Shen Jing cutely said.

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Then Chu Xiuming continued, “In the future, wherever Fourth Sister is present, please forgive me and Furen as we will keep our distance. And at Father-in-law’s residence….”

He turned to Shen Xuan apologetically, “….. requesting Fourth Sister to stay away, or Furen and I will, so we should never be in the same room.”

Once it was spoken, Shen Jing’s face turned deathly white. Even Shen Qi was looking at Chu Xiuming with astonished look. This was an open slap on Shen Jing’s face, clearly telling everyone that Shen Jing was loathed.

Between Count Yongning with military power in hand and a concubine’s daughter still in boudouir and at most a Junzhu, afraid noone would invite Shen Jing to cross their door again. Even those who didn’t value Chu Xiuming still wouldn’t invite her because Shen Jin’s reputation was too good….. What kind of reputation Shen Jing could have after she was publicly censured by Count Yongning?

Shen Jin nodded as if she wasn’t aware of much, “Understand, I follow Fujun’s instruction. Fourth Sister, from now on wherever you go to, please ask Big Brother and Second Brother to pass a message to me.”

Sighing with regret, she said, “We are sisters, but I never realised you dislike me so much. As an older sister I have to give way to you.” After saying that with an expression of lost and sadness she said, “Fujun, let’s go home.”

“En” Chu Xiuming held her hand to help her climb into the carriage, she didn’t look back. An Ning and An Ping were straight-faced except from the hostility in the corner of their eyes, they felt Shen Jing and Xu-cefei were awful. Their heart ached to think of what kind of life Furen used to have here.

Zheng Jiaqu shook his head. Shen Jing was too overbearing, Shen Jin was still an older sister even if from different mother. Just for this small matter she had caused a scene in front of everyone, how had it been in private. Ignoring Shen Zi, he spoke up, “Fourth Sister, a girl should be reserved and virtuous, the tongue shouldn’t be quick in dispute.”

If Shen Jing hadn’t been Shen Zi’s birth sister, he wouldn’t even be willing to say these words. Having dispensed his responsibility as a brother-in-law, he took the lead in getting into the carriage.

Shen Zi was dizzy and light-headed, as her husband had urged she also went.

Shen Qi said, “In this case, tomorrow my residence doesn’t welcome Fourth Sister anymore. Have to trouble two brothers to explain to Father and Mother.”

“Don’t worry Sister.” Shen Xuan and Shen Xi responded, they not even looking at Shen Jing who had almost fainted.

Yongle Shizi had alcohol so he didn’t ride his horse, after a farewell he also got on the carriage. He sighed, “Never knew Xu-cefei and her daughters are so willful.”

Shen Qi saw Yongle Shizi really didn’t realise Xu-cefei and her daughters were that way. She had bit of understanding, sighing, “They have always been like this, it’s my mother who…..” she shook her head.

T/N – I think she meant it was Rui-wangfei who had always smoothed things out so the family looked good from outside.

Yongle Shizi’s eyes narrowed, “I saw Second Sister also had a grudge towards Third Sister?” He had noticed the look in Shen Zi’s eyes.

Shen Zi froze for a moment and pretended she didn’t understand, “It can’t be, she had always won over Third Sister, even Fourth Sister and Fifth Sister as well…. Fujun why did you think so?”

Yongle Shizi frowned. Shen Zi pondered for a while, “It is possible that..…. But it can’t be, it was Second Sister herself who was not willing.”  

“En?” Yongle Shizi looked at his wife.

Shen Qi hesitated, “That time when Imperial Uncle bestowed a marriage to Count Yongning, he told Father to choose a daughter to marry. According to age, it should have been Second Sister, but she …….. was reluctant, so Second Sister was betrothed to Zheng family, and Third Sister was sent to the border. What Fujun said was strange, the one with a grudge should be Third Sister.”

Yongle Shizi coldly laughed, he understood. Count Yongning’s reputation that time was really bad so Shen Zi was unwilling. With Xu-cefei having Rui-wang’s favour, Shen Zi was able to stay in the Capital and married Zheng family’s eldest childe while Shen Jin was sent away. After today’s meeting, Shen Zi must be regretful and unhappy.

“She’s really……” He stopped because after all that’s Shen Qi’s sister. Thinking about the hardship faced by the very young Shen Jin, he couldn’t help but feel sorry, “Third Sister was quite pitiful.”

“I am close to Third Sister since young,” Shen Qi softly said, “After ‘the moon and the sun mishaps’, having a good husband could be said ‘bitterness ends and sweetness starts.’“

T/N – ‘The moon and the sun mishaps’ 阴差阳错 = a freak combination of factors.

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Yongle Shizi nodded, he then forgot about Shen Jin and remembered his own cousin instead, “Furen, Cousin’s life is pitiful, you are always kind to the poor, please take good care of her.”

The hatred in Shen Qi’s heart was solid, but her face was only somewhat aggrieved, “Fujun how do you say so, what good thing in the residence that Cousin didn’t get? I have even given Cousin more than half of the health supplements from my mother.”

She lowered her heard with tears in her eyes. Today she finally understood that weak appearance didn’t always mean actual weakness.

“Forget it, Fujun could think whatever Fujun wants.” She turned her back, shoulders slightly trembling, looking absolutely pitiful.

Yongle Shizi had never seen his wife this way, his heart softened as he remembered the lost nameless child, he reached out to wrap his hands around Shen Qi’s shoulders, “I shouldn’t have said so.”

“Fujun is very good to Cousin, of course I am jealous, but when did I ever mistreat her?” The tears in her beautiful eyes made her looked demure.

“The child Fujun had with me……. When I close my eyes I can still see it’s cold tiny body, but everyday Fujun keeps talking about the one in Cousin’s belly in front of me…… I am sad and grieving, but when have I ever made it the slightest difficult to Cousin?”

“It’s my fault.” Yongle Shizi’s heart ached, pulling his paled-face wife into his arms, “I have been neglectful.”

Shen Qi’s eyes showed some sneer, but she leaned more softly into Yongle Shizi’s embrace. In the past she had been sincere but there was not even the slightest sympathy, and today by pretending she had achieved this result. Now she knew how to go on in the future.

She slightly lowered her eyes, her hand touched her belly. She would have them pay blood by blood. It’s a pity she realised it too late, all the clues had gone.

In Zheng family’s carriage, Zheng Jiaqu said to Shen Zi in stern voice, “In the future don’t spend too much time with your mother and two sisters.”

“What do you mean?” As Shen Zi thought about how Count Yongning was protective towards Shen Jin in every way, Zheng Jiaqu’s words were particularly harsh in her ears. “And why did you speak like that to my sister?”

“Isn’t Third Sister your sister too?” Zheng Jiaqu was angry enough, and he remembered the matter of poetry books, it was very embarrassing, “What did I say wrong?”

“My mother is your mother-in-law, my sisters are your sisters, why are you defending outsiders?” Shen Zi gritted her teeth and said angrily, “Zheng Jiaqu, are you confused?”

“I have only one mother-in-law, and that is Rui-wangfei.” Zheng Jiaqu coldly said.

“Fine, so now you dislike that I am a concubine’s daughter?” Shen Zi pointed her fingers at Zheng Jiaqu. The finger nails dyed with rose balsam were particularly delicate.

Zheng Jiaqu’s face turned blue and purple, “Where is your manner?”

Shen Zi coldly laughed, “Look at other people’s husband, then look at yourself, and you still want to talk to me about manner? I am a Junzhu married into Zheng family, and this is how you treat me?”

“Noone forced you to marry.” Zheng Jiaqu was furious, “That time you married me in a haste, you also know why. ‘Marrying a wife is marrying virtuousness’, were I knew you are like this, I’d prefer not marry my whole life.”

Shen Zi was panicking, furious and embarrassed, since young she had always been above Shen Jin. Anger seized her heart, she reached out and hit Zheng Jiaqu.

Zheng Jiaqu didn’t expect that Shen Zi would attack him, his face was suddenly hot and painful, touching it he found it bleeding by Shen Zi’s scratch.

Clenching his fist tightly and gritted his teeth, he looked at Shen Zi, she was still unrepentantly rushing forward trying to claw him. Zheng Jiaqu firmly held her down by force.

“Since you despise Zheng family, then we get a divorce. Our Zheng family can’t afford someone as vicious as you.”



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