In Shen Jin’s eyes the matter in Rui-wang residence had been settled so there was no need to think about it again. She was sitting in the carriage arguing with Chu Xiuming about outside food.

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“That time the upset stomach was really because of the bowl of iced water I drank when I went back home.”

Chu Xiuming raised his eyebrows. Shen Jin whined in weak voice, “It’s not because the food outside was unclean.”

“En.” Chu Xiuming poured a cup of tea, “Thirsty?”

“Yes.” Shen Jin acted spoiledly.

Chu Xiuming didn’t pass the cup to her, he just directly fed some of the tea to Shen Jin then fnished the rest after her. She grabbed his hand and sadly said, “Today I didn’t get to see Mother.”

“It’s not a problem.” Chu Xiuming said, “We live closeby, can go anytime.”

Shen Jin nodded, she pondered about Shen Zi, Shen Jing and Shen Rong. Shen Rong was fine, but Shen Zi and Shen Jing were quite….. different from usual.

Especially Shen Jing who wasn’t like this before. Shen JIng used to act like a noble and pretentious talented girl in front of Rui-wang, this time her acting frail and soft was a bit contradictory. She used to be able to hold her own, but today she looked out of her element?

And she seemed to have animosity towards her. Shen Jin frowned, was she jealous? Jealous of her good marriage, because Count Yongning was different from the rumours? But no matter how, the position of Countess Yongning would never be Shen Jing’s.

Thinking of the issues related to Eldest Childe Zheng that Big Sister either deliberately or not had leaked to her, Shen Jin felt the one who should be upset was Shen Zi. But then that time who told her to cry and made fuss about not wanting to marry. Shen Jin didn’t feel the slightest guilt regarding Shen Zi. Her happiness today was achieved through plenty of suffering and near death experience at the border, it had nothing to do with Shen Zi. Had it been Shen Zi, as soon as she arrived she’d likely to have cried wanting to return to the Capital, or had chosen the path of ‘died of illness’.

(T/N – probably means escaping by pretending to be dead)

Shen Jin had to admit, Xu-cefei was able to grab men’s mind accurately, otherwise relying on appearance alone wouldn’t guarantee a foothold in Rui-wang’s Mansion. Of course Rui-wangfei’s tolerance had also played a part, Rui-wangfei could see through men but felt it beneath her dignity to do so.

Shen Zi’s looks was most outstanding that it was even known in the entire Capital, her little arrogance had even boosted the distinguished looks, made it as striking as the blazing sun. The other two were less striking, so Xu-cefei directed Shen Jing towards respectable and talented appearance, while Shen Rong was trained to look lovable, innocent and obedient.

If only Xu-cefei hadn’t tried to undermine Shen Qi and had angered Rui-wangfei enough to interfere, she would have really succeeded. Shen Jing had talent, but she had thought too highly of herself that even Chen-cefei she dared to disdain. But except for the times she helped Shen Zi suppressing Shen Jin, normally she felt Shen Jin was beneath her notice, so today’s change in character was unexpected.

Shen Jin glanced at Chu Xiuming, who said ‘pretty face is the source of disaster’? Even without ‘pretty face’, the ‘disaster’ could still happen right. Still unknown how it would be when Xu-cefei found out.

Chu Xiuming naturally noticed her glances, he questioned with his eyes. Shen Jin took his fingers and lightly bit down, “I feel it’s not a good idea to live with too many people.”

“En?” Shen Jin’s bites were not painful, not even itchy so he didn’t care, he was waiting to hear what little wife was saying.

Shen Jin delved into Chu Xiuming’s arms and whispered, “Look, so many women in my father’s rear courtyard, but how many are sincere towards him?”

Rui-wangfei put herself in the position of a Wangfei, and not Rui-wang’s wife. Shen Jin didn’t know what sort of life Rui-wangfei expected when she got married, but it wouldn’t have been like her current life. Even a smart woman would desire to have someone with whom she could rely on each other, in contrast to Rui-wangfei’s current situation where she had to struggle by herself.

“I feel that Mother Consort is living a very tiring life.”

Chu Xiuming grabbed her to sit on his legs, she weighed nothing for him. “En”

“My mother….. I don’t think she likes Father.” Shen Jin whispered, “My mother is beautiful.”

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“En.” There were times when Chu Xiuming couldn’t see through Shen Jin, she could live fine and happily no matter what kind of life she had. Sometimes he thought how if Shen Jin wasn’t married to him, would she be happier if it had been a simpler person?

Shen Jin thought he didn’t believe her, she turned her head and shoved her own face forward, “I look like my mother.”

Chu Xiuming laughed softly, “So you are saying you are beautiful?”

Shen Jin laughed with curved eyes, “En.”

Chu Xiuming’s eyes flickered. So what if Shen Jin could have married someone simpler and might have been happier? She was his wife, and could only be his wife.

“Yes, I also think my bride is outstandingly beautiful, noone can compare.”

Shen Jin nodded without shame. Suddenly remembering of what she had wanted to say, she grabbed Chu Xiuming’s hand to bite again, “It’s all your fault, I almost forgot what I wanted to say.”

“Say it, I am listening.” Chu Xiuming wasn’t angry, turning up his hand to grab hers, his hand wrapped hers nicely.

“I don’t know about Xu-cefei, but she has her own mind too.” Shen Jin said, “After all she has son and daughters.”

“En.” Thinking about Shen Zi and her sisters, none of them were as good as his own wife. Rui-wang’s sight was really bad, mistaking dead fish for pearls while the real gem was ignored. But it worked for him, it would be unbearable had it been Shen Zi who married over.

Shen Jin said, “Actually Mother didn’t like living in Wangfu, Mother….. was unwilling to give birth for Father.”

T/N – Wangfu = a prince’s residence.

That time Shen Jin had envied Shen Zi for having sisters and them sisters were always together. Chen-cefei didn’t hide the matter from her, she said having Jin-niang this one child in her life was enough.

“Mother said, giving birth for someone you love is happiness, giving birth for your husband is a responsibility, and for a concubine like her, having a child is a blessing.”

Chu Xiuming responded, he felt his mother-in-law was a perceptive person, it was exactly this kind of person who could raise such a contented and happy Shen Jin.

Shen Jin wasn’t upset and her tone was calm. Sitting on his lap while wriggling her feet, the pair of butterflies embroidered on her shoes looked like fluttering.

“The rest of them who don’t even have status, how sincere they could be towards Father?”

It wasn’t a question for Chu Xiuming, more like asking herself. Chu Xiuming felt her hands were a bit cold, his grip was slightly tightened.

Shen Jin looked down at their hands, she said, “So more people doesn’t mean more feelings, more people even means less feelings. That’s why Fujun, how about having just the two of us at home?”

At the end of her speech there was some embarrassment and uncertainty, her voice shook a little, she was clearly afraid but still bracing herself and not giving up.

“Alright.” Chu Xiuming’s heart softened, he was no longer teasing Shen Jin, “Just the two of us, there won’t be anyone else.”

Shen Jin didn’t react for a moment out of surprise. She didn’t expect Chu Xiuming would agree so easily. She got up and turned to sit down on his lap again, face to face with him. Her arms wrapped around his neck, her forehead pressed against his forehead,

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“En. I want to give birth for Fujun.”

Chu Xiuming’s lowered eyes was full of laughter, his shy little wife, so subtle even when confessing. “En.”

Actually when Shen Qi asked whether she thought Shen Zi would go home devastated, she had pretended not to understand because the matter involved Chu Xiuming, although in the end the loss was on Shen Zi but it’s still related to Chu Xiuming’s face. Shen Qi had no bad intention, she had just became a bit reckless back home after living under pressure at Yongle residence. Shen Jin couldn’t do the same, the only person in the whole residence who was genuinely on her side was Chen-cefei who had no status to speak.

Thinking of how good Shen Qi had been to her, she lowered her eyes, “I don’t like Big Brother-in-law.”

“En?” Chu Xiuming gently patted her back, “I know.”

Shen Jin left Chu Xiuming’s lap when they reached Yongning residence. He got off the first and just grabbed her down from the carriage without using step stool, he then held her hand to walk in.

Shen Jin was very satisfied and joyous, Chu Xiuming had agreed to help her Big Sister vent her anger. “Oh right, how come Father told you all to have a tryout?”

“Heh.” Chu Xiuming’s light laugh had some mockery in it.

“I feel Second Brother-in-law isn’t stupid, did you do some tricks?” Shen Jin pursued as she heard Chu Xiuming’s meaningful laugh.

He neither admitted or refuted, it’s just a bunch of people who thought too highly of themselves. If it wasn’t for the sake of settling the score for his wife, he was too lazy to deal with them. Although his wife was a bit stupid but still other people shouldn’t criticise her. So what if Rui-wang was her father? Still a no.

Shen Jin didn’t mind not getting the answer, “How come they aren’t hurt?”

Chu Xiuming paused and turned towards her, “It’s your father and brothers-in-law, they can’t be hurt.” It’s never good to be found out, plus sorting out people didn’t always mean causing injuries, it would just be giving them a handle over himself.

Shen Jin blinked with distrust on her face. The corners of Chu Xiuming’s lips rose slightly, “No more question.”

“I think you’ve bullied them and they still think you are doing them good.” Shen Jin wrinkled her nose and muttered in small voice.

Chu Xiuming heard it, in the end his wife was still the smart one.

Zhao-momo had been waiting with sobering soup, An Ping took care of the gifts from Rui-wangfei to  register and stock into the storehouse. Zhao-momo and An Ning helped Shen Jin changed into regular clothes, “Did Furen today have fun at Rui-wang’s place?”

“En.” Shen Jin was in a good mood as she sat at the dressing table, Zhao-momo removed all her headdress, loosely pulled her hair up and tied it with a simple silk hair tie.

Removing her bracelet, she said, “Mother Consort told the kitchen to make my favourite dishes, and Big Sister had a close chat with me.” She turned to Zhao-momo, “Very happy. A pity I didn’t get to see Mother, but Fujun said we can go any time because it is close.”

Zhao-momo felt that in Shen Jin’s eyes everyone was nice, she gave An Ning a look. She trusted the General to protect Shen Jin but he wasn’t omnipresent, she would have gone herself had it been convenient lest Furen be bullied when the General wasn’t around.

Unexpectedly Shen Jin’s face suddenly sank, “But Fourth Sister is very annoying.” She used to just let them take her stuff without a fight. But not her Fujun, moreover Fujun had said this lifetime he would only be with her, so she definitely wouldn’t give him up to anyone, even to a sister.

“En?” Zhao-momo never expected to hear Furen would ever say she disliked anyone, that Fourth Sister must had really provoked Shen Jin. Zhao-momo’s expression changed, her sharp eyes fixed at An Ning, “Did she bully Madam?” Sure enough when she wasn’t around someone had bullied Furen.

“But it is fine.” Shen Jin very quickly regained her smile, she had changed her shoes and was now standing much more comfortably, “Fujun said we don’t need to see her again. Right, Momo, tomorrow we are going to Big Sister’s place, help me prepare gifts for Marquis and Marchioness of Yongle.”

“Yes.” Zhao-momo retracted the expression in her eyes, respectfully answered.

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Shen Jin walked outside with a smile on her face, “Momo did you prepare snacks for me? The pastries there aren’t much to my liking.”

Zhao-momo followed her outside, An Ning gathered up the used clothes to give to the maid, she also packed up the jewelleries before leaving.

“I made it to be ready by the time the General and Furen return.” Zhao-momo smiled, “Just out of the stove.”

Shen Jin nodded, her steps quickened. In the hall she saw Chu Xiuming had bathed and changed clothes, he was talking to a guard. Seeing Shen Jin, he nodded to the guard and spoke some more words to let the guard go.

Zhao-momo brought something from the kitchen, An Ning also came out as she had finished in the room. Shen Jin said to her, “An Ning, both you and An Ping go to rest, you have been standing all day.” At Rui-wang’s residence, An Ning and An Ping had never left Shen Jin, they stood all the time.

An Ning smiled, “Furen, it is not a problem.”

“Then you and Zhao-momo should sit down too.” Shen Jin said after a moment.

Seeing the General didn’t say anything, An Ning bowed and helped Zhao-momo set up the fruits and tea then pulled some small round stools, she sat down after Zhao-momo did.

Zhao-momo had instructed the kitchen that cakes were prepared according to Shen Jin’s taste, only a little sugar used on the cakes replaced by honey, milk and mint added on some cakes for the refreshing taste. Chu Xiuming poured flower tea for her, “Didn’t eat much at the Wangfu?”

“I feel the taste at home is better.” Shen Jin said with a smile.

Chu Xiuming nodded, he asked directly, “When you are at the rear courtyard, did anyone make trouble to you?”

Shen Jin shook her head, took small sips of the flower tea, “You and Zhao-momo both liked to worry, I won’t be bullied, besides Rui-wang Mansion is my maternal home, it’s not a dragon pond and tiger cave“

Chu Xiuming narrowed his eyes, “Silly girl, you won’t even know when you are bullied.”

“Won’t happen.” Shen Jin retorted, “I have Big Sister to protect me.”

Chu Xiuming’s eyes flashed. With this mention about protecting, it seemed bullying had really happened. He didn’t ask again as she didn’t want to talk about it.

T/N – Yes, bullying happened, but who bullied who…..?

After a few pieces of cake, Shen Jin moved the plates aside, he said. “Go play with Xiaobudian.”

“Alright.” Shen Jin smiled, she hadn’t seen Xiaobudian today, she got up, “I miss it too.”

Before she exited, Steward Zhao came with an apprentice, Shen Jin smiled, “Steward Zhao, are you looking for the General?”

“No, I am here to see Furen.” Steward Zhao said with a serious face.

Shen Jin confusedly looked at both Chu Xiuming and Steward Zhao, she sat back down, “Looking for me?”

Steward Zhao took an account book from the apprentice, “Have Furen forgotten the several stewards?”

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Shen Jin had indeed forgotten, everything had been thrown out of her mind, “Oh.”

Steward Zhao wasn’t trying to be difficult, he handed the account book to her on both hands, “I have double-checked all the accounts, there are discrepancies on….”

Shen Jin listened while looking through the account book that Steward Zhao had tidied up, when he paused she said, “Fujun, you go ahead with your business, it looks like I will be here a while.”

Chu Xiuming nodded, “I will be in the study.”

Shen Jin responded and continued to check the accounts according to what Steward Zhao said. Zhao-momo was listening on the side with her brow furrowed, An Ning didn’t dare to sit so she stood behind Shen Jin. At that moment An Ping had returned from registering the gifts, seeing the situation she also stood aside in silence.

Zhao-momo had known people at Yongning Mansion embezzled a lot of money but never expected it would be this much, their guts were a bit too bold.

Shen Jin nodded from time to time. When Steward Zhao finished talking, Zhao-momo asked, “Furen what do you plan to do?”

“What does Momo think?” Shen Jin asked.

Zhao-momo said in heavy voice, “Let them return the money and items, if the items can’t be returned then calculate at cash value.”

After reporting Steward Zhao stood at the side without speaking. Zhao-momo knew there must be some spies among the stewards, “Have their children brought into the residence as guests, then tell their families they could go home if everything is returned within 3 days. “

“How if they don’t return it?” Shen Jin asked.

Zhao-momo spoke, “Raid their houses.”

Shen Jin thought a while, “It’s a bit troublesome, we don’t have enough people. Take them and the evidences to the authorities.”

Zhao-momo was stumped, she looked at Shen Jin.

Shen Jin thought her idea wasn’t bad, “Also report the amounts taken by each of them, and let the authorities recover it for us.” Thinking of Rui-wangfei’s words that if you wanted someone to work for you, you had to provide benefits in return, “For their troubles, they can get one tenth of the amounts recovered.”

Steward Zhao’s eyes lit up, Shen Jin’s method was simple and direct.

Zhao-momo’s method could work but people who didn’t know the matter might think Yongning Mansion was too much. How much of the embezzled money and items still left was unknown, there would be a flurry of property sales. By right Yongning Mansion could mercilessly force people to pay everything back, but what would outsiders think? People loved to side with the weak. Instead of thinking that embezzlers naturally had to pay back, outsiders would think Yongning Mansion used force to bully others.

By handing the matter to the authorities, however they wanted to recover the embezzled property was the authorities’ business. Money motivated people, even if the officials weren’t moved, wouldn’t the minor staff of the authorities be motivated? They would put maximum effort in recovering the money because the more recovered the more their portion would be. And there was no fear anyone would hide anything, because it concerned everyone’s benefits, their colleagues would certainly be watching.

With Shen Jin’s method, not only it was conclusive and undeniable, they didn’t need to lift a finger.

“Furen, it is a good method.” Steward Zhao praised wholeheartedly.



T/N – I didn’t post anything mid-week, the weather suddenly turned so cold on Wednesday (it even snowed in a town in my state!) and I feel wrecked and all sore every evening after work, I could only nestle in bed reading the raws of The Rebirth of Han Yuxi, great stuff.

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