Before Marchioness Yongle had thought how to respond, the maid had announced Yongle Shizi’s arrival. As he entered, he saw his mother looking totally embarrassed, Yun-niang standing behind her with a face full of tears and aggravation, his wife Shen Qi sitting there looking helpless, and his wife’s sister trying to pick up a cake from the plate.

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“What is going on?” Yongle Shizi looked around, smilingly asked.

“Cousin.” Yun-niang couldn’t hold her tears anymore, her voice was like she was wronged.

Yongle Shizi’s heart softened at that voice, “Cousin, what is wrong? What happened?” He couldn’t help but walking over as he spoke.

Shen Jin asked, “Yes, why are you crying?” She was also puzzled.

Hearing this, Yongle Shizi looked at his wife, his steps faltered and he stopped moving towards Yun-niang. With Shen Jin here, if she told people at Rui-wang Mansion, he afraid it wouldn’t sound appropriate.

“It was obviously your own mistake.” Shen Jin frowned, “Making mistake and not admitting it, what attitude is this….”

Zhao-momo spoke up, “Furen, let’s go back, Yongle Mansion doesn’t seem to welcome us.”

Shen Jin had always listened to Zhao-momo, she nodded, “Furen, Eldest Brother-in-law, Eldest Sister, I’ll take my leave.” She rose as she spoke.

Marchioness Yongle saw it wasn’t an act, Shen Jin was really leaving. If the matter today circulated outside, how would it look for Yongle Mansion? For the sake of Shizi’s little concubine, Yongle Mansion had driven away Countess Yongning, they would become a laughingstock in the Capital.

“Countess…..” Marchioness Yongle discarded her status as the senior, she hurriedly stood up and called out, “Qi-er, quickly stop your sister.”

Shen Qi really stood up, but instead of stopping Shen Jin, she cried, “Younger Sister, take me with you. I invited you here just to let you be insulted….” As she spoke, she walked over to follow Shen Jin.

Shen Jin had never seen her this way, she quickly pulled Shen Qi’s hand, “Eldest Sister please don’t say that, you are always kind to me, I remember it.”

“What is this all about?” Yongle Shizi asked his mother and wife, he was completely lost. Even though that time Yun-niang was crying so beautifully, but Yongle Shizi’s attention was all fixed on Shen Qi because Shen Qi rarely cried. Yun-niang had always been melancholic and so close to crying even if no tears shed. It would have been annoying if her crying hadn’t been so beautiful to the extreme.

Marchioness Yongle went forward to hold Shen Qi’s arm, she’s her daughter-in-law while Shen Jin was Countess Yongning. “I will definitely take responsibility to Countess Yongning.”

In such situation, it’s not good for Shen Jin to just leave. Shen Qi said, “My good Sister, take it as giving your elder sister a face, please stay a while, if …… Sister will not insist again.”

Shen Jin looked at Zhao-momo who then nodded, Shen Jin said, “Alright.”

Marchioness Yongle hurriedly had the maid bring water, she gave Yongle Shizi a look. He then personally gave a handkerchief to Shen Qi to wipe her face. “If there is an issue please Furen let me know.”

Yun-niang’s face was pale from crying, but instead of looking wretched, she was lovely and pitiful, as if she would have crumbled on the floor without the maid supporting her. She let go of the maid’s hand when they were in front of Shen Jin.

With one hand on the belly and another on the waist, she kneeled in fragile movements and said, “Countess, this Lowly Woman overestimated herself and had offensed Countess. This has nothing to do with Yongle Mansion, please Countess blame just this Lowly Woman.”

Then she turned to Shen Qi, “Furen, it is all my fault, I am of humble status…..”

“Why are you not calling her Elder Sister again?” Shen Jin was sipping tea when Yun-niang spoke, she asked after putting down the tea.

Yun-niang almost couldn’t breathe, she panicked and felt suffocated. But she couldn’t find  smugness or any other expression on Shen Jin’s face. The question was asked as if it’s only a matter that needed to be asked, just a matter-of-fact.

At first Yongle Shizi felt heartache for Yun-niang but Shen Jin’s words had broken it, the pitiful air Yun-niang exuded suddenly disappeared as if she had not been there.

Shen Jin frowned at Yun-niang’s belly, “How are you not caring about the child?” Her tone was partly a rebuke and partly a concern.

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Yongle Shizi’s face eased a little, Shen Jin seemed to still care about the child, similar to his wife’s attitude, “Yes that’s right. Yun-niang get up now, don’t hurt the child.” He helped Yun-niang get up.

Hearing this Shen Jin remembered her own question some time ago, she asked again with some criticism, “Brother-in-law, how is it that your cousin is pregnant but her husband isn’t with her?”

Yongle Shizi looked at Shen Jin’s ‘righteous’ question with a peculiar expression.

Zhao-momo whispered to Shen Jin’s ears, Shen Jin looked suddenly enlightened, “So this is your concubine.”

Marchioness Yongle awkwardly said, “Countess, Yun-niang is my son’s concubine.”

“Then why is she calling you Aunt?” Shen Jin looked at them, “Calling Brother-in-law as Cousin?”

Her eyes switched to Shen Jin, “Calling my Eldest Sister as Elder Sister? And calling me Younger Sister?”

Remembering Zhao-momo being angry and wanted to take her away, she asked, “Since when did our Yongning Mansion get such an elder sister?”

Yongle Shizi’s face noticeably changed, seeing his mother nodded slighly he now believed it really happened. Normally he didn’t think Yun-niang’s way of addressing others was any big deal, but today she dared to call Countess Yongning as Younger Sister? To speak the truth, Count Yongning’s position was higher than his Shizi’s position, moreover with the military power in his hand, by right Yongle Shizi should concede to Count Yongning.

Today his concubine had dared to call herself Countess Yongning’s elder sister, no wonder the scene just now happened. If it wasn’t because Countess Yongning had good temperament and was giving Shen Qi face, it would have blown bigger and more difficult to reconcile. He had a few younger brothers coveting his position, they would have no scruples kicking him down.

Marchioness Yongle reprimanded in a stern voice, “Yun-niang, don’t shout nonsense in future, since you have become a concubine, you should behave as a concubine.”

“Aunt please don’t be upset.” Shen Jin advised in gentle voice, “It turned out to be just the matter of manner. Before we got married, Mother Consort invited some Momo’s from the Palace to teach us the rules.” She turned to Shen Qi.

Shen Qi’s eyes were a bit red, she sighed, “How about this, I will go back tomorrow and ask two Momo’s to come and teach Yun-niang rules.” Before Marchioness Yongle could refuse, she continued, “It’s still fine today it’s just my sister, how if it’s someone else who visits?”

Marchioness Yongle was speechless, Yongle Shizi felt Shen Qi’s idea wasn’t bad, he turned to Shen Jin, “Third Sister, it’s Brother-in-law’s fault today. Another day I’ll open a banquet for Third Brother-in-law and you to make amends.”

“It is fine.” Shen Jin saw Shen Qi had a solution, and Zhao-momo had no reaction, “It’s just that, Brother-in-law please don’t let your concubine do a maid’s work. Even if it is her own interest, please wait until the child is born.”

Yongle Shizi was thoroughly confused but Shen Jin wasn’t in the mood to speak further.

Yun-niang knew if Shen Qi really brought Palace Momo’s over, she would be in danger. She slightly raised her head begging Shen Qi, “Furen, This…. This Slave won’t dare anymore.”

The words ‘this slave’ was forced out with humiliation and pain which raised Yongle Shizi’s pity, she lowered her eyes and slightly touched her visibly pregnant belly, “This Slave’s pregnancy is quite advanced. When the child is born, This Slave will learn the rules with Momo’s.”

Shen Qi appeared to suddenly realised something, her lips pursed and looked at Marchioness Yongle with some difficulty.

It was Shen Jin who spoke up, “If you learn the rules after the child is born, then who will take care of the baby?” She liked children, even though the mother was unpleasant but the child was innocent.

Yongle Shizi looked at Shen Qi but she appeared not to notice him. Shen Jin remembered what Yongle Shizi said yesterday, “Are you thinking of letting my elder sister raise the child?”

“This is Shizi’s first child, naturally it has to be raised by Furen’s side.” Yun-niang was still quite intelligent, the words ‘Eldest Child’ weren’t clearly said but the meaning was obvious.

T/N – Eldest Child was special, and it’s expected to be born from the main wife so families usually prevented concubines to have children before the main wife did. Yun-niang got rid of Shen Qi’s pregnancy so her own child could become the Eldest Child. And she still wanted the child to be raised by the main wife for extra benefits.

Shen Jin frowned, asking Marchioness Yongle, “Aunt couldn’t be approving this, could you?”

Shen Qi wiped her eyes to hide the cold smile, “Mother-in-law isn’t someone without etiquette, so naturally wouldn’t agree. I am afraid Fujun was confused to say that in front of my mother, but yesterday Fujun hadn’t had time to talk to Yun-niang yet.”

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Marchioness Yongle looked at her son, then at Yun-niang who had a begging expression on her face. To think of it, her daughter-in-law’s status was too high, she had to find way to suppress Shen Qi otherwise she wouldn’t have any voice in the residence anymore.

So she said, “Qi-er is very filial, that time not careful that the child was gone. She must have been feeling empty and missing it, so Yun-niang’s child could be given to Qi-er to raise.”

Not careful? Shen Qi’s heart was dark with hate, she had been extra careful for that child, whatever she ate was all for the sake of the child instead of her own.

“Brother-in-law can accompany Elder Sister.” Shen Jin said, “If Elder Sister is still lonely, I have a nest of snowy rabbits, I can write a letter to have a few sent here, they are very cute.”

Marchioness Yongle thought Shen Jin was quite shameless, her son was a busy man handling big matters, he didn’t have time to accompany Shen Qi, “Yun-niang is a respectable concubine, she is different from ordinary concubines.”

T/N – Respectable concubine 良妾 = a concubine whose background is from respectable families (良民), so they have some status and couldn’t be sold. Ordinary concubines came with deed of sale and can be sold like servants. Take note of terms used.

“Isn’t it all concubines?” Shen Jin asked back, “I remember only Dukes and above can have Side Concubines.” After speaking she was still looking at Zhao-momo with some uncertainty, “Momo, am I right? Or has the rules in the Capital changed and I don’t know?”

What respectable concubines, there was no difference with ordinary concubines, it’s just to make themselves feel good. Zhao-momo replied with deep voice, “Furen is correct.”

T/N – Only Side Concubines were special in that dynasty, but even after Yongle Shizi inherited his father’s title and become a Marquis later, he still couldn’t have Side Concubines, so all he had would just be ordinary concubines.

Shen Jin looked at Marchioness Yongle as if she was asking ‘It’s all concubine ah, why do you say it’s different?’

What could Marchioness Yongle say answered with? Could she say it’s because Yun-niang was her relative?

Yun-niang lowered her eyes, her hand lightly pressed her maid’s. The maid’s eyes turned, she spoke up, “My Miss is a noble concubine, of course she is different from ordinary concubines.”

T/N – Noble concubine 贵妾, read further below. Take note of terms used.

Shen Jin was stupefied, she looked at that maid with an odd expression.

Shen Qi angrily rebuked, “What nonsense!”

“Furen please don’t be angry, it’s Master Shizi who said it himself.” The maid wasn’t scared of Shen Qi at all.

“Slap her.” Shen Qi said in sharp voice.

Before anyone could react, the maid behind Shen Qi had moved and dragged Yun-niang’s maid, one other maid slapped her fiercely.

Yunniang let out a cry of shock. Yongle Shizi was still wondering when he had said that, seeing this he hurriedly said, “Furen, doing this in front of Mother ……”

Marchioness Yongle had also understood, interrupting her son’s words, she pointed at Yun-niang’s maid, “Beat her hard. No, drag her outside and beat until death.”

“Mother….” Yongle Shizi shouted.

Yun-niang slumped on Yongle Shizi’s body, “Aunt, she had been with me since I was a child….. My mother personally selected her for me….. Begging Aunt please spare her life.”

She knelt down in front of Shen Qi, “This maid spoke nonsense offending Furen, what noble concubine….. with my lowly status, I dared not….. I just wanted to be with Cousin, even as a maid, begging Furen…..”

“Furen.” Yongle Shizi also called out.

Shen Jin looked to be in panic, she reached out to pull Shen Qi’s arm, “Elder Sister, this……  quick just come back with me to Father’s mansion.”

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Yongle Shizi angrily glared at Shen Jin. She wasn’t afraid of him at all, bluntly said, “Shizi, is this concubine of yours a member of previous dynasty!”

The words ‘member of previous dynasty’ shocked Yongle Shizi. So that’s why his mother wanted to kill the maid. Tianqi dynasty had ‘respectable concubines’ who were concubines without deeds, they entered the family formally instead of being promoted from maid position. But Tianqi had no such thing as ‘noble concubines’.

The previous dynasty had ‘noble concubines’ whose position were just a little lower than wives, they could even become wives when the former wives passed away. And when there was no di sons, noble concubines’ sons could also inherit the family’s properties. Other kinds of concubines could never become wives.

That time the father of the founder of Tianqi dynasty was killed by his grandfather’s noble concubine, even the founder himself almost lost his life. The founder then joined the army as a low soldier to protect his life. Later the founder had successfully rebelled during a chaos.

After Tianqi dynasty was established, the new Emperor abolished noble concubine position. From thereon, no concubine could ever become wife at the death of the former wife, and sons born from concubines couldn’t inherit title unless the main wife and the main wife’s father issued a letter of consent.

“What members of previous dynasty!” Yun-niang realised the seriousness of the charge, without a care she brazenly said, “Countess Yongning, your mouth keeps on harming me! I know you are venting for Furen, you are sisters but……”

“Shut up.” Yongle Shizi moved forward and slapped her, he cursed.” Stupid.”

Marchioness Yongle’s whole body went limp, the maid behind had to support her, “What sin is this, what noble concubine, you this maid started a rumour, drag her out and beat to death!”

Shen Qi was also full of fear, she pulled Shen Jin’s hands and begged, “Younger Sister, I don’t know where this maid heard it, there is no noble concubine in our residence…… Please believe me, your brother-in-law isn’t such a muddled person, take it as I am begging you, okay.”

It’s the first time Shen Jin saw her like this, it’s simply scary, “Elder Sister, I am not telling, I didn’t hear anything, please don’t…… It’s not about begging or not begging, please don’t be like this.”

Shen Qi leaned on Shen Jin weakly, “For this matter Elder Sister thanking you.”

Marchioness Yongle gloomily said, “Countess Yongning is benevolent, but I can’t take it like nothing happened.” What an impressive sentence, but how come Shen Qi’s tolerance before had been taken as nothing happened as well?

“Someone come, take Xue-shi to the hamlet to wait for the birth there.” Marchioness Yongle said. She no longer called her Yun-niang, it’s just Xue-shi now.

T/N – So apparently Yun-niang’s surname was Xue.

Shen Qi slightly narrowed her eyes, she softly advised, “Mother-in-law, she is your relative after all, and that child is also Fujun’s flesh and blood. What do you say that after the birth, the child is taken back to be raised by you, and Xue-shi be given some money to marry in her hometown?”

Marchioness Yongle looked at Shen Qi, she understood this was not a discussion. The Junzhu from Rui-wang Mansion was showing her claws for the first time.

Shen Zi said again, “I understand Mother-in-law is in difficult position, so we can leave it to Rui-wang Mansion to handle it.”

Zhao-momo raised her eyes, was it the real reason, or to ensure Yun-niang wouldn’t be returning. Moreover how did a little maid learn the words ‘noble concubine’. Had Yongle Shizi really said it? He wasn’t a stupid person. So it seemed the Eldest Junzhu wasn’t as helpless as Furen said. She must had made some arrangements, and today she was just using Furen as the killing dagger.

“Elder Sister give her more dowries please.” Shen Jin sighed, they were all women, they shouldn’t make things difficult for each other. “In the end…… ” She didn’t finish it.

Yongle Shizi’s brain was blank, there was still some resistance on giving up Yun-niang. But while he hesitated and wanted to speak, Shen Qi said, “Fujun also can’t be without anyone to serve.”

As she spoke, the maids covered Yun-niang’s mouth and respectfully forced her to leave for the hamlet.

“I had my father’s people went to Jiangnan to buy some women, they are the most gentle and beautiful.” Shen Qi said in dignified and virtuous manner, “Let them learn the rules first then they can be brought here.”

Shen Qi had secretly discussed this with Rui-wangfei yesterday, the women were originally prepared for Rui-wang but some of them could be spared for Shen Qi’s use.

T/N – How do you think the play staged by Shen Qi compared to the play staged by Shen Zi?

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Shen Jin felt her eldest sister was living a tiring life, not as carefree as before the marriage. Everyone was busy so she got bored, she sat down and picked up a cake. It’s not as good as when it was new but could still be eaten, the ingredients used were good so it was very delectable.

– – – –

T/N – The next chapter was originally on top of the chapter in the raws, but it looks odd there because Shen Zi only appeared now. Probably the author forgot to move it.

In the world noone knew the future in advance.

If she had known in advance, Shen Zi wouldn’t had cried and made fuss, she would had happily gone to marry Count Yongning. She wouldn’t had to marry someone in a haste and her dowry wouldn’t had been reduced. Her two younger sisters had their dowries reduced too, had Xu-cefei not guaranteed them compensations, there would have been resentment and the relationship among the sisters would have been ruined.

T/N – See chapter 7. Originally all 4 shu daughters had 30k dowry each, Rui-wangfei said to Rui-wang that 30k was too little for a bride sent by His Majesty to Count Yongning. In the end Shen Zi and her 2 sisters’ dowries were reduced to 20k each, while Shen Jin got 60k (consisted of 50k dowry + 10k private money). It’s huge considering that Shen Qi’s dowry was also 50k (but how much private money was unknown.)

When Shen Zi arrived, the atmosphere in the room had turned joyous and harmonious again as if Yun-niang had never appeared. Yongle Shizi had left the room, without Count Yongning around it wasn’t good for him to be there. But he couldn’t leave the residence because he still had to wait for his wife’s two brothers to come.

None of them expected that Shen Zi would come, even Zhao-momo felt it strange. Shen Zi was wearing a long silk dress of sweet red sprinkled with gold today, with a gauze tunic on the outside, a belt of gold silk embroidery around her waist, and a gleaming dangling hairpin on her head. As soon as she entered she said in a delicate voice, “Greetings to the Marchioness.”

Marchioness Yongle had heard about Shen Zi’s matter so she also didn’t expect that Shen Zi would still come. She didn’t know what to say, plus the problem with her niece was still hanging, so she only smiled and nodded, “You sisters could talk about your matters, I am not joining in.”

Her words meant she wanted Shen Qi to take her sisters away. One of them was always looking innocent but her words could choke people to death, and the other one had that embarrassing matter but still went out on visits. Rui-wang Mansion is really……

Shen Qi smoothly did as expected, she smiled and brought Shen Zi and Shen Jin outside. On Shen Zi’s wrist was a red jade bracelet, wringing her handkerchief she said, “My Fujun couldn’t come today, he asked me to apologise to Eldest Brother-in-law and Third Brother-in-law.”

Shen Qi smiled, “No need, Third Brother-in-law isn’t coming either. For Fujun, I will let the maid pass the message.”

“Oh?” Shen Zi’s eyes fell on Shen Jin. Remembering what happened yesterday, her heart secretly hated, “How come Third Brother-in-law isn’t with you?”

“Fujun was called away by His Majesty.” Shen Jin said, “Right, how is Second Brother-in-law’s wounds? Fujun has a lot of medicine for wounds, it isn’t good to have scars on the face.”

Smiles appeared on Zhao-momo’s eyes, she knew her Furen’s suggestion was sincere, but for others this sounded like……

T/N – Sincere? Really? Momo you make me disappointed!

“Yes.” Shen Qi’s mood was extremely good, she smiled, “Second Sister don’t stand on ceremonies, I heard your scratches made Second Brother-in-law’s face bled a lot. How about this, I’ll use our residence badge to invite an imperial doctor for Second Brother-in-law, it’s would be a pity to leave a scar.”

Shen Zi hmph-ed and smiled, “Eldest Sister no need to worry, Fujun only accidently fell off the carriage, it’s all just a lie, and my mother-in-law had invited a doctor.”

Looking at Shen Zi’s smug looks, Shen Qi’s eyes flashed and said, “Could it be that Second Sister has met something good? Why do you look so happy?” Shen Zi just smiled and didn’t say anything, so Shen Qi didn’t ask anymore.

When they arrived at Shen Qi’s courtyard, she pulled Shen Jin to talk. Shen Zi couldn’t bear it, she asked, “Third Sister, what does Third Brother-in-law like the most at the border?”

What did he like the most? Was the question about food or clothes or play or daily routine. Shen Jin lowered her eyes, she almost never discussed Chu Xiuming’s matters with outsiders. “I don’t know.”

“You don’t know?” Shen Zi felt Shen Jin didn’t want to tell her, her eyes darkened, “I bet you just don’t want to tell me.”

“En.” Shen Jin didn’t deny it, “Not telling.”

Shen Zi coldly laughed, “I didn’t expect after returning from the border Third Sister had become so bold.”

“Because I am Countess Yongning.” Shen Jin reminded her. Added as a matter-of-fact, “Second Sister, it’s because I have Fujun.”

At this moment, Shen Jin was like a strutting rabbit, she was no longer the sandbag that others could hit. Others were ‘foxes assuming tiger’s power’ and ‘dogs leaning on masters’ while Shen Jin was a rabbit leaning on a leopard, then extended her rabbit claws to scratch people!

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