Shen Zi looked at Shen Jin who was talking without embellishment but surprisingly hard to refute. Shen Qi was smiling but her heart was quite envious, the reason Shen Jin was able to confidently talked that way was because her husband was her guarantee, and how about herself?

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“You are shameless.” Shen Zi cursed with gritted teeth, “Count Yongning is tired enough with guarding the border, not only you can’t be his virtuous helper at home, you still want to rely on him on everything, aren’t you ashamed?”

Shen Jin turned at Shen Qi, she didn’t know that Second Sister still could say something in line of ‘righteous and just words in the defense of unfairness’, “Oh.”

Shen Zi almost couldn’t breathe, it was unexpected that Shen Jin still remained so calm. Her harsh reprimand would had made other people furious, “You only ‘oh’ me?”

“Second Sister, you are strange,” Shen Jin frowned, “What else do you want me to say?”

Shen Zi was momentarily stumped, what else she wanted to say? She didn’t know either, she only knew some cheap people had blinded her, otherwise the one who was happy now should be herself.

“Third Sister you have climbed up and now you forgot your sisters?”

“Second Sister.” Shen Qi spoke with dark voice, “Do you understand what are you saying? Third Sister married as a Junzhu, if we are talking about climbing up, it’s definitely not Third Sister.”

Shen Zi sneered, “Third Sister knows what I mean. I thought Chen-cefei and Third Sister were honest people, but it turned out they play dirty tricks. Looking innocent but doing despicable things.”

Shen Qi stood up, and slapped Shen Zi’s face, “If I hear you talk nonsense again, I will tell Mother.”

Shen Zi jumped up, one hand covering her face, the other hand pointing at Shen Qi, “Big Sister, how could you hit me, did I say anything wrong? If it wasn’t Third Sister who stole my engagement….”

When they were at Rui-wang’s Mansion, Shen Zi had liked to snatch and pressure others but wasn’t up to this level.

“Shut up.” Shen Qi’s face darkened, “Second Sister, some things can’t be joked about.”

Shen Zi looked at Shen Jin with eyes full of hatred and animosity.

Shen Jin wasn’t smiling but her expression was calm. Sometimes it’s more upsetting to be ignored than to be fought back. Shen Zi’s words were provoking but she wasn’t angry because she didn’t care about this person. This was a habit Shen Jin had developed since childhood, otherwise she would had died of anger long ago.

“Second Sister, if you have problem you should ask Father.” Shen Jin looked at the flustered and exasperated Shen Zi, “Marriage is ‘by the order of the parents and by the words of the matchmaker’, it’s not me who decided who to marry. I couldn’t decide my own marriage, how did I decide yours? Second Sister, if you feel marrying Zheng family had let you down, you should go talk to Father.”

Shen Zi paled.

Shen Jin continued, “Moreover rather than concerning yourself about the affairs of my house, Second Sister better be more concerned about Second Brother-in-law’s wounds.”

This one was the answer to Shen Zi’s original question, not only Shen Zi meddled in other’s business, she also wanted to embarrass people.

Shen Zi’s nails were pressed hard into her palm, the beautifully manicured nails broke but the pain helped her calm down. Remembering what happened to Fourth Sister yesterday, she forced a smile,

“Second Sister doesn’t need to be angry, I am saying this for your own good. You are by yourself at the border, noone from the family there, if anything happens then you have noone to back you up.”

“Oh?” Shen Qi sneered, “Could it be that Second Sister is looking for Father to back you up so you left your house today?”

Shen Zi thought about what her mother-in-law told her yesterday. She felt there was nothing bad about marrying into Zheng family. At least the whole family had to flatter her, even after she hit Zheng Jiaqu, noone had blamed her. Mother-in-law had even sent Zheng Jiaqu to the temple, letting him stay there for three days eating inferior tea and plain rice as an atonement for his faults.

“Listen to what I say.” She said, “My mother-in-law is kind.” As she said that, her eyes swept on Shen Qi’s belly, she had yet to find out about Yongle Shizi’s little concubine being driven out. Wiping the corner of her mouth, she talked with some boasting tone,

“Mother-in-law had handed the household management to me already, I have said I didn’t want it, but Mother-in-law…… Mother-in-law said Zheng family belongs to my husband and I, and soon or later the household management is mine.”

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Shen Qi’s eyes flashed, Shen Jin was also amazed. She did not know why Old Lady Zheng did so, but was there a mother who didn’t love her own son and instead biased to the daughter-in-law? It didn’t make sense. Could it be there was a problem with the household management? Was Old Zheng Furen was just using an excuse to make Shen Zi willingly take it over without suspicion?

But Zheng family was also a prominent family, so what could be wrong?

“I heard Zheng family third miss is already betrothed? Shen Qi was full with wonder.

Zheng Third Miss was Zheng Jiaqu’s blood sister, she was engaged to a scholar who was also from a literary family, but from outside the Capital. They were just waiting for Palace Examination then Zheng Third Miss would be married off.

Shen Zi answered, “Yes, he is coming to the Capital soon, he’ll stay at Zheng residence to prepare for the exam.”

“And how is the preparation of the dowry?” Shen Qi asked.

Shen Zi spoke, “Mother-in-law is preparing it, I can’t ask.”

Shen Qi nodded but didn’t speak. Shen Jin felt it suspicious, but as nice as she was, she wouldn’t remind someone who had just bullied her, she kept silent after thinking for a while.

Shen Rong was led to the room by a maid, her face was somewhat haggard, she looked at Shen Jin timidly. After paying respect to everyone, she sat down below Shen Zi, lowered her head without speaking.

Shen Zi frowned, “Where is Fourth Sister?”

Shen Rong glanced at Shen Jin but kept her mouth shut. Yesterday after Shen Jin and the rest left, Shen Xuan with ugly expression ordered pozi‘s to bring them to the main courtyard. Rui-wang and Rui-wangfei was happily talking, and as they entered Rui-wang called them up with smiles on his face, but Rui-wangfei’s eyes flashed and right away asked what had happened.

After Shen Xuan and Shen Xi finished telling them, Rui-wang’s face turned crimson while Rui-wangfei’s face sunk. That was the first time Rui-wangfei’s had such expression, she had always looked gentle and dignified. Even long ago when Xu-cefei had just entered the Mansion and flaunted Rui-wang’s favour in front of her, she only laughed and let it go.

Shen Jing was sent to a remote courtyard by herself, and apart from a few Momo’s noone was allowed to visit. Shen Jing could only leave when she had understood and had learned from the matter.

Shen Rong was almost frightened out of her wit. Rui-wang who normally spoiled them didn’t say a word. He still didn’t try to intervene even when Rui-wangfei ordered her and her brother be taken to Xu-cefei’s Haitang Courtyard, then the Momo was to hit Xu-cefei’s palm 20 times with a finger-thick ruler.

That time Shen Rong discovered that Rui-wangfei had usually just ignored them, but when it came to real matter, even Rui-wang could do nothing.

Seeing Shen Rong’s face, Shen Zi secretly hated it but she said to Shen Jin, “Third Sister, we are all family…..”

“Call me Countess Yongning.” Shen Jin said without expression.

The problem was with her looks. Shen Jin always looked adorable even when not smiling. She wanted to look stern but with her moist and tender eyes, her delicate pink lips which sparkled like crystal from the tea drank, she didn’t look frightening at all.

The corner of Shen Zi’e eyes twitched, resisting the urge to grab Shen Jin, she continued, “We are all sisters, yesterday Fourth Sister didn’t mean anything else, Third Sister probably just…..”

“Call me Countess Yongning.” Shen Jin said once again interrupting Shen Zi’s sentence.

Shen Zi gritted her teeth, the handkerchief in her hand was almost torn.

Shen Qi was amused, she let the maid bring a new handkerchief for Shen Qi, “Second Sister, use this new handkerchief.” After speaking she covered her mouth and started laughing.

“No need.” Shen Zi stiffly refused, she threw her handkerchief to the face of the maid next to her, cursing, “Do you have no eyes, if you don’t want to serve, get lost.”

This maid was the one Shen Zi brought when she got married, she was picked from the maids in Xu-cefei’s courtyard, she wasn’t smart and her looks was just average. She had been with Shen Zi all these times, she dared not say much.

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Handing her own handkerchief to Shen Zi, she said, “Furen please use this first, I am going to get another one.” Shen Zi looked at it with disgust but she responded and didn’t say more. The maid hurriedly bowed and left.

After venting the frustration in her heart, she continued, “I am afraid Third Sister……”

“Countess Yongning.” Shen Jin said again.

Shen Zi gritted her teeth, a fire was burning in her heart. If only that time the one who married Count Yongning was herself….. No if, that time the one who married Count Yongning should have been herself,

“Countess Yongning…..” These two words was spoken with thick flavour of hatred and humiliation.

“En. Remember it for next time.” Shen Jin didn’t want to disregard their sisterhood but the other side didn’t regard her as a sister. And as she said, the current Shen Jin had the right to be willful.

Shen Zi lowered her eyes slightly, “I am afraid you misunderstood, Fourth Sister was only curious and she was concerned about you.”

Zhao-momo’s eyes turned cold, she glanced at Anping, who suddenly said, “Furen, Master had ordered that you are not to eat too much snacks.”

“Ah?” Shen Jin retracted the hand that was reaching for snacks, she said to Anping, “Fujun clearly said I could have some.”

“You have already had some.” Zhao-momo spoke, “If you eat too much, you won’t have appetite for lunch, and the Master will be worried.”

“Oh.” Shen Jin liked to eat but she was also a sensible person, she knew they were doing it for her own good so she stopped.

Shen Qi on her side laughed, “Brother-in-law really cares about Sister.”

Shen Jin smiled at Shen Qi, she didn’t deny it, her curved eyes showed plenty of happiness.

Shen Rong saw Shen Zi’s twisted face with eyes full of anger and hatred. Shen Rong bit her lips, very carefully touched Shen Qi’s arm, and said in low voice, “Sister, drink some tea.”

“Drink drink drink, drink what drink, don’t you have tea to drink at home?” Shen Zi furiously scolded.

Shen Rong was shocked that she trembled. Her temperament was the best among Xu-cefei’s four children as little brother Shen Hao was born not long after her. Xu-cefei devoted her heart on the son as the number one, and on Shen Zi who she had invested the most for as the number two. Shen Jing was older by a few years, so Shen Jing had also her experienced her time of being spoiled.

But Shen Rong’s good temperament also had limit, yesterday she was shocked by Rui-wangfei, and today she was yelled at by Shen Zi.

Shen Rong was angry, “Don’t want to drink then don’t drink, what are you yelling at me for, not matter how you look it’s not yours, why are you venting on me?”

Shen Zi’s face became even uglier, humiliation turned into fury, she instantly slapped Shen Rong’s face.  

When Shen Qi slapped her, Shen Qi had limited her strength as not to leave any trace. This time Shen Zi didn’t care about anything, plus her nails had just broken, the broken nails heavily scratched Shen Rong’s face.

Shen Rong cried out in paid. Shen Qi and Shen Jin looked over, and saw a red line dripping blood on Shen Rong’s tender cheek.

Shen Qi’s face changed, “Hurry someone get a badge to invite Imperial Doctor. One more person go invite Doctor Qian.”

Shen Jin also said, “Anning, quick go the Mansion and bring the imperial snow lotus ointment here.”

Shen Zi was really terrified, there was still some blood and flesh hanging on the tips of her nails, she took a few steps back and shrilly screamed, “I didn’t do it on purpose….”

Shen Rong’s eyes were red, she looked at Shen Zi with disbelief, it’s her own birth sister.

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Shen Jin had come over, hurriedly said, “Don’t cry, the tears may cause scars.”

“Third Sister……” Shen Rong’s voice was tinged with tears. A woman’s face and hands were most important especially to an unmarried woman, scars might make marriage negotiation difficult.

Shen Qi yanked Shen Zi away, she then carefully checked the still bleeding wound on Shen Rong’s face, it’s quite frightening. Seeing Shen Rong’s ashen lips, she comforted, “Don’t be afraid, just a shallow line, I have asked someone to invite an imperial doctor.”

Zhao-momo glanced once and her eyes swept on Shen Zi’s hand, saw the nails were painted with rose balsam. After the fight with Zheng Jiaqu, she had unconsciously aimed for the face. With no strength spared in the hit, it’s hard to expect it wouldn’t leave scarring, could only hope it’s not too deep.

Actually Zhao-momo knew how to handle this, but she didn’t go forward when she realised it would leave scars. She gave a wink at Anping, and Anping unobstrusively pushed Shen Jin away not letting her getting too close.

Shen Qi had similar concern, she refrained from touching Shen Rong to prevent Xu-cefei blaming her for everything. The injury happened at Yongning Mansion, afraid Xu-cefei would bite her to no end.

Her eyes flashed, and she sternly said to Shen Zi, “Fifth Sister is your own sister, and you are able to hurt her that badly.” As she spoke, Shen Qi grabbed Shen Zi’s hand, she was really shocked when she saw the nails. With such painted nails, anyone would think Shen Zi did it on purpose, “You……”

Shen Rong saw it too, her legs went limp and she yelled sharply, “Sister, you actually…… When did I ever offend you?”

“No, no……” Shen Zi shook her head vigorously and tried to pull her hand back, she was close to tears, “I didn’t mean to do it.”

“Your nails are like this and you still say you didn’t mean it?” Actually Shen Qi also thought Shen Zi didn’t really want to scratch Shen Rong’s face, but at this moment she could only kept on the attack, “Fifth Sister is young, even if she is careless when speaking, you still can’t be so cruel, Fifth Sister isn’t engaged yet.”

The matter of inviting the Mansion’s doctor and imperial doctor certainly couldn’t be kept from others. Yongle Shizi was shocked to hear it, he immediately brought the two younger brother-in-laws to come over. They were at a closer place than the doctor so they arrived first.

As soon as they passed the door, a shrill woman’s voice was heard screaming, “If I want to scratch people I would have scratched that cheap Shen Jin, why would I scratched my own sister!”

Shen Zi saw them after the scream, she knew it was bad, panic and fear all over her face, she slumped to a chair. Her face was pale and moist with cold sweat, shaking her head, “I was talking nonsense, it’s not true….”

At the scream, Shen Jin let out a small cry of alarm and took a few steps back. Anping moved up between Shen Jin and Shen Zi, and Zhao-momo pulled Shen Jin into her arms, sharply said, “Young Zheng Furen! I will definitely tell Count Yongning what you said, word by word.”

Yongle Shizi swallowed and turned to Shen Xuan, this was Rui-wang Mansion’s private affair, not Yongle Mansion’s.

“Shen Zi how dare you.” Shen Qi thought the scream meant Shen Zi was looking for an opportunity to scratch Shen Jin’s face, but who knew Shen Rong made her upset, so Shen Zi just hit her without thinking and forgot about the painted nails. It’s hard to say if Shen Rong was just too unlucky or Shen Zi was too vicious.

“No….” Shen Zi covered her ears and screamed, “No, ah ah ah, I didn’t….”

Shen Rong’s gaze was dull, she clutched her maid’s hand tightly and kept asking, “There won’t be scars, right? Why is the doctor not here yet…. My face….. ” The maid tried to comfort her, she held Shen Rong’s hands but dared not touch the face.

Shen Xuan strode into the room, with one hand he grabbed Shen Zi’s hand, and the other hand slapped her face. A man was stronger than a woman, his slap didn’t just silenced Shen Zi but also caused the corner of her mouth bled.

However Shen Zi saw him like a saviour star, ignoring the pain on her face, she grabbed Shen Xuan’s hand, “Eldest Brother, I didn’t do it, really not me, it’s all Shen Jin….. right, it’s all Shen Jin’s trick….”

Another slap rang, Shen Xuan said with cold voice, “You better shut up.”

“Eldest Brother….. Eldest Brother, my face…..” Shen Rong raised her head as she heard Shen Xuan’s voice.

Shen Xi had also entered, he didn’t have good relationship with Shen Rong but at that moment he felt heartache too, it’s still his family member, “Fifth Sister, it is fine.”

Yongle Shizi hesitantly walked in, “Close all the doors and windows. Fifth Sister come to the inner room, don’t catch the wind.”

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“Right.” Shen Qi also reacted, “Quick help Fifth Sister go inside.” She turned to Shen Zi.

Shen Xuan’s face was dark and sullen, “I’ll keep an eye on her, send someone to invite Mother.”

Shen Qi nodded without speaking.

The maids helped Shen Rong get into the inner room, Shen Xi and Shen Qi also went with them. Shen Jin was still leaning in Zhao-momo’s arms, she whispered, “Momo, I am fine, Eldest Brother is here.”

Shen Xuan also said, “Don’t worry, I will sort it out for Third Sister.”

Doctor Qian arrived, he lived a bit far. He was Yongle Mansion’s doctor but he still an outsider male, Yongle Shizi hurriedly said, “Hurry go inside and check. Forget it, I’ll bring you inside.” As he spoke, Yongle Shizi held the doctor’s arms to bring him inside. At Shen Xuan’s back he whispered, “If it will leave scars, you should not touch it, understand?”

“Yes.” Doctor Qian wasn’t stupid, he understood what was said.

Shen Jin hesitated for a moment before getting out of Zhao-momo’s arms, “We also go inside?” Zhao-momo said, “That’s fine.”

Anning watched Shen Zi warily, Shen Zi looked wretched with both cheeks red and swollen and blood hanging on the corner of her mouth. She was still looking at Shen Jin with full face of hatred, mumbling indistinctly, “It’s all you, you the evil harming people…. “

Shen Xuan frowned, “Don’t make me gag you.” Shen Zi had already married, had she still been a miss from Rui-wang Mansion, Shen Xuan would have ordered someone to silence her.

Shen Jin bit her lips, walking inside under the protection of Zhao-momo. Zhao-momo’s eyes narrowed, she guessed Shen Zi really didn’t do it on purpose, and the broken nails should also be an accident. Not that she trusted Shen Zi but she wouldn’t have such big guts, biting dogs didn’t bark and Shen Zi had made a lot of noise.

But even if not deliberate, so what? It’s the fact that Shen Zi scratched Shen Rong’s face, and she had yelled things like wanting to scratch Shen Jin. It’s already good they didn’t drop stones into the well.

T/N – ‘Dropping stones into the well’ 落井下石 = hitting someone who is down.

When Shen Jin entered, Doctor Qian was saying, “This Humble One has shallow skill, it’s better to wait for imperial doctor.”

Shen Rong swayed, “My face is going to have scars, isn’t it?”

“I really can’t tell.” After speaking Doctor Qian lowered his head and retreated.

Shen Qi blocked Shen Rong’s sight, “Just wait for the imperial doctor.” Shen Rong breathlessly leaned on her maid, she was quite out of hope.

Shen Jin didn’t go over, she stood in a corner of the room with Zhao-momo. Anping didn’t come inside with them.

Rui-wangfei arrived before the imperial doctor did, Marchioness Yongle personally went out to meet her. She didn’t know what to say to the hurrying Rui-wangfei, “I have just went to see her, it’s going to leave a scar.”

“Sorry for the troubles.” Rui-wangfei gently said.

Marchioness Yongle sighed, “No such thing. As long as you don’t blame me for not taking care of the young ones. They are all sisters, why did it become like this.” Rui-wangfei didn’t answer, Marchioness Yongle realised she had overstepped and didn’t speak anymore.

Shen Zi was still sitting in the hall guarded by 2 pozi’s as under Shen Xuan’s order. As she saw Rui-wangfei, her whole body trembled, “Mother Consort….. Mother Consort help me…… I didn’t mean it.”

“Xuan-er.” Rui-wangfei didn’t even spare a glance on Shen Zi, “Let the pozi‘s take the person back to Zheng family.”

“No!” Shen Zi suddenly paled, holding her stomach. “Pain…..” The pozi‘s didn’t see how but she had already fallen to the floor, curling and crying miserably, “My stomach hurts…..”

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