“And then what happened next?” Shen Jin thought Shuangqiao must have asked a lot of people as she knew so many things very clearly.

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Shen Qi spoke, “Xu-cefei was sent to the hamlet to recuperate, Fourth Sister was worried about Xu-cefei’s condition so she went to the temple to pray for her mother.”

T/N – As I learned from other novels: being sent to a temple to ‘pray’ is the same as being locked up.

“It’s fortunate that Eldest Sister and Eldest Brother are fine.” Shen Jin said, “I am afraid Second Sister won’t have it easy at Zheng family.”

Shen Zi coldly laughed, “I had someone enquired. It wasn’t a wonder that Zheng-furen didn’t punish Second Sister after she scratched Eldest Zheng-gongzi.“

T/N – Gongzi 公子 = the son of an official or nobility.

“En?” Shen Jin looked at Shen Qi.

Shen Qi said, “Zheng family is a scholarly family with a noble and untainted reputation. Probably a little too untainted. Don’t they still need money to buy paintings and antiques, and good paper and ink? The income had long been less than the spending. The real reason for letting Shen Zi manage the household is to dip into her dowry. Shen Zi’s little sister-in-law is getting married soon but the dowry isn’t sorted out yet.”

Shen Jin nodded but didn’t look surprised. Shen Qi asked, “You’ve known?”

“No.” Shen Jin said, “I just felt it odd when Second Sister talked about it that day. Today I understand from what you said.”

“Odd?” Shen Qi asked.

Shen Jin nodded, “Which mother doesn’t love her own son?”

The logic was simple and easy to understand, Shen Qi couldn’t help but inwardly sighed, that’s true, which mother didn’t love her son. Shen Zi only looked smart but in reality she was muddle-headed. Currently her mother had gone, the father had abandoned her, the only thing she had left was that Junzhu status. That Zheng-furen seemed to be a shrewd person, Shen Zi’s future in the Zheng family….. but this had nothing to do with her.

Shen Qi and her husband had lunch there and left in the afternoon.

Chu Xiuming saw Shen Jin was drowsy, he picked her up to the bedroom, “Go to sleep if you are sleepy.”

“I still want to talk to you.” Her eyes were dazed, she gave a little yawn, rubbed herself in his arms and stroked his chest.

“I’ll sleep with you.” Chu Xiuming said.

Shen Jin nodded. When Chu-Xiuming put her down she changed into sleeping gown, yawned and climbed onto the bed, looked at Chu Xiuming with expectation. He also changed into his sleeping wear, as he got on the bed Shen Jin smoothly rolled into his arms. Zhao-momo pulled the bed curtain down and left.

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Chu Xiuming lightly caressed her back, and Shen Jin comfortably lay on him, rubbed her face against his chest and told him of what she had heard today.

“Heh.” Chu Xiuming squeezed her soft little neck, “Your Fifth Sister is smart.”

Shen Jin responded, her soft feet rubbed on his legs. Actually she had thought about it, Xu-cefei was
Shen Rong’s mother, and Shen Zi and Shen Jing were her sisters, Shen Rong needed a plan if she wanted to pull herself out.

Shen Rong hid in her courtyard but it was impossible that she didn’t know what happened outside. When Shen Jing came to her….. it was more advantageous for her to take up the blame. By doing so she had protected herself, noone would think of her as having done anything wrong. Rui-wangfei might even pity her as an innocent and filial daughter.

What did it matter that her face was scarred? As Rui-wang’s daughter there was no problem of getting married. It was somewhat overdone, doing it too far, Rui-wangfei had probably seen it through but just letting her playing it up.

Shen Jin rubbed against him several more times. Her eyes were closed as she said, “It’s Father’s birthday in a few days, when are we going to the Southern?”

Chu Xiuming did some calculation in his mind, he didn’t answer but only said, “Don’t like the Capital?”

“En.” If she hadn’t seen the outside world, her whole life would have been spent in the bustling Capital. Now she felt that the Capital….. was not a place for a fulfilling life.

“Tell me what kind of place is the Southern?” But then she laughed without waiting for an answer, “Doesn’t matter, must be more comfortable than the Capital.”

“You will like it.” Chu Xiuming spoke, his voice was somewhat deeper, “There are a lot of river food. I will also take you to Fuzhou to eat seafood….. and all kinds of fruits that you like.”

Shen Jin kept her eyes closed while listening to his voice, feeling at ease and comfortable, she murmured, “Even without all the food, I am happy to go with you. It is good that everyone is together.”

Her voice was soft and a little muffled but Chu Xiuming heard her clearly. His heart warmed up, his little wife was very perceptive some times, and so stupidly cute another times. Her words etched into his heart, giving rise for the feelings of being loved and cherished.

“Anyway there is Zhao-momo.” Shen Jin was hazily falling half-asleep, she rolled off him to find a comfortable position, “Zhao-momo can do everything.”

Chu Xiuming suddenly felt the road to the Southern was so far away. Zhao-momo wasn’t young anymore, it wasn’t good for her to travel back and forth, he wondered if they should send her back to the border.

He looked down just to see the ungrateful thing had fallen into a nice deep sleep, she was both adorable and annoying. He pinched the little nose but didn’t get a response, she just switched to breathe through her mouth, whined a coupled of times but was too lazy to move.

Chu Xiuming slowly sighed and adjusted his own position so she could sleep more comfortably, then he wrapped her in his arms and closed his eyes.

But he didn’t sleep. He was thinking about the situation at the Capital and the unfinished discussion with the officials. The sea invaders had no humanity and couldn’t be tolerated or people would suffer, but the Emperor still wouldn’t let him go, probably afraid that it would increase his prestige and military power.

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The Emperor valued the civil officials more than their martial counterparts, he had been both defensive and oppressive towards the military generals. Even on the matters such as subduing invaders……

It was not unexpected that someone who managed to sit on the throne through undeserving and unjustified means would be in fear all the time, unsure what to do. The old ministers were willing to serve this emperor because there was no other choice. His blood brother Rui-wang wasn’t as shrewd as him, so even though the current emperor wasn’t an exemplary ruler, everyone could only pinched their nose and acknowledged him.

Moreover there was something important that Emperor Cheng hadn’t yet found.

When Shen Jin woke up she was on the bed by herself. Zhao-momo heard some movements and came to lift the bed curtain, smiling, “Furen you are awake, are you hungry?”

“En.” Shen Jin sat on the bed and rubbed her eyes, she was still a bit dazed, “Where is Fujun?”

“The General had gone out for a business.” Zhao-momo draped some clothing on Shen Jin, “Furen is getting up?”

“Yes.” Shen Jin saw the candles had been lit, she got off the bed and wore the shoes herself. She walked to the window, pushed it open and saw the sky outside had darkened, “Momo why didn’t you wake me up?”

“The General had specifically ordered not to disturb Furen.” Anping and Anning came in with water for Shen Jin to freshen up. Zhao-momo smiled, “What does Furen like to eat?”

“What do you have?” Shen Jin didn’t ask why Chu Xiuming wasn’t home yet even though the sky was dark.

Zhao-momo said, “Everything is ready, Furen just say it and I will make.”

Shen Jin thought for a while, “Don’t bother much. A bowl of noodle is good, with some chilli.”

“Yes.” Zhao-momo responded and went to the kitchen to prepare.

As it was already evening, Shen Jin changed to regular clothes with her hair loosely pulled back, she still felt lazy and didn’t want to move much. Zhao-momo quickly came with a bowl of noodle with salted duck egg and a small plate of spicy pickled radish.

“Hudu noodles.” Shen Jin was delighted, “Momo when did you make it?” She often had this at the border but not after leaving for the Capital.

Zhao-momo brought the food over, Anping and Anning set the table, “I had nothing to do this afternoon and happened to see the kitchen made some noodles. At first I thought to cook it first and heat it up for Furen tomorrow.”

Hudu noodles tasted better the hotter it was, and was the best after heated three times as it would become more fragrant and tastier. Originally Zhao-momo was going to let it sit after cooked today, she would heat it up once tomorrow morning and once more before lunch, but who knew that Shen Jin wanted noodle today.

Zhao-momo peeled the salted duck egg and put it into Shen Jin’s bowl. She lowered her head and started eating, the spicy and sour radish pickles made her ate two bowls. Zhao-momo was afraid she wouldn’t digest well so told her not to eat more, “Anning, go with Furen for a walk in the garden.”

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“Yes.” Anning went to get a lantern while Zhao-momo added one more layer of clothing on Shen Jin. Anning and Shen Jin were setting out when the door was pushed open, Chu Xiuming walked in wearing a brown short-fitting clothes.

Shen Jin froze for a moment, then she laughed, “I have never seen Fujun dressed like this before.”

Chu Xiuming glanced at her, “I’ll change clothes then come with you.”

“Alright.” Shen Jin smiled and sat down, “Fujun hurry up.”

Chu Xiuming went inside to change, when he finished Shen Jin had been waiting by the door with the lantern in her hand, she smiled, “Fujun.”

Shen Jin was wearing a light-coloured dress that was eighth-part new, looking good even without a single piece of jewellery. The dangerous aura on Chu Xiuming disappeared without a trace at this view. He slowly walked over, one hand reaching out for the lantern, the other hand took hers to walk together.

“Fujun, today Momo made……” Shen Jin’s voice was delicate she pulled her hand out of his, she wrapped it  around his arm instead, letting herself being half-dragged by him.

Zhao-momo breathed a sigh of relief. Without asking Anping or Anning, she went to pick up the clothes Chu Xiuming left on the floor herself. There was no blood stain on the clothes but the blood smell couldn’t be concealed. Zhao-momo felt Furen had also noticed but just didn’t mention it.

She knew what Chu Xiuming had done today, but it looked like…… Zhao-momo took the clothes and grabbed a pair of scissors then went into the kitchen. Anping and Anning saw her but their heads were kept lowered and sorted things out without a word.

In the kitchen Zhao-momo cut the clothes into pieces to throw into the still-lit stove. She watched everything was burned into ashes then washed her hands.

The lantern light was swaying along with the two people’s movements. She could faintly hear Furen’s laughters, Furen released the General’s arms, the General squatted down with his back facing Furen, Furen climbed up his back, she took the lantern out of the General’s hand, the General stood up carrying Furen on his back….. Wait wait…… Carrying!

Zhao-momo abandoned everything, even the line between master and servant was cast off. She sprinted towards them yelling “No carrying!”. Furen didn’t show any sign yet but how if it’s due to early time.

Chu Xiuming clearly heard Zhao-momo, but with Shen Jin’s surprised shout, his steps turned into a run.

“Ha ha ha…” Shen Jin arms were wrapped around his neck as she laid on his back, “Fujun, go faster!”

Chu Xiuming’s eyes were filled with laughter, “Not afraid of Zhao-momo?”

Shen Jin was shameless, “It’s Fujun who’s carrying me. If Momo wants to scold, she will scold Fujun.”

Chu Xiuming laughed lightly and stopped his steps, “Then forget it.”

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“No.” Shen Jin pouted, “I still want to play.” She twisted behind to look at Zhao-momo, her fingers picked on his neck, “Talk to Zhao-momo, then we play again.” She was actually a little softened.

Chu Xiuming responded, he turned to walk back. Under Zhao-momo’s stare at both of them, Shen Jin slipped down from his back, passed the lantern to him, and stood with her both hands on her chest, “Momo.”

Zhao-momo finally relented at the pure happiness on Chu Xiuming’s face and the expectation on Shen Jin’s. “Don’t run that fast, the General can carry Furen slowly.”

“Good.” Shen Jin smiled. Disregarding Zhao-momo’s panicking eyes, she jumped onto Chu Xiuming’s back.

Chu Xiuming gave her the lantern, used his both hands to support her. He suddenly said, “Zhao-momo has softened a lot.”

“General has also fooled around a lot.” Zhao-momo ungraciously said.

Chu Xiuming didn’t deny it. Shen Jin waved her hand, “Momo, Fujun and I will be back a bit later.”

“Take care of your health.” Zhao-momo couldn’t help but pushing it.

“Will do, Fujun is here.” Shen Jin didn’t take the words seriously, she laughed happily, “Let’s go.”

Chu Xiuming circled the garden with Shen Jin curled up on his back. She was muttering non-stop on his ears, he was laughing and said something back from time to time, Shen Jin spoke even joyfully.

The guards on the night round at Yongning Mansion felt the corners of their eyes kept twitching. They knew the General spoiled his wife, but ……

“The General still has a lively side.”

“Well, the General is accompanying Furen to play.”

“I think it’s Furen who is accompanying the General to play. Didn’t you see when the General has just come back, he looked like he was going to start a killing spree? And now……”

The guards looked at each other, could it be that they had discovered something, the General wouldn’t silence them, would he.

“The moon is nice today.”

“Yes it is.”

“Right, right. But no stars.”

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