Emperor Cheng had used the excuse of celebrating Rui-wang’s birthday to call Chu Xiuming to the Capital, so one day before the birthday he sent numerous rewards to Rui Wangfu. Rui-wang was in bad mood because of  Xu-cefei and her daughters, he didn’t feel much joy at receiving the rewards.

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The mansion staff had been busy preparing the birthday under Rui-wangfei’s order, Shen Qi had also come to help. The invitations had been sent out, the seats had been arranged, entertainment troupes had been hired. The rewarded items had been registered then some were used to replace items in the Mansion.

“I remember Jin Girl liked to eat sugar steamed curd cheese.” Rui-wangfei was doing the final check with Chen-cefei when Rui-wang who was sitting on the side suddenly said.

T/N – Sugar steamed curd cheese糖蒸酥酪 = a kind of dessert made from steamed glutinous rice wine and milk. The narrator here especially said this is something that’s often found in ancient books. It looks easy to make.

“If Wangye didn’t remind me, I would have forgotten.” Rui-wangfei smiled, “Chen-meimei didn’t remind me either.”

Chen-cefei also smiled, “It’s Wangye’s birthday so the children would be happy even it it’s just clear soup. We should prepare more of Wangye’s favourites.”

Rui-wang’s mood was lifted, he walked over to sit besides Rui-wangfei. Chen-cefei was going to stand up when he said, “Sit down, no need to be so formal.” Chen-cefei looked at Rui-wangfei who lightly nodded so she sat still.

The sugar steamed curd cheese and the likes had actually been prepared, they were just making Rui-wang happy. Rui-wangfei said, “It’s still Wangye who cares for the children.”

Rui-wang was quite proud as he said, “I still remember Qi-er likes lotus leaf and seed chicken.”

Rui-wangfei smilingly took a piece of paper and wrote down whatever he mentioned on a one-sided conversation until it was came to rock sugar pork shoulder.

Rui-wangfei glared at him, “Isn’t it Wangye’s favourite? How come it become Xi-er’s favourite, the doctor said Wangye shouldn’t eat much of this.”

“Should be no problem to eat some times.” Rui-wang said with a laugh.

Rui-wangfei wrote it down, “We can eat these ones together in the family. When the children find out it was Wangye who selected these, they would be very amazed.”

“Right, have Wangfei and Cefei prepare a present for benwang‘s birthday?”

Rui-wangfei said, “Why is Wangye asking that. The presents are for tomorrow’s surprises.”

Rui-wang said, “Alright then.”

Chen-cefei sat on the side without interrupting, she only answered when asked something. Rui-wang was familiar with her temperament, he used to like the kind of Xu-cefei, but today he felt being with Rui-wangfei and Chen-cefei was more soothing. The servants in the room were silent in order not to disturb the masters’ enjoyment.

The three of them were discussing soups when Cuixi came in to inform that Shen Rong had brought Shen Hao to greet Rui-wang and the others. Shen Hao had been handed to Shen Rong as he kept asking for his mother, not sure how Shen Rong persuaded him but he had really quieted down.

Rui-wangfei smiled, “Bring them here quickly. Cuixi, go to the kitchen, see if they have newly-made cakes, and bring the fruits His Majesty sent too.”

“Yes.” Cuixi went to carry out the order after a respectful answer.

Shen Rong and Shen Hao came in and paid respect. Shen Rong looked a little haggard and had lost a lot of weight, the wounds on her face were not completely healed but she didn’t cover it up. Shen Hao was obediently followed besides Shen Rong with lowered head.

Rui-wangfei let them sit down, “Your father is discussing tomorrow’s menu, is there anything you would like to eat?

“Everything is good.” Shen Rong had a remarkably compliant manner.

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Rui-wang’s eyes softened to see her like this, in the end she was his child, “Is there still enough snow lotus ointment?”

“Still have.” The way she looked at him was full of reliance. Rui-wang nodded.

Cuixi returned that time, after saying thank you Shen Rong picked some fruits for Shen Hao before she slowly ate some herself.

Because there were children around, Rui-wang wasn’t as playful as before and they settled the menu quickly.

Rui-wang said, “Fifth Girl, I will request His Majesty to bestow a Junzhu title for you.” Rui-wangfei reminded him of it, the daughters of the Wangfu were normally given the title before they get married, Shen Rong’s situation was a bit special so the title had to be set sooner.

“Thank you Father.” Shen Rong’s face was happy and surprised.

Rui-wang said, “It was your Mother Consort who reminded me.”

“Thank you Mother Consort.” Shen Rong said as she looked at Rui-wangfei with emotion.

Rui-wangfei smiled, “All are my children, no need to thank me.”

Shen Rong suddenly pulled Shen Hao to kneel together in front of Rui-wangfei. Rui-wangfei’s eyes flashed, Chen-cefei silently got up to stand aside with lowered head. Rui-wang frowned, “What is this?”

“Father, Mother Consort.” Shen Rong kowtowed, “This Daughter knows Mother had done wrong, I have explained it to my younger brother. Brother is still young, it is not good without someone to care for him. This Daughter would like to ask Chen-cefei to take care of younger brother.”

Chen-cefei’s expression didn’t change. Rui-wangfei let the maids support Shen Rong and Shen Hao to rise but they were not willing.

Shen Rong saw Rui-wang didn’t say anything, she pulled Shen Hao to kowtow towards Chen-cefei, “Chen-cefei, my younger brother is also Father’s son, when younger brother has grown up……”

“I can’t accept it.” Chen-cefei moved away to avoid their bows.

Shen Rong gritted her teeth, with a face full of tears, she said, “Father, Brother is very young, he can’t be without a mother. Mother Consort is busy with the Mansion’s matters and taking care of Second Brother. This Daughter wishes for Chen-cefei to take care of younger brother. Since Third Sister married away, Chen-cefei has had no child and must have been lonely.”

Shen Hao spoke up, “Chen-cefei, I will definitely not give you any trouble.”

Rui-wang was slightly moved for one reason, Chen-cefei had brought up Third Daughter extremely well, she was sensible and filial. It was not a bad idea to hand Rong Girl and Hao Boy to Chen-cefei, and with a son under her name, the people in the Mansion wouldn’t dare to neglect them.

Chen-cefei was extremely unwilling. Shen Hao was already 8 years old, he was old enough to understand things so he wouldn’t be close to her.

More importantly, Shen Rong wouldn’t have made such proposal if Countess Yongning hadn’t been her daughter. Shen Rong said it was for her younger brother, but most likely it was for herself. If she agreed to take Shen Hao, Rui-wang was likely to put both children under her name. Someone who at such a young age was already playing tricks would cause troubles for Jin Girl.

Chen-cefei understood Shen Rong was forced by circumstances, but why should she give her own child troubles for the sake of other’s children? Everyone had to take care of themselves, Chen-cefei couldn’t accept it. Shen Jin had gone through so much, the news from the border that time was like knives cutting into her heart, and noone was there to help her daughter. Chen-cefei made a resolution, even if she was to be at odds with Rui-wang, she wouldn’t take up these two children.

Rui-wangfei eyes flashed, she had another thoughts in mind, “Get up quickly, why are you like this to Chen-cefei? Even if she agreed, this is not something for her to decide.”

Rui-wang was slightly dissatisfied at Chen-cefei’s silence, but after hearing Rui-wangfei’s words he remembered Chen-cefei didn’t have a say because he himself and Wangfei were still here. A cefei wouldn’t dare to make a decision about the Mansion’s offsprings. He said, “Rise.”

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Shen Rong bit her lower lips, pulled Shen Hao to stand up. She explained in trembling voice, “Father, it’s because I….. Yesterday I went to see younger brother, the tea on brother’s table was cold….” She didn’t openly say Shen Hao was neglected but the meaning was clear.

Rui-wangfei’s face changed, “Lock up Third Young Master’s servants. Tomorrow is Wangye’s birthday so beat them up 20 times the day after tomorrow.”

Rui-wang nodded, “Wangfei has handled it well.” He turned to Chen-cefei, “A child without mother is not looked after…..”

“I haven’t told Wangye yet.” Rui-wangfei said, “I was thinking of telling Wangye tomorrow as a happy surprise, but now I should just say it. A few days ago Li-shi has fallen pregnant. It’s still less than 3 months but the doctor said it’s likely to be a male baby.”

“Really?” Rui-wang was pleasantly surprised. It wasn’t that he liked Li-shi so much, but it was joyful and satisfying that at his age he was still able to make his concubine pregnant.

T/N – Li-shi means ‘surnamed Li’, usually for referring to daughter-in-laws and concubines of the house. (Sometimes I see concubines are called -yiniang instead of -shi, but in this novel it’s Li-shi).

Rui-wangfei glared at him, “I wouldn’t joke on such matter. I went to see Li-shi with Chen-meimei, I thought whether it is a boy or a girl it is still a happy event. However, Li-shi’s background is too low, so I thought about putting the child under Chen-cefei’s name to raise.”

She leaned forward and whispered on Rui-wang’s ears, “This way, wouldn’t Count Yongning pay more attention?” Rui-wang understood, Rui-wangfei was doing it for his children. He inwardly sighed in satisfaction, it’s really his Wangfei who would wholeheartedly thought for his good.

Rui-wangfei sat back when she saw him understood, “Chen-meimei was also happy, she gifted a lot of supplements from Jin Girl for Li-shi.”

“Very good.” Rui-wang smiled.

Rui-wangfei’s eyes swept on Shen Rong’s, she continued talking, “It was discussed between Chen-meimei and myself, we haven’t told Wangye because we intended it as a happy surprise tomorrow. Who knows Chen-meimei is really honest and really didn’t say it today. A newly born baby is very delicate, I am afraid Chen-meimei would have no energy to tend to other matters.”

Rui-wang said, “Naturally.”

While they were talking, a maid came to report that Count and Countess Yongning had arrived. Chen-cefei’s eyes displayed her joy, while Shen Rong clenched her fist tightly. Just now she dared not say anything because the way Rui-wangfei looked at her made her feel all her thoughts had been completely exposed.

Rui-wang smiled, “Why are they coming today.”

“You dislike the children coming.” Rui-wangfei smiled at him, “They are here for me and Chen-meimei.”

Rui-wang said, “Ben-wang’s mistake.”

Rui-wangfei ignored him, she turned to Chen-cefei, “Chen-meimei hadn’t seen this son-in-law Count Yongning, take a good look today. It is always better to have seen yourself than hearing from others.”

Chen-cefei pursed her lips and smiled, “Wangye and Wangfei have said good things, I can’t be at unease.”

Chu Xiuming and Shen Jin entered and happened to hear these words. After paying respect to Rui-wang and Rui-wangfei and received Shen Rong and Shen Hao’s bows, they sat down. Chen-cefei was greatly relieved after looking at both of them, her daughter’s face was rosy, and Chu Xiuming paused to gaze at Shen Jin when they were entering. She thought the two of them side by side looked like a pair of jade.

Shen Jin said with a confused face, “What was it about ease and unease?”

Rui-wangfei smiled, “We were talking about your mother.”

Shen Jin looked at Rui-wangfei and Chen-cefei. “Oh.”

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Rui-wangfei didn’t hold her laughter, “You understand?”

“I don’t really understand.” Shen Jin honestly said.

Even Rui-wang was amused, Shen Jin looked at Chu Xiuming with a slight frown, he reached out to pat her hand. When everyone had finished laughing, he said, “Tomorrow is father-in-law’s birthday, Furen and I have prepared gifts. Some gifts are not very suitable to be opened in public.”

“Oh?” Rui-wang looked at him.

Anping brought the box in her hand to Shen Jin, she picked it up and rose to walk next to Rui-wang, presented it with both hands, “Father, I made an outer garment for you.”

Rui-wang’s face was filled with smile, he accepted the box and opened it, “I didn’t expect that after getting married, Jin Girl is able to make clothes.”

Rui-wangfei said, “Quick take it out to look, how if you wear this tomorrow?”

Rui-wang laughed widely, he put the box aside and took the clothes out. It was a deep black moonlight brocade robe with auspicious cloud pattern. With one glance Chen-cefei could see it wasn’t her daughter’s handicraft even though the auspicious clouds were deliberately made to be roundish following Shen Jin’s roundish style.

Rui-wangfei saw it too but she only sighed with admiration, “Jin Girl, you are too biased, your mother and I haven’t got any.”

Shen Jin’s face reddened, Zhao-momo had ordered someone to make it in a rush. The scented pouch and fan glove she promised for her husband were nowhere near ready.

“Don’t say anything bad about my good daughter.” Rui-wang was extremely satisfied, he let a maid to put the clothes away carefully.

Chu Xiuming took the brocade box that Anning carried, he held it with his both hands towards Rui-wang, “This Son-in-law presents this gift to Father-in-law, thanking Father-in-law for raising such a good daughter.”

Rui-wang sighed in his heart as he took the box and opened it. Inside the box there was a pair of extremely ordinary looking cups. But seeing Chu Xiuming’s solemn expression, Rui-wang narrowed his eyes.

Chu Xiuming didn’t explain, he smiled, “Father-in-law can try it with tea.”

Rui-wang eyes lit up, he suddenly had a guess, “This should be….. Quickly bring some wine, spirit, water, and tea.”

Rui-wangfei had also seen the world, she sighed with feelings, “You are thoughtful.” Such a precious thing, no wonder it wasn’t written in the gift list.

Shen Jin giggled, “Fujun obtained it, I purposedly put it aside when I saw.”

The maid quickly came with things ordered, Rui-wang had everyone left and closed the door. Without asking anyone else, he very carefully took the cups out himself. He poured some spirits into the cup and the ordinary-looking cup gradually turned red, wisps of mist formed above the cup, they looked like morning mist and evening mist.

“Good.” Rui-wang couldn’t help saying.

Shen Rong and Shen Hao saw it too, Shen Hao said, “Father I want to look too.”

“Come here.” Rui-wang beckoned him, “Be careful.”

“I know.” Shen Hao looked at the cup with astonishment.

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Rui-wang admired it for a while, then he poured the wine out and rinsed it with clear water, the cup returned to it’s ordinary appearance. He poured rice wine into it, now colourful butterflies formed on the wine, not one butterfly had the same colour with others, they swayed along with the wine, their wings fluttered as if they were ready to fly away.

“So beautiful.” Shen Hao’s face was full of fancy, “Father give it to me.”

“No way.” Rui-wang rejected him without hesitation, he tried again with tea water, clear water and warm water. After that he carefully wiped the cup with a handkerchief and put it back into the box. Shen Hao reached out but Rui-wang closed the box, “I have told you, don’t touch it.”

“Wangye.” Rui-wangfei cried out with a bit of disapproval, Rui-wang stopped. After putting the box away he turned to Chu Xiuming, “Son-in-law, it’s a good gift.”

“Glad that Father-in-law likes it.” Chu Xiuming never cared about such nonessential things, he only smiled.

Rui-wang nodded, “It’s even better than the one Imperial Brother keeps as a treasure.”

Rui-wangfei said, “Wangye just keep it at home to enjoy, don’t take it outside or it will cause trouble for Son-in-law.”

“Don’t worry, I know.” Rui-wang assured, “All of you are not allowed to tell anyone either.” If the Emperor found out, it would have to be presented.

Chu Xiuming and Shen Jin sat back down. Rui-wang said to Shen Rong, “Take Hao-er back.”

Shen Rong lowered her head, her eyes flashed, “Yes.” She took Shen Hao away with her.

Shen Hao still wanted to see the cup, but he bowed and left. He probably knew Shen Rong was the only family he had now, so he listened to her.

Rui-wangfei told them about the baby matter, Shen Jin’s face was filled with joy as she said, “Congratulations Father.”

Rui-wang laughed heartily, he proudly nodded, “It will be raised by your mother, it can become your mother’s companion.”

Shen Jin smiled until her eyes turned crescent, her joy affected the others. Rui-wang said, “Tonight Xiuming should drink a couple cups with me.”

“Some other time.” Chu Xiuming smiled, “Today Father-in-law better take good rest, tomorrow Father-in-law will have to drink.”

Rui-wang knew Chu Xiuming rejected for his health, he smiled and nodded, “It is still you who consider things thoroughly.”

“Wangye, didn’t you just get a set of good thing from the previous dynasty, why don’t you take Son-in-law to have a look?” Rui-wangfei softly said.

Rui-wang nodded, “Right.” Rui-wang took the box in his own hand, “Xiuming come with me to the study.” Chu Xiuming smilingly responded and left with Rui-wang.

Rui-wangfei said to Chen-cefei and Shen Jin, “I still have to check some stuff for tomorrow, you two feel free to do as you like.”

Chen-cefei said, “Thank you Wangfei.”

Shen Jin laughed, “Mother Consort, I want to have a look at my room, I don’t know what Mother has turned it into.”

Rui-wangfei laughed, “Sharp tongue.”

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