It took half shichen (= 1 hour) to listen to Steward Zhao, and a cup of tea (= 10 minutes) to find a solution, then Shen Jin went to play with Xiaobudian. Not sure if it was because of the weather, or because it’s companions the snow rabbits weren’t there, Xiaobudian was not as lively as it was at the border town. Speaking of which, the Yongning residence in the Capital wasn’t as comfortable as the General’s Mansion at the border town.

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Shen Jin sat on a small stool brushing Xiaobudian’s fur, it turned over every now and then so it’s whole body could be taken care of. Shen Jin held Xiaobudian’s outstretched paw and sighed, “Are you homesick too?”

Xiaobudian rubbed it’t head against Shen Jin’s leg, puffed out it’s tongue breathing ‘hu chi hu chi’, Shen Jin pinched it’s ears, “We’ll go back in a while, I’ll take you to meet my mother some day, she can make big beautiful yarn balls, can make one for you too.”

Zhao-momo watching them on the side, she smiled at Shen Jin and Xiaobudian’s conversation.

“I don’t like Fourth Sister.” Shen Jin said as she was brushing, “She liked to snatch my things in front of Father, so Father always said I have to give way to younger sister. But then Mother Consort would give me a better one, so I just didn’t tell her.”

Xiaobudian licked Shen Jin’s fingers, turned over to give her it’s belly, Shen Jin gave the belly a few rubs, “But this time I won’t give way to her. I will bring you to the Wangfu, you have to scare her.”

Zhao-momo’s eyes narrowed, she said with a smile, “Furen, I don’t go out much, please tell me about interesting things at the Wangfu.”

Shen Jin smiled at Zhao-momo, “Alright.”

“Furen and the Eldest Junzhu are very close?” Zhao-momo didn’t immediately asked about Xu-cefei’s daughters, she started with the person Shen Jin was the closest with.

Shen Jin nodded and continued to brush Xiaobudian’s fur, she rolled up the dropped furs into balls, An Ning on her side collected the fur balls because Shen Jin said she wanted to make a small cushion with it, everytime she brushed Xiaobudian they would collect the dropped furs.

An Ping was also sitting on the side, she didn’t like to be idle so she was making a scented pouch. Shen Jin’s new lavender moonflower brocade hasn’t had suitable accessories yet.

“En, Big Sister is very kind.” Shen Jin laughingly told some interesting stories from the time before she was married. Zhao-momo gained an understanding of Shen Qi’s character.

Zhao-momo also laughed, “Yes, Eldest Junzhu is really nice to Furen.” If she wasn’t, she wouldn’t have cared about Shen Jin’s food and drinks, giving her good advice for women such as not drinking ice around her periods, not allowing her eat spicy, and so on.

Shen Jin nodded, “But… Big Brother-in-law isn’t good to Big Sister.”

Zhao-momo remembered now, she frowned, “I seem to recall, Eldest Junzhu had a miscarriage?”

Shen Jin bit her lips, she became quite upset too, that was her little nephew. She gave them the outline of what happened, “Cousins are annoying.”

Zhao-momo suddenly remembered Chu Xiuming’s cousin who Furen also knew about, so this ‘annoying’ wasn’t just about Yongle Shizi and his cousin.

“Actually Big Sister is awesome.” Shen Jin combed Xiaobudian’s tail, then she patted the big dog’s head, it stood up and shook itself, looking even fluffier now.

Zhao-momo thought about the stories she heard, Eldest Junzhu’s insight and approach were nowhere lacking, it was unexpected that she was ‘capsized in shady gully’ and was schemed in Yongle residence. In the end it was all because she cared so much, she cared for her husband so she became too tolerant, she liked her husband so she tried hard to please her mother-in-law.

T/N – ‘Capsized in shady gully’ = suffering a defeat on one own’s familiar turf.

Shen Jin hugged Xiaobudian and rubbed it, “But it is fine now. Big Sister was confused, Mother Consort has knocked her awake, it’s just a pity that little nephew…..”

Zhao-momo’s eyes narrowed, she understood the meaning in Shen Jin’s words. Thinking about Rui-wangfei, the good days for the cousin was likely to be over, she wouldn’t be able to wriggle soon.

“I heard Second Junzhu married the eldest childe of Zheng family. Eldest Zheng Childe literary talent is well-known, it stirred the hearts of many ladies.”

Shen Jin first looked around four directions, seeing noone was around, she took off her shoes and socks and put her little toes on Xiaobudian’s body. Xiaobudian didn’t mind, it changed position to lie under her feet.

Zhao-momo was going to say something but seeing her comfortable and longing face, she let An Ning and the others sat closer to cover for Shen Jin, in case anyone came they could also drive people off.

“Momo you are the best.” Shen Jin’s little tongue appeared, she was attempting to earn favour.

Zhao-momo sighed, “If Furen likes it, we can put a layer of fur in the room when it gets cold.”

Shen Jin’s eyes curved in laughter, she was shy but also wanted to show off, “Fujun also said that.”

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Noticing Shen Jin’s expression, Zhao-momo laughed too, the General and Furen relationship were getting better and better.

Shen Jin’s little toes moved, the feeling of the toes being wrapped by fluffy fur was very blissful, just a little bit hot…..

“Ah right, heard Second Brother-in-law wrote some poetry book of something flower something song, and it’s very widely known.” Actually she didn’t like reading poems, she preferred the kind of travel journals etc so she had forgotten the poetry book title already. “Heard even Crown Prince had someone buy it, and when the Palace found out, Second Brother-in-law got reprimanded.”

“Furen it’s <<Reciting Flowers>>.” An Ping looked up and laughed, “I remember it.”

Shen Jin nodded, “Yes that one.”

“How come I am ‘amidst the clouds and mist’?” Zhao-momo looked at Shen Jin with puzzled expression.

T/N – ‘Amidst the clouds and mist’ 云里雾里 = mystified

Shen Jin blinked, “Where?”

“Should I tell Momo about it?” An Ping laughed.

Shen Jin nodded, “Yes.”

An Ping then told the general story from when Third Junzhu had her two sisters to scream ghost before they even entered the room, about Rui-wang smashing his cup with a red and shamed face, about <<Reciting Flowers>>, about Shen Jing’s conduct when they were leaving.

Zhao-momo listened without expression, then nodded and said, “It’s really……. hmph.”

Shen Jin also nodded, “Fourth Sister is annoying, isn’t she?”

Zhao-momo coldly smiled, “Today Furen had done extremely well.”

Shen Jin also thought it wasn’t bad. She had built the connection with eldest sister, she had helped eldest sister speaking, she had ingratiated herself with Rui-wangfei, she had complimented Second Brother-in-law so in the future those ‘clear streams’ would be too embarrassed to call Fujun a boorish man.

T/N – ‘Clear streams’ 清流人士 = Scholarly people of high moral character and reputation (in other words: pretentious purists). And I don’t think Zheng Jiaqu was very happy with Shen Jin’s ‘compliment’.

Shen Jin and Zhao-momo were happily conversing in the way of ‘chicken speaking with duck’.

T/N – ‘Chicken speaking with duck’ 鸡同鸭讲 = talking without communicating. People not understanding each other.

“I didn’t expect Furen could find out about Fourth Miss’ delusion.” Zhao-momo smiled with praise, her heart was quite relieved. But on the matter of provoking Shen Zi, even if Zheng Jiaqu and Shen Zi quarrelled, what did it have to do with them?

Shen Jin wrinkled her nose, “It’s annoying!” Once again she emphasized her feelings, “Of course I could see it, I am smart.”

They said animals had intuition, and rabbit’s intuition was sharper especially on the matter of their territory. Zhao-momo looked at Shen Jin, turned out it’s not just the leopard who had marked his territory for raising his rabbit, but the rabbit had also marked her territory ….. in order to be raised by her leopard.

Either intentional or not, Shen Jin didn’t talk about Chu Xiuming’s tricking Rui-wang and the others, but merely said, “Fujun said there is no need to meet Fourth Sister in the future. Momo, do you think I should still bring Xiaobudian to scare her?”

“Furen why should you?” Zhao-momo’s smile was very gracious, this kind of things should really be on her load, “Leave it to me, I’ll help Furen take it out.”

Shen Jin scratched her face, she took Zhao-momo’s hand and said in spoiled way, “Momo is the best.”

Zhao-momo patted her hand, those people had no self-awareness, a cold light flashed in her eyes, but the look she gave Shen Jin grown warmer, “It is good that Furen is happy.”

Shen Jin nodded, feeling the matter had been handed over, she stepped lightly on Xiaobudian, “Alright, you are useless now, Momo will help me.”

Xiaobudian raised it’s head, black moist eyes looking at Shen Jin, it’s tongue stuck out to lick Shen Jin’s fingers, made her laugh.

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That night Shen Jin was lying in Chu Xiuming’s arm with red eyes from crying and her body had no strength. She had been bold due to Chu Xiuming’s assurance, and bit his face a few times, “It hurts ….” Very small and delicate voice.

Chu Xiuming knew he had been too much just now, it was because today unexpectedly Shen Jin had become extra passionate. He thought his self-control was good but in front of his little wife, he was always utterly defeated. He gently massaged her waist, “Tomorrow you likely won’t see your Second Sister and Brother-in-law.”

“En?” Shen Jin was a little dazed and confused, the message was so comfortable that she hummed with closed eyes.

Chu Xiuming’s voice carried some smiles, and a lazy feeling after being satisfied, it was very attractive, “They fought on the way home.”

“Ah?” Shen Jin’s spirit lifted, “Didn’t they go in a carriage?”

“Yes.” Chu Xiuming also found it unbelievable, but quite a lot of people knew about it, “Your Second Brother-in-law rolled off the carriage with a face full of blood, luckily the carriage wasn’t going too fast so he wasn’t hurt.”

Rolled off the carriage….. Rolled off…..

“Second Sister is really strong.” Shen Jin exclaimed.

“Then your Second Sister also chased out of the carriage.” Chu Xiuming continued, “Her face was fine, she was just looking very wretched. She grabbed the driver’s whip and jumped out of the carriage to whip your Second Brother-in-law.”

Jumped out of the carriage….. Whip…..

Shen Jin didn’t know what to say, “It’s not good to fight in the carriage, Xu-cefei may cry again.”

Chu Xiuming’s eyes contained laughter, he understood what Shen Jin meant. It’s not good for husband and wife to fight in public, it’s better to go home and fight behind closed door. Xu-cefei would cry for sure, for she had no other ability besides crying at Rui-wang, what else could she do.

“Mother Consort will be angry.” When thinking of Rui-wangfei being angry, her body trembled. Good thing she had married away. “Father will have problem.”

Rui-wangfei would not sort out just Xu-Cefei but also Rui-wang as well, because she felt Rui-wang was the root of the problem. Unfortunately Rui-wang wasn’t aware of this.

Chu Xiuming responded and reached out to caress Shen Jin’s smooth and soft back, “Go to sleep.”

“En.” Shen Jin gave a small yawn. It was fine to listen about other people’s matters, but it’s not worthwhile to sacrifice their own sleep. Shen Jin rolled off Chu Xiuming, then rolled back again into his arms, wrapped her arms around husband’s waist and slept.

Things didn’t always go as planned, the next day early morning Chu Xiuming was called to the Palace, it’s unclear why Emperor Cheng suddenly wanted him there, Shen Jin could only go to Yongle residence without him. This time Zhao-momo went with her, when the General wasn’t around she would acccompany Shen Jin in case she was bullied.

Shen Qi personally came out to meet her, she asked about Chu Xiuming when she saw him not coming, she didn’t ask further when told the Emperor called him to the Palace. Linking her arm around Shen Jin’s, she brought her to the main courtyard to greet Marchioness Yongle first. Marquis Yongle had gone to the Court and wasn’t at the residence.

Marchioness Yongle was of the same age as Rui-wangfei but looking slightly older, she herself had no di daughter but she didn’t raise any of the shu daughters either.

“Furen.” Shen Jin bowed her respect to Marchioness Yongle. Chu Xiuming’s title was lower than Marquis Yongle, plus Marchioness Yongle was also Shen Jin’s elder so it’s only proper to bow.

Marchioness Yongle got up and helped Shen Jin to stand up, she held Shen Jin’s hands and looked her up and down. Turning to Shen Qi, she smiled, “I can see she is a good girl, and very lovable.”

Shen Qi laughed, “Mother-in-law won’t like me anymore after meeting my sister.”

“Ha ha.” Marchioness Yongle laughed and released Shen Jin’s hands, “Not at all, I just think if only I could snatch her up to be my own daughter.”

Shen Jin’s face reddened, she shyly lowered her head.

Marchioness Yongle smiled, “Sit down, I’ll let them bring something from the kitchen for you two to enjoy.”

Shen Qi led Shen Jin to sit on her side, “The snacks from Mother-in-law’s kitchen are very good, you have to eat more later.”

“Alright.” Shen Jin smiled, her eyes were sparkling brightly, “Thank you Furen.”

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“Don’t call me Furan, call Aunt.” Marchioness Yongle laughed.

Shen Jin nodded, “Aunt.”

“Ay.” Marchioness Yongle responded, “I heard about the Barbarians sieging the town. You weren’t injured, were you?”

“I wasn’t.” Shen Jin smiled sweetly, her curved eyes were very endearing.

Marchioness Yongle said, “That is good.”

The Marchioness sent a maid to the kitchen to get snacks, but the one who came in was a pretty and gentle woman. She wore a pink gauze dress, a birdie dangling hairpin and a pink pearl on her hair. Gentle sways on her steps gave her a fragile appearance. She was noticeably pregnant, her belly curved in a smooth and round way, and with her pale face, the whole person looked inviting for people to pamper.

Shen Jin’s eyes swept from her hair to her belly, then she looked at Marchioness Yongle.

The Marchioness had a somewhat awkward looks on her face, “Yun-niang, why are you here?”

Zhao-momo behind Shen Jin at once knew who it was, also understood that today she came out to boast about herself getting favoured. She wanted to make Shen Qi look bad in front of her own family.

She wouldn’t have dared to do this if this was Rui-wangfei who visited, but since this was just Shen Qi’s shu sister, a shu sister wouldn’t be close to Shen Qi. This sister would probably be happy to see Shen Qi humiliated.

This person had been too spoiled, she could run amok because Shen Qi had been too soft and lenient. She relied on Marchioness Yongle and the fact that she was a cousin of Yongle Shizi.

Zhao-momo glanced at Shen Qi, seeing Shen Qi’s expression didn’t change and she just lifted her cup and sipped some tea, Zhao-momo wasn’t sure if she had to pity or to be happy for Shen Qi. Shen Qi had apparently come to her senses, as Furen said, she had been knocked conscious, although unfortunately the price had been too high.

Yun-niang had soft Jiangnan accent, she was holding a plate of cake on both hands, “Aunt, I know Older Sister’s relative is coming so I made a cake myself.” She looked at Shen Jin, “This must be Countess Yongning, I don’t have any skill so I can only make this southern pastry. I don’t know if it is to your liking.”

“Then why do you bring it here?” Shen Jin asked the woman with some confused look.

Yun-niang was startled, the corner of Shen Qi’s lips slightly rose.

Marchioness Yongle didn’t know what to say. Yun-niang’s words was just a polite speaking, normally it would be responded with something like let me try or so. But was Shen Jin wrong? Actually no, you don’t know my taste why are you still serving it?

Yun-niang bit her lips, her eyes reddened as if forcing herself to hold her sadness, “Yun-niang has lost manner.”

Marchioness Yongle sighed inside, but Shen Qi didn’t look like going to say anything, it’s after all her own relative. Marchioness Yongle said, “Yun-niang, child, ….. Bring the pastries to me.”

Yun-niang responded and brought her pastries next to Marchioness Yongle.

The maid has also come with pastries from the kitchen, it was put near Shen Jin and Shen Qi. Shen Jin took a look and smiled, “Thank you Aunt, seems that Sister had told Aunt these are all my favourite snacks.”

Shen Qi spoke, “Try them now.”

Shen Jin smilingly responded, took a piece and ate it with a handkerchief covering her mouth. The taste was exactly like what she had before she got married, but later on Zhao-momo had spoiled her rotten.

Yun-niang touched her belly, with slightly lowered eyes she said, “Countess Yongning and Older Sister’s sisterly relationship is very good.”

That time Shen Jin happened to be swallowing the last bite, she sipped tea and put the cup aside. She felt this woman was really odd, “We are sisters, of course our sisterly bond is good. But who are you? Why are you calling my sister as Older Sister? I don’t remember my sister has another sister.”

Before Yun-niang could speak, Shen Jin had continued, “Where is your husband? Why are you still working like a maid when you are pregnant? Aunt, does she call you Aunt?”

Shen Jin didn’t say it but it’s written on her face, why are you treating a pregnant relative as a maid, “This is…. not really good….” The speech was soft, but it’s still better if it’s not spoken.

Marchioness Yongle’s face changed, she didn’t want to be known as someone who mistreated her own niece. She wanted to explain but Yun-niang had spoken with anxious and teary eyes, “Furen misunderstood, it wasn’t Aunt who told me to do this, Aunt has always been kind to me…… I am……” In the end she couldn’t say the child in her belly was Yongle Shizi’s.

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Shen Jin felt people in the Capital were strange, like the Empress Dowager who’d rather be a chanting vegetarian than enjoying life, and this cousin lady who was willing to do the work of a maid. Her amazed looks was at Yun-niang, what a rare person….. Shen Jin twisted her head to glance at Zhao-momo, then to Yun-niang, suddenly she said, “Oh I understand.”

What do you understand? Not only Marchioness Yongle and Yun-niang, even Shen Qi and Zhao-momo were curious. Shen Qi’s eyes flickered as she smilingly said, “Younger Sister don’t speak half way, I don’t understand.”

Shen Jin looked down at the plate and selected a pastry shaped like plum blossom, “Is this plum filling?”

“Yes.” Shen Qi held the urging, “And there is dried plum blossom in it too.”

Shen Jin nodded and started eating. Zhao-momo was used to her so she wasn’t impatient, Marchioness Yongle had plenty of experience so she could also bear it, only Yun-niang who felt like  grabbing Shen Jin and shaking her hard.

After Shen Jin finished eating, she took another sip of tea, “Huh….” Everyone was staring at her, Shen Jin blinked and turned to Zhao-momo.

Zhao-momo struggled with her smile, “Furen, everyone is waiting for Furen to explain how Furen understands Cousin Miss liked to do maid’s work.”

“Oh oh.” Shen Jin nodded, “Very simple, some people like poetry and lyrics, some like qin chess literature painting, some like sword-dance and tea-brewing, some others like…… I can’t think of more. Everyone has something they like, even though Cousin Miss’ interest is a bit….. Marchioness Yongle is the aunt and not the mother so can’t interfere. En, it’s just at home so it’s still fine.” Her last few parts was said to Yun-niang with an expression of comforting, this was Big Sister’s in-law relative, it’s not good if she’s upset.

Yun-niang’s face changed. Marchioness Yongle felt awkward and uneasy to the maximum. Shen Jin didn’t say it but the meaning was clear, the Yun-niang who liked to do servant’s work was destined to always serve others.

They didn’t believe Shen Jin didn’t know who Yun-niang was, but they thought she was here to give vent to Shen Qi, never expected Shen Qi would be so close to a shu sister so they didn’t really pay attention, otherwise Marchioness Yongle would had reprimanded Yun-niang earlier to get her back inside.

Shen Jin didn’t know and didn’t care of what they were thinking as this wasn’t her own in-law’s house. She wanted to pick another piece of cake but suddenly remembered the reason Rui-wangfei wanted her to visit.

Her eyes swept over the cakes once again, then switched to Yun-niang’s belly, she had guessed Yun-niang’s identity when she saw Zhao-momo’s expression. Shen Jin decided to help Big Sister vent her anger, causing a bit of trouble for the cousin, then a lot of troubles for Yongle Shizi. Oh she had never caused trouble for others before, it turned out to be very exciting! So probably she was really a jerk in nature! She was a good match for Fujun then.

“Who is your husband? Why does your husband still let you out when you are pregnant?” Shen Jin wanted to cause trouble for Yun-niang, but she still lacked experience.

Shen Qi wiped the corner of her mouth with handkerchief, “This is Fujun’s cousin, and also Fujun’s concubine.”

Shen Jin looked at Yun-niang for a few moment, “Oh.”

Yun-niang’s face blushed as if she was very embarrassed, she bowed to Shen Jin and said, “Younger Sister, just call me Yun-niang.”

“……” Shen Jin stared at Yun-niang with dull expression, since when she had a new elder sister.

Zhao-momo’s face changed, angrily rebuked, “How dare you.” It’s a good decision to come with Shen Jin, “Marchioness Yongle, are you insulting our Yongning Mansion?”

Shen Qi’s face turned ugly, she looked at Marchioness Yongle, “Mother-in-law, I think Cousin is sick and confused, it’s better to let her take a rest.”

“Even though Shizi Furen is our Furen’s elder sister,” Zhao-momo’s sharp eyes were on Shen Qi, “But today this involves our Yongning Mansion, this is not the way.”

Shen Qi stopped talking, apologetically looked at Marchioness Yongle. Her heart was extremely satisfied, she had long been annoyed with this cheap woman calling her elder sister.

Shen Jin was a bit worried that Shen Qi was angry, she reached out to touch Shen Qi’s hand, Shen Qi gently pressed her hand. This was their secret little code since before they got married, Shen Jin felt relieved. “Momo, here is Big Sister’s husband place, let it go for now, we go back to talk to Fujun.”

This was even more terrifying! Rumours weren’t always correct but rumours must had come from somewhere. Marchioness Yongle’s face was pale, just now if only she …… No, that’s wrong, yesterday if only she had ordered Yun-niang be locked in her courtyard before Shen Jin’s visit.



T/N – There is some misnumbering on the raws of Chapter 41-47, so Chapter 48 ends up empty. I am going to fill it with some notes on this chapter to maintain the order.

Chapter 47 makes more sense with some background on a concubine’s status in Ancient China novels (those who are familiar with concubines, skip it).

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