Shen Jin was already dressed when Chu Xiuming came in to grab a cloak, he pulled her outside, “All out.”

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Zhao-momo was startled seeing him that way, she hurriedly followed them out. There were not many people in the residence so very soon everyone had gathered in the middle of the yard. Xiaobudian came to closely circled around Shen Jin, it looked restless.

“What is wrong?” Shen Jin looked a question at Chu Xiuming.

He wrapped the cloak around her and pulled her into his arms, “I don’t know.” He was fully alert and the guards around them were wary as well. With hands on the swords on their belts, they stood  with Chu Xiuming and Shen Jin in the middle.

Time slowly passed and the sky started to brighten, nothing happened but instead of relaxing they had became more vigilant.

Shen Jin was standing besides Chu Xiuming with Anning on her other side, her feet were sore so she made some slight movements, Chu Xiuming pressed her hand lightly to comfort her. Zhao-momo looked somewhat fatigue.

Xiaobudian was squatting next to Shen Jin, it had previously calmed down but suddenly stood up again with it’s furs sticking up, but this time it didn’t bark. They felt the ground at some distance shook, Chu Xiuming pressed Shen Jin’s head into his arms, carefully protecting her.

Shen Jin’s both arms were tightly wrapped around Chu Xiuming’s waist, her face pale and she silently bit her lips. The movement stopped soon, but her legs felt so weak that it was hard to stand steadily, her heart was like being uncomfortably pressed by something. It was fortunate they were already in the yard.

The shaking was only for a moment but everyone felt like it had been very long. Zhao-momo and Anping dropped on the ground, “Earthquake……”

Chu Xiuming’s eyes darkened, the earthquake wasn’t at the Capital but the movement was felt so strongly, the west…… He slowly exhaled, “Don’t go inside, just rest here.”


Shen Jin put her hand in his palm, letting him hold it, “Where is it?”

“Not sure.” Chu Xiuming said in low voice, “Don’t worry.”

“En.” Shen Jin pursed her lips, her heart was still heavy, “Could it be the border town?”

“It’s not.” Chu Xiuming said with certainty, “It was from that side.”

Shen Jin was very worried about Chen-cefei, but she couldn’t ask Chu Xiuming to send anyone to Rui Wangfu so soon after the earthquake.

Suddenly Chu Xiuming said, “Anning, go to Rui Wangfu with Yue Wen.”

“Fujun….” Shen Jin looked up at him.

Chu Xiuming stroked her head. Yue Wen was the most flexible of his guards, Anning knew martial arts, and as a girl she could enter the rear courtyard to see Chen-cefei.

Yue Wen and Anning responded, Anning said in comforting tone, “Furen don’t worry.”

Shen Jin bit her lips, “No need to go, it is still chaotic now, wait a little later…..”

Chu Xiuming stopped her before she finished, he said to Yue Wen and Anning, “Stay in the middle of the road, don’t go under a roof, and tell me the situation outside.”

“Fujun!” Shen Jin said.

Chu Xiuming told her, “The Capital only received the impact of an earthquake. The residual movements here wouldn’t be a problem.”

Yue Wen also said, “Furen don’t worry, we will be back soon.”

Shen Jin was relieved after Chu Xiuming’s explanation, she nodded, “Don’t rush, safety first.”

“Furen it is fine.” Anning smiled and went outside with Yue Wen.

Chu Xiuming said, “I think His Majesty will call me to the Palace soon.”

Shen Jin looked at him, “Be careful.”

Zhao-momo asked, “Would the General like to change clothes?”

Chu Xiuming nodded, “Wait a little.”

Just as he predicted, the ground moved again several times even if not as strong as the first, and the Palace also sent someone to call him.

After accepting the summon Chu Xiuming was going inside to change clothes. He didn’t let the others entered the house with him, “It should be fine after two shichen, you can come inside that time.”

T/N – 2 shichen = 4 hours

“Fujun, I help you change clothes.” Shen Jin grabbed his hand, tried to pull him to go inside.

Zhao-momo also said, “I am going to help Furen.”

“I can do it myself.” Shen Jin shook her head, she knew Chu Xiuming didn’t let them get inside because even though the earthquake wasn’t exactly in the Capital but it was still dangerous.

Chu Xiuming looked at her, he finally said, “Momo you stay outside.” Then he let Shen Jin took him inside. What would this foolish wife of his be without him.

“Afraid?” he asked.

“Not afraid.” Shen Jin answered. “Didn’t Fujun said it’s not dangerous?”

Chu Xiuming bent down and kissed her brow, “En.” After changing the inner clothing, he held the official robe in one hand and grabbed Shen Jin’s hand with the other to lead her out.

Zhao-momo and Anping and the rest were waiting close to the door, they released their breaths in relief after they came out. Anping picked up the robe from Chu Xiuming, then they moved to a more open space to help him changed into the official uniform.

Chu Xiuming bent down and whispered some things on Shen Jin’s ears, then he left with the Palace staff.

Zhao-momo said, “Furen sit down and take some rest.”

Shen Jin said, “Everyone take some rest.”

Everyone sat around Shen Jin after she sat down on a stone chair. Xiaobudian lazily lay next to Shen Jin’s feet. Shen Jin said, “Cook some meaty bones for Xiaobudian later.”

“Yes.” Zhao-momo said, “Furen don’t worry too much.”

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Shen Jin responded, looking at the dog, “It’s probably fine now. Xiaobudian doesn’t make a fuss anymore.”

Zhao-momo said, “Xiaobudian is a good dog.”

Chu Xiuming had left, Yue Wen and Anning had not returned yet, Shen Jin’s heart felt heavy, somewhat anxious and somewhat depressed. Only after a deep breath and exhaled it slowly that she felt slightly better.

Zhao-momo was quite concerned, she lowered her eyes, “Furen, let me go to the other courtyards to have a look.”

“Don’t go.” Shen Jin grabbed her hand, “Everyone is here, there are only stuff in other courtyards, it is fine.”

A guard said, “Furen, I’ll go to the kitchen to get some food.”

Shen Jin smiled, “Hungry?”

The guard knew Shen Jin wouldn’t let him go if he said it was for Furen, so he answered, “Yes.”

Others also said, “Yes yes, Furen, it’s been a while and there is no shaking, let us go to get some things.”

Shen Jin laughed for a while, “Just go hungry.”

The guards were dumbfounded, why was it different from expectation?

But Zhao-momo laughed, as they joked the atmosphere eased up, it wasn’t as depressing and panicky as before.

Shen Jin took out a pouch and gave it to the guard who said he wanted to go to the kitchen. “Eat it.”

That guard’s face turned red, “Furen……. I am not hungry….”

“Ah, then you can share it.” She had taken it from the table when she was inside to get clothes with Chu Xiuming. The pouch contained some meat jerky and candies, Zhao-momo prepared it for Shen Jin to nibble on the way to Rui Wangfu.

Yue Wen and Anning returned as they were about to go inside. Shen Jin was relieved to see them come back unharmed apart for some dust on their body, “Good timing, go inside .”

The rooms were in disorder, after things were roughly sorted out, Shen Jin let everyone go to sort out their own possessions as Anning and Anping could finish off the rest.

Anning said, “Rui Wangfu is all fine. Only one little attendant broke his leg when he was rushing in panic, but a doctor has been called for him. Rui-wangfei and Chen-cefei were together, while Rui-wang was in the Palace. I saw Chen-cefei looked fine. They were resting in the garden, when I went back they still hadn’t entered the house yet. Wangfei ordered This Slave to pass a message to Furen, she said Furen has just returned to the Capital so things are not very convenient, if there is anything needed just send a message to Rui Wangfu.”

“It’s good then.” Shen Jin released her breath, “How about the residents of the Capital?”

Anning told them the general situation, “There is no chaos, the government has sent people to maintain order, along the way I saw some injured people, but not seriously.”

The earthquake was close to dawn time so many people had risen, it was a little blessing in misfortune.

Shen Jin nodded, Zhao-momo poured her some water, “Furen drink it slowly, the water has cooled down.”

“I know.” Shen Jin took small sips from the cup in her hands, “You all take a rest too. Don’t get busy now, do it after resting.”


Shen Jin said, “Get yourself some drinks.”

Anping said, “I am going to the kitchen.”

“Tell the kitchen don’t cook just for me, make a big pot of rice and we all eat together.” Shen Jin ordered.

Zhao-momo saw her face was a little pale, “Furen are you not feeling well?”

Shen Jin’s lips moved, “I feel a bit choked.”

Zhao-momo said, “There is still sugared snack, I’ll get it for Furen.”

Shen Jin nodded and leaned on the soft bench, Zhao-momo quickly returned with the snack. Shen Jin put a piece of candied green plum in her mouth, “All of you eat some too.”

Zhao-momo was a bit worried about Shen Jin, “Furen relax, there will be no problem.”

Shen Jin responded, Anning draped a small blanket on Shen Jin’s legs, “Furen would like to sleep a while?”

“No,” Shen Jin slightly lowered her eyes, “Wait until we have eaten.”



In the Imperial Study, Emperor Cheng angrily smashed his cup on the floor, “What else can you do but arguing! Keep on arguing then!”

Everyone knelt down and respectfully said, “Your Majesty please calm your anger.”

“Zhen also want to calm down, but how could the Board of Astronomy….” Emperor Cheng gritted his teeth in anger.

T/N – zhen 朕  = I, We (an emperor’s address to himself)

Prime Minister Chen said, “Your Majesty, the most important thing now is to deal with the aftermath.”

Emperor Cheng said in dark voice, “Zhen call you all here to deal with the aftermath, what have you been doing?”

An imperial censor spoke up, “Apart from the disaster relief, Your Majesty also needs to issue an Edict of Repentance.”

T/N – Edict of Repentance 罪己诏 = self-confession of guilt issued by rulers in ancient China to pacify the Heaven (and their citizens). See notes at bottom.

Emperor Cheng’s face changed, he sat unmoved on the dragon throne, after a long silence he said, “What did zhen do wrong? This is a natural disaster!”

“This is a warning from the Heaven.” An old official said.

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Prime Minister Chen’s eyes rolled and drifted to Rui-wang, a thought formed in his mind. Emperor Cheng was very unwilling, the more he tried to conceal the guilt in his heart, the more he wanted to prove his righteousness. An Edict of Repentance would be in the record for the future generations to see….

“Rise.” Emperor Cheng took a sip of the fresh tea a eunuch brought him.

Everyone got up and moved to the side, only Prime Minister Chen was still kneeling. Emperor Cheng said, “Does aiqing have something to say?”

* aiqing 爱卿 = the term used by the emperor for his subject.

“Your Majesty, chen is charging Rui-wang for extravagance…… The earthquake must have been the Heaven’s warning to Rui-wang, or it wouldn’t have happened on Rui-wang’s birthday.” He enumerated Rui-wang’s countless wrongdoings, in the end the blame for this earthquake was pushed on Rui-wang.

* chen 臣 = This Official (referring to self).

Rui-wang’s face was completely white, he frantically knelt down, “Your Majesty, chendi absolutely….”

* chendi 臣弟 = This Brother Official (referring to self), di 弟 = younger brother.

“Right.” Rui-wang hadn’t finished talking when Emperor Cheng said, “Prime Minister Chen is correct, and zhen is also at fault. Rui-wang is my blood brother, zhen has always been ……. But Rui-wang doesn’t appreciate the emperor’s grace. Today the Heaven has given this punishment, do you know your crime, Rui-wang ?”

All officials knew the earthquake was a natural disaster. The Edict of Repentance was to comfort the common people, to give them a resolution and to fortify loyalty. But the guilt that was hidden in Emperor Cheng’s heart had prompted him to push the responsibility to Rui-wang.

Rui-wang was muddleheaded, but he had never committed any major mistake. However, listening to the Prime Minister Chen’s speech, Rui-wang seemed to be guilty of unforgiveable crimes.

Knowing what the Emperor was doing, some other officials also came forward to indict Rui-wang while the rest sighed inwardly and looked at each other, but noone said anything.

“Chen charge Rui-wang for selfishness, for abandoning the welfare of the border town. By insisting for Count Yongning’s return to the Capital, what will happen to the resident of the border in case of Barbarians’ attack? This is a great crime.”

“Chen charge Rui-wang for obsession for beautiful women, it is said that subordinates follow the example of their superiors..….”

“Chen charge Rui-wang for building large construction and plundered the common people…….”

“Chen charge Rui-wang……”

A wall would fall when pushed by the crowd, accusations were poured on Rui-wang’s head one by one. Even his habit of coming late and leaving early at work was cited to be a major misconduct of disregarding common people’s life and death, noone seemed to remember that Rui-wang didn’t have any real power so whether he came to work or not didn’t make the slightest difference.

Emperor Cheng had gradually relaxed, but the pale-faced Rui-wang who was kneeling on the floor had his clothes completely soaked with cold sweat…..

“Very convincing.” Chu Xiuming suddenly spoke up in a cold voice, “All of you are able talk the deads to come back alive.”

T/N – 能把死人说活 = very capable mouth that even dead people could come back alive after being talked to.

“Count Yongning, what do you mean.” A younger official jumped out and pointed his finger to Chu Xiuming, “Could it be that Count Yongning is unable to separate official and private matters, Rui-wang is such a guilty offender…..”

“Oh? Rui-wang is guilty, then what?” Chu Xiuming asked back.

“Severe punishment, it is our responsibility to the common people.” The official arrogantly said, “Or is Count Yongning trying to shield Rui-wang?”

Chu Xiuming very calmly said, “Since the crimes are unforgivable, then shouldn’t the punishment be nine-kinship-exterminations? Or there is still ten-kinship extermination if it’s not enough.”

T/N – Basically killing the whole family + extended kins. See notes at bottom.

That official was going to speak when he remembered Rui-wang’s identity, he looked at the Emperor whose face had turned ashen and was full of displeasure.

Chu Xiuming was unperturbed like it was an unrelated and non-urgent matter, “What does Your Majesty consider?”

“Count Yongning has guts.” Prime Minister Chen angrily rebuked, “In front of His Majesty, you dare to speak nonsense, do you still have His Majesty in your eyes?”

Count Yongning ignored him, “Currently the common people are suffering from disaster and the exact situation is still unclear. So how about the arrangement for assistance? The supplies for disaster relief? You are all on the Court’s payroll, but instead of sharing His Majesty’s concerns, you are shirking responsibilities. Ridiculous.”

Minister of War stood up and said, “Chen think what Count Yongning said is correct.”

The Minister of Works also rose, “Chen agree.”

Rui-wang was wholeheartedly moved, Count Yongning had directly stood up, while Marquis Yongle who often drank and had fun with him didn’t say a word.

Emperor Cheng was furious, Chu Xiuming was really born to oppose him, he harshly said, “Chu Xiuming, do you think zhen dare not kill you?”

Hearing it Rui-wang was shocked, “Your Majesty!” Not only Rui-wang, some others ministers were also jolted out from just being onlookers.

The young official who was chided by Chu Xiuming was overjoyed, he knelt down, “Your Majesty, please punish Count Yongning, he….”

“Shut up.” The Minister of Rites kicked that official’s back until he fell on the floor. The Minister of Rites knelt down, “Your Majesty please don’t listen to despicable people, Count Yongning is just concerned about common people.”

This Minister of Rites was an old minister from the time of the previous emperor’s. Several times he had requested resignation but not granted yet, Emperor Cheng wanted him to stay to show that he respected the previous emperor. He seldom speak as he realised himself to be a decoration, but who knew this old man was vigorous, his feet was terribly nimble, that one kick wasn’t a light one.

One other old minister also admonished, “Chu family grew with the country, they have been guarding the border for generations, Chu family sons seldom had the privilege to die of old age, how many bones of the family were left unretrieved in the battlefields, all those empty tombs……. the words Your Majesty just said, wouldn’t they make the hearts of the people be cold?”

Almost noone defended Rui-wang when he was made the scapegoat because he didn’t do much, moreover they knew the Emperor wouldn’t kill him. When Chu Xiuming stood up, they just remembered that he was Rui-wang’s son-in-law, he would be despised if he didn’t.

Chu Xiuming knelt down, “Chen dare not.”

Rui-wang raised his head to look at Emperor Cheng. The reason of his survival was because he was powerless and incompetent, it was also the reason used to make him the scapegoat today. Emperor Cheng was unwilling to issue the Edict of Repentance himself, so someone had to take up the blame.

It happened that the earthquake was on his birthday so he couldn’t evade. But he wouldn’t let the matter implicate his Rui Wangfu, or Chu Xiuming. As long as Chu Xiuming was still his son-in-law, noone would mistreat Wangfu people. The Emperor wouldn’t kill him, this blood-brother should be let alive to demonstrate his benevolence.

Rui-wang gritted his teeth and said in low voice, “Your Majesty, chen is guilty.”

This admission gave Emperor Cheng a way out, he felt relieved at once but he was still wary of Chu Xiuming. He never expected so many people come up to speak for Chu Xiuming, even including the ministers that he promoted himself.

Quite some people sympathised with Rui-wang as well, his birthday had turned into calamity, and now there was also….. However this was the royal family’s matter.

Those who just spoke up for Chu Xiuming knew they likely to have offended Emperor Cheng, so they didn’t say anything more. Chu Xiuming himself was also silent.

“Just now zhen was anxious because of common people’s suffering, zhen have spoken a bit harshly.  Count Yongning please don’t take offense.” Emperor Cheng was filled with hatred and humiliation, his face was slightly twisted as he spoke.

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Emperor Cheng thought this would make him magnanimous in front of the ministers, he didn’t know they had a different view. If he had persisted on killing Chu Xiuming despite the opposition, he would still had gained some respect in their eyes. He would have looked assertive and formidable if he had used this chance to kill Chu Xiuming then smear his reputation after his death, but…..

“Chen dare not.” Chu Xiuming didn’t linger.

Emperor Cheng responded, “All rise. Since Rui-wang had admitted the guilt, then he is to be taken to the palace entrance for a beating of 30 hits, to be put under detention in the ancestral memorial hall, and this is to be announced on the Edict of Repentance.”

Rui-wang lowered his head, “Chen obey.”

Palace guards soon came in, Rui-wang didn’t wait for them to pull him up, he stood up by himself, gave Chu Xiuming a slight nod to tell him not to speak further and left.

Emperor Cheng next said, “Selection……” The names of various officials were called out one by one, they were also the ones who accused Rui-wang, and it was obvious all of them were close to Emperor Cheng.

“Prime Minister Chen is to lead the disaster relief efforts.”

“Chen obey the order.” Everyone knelt down to receive the decree.

The matter of Rui-wang punished by beating and detention quickly spread throughout the Palace, and under Emperor Cheng’s insinuation, the news also began to circulate in the Capital. With the earthquake blamed to Rui-wang, the reputation of Rui Wangfu instantly dropped to the bottom, there were even some employees of Rui Wangfu beaten by angry people outside.

In the Palace temple hall, the Empress Dowager silently listened to the palace maid with a calm expression, “Go out.”

After the palace maid left, the momo on Empress Dowager’s side started, “Empress Dowager….”

The rosary in Empress Dowager’s hand was pulled broken, “It’s my fault…. This is karma! Karma!”

The momo hurriedly said, “Empress Dowager, Rui-wang is His Majesty’s own brother, he will be fine.”

The Empress Dowager stopped talking, she closed her eyes and instantly looked older, “Sort it out, and reward Rui-wangfei ……”

“Yes.” The momo wrote it down one by one.

In the Rui Wangfu, Rui-wangfei waved her hand after finished listening, “I know.”

Cuixi looked at Rui-wangfei with some concern, but Rui-wangfei’s face was devoid of expression. “Cuixi pass this on. If I hear anyone in the residence talk nonsense, the punishment is 50 beatings and disposal to the hamlet, either dead or alive. Any mistake will be strictly punished.”

“Yes.” Cuixi responded respectfully.

Rui-wangfei said to Chen-cefei, “Chen-meimei, you take care of Li-shi, I’ll sort things out. Xuan-er, you go with Wangye, I’ll let someone prepare food stuff. Xi-er, take some guards to your Third Sister’s place, tell her not to worry and not to visit Wangfu, you can leave when your Third Brother-in-law is back. Take Shen Rong and her brother to my courtyard and put them under the watch of pozi’s and maids, don’t let them run around and hurt themselves.”

Rui-wangfei settled Wangfu matters one by one, very soon everyone calmed down.

In the Yongle residence, Yongle Shizi had run home to tell his wife as soon as he heard the news. Shen Qi’s face changed greatly, she abruptly stood up, “It is impossible.”

Yongle Shizi didn’t know how to comfort her, “I have placed someone to watch the notice board, if anything is pasted there…… You don’t have to worry too much, how if I accompany you to go home to visit Mother-in-law?”

Shen Qi said, “Alright.”

Yongle Shizi said, “Then I will…..”

“Shizi, Furen calls you.” Marchioness Yongle’s main maid came running.

Yongle Shizi said, “I know.”

Shen Qi pursed her lips, the handkerchief in her hand was wrung tightly. Yongle Shizi said to her, “I go see Mother first, you pack up, I will be back soon.”

“Yes.” Shen Qi responded, her face was expressionless. Yongle Shizi followed the rushing maid to the main courtyard.

Shen Qi said, “Shuangqiao, pack things up, we go back.”

“Yes.” Shuangqiao responded.

“Pack more things, I am staying at Wangfu for a while.” Shen Qi bit her lips.

Shuangqiao’s hands paused, “And Shizi…..”

“No need to pack for Shizi.” Shen Qi was worried about her father’s matter, and she was somewhat disheartened. “Bring the money in my dowry, also house deeds and land deeds.”

“Yes.” Shuangqiao saw that she had made up her mind. Shuangqiao took little maids to pack things up, but she handled the money and properties herself.

Shen Qi sat on a chair with her eyes fixed on the door. Time slowly passed and the sky had turned darker but there was no sign of Yongle Shizi, Shen Qi’s heart turned cold.

Shuangqiao had finished with the preparation and everything had been loaded in the carriage, she was carrying a small wooden box in her hand, a bit hesitatingly said, ” Young Furen, how about waiting a little more?”

“Let’s go.” Shen Qi rose, took a cloak from the side and put it on herself, she walked outside with Shuangqiao.

At the courtyard entrance, the maid who had called Yongle Shizi before was approaching in a rush, “Young Furen, Furen is not feeling well so Shizi is accompanying Furen now. Furen knows Young Furen is going home so I am ordered to bring this money to Young Furen.” She handed two pieces of banknotes.

Shuangqiao turned to Shen Qi whose face was still bland, “Take it.”

“Yes.” Shuangqiao peeked at the banknote as she was taking it, seeing that it was a 100 liang note, her heart turned angry and hateful. With red eyes and lowered head, she passed the banknotes to Shen Qi.

Shen Qi received the banknotes, glanced at them and smiled, “Thank the Marchioness for me.” Then she casually threw the banknotes back to Marchioness Yongle’s main maid, “For you.” Shen Qi turned and got into the carriage without looking back.

In the carriage, Shen Qi couldn’t hold her tears anymore. Shuangqiao didn’t know how to comfort her, Shen Qi covered her face with a handkerchief, “I have always had more than my sisters all my life, just one thing….”

The sentence wasn’t finished but it was clear that the man she married couldn’t compare to Shen Jin’s.

The carriage suddenly stopped, Shuangqiao opened the door to ask. Yongle Shizi was standing there with a face full of sweat, wanting to get into the carriage. Shuangqiao was elated, she cried out, “Shizi, Shizi is here.”

Shen Qi stopped crying, she took the handkerchief down and couldn’t believe her eyes, she stupidly stared at Chu Yuhong who was climbing into the carriage. Shen Qi jumped into his arms crying, “Why do you only come now.”

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T/N – After so many chapters, now we know Yongle Shizi’s name is Chu Yuhong, yay! This surname Chu 褚 is different from Chu Xiuming’s surname Chu 楚 despite sounding similar.

Shuangqiao quietly got off the carriage and ordered the drive to continue, she herself went to sit in the next carriage, her heart was more joyful now.

In Yongning residence, Zhao-momo and the rest had already heard the news, but they were hesitant as Shen Jin had been sleeping restlessly. Zhao-momo said, “It is useless for Furen go to there now, so let Furen sleep a bit longer.”

Rui-wangfei frowned as she saw her daughter and son-in-law arrived, “Making troubles.”

Shen Qi’s eyes were still red from crying, “Mother, what happened to Father?”

Rui-wangfei ordered water for Shen Qi to clean her face, “It is nothing, don’t worry.”

Shen Qi was going to speak again but Yongle Shizhi stopped her, “Mother-in-law, if there is anything This Son-in-law can do, please just say it.”

Rui-wangfei sighed, “The earthquake has just happened, your place is probably still unstable. Qi-er is just stirring up troubles.”

Yongle Shizi said, “Mother-in-law, don’t say that, there is still my younger brothers there, I ….. “

“Silly.” Rui-wangfei interrupted him, “You are the Shizi, when the Marquis is away, you have to be there to keep an eye on the residence.”

Yongle Shizi was stumped. Reflecting on Rui-wangfei’s words, he understood it was for his own good. He hadn’t been the Shizi for long, his position was not stable yet, he should have stayed in the residence to solidify his authority. It was wrong for him to leave, if his brothers….. However, he hesitated again when he looked at his wife.

Rui-wangfei said, “I have prepared two carriages of gifts. I know your residence doesn’t need it but take it as my regards. I’ll take Qi-er to freshen up a little, then you two can go back. Qi-er had been spoiled since young so she is not very sensible, this is also my fault as her mother. If she does something wrong, Son-in-law can just tell her, and if she doesn’t listen please let me know and I will teach her.”

After speaking she unexpectedly bowed to the Shizi. Yongle Shizi was startled, he hurriedly moved aside, “Mother-in-law there is no need to do so, Furen has taken care of me a lot.”

Rui-wangfei smiled without speaking. Yongle Shizi was relieved to see it, so Father-in-law wasn’t really in trouble, it was all just a show for people to see.

Shen Qi knew she had been rash, she was flustered when she heard the news about Rui-wang. She followed Rui-wangfei to the inner room, Cuixi wrung a handkerchief to help clean her face.

Rui-wangfei asked, “Did you have an argument with your mother-in-law?”

“Mother….” Shen Qi now realised her mother said all those things and bowed to Yongle Shizi on a  Wangfei identity was for her. If there was any issue with Marchioness Yongle, Shizi would help bolstering her due to what Rui-wangfei had said and done today.

Shen Qi told her everything, Rui-wangfei had known Marchioness Yongle’s character, but she thought that as long as Rui Wangfu was still around then the Marchioness would be more conscionable, who knew something like this happened today.

“What will you do when you go back?”

“I’ll admit my fault and ask for forgiveness from Mother-in-law.” Shen Qi spoke.

“Foolish.” Rui-wangfei exclaimed angrily, “It already happened, nothing to admit. What forgiveness to ask?”

Shen Qi looked at Rui-wangfei in surprise, Rui-wangfei said, “Remember you are a Junzhu. Even though your father is confined in Ancestral Hall but he is not stripped of his title. Your uncle is the current emperor, and your brother-in-law is Count Yongning who controls the military.”

Watching her daughter’s expression, Rui-wangfei continued, “That was then and this is now.” She didn’t explain further, “Your father will be fine. If anyone says anything to you, just have the pozi’s give them a slap.”

T/N – That was then and this is now 此一时彼一时 = things change as time passes.

“I understand.” Shen Qi said. Normally when Rui-wang was fine and everything was fine, she didn’t have to be too strong, but as currently something had happened to Rui-wang, she should stand up and show her strength.

Rui-wangfei nodded with a sigh and said nothing more.

When Shen Xi arrived at Yongning residence, Shen Jin was just woken up by Zhao-momo. Shen Jin sat in the guest room with a soft cushion on her back, she felt unusually exhausted for some unknown reasons.

Anning brought Shen Xi inside, Shen Jin asked him, “Brother, have you eaten yet?’

“I have eaten.” Shen Xi said.

“Sit down.” Shen Jin said, “I am not feeling well so I can’t stand up.”

“Second Sister don’t be too polite.” Shen Xi found Shen Jin was no longer treating him like an outsider, the restraint he felt when they just came to Yongning residence had disappeared.

“Mother asked me to deliver some things. And Brother-in-law isn’t home so Mother told me to accompany Third Sister here in case you need anything.” His Third Sister was so calm, hadn’t she heard the news?

Shen Jin’s face was moved, “Is Mother Consort having a problem?”

“No problem.” Shen Xi spoke, “Right, Mother also told me to bring Third Sister some medicine to soothe the nerves, in case Sister was shocked.”

Shen Jin shook her head, “When Fujun is back, we will go to Wangfu to thank Mother Consort.”

Shen Xi saw the large white dog on Shen Jin’s feet. She said, “This is Xiaobudian, it won’t bite.”

Shen Jin didn’t tell about how Xiaobudian had barked to alert everyone of the incident. She didn’t want anyone blaming them for not informing others, that time they didn’t know what was happening either, but Shen Jin was afraid Emperor Cheng would send people over to silence them.

Anping suddenly rushed in, “Furen, no good, Wangye is beaten.”

“What?” Shen Jin abruptly stood up, “What is going on?” She looked at Anning and Shen Xi with anxious face.

Only now Shen Xi was certain that his sister really didn’t know. They were not well-informed, being new in the Capital and not having much manpower, and Count Yongning wasn’t at home either.

“I heard…… His Majesty said the earthquake was Father’s fault. He ordered Father be beaten and sent to the Ancestral Hall.”

He was also distressed but seeing Shen Jin’s face he tried to comfort her, “Third Sister doesn’t need to be too worried. Mother had made arrangements, and Elder Brother had also gone to send gifts.”

T/N – Sending gifts here is oiling hands 打点, likely just for small conveniences.

“How could this was blamed to Father.” Shen Jin weakly sat back down, eyes red from holding back tears.

She was really worried, if something happened to Rui-wang, it wouldn’t be good to all of them. A family clan had always either prospered together or failed together. She could return to the border under her husband’s protection, but what about her mother, Mother Consort, and her sisters?

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