Shen Xi felt even closer with Shen Jin when he saw how emotional she was, but he could only said comfortingly, “Third Sister, it will be fine with Mother and Elder Brother around.”

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Zhao-momo hurriedly gave her a cup of honey water, Shen Jin was calmer after drinking it, “I have lost myself.”

Shen Xi said, “I only knew it too, I wasn’t as good as Third Sister.”

The two lost the mood to speak. Anning brought tea and snacks for Shen Xi then stood besides Shen Jin.

Shen Jin gradually calmed down, she let Anning took Xiaobudian out, then started to carefully thought about it.

Anping must had known about Rui-wang but didn’t tell her as she was sleeping. Zhao-momo wasn’t someone who was unable to see the importance of a matter, so this was probably not deemed that serious by her. Emperor Cheng wasn’t the son of the previous Empress, that time he wasn’t the crown prince ….. but he ascended to the throne right after after the previous emperor passed away. Rui-wangfei only talked about it roughly so what Shen Jin knew was limited. There were some matters that Rui-wangfei dared not say, it was probably the taboo in the royal family.

Shen Jin’s thought about Chu Xiuming, Emperor Cheng summoned him to the Palace today. According to his character, he wouldn’t just stand watching Rui-wang being blamed but not sure what had actually happened.

Her lower belly suddenly felt stiff and painful. She tried to lean sideways on the soft bench but the pain still came and went. She could still stand it, it wasn’t easy to find a doctor in this kind of chaotic situation as many people were injured during the earthquake.

Her hand abstractedly moved to press on the belly, “Momo, give me a bowl of noodle.” She thought maybe she was just hungry.

Zhao-momo thought so as well, she respectfully responded. Shen Jin said to Shen Xi, “Brother, how about having a meal too? A lot of things happened today, you must haven’t eaten either.”

Shen Xi nodded, “Then I have to trouble Third Sister.”

“We are family, don’t be like strangers.” Shen Jin smiled, “It’s just a simple meal, when this is over, I’ll treat Brother to something better.”

“Any warm food is good.” Shen Xi said.

Zhao-momo personally went down to the kitchen. The birthday banquet at Rui Wangfu wasn’t going to happen due to all these things, so Rui-wangfei had sent many things over. Zhao-momo picked stewed chicken and the cook prepared noodle, very soon two bowls of hot noodles were brought over.

The noodle was tasty and the ingredients were also abundant, Shen Xi buried his head down to eat without bothering with formalities. On the other hand, Shen Jin was unable to swallow anything, she was thinking of how Chu Xiuming had immediately called the doctor when she lost appetite…..

Her belly felt painful again, her face abruptly changed, and without a care she cried in fear, “Momo, my belly hurt!”

Zhao-momo’s face changed, “Anping, Anning, take Furen inside.”

Shen Xi had only taken a few bites, he was startled by her voice, “Third Sister, what happened to her?”

Zhao-momo hated herself for her negligence, “May I trouble Second Gongzi to invite the doctor at Wangfu to come here.”

Shen Xi didn’t ask further, “I’ll be back soon.”

He let go of the chopsticks, wiped his mouth with his sleeves and ran outside, called the guards to follow him on horseback to the Wangfu.

Zhao-momo called Yue Wen to invite the old doctor from the previous time, or to buy plenty of medicine for preserving pregnancy if the doctor wasn’t available. She ordered one other guard to to wait for Chu Xiuming the Palace entrance.

After the arrangements were made, Zhao-momo ordered the kitchen to make nourishing soup and red date drink. Shen Jin was lying inside with a pale face, Anping and Anning looked anxious too.

Zhao-momo approached and held her hand, “Furen don’t worry, I have let people bring doctors here, there won’t be any problem.”

“Am I having a baby?” She remembered Shen Qi and Shen Zi’s unborn babies and panicked even more, “Am I …. Am I….”

The rest of the words couldn’t be said, Zhao-momo felt her heart knotted with pain, “I think it’s because Furen caught cold outside.”

Anping also said, “Yes, Furen hasn’t been eating well lately. Wasn’t the doctor here not long ago and he said Furen was all fine?”

Shen Jin was slightly assured, she nodded without a word, her hand rested on the abdomen. Despite what Zhao-momo and Anping said, she felt she was carrying a treasure but almost lost it. But even if she was afraid there was nothing she could do. She remembered Zhao-momo’s extra care and Fujun’s excited face behind her back, her lips moved but didn’t know what to say.

Zhao-momo’s eyes reddened as she saw Shen Jin was trying to look strong, she sat down on the bed and tucked the blanket, “Furen, there won’t be a problem. It is a good thing if it’s really a pregnancy.” Shen Jin nodded.

Zhao-momo said, “If Furen is really worried, how about checking if there is any blood?”

Anning also said, “Furen, remember there was so much blood when the Second Junzhu miscarried. Even if Furen is currently expecting, there won’t be any problem.”

Shen Jin bit her lips, “Pull the curtain down.” She had to see it herself otherwise her heart was troubled.

Zhao-momo asked, “How if I help?”

Shen Jin nodded, she didn’t care about being embarrassed anymore. Zhao-momo took off her shoes and climbed into the bed. Anping and Anning closed the door and windows tightly then pulled the bed curtain down.

Everyone was relieved after the examination, Shen Jin had calmed down now. She said with red face, “I made a fuss over nothing.”

“This kind of things shouldn’t be concealed, it won’t be good.” Zhao-momo spoke.

Shen Jin thought it wasn’t that unbearable, she remembered Shen Xi, “Brother….”

“Second Young Master is going to the Wangfu to call a doctor.” Zhao-momo gently said, “It’s chaotic outside, the guard may not be able to call the previous old doctor.”

Shen Jin bit her lips, she was actually easily embarrassed but at this moment she couldn’t afford to be. She would feel better after seeing a doctor even if the doctor found her just having a cold. With Shen Zi as an example, she didn’t want to regret later. If only Shen Zi had been more careful then she wouldn’t have been in such situation. Moreover everyone here was close to her, they wouldn’t mock her.

Anning came in with the hot red date drink, Anping put a soft cushion behind Shen Jin’s back so she could sit up. Zhao-momo slowly fed the red date drink to Shen Jin, “If there is any pain, Furen should tell us, don’t keep it to yourself.”

“En.” Shen Jin responded, the hot red date drink made her feel more comfortable.

Rui Wangfu wasn’t far from Yongning residence and Shen Xi didn’t stop at all, he directly grabbed the doctor away as soon as he arrived, even the task of informing Rui-wangfei was given to a guard. Rui-wangfei was instantly shaken, after thinking for a while, she handed Shen Rong into the nurturing momo’s hand, ordered Li-shi to be brought over to herself, and told Chen-cefei to go to Yongning residence to take care of Shen Jin.

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Shen Xi was panting in exhaustion as he arrived with the doctor who was also full of sweat. It was obvious Rui Wangfu placed so much importance, everyone was feeling quite grateful.

Shen Jin had put on her outer wear and she sitting on the chair, seeing Shen Xi’s she said, “Quickly get some rest, don’t be too tired.”

“I am fine, Third Sister are you feeling better?” Shen Xi drank some water and sat down on the chair opposite her.

Shen Jin nodded, “Nothing serious.”

The doctor said after drinking too, “Let me take Furen’s pulse.”

Shen Jin nodded, “Have to trouble Doctor.”

Zhao-momo rolled Shen Jin’s sleeves up and padded it with a handkerchief, the doctor sat on her side and carefully took her pulse, “Please Furen the other hand.” Shen Jin put her other hand on the pulse pillow, Zhao-momo also padded this hand the same way.

After a long time the doctor said, “Congratulations Furen, it is a good news.”

Even if she had some guesses, but hearing it spoken, Shen Jin was happy and surprised. Zhao-momo’s face was full of joy, “Furen was a bit uncomfortable, is there a problem?”

The doctor was relieved since it was something good, “It is still early, this morning’s earthquake may have affected the pregnancy but since it was discovered early so there should be no problem, it’s a different story if we find this out later.”

“Thanking the Heaven, thanking the Earth.” Anping and Anning said.

Shen Xi said with a joyful face, “Congratulations Third Sister.”

Shen Jin had tears in her eyes, it was good she didn’t hold back because she was embarassed, otherwise….. “Thank you Brother.”

Zhao-momo asked, “The medicine to preserve pregnancy, can we use it?”

“Take it for three days, but pay more attention to the diet.” The doctor went over the details that need to be careful about.

The medicine hall was quite some distance away so Yue Wen only returned now. He didn’t get to bring the doctor as only medicine assistants were left in the hall, all the doctors had been out helping people, but he did bring quite a lot of medicine back.

Shen Jin placed her hands gently on her belly, lowered her head with a smile on her face, she was content and happy and she looked somewhat gentler. Her beautiful almond eyes was moistened with pure joy and delight.

Shen Xi spoke, “Such a good thing, I am going back to tell Mother and Chen-cefei the happy news.”

Shen Jin bit her lower lip, “Then I will trouble Brother.”

“The doctor can stay with Third Sister for this moment.” Shen Xi said, “Doctor Sun if you need anything just tell the servant to pick it up.”

“Yes.” Doctor Sun replied in respectful voice.

Shen Xi nodded, “I’ll go speak with Mother.”

Suddenly footsteps sound was heard from outside. Without waiting for the maid to open the door, Chu Xiuming pushed it and entered. His face was still calm but the corners of his forehead was sweaty and his court attire was somewhat wrinkled and dusty, “Is there a problem?”

Shen Jin smiled until her eyes resembled a crescent moon, the dimples on the corner of her mouth surfaced, “Fujun, we are having a baby.”

A light but obvious smile appeared on Chu Xiuming’s face, his brows widened and his eyes moved to Shen Jin’s belly, “How do you feel?”

“The doctor said it is fine.” Shen Jin said.

Chu Xiuming nodded, he only noticed Shen Xi now. Shen Xi called, “Third Brother-in-law.”

“En.” Chu Xiuming said, “Anning, help Furen into the room to rest.”


Chu Xiuming said to Shen Xi, “I’ll change clothes, sit here for a while.”

“Third Brother-in-law don’t mind me.” Shen Xi said.

Chu Xiuming nodded and accompanied Shen Jin to walk inside, she told him what happened while they were walking. Her hand slipped into his and Chu Xiuming held it, he found the hand was slightly cold but this wasn’t the time to talk more of it, he said, “Take a rest first, I’ll be back soon.”

“En.” Shen Jin was relieved to see him, her fingers picked his palm before she retrieved it. He didn’t speak but there was a smile in his eyes.

After changing clothes and talked to Zhao-momo about the arrangement for Doctor Sun moving in, he went to see Shen Xi who was waiting in the guest room. Shen Xi followed him into the study.

Zhao-momo’s face was full of joy as she said, “Furen can relax now.”

“En.” Shen Jin said, “Momo help me change to a looser clothes.”

Zhao-momo responded, Anning went to the kitchen to fetch some hot water to help Shen Jin freshen up and to warm her feet before getting into bed. The pain had lessened, either from seeing Chu Xiuming, or from the combination of the hot red date drinks and warm feet.

As Shen Jin’s face had turned rosy again, Zhao-momo let Anping went to Doctor Sun for the medicine to boil, she herself and Anning started to put away fragile things and items that had sharp points. Shen Jin was holding a soft cushion, a bit sleepily asked, “Momo, what happened to my father?”

Zhao-momo replied while kept on sorting things up, “The details are still unknown because Rui-wang was taken to Ancestral Hall right after a beating at the Palace entrance, but it was said that the Heavens sent the earthquake as a warning for rapacious extravagance.”

“Palace news actually spread that fast?” Shen Jin couldn’t believe it, she thought only Rui Wangfu people knew.

Zhao-momo laughed but didn’t answer. Shen Jin didn’t know what to say, she closed her eyes to gather her spirit.

Chu Xiuming told Shen Xi what happened in the Palace today, he didn’t mention his own role in standing up for Rui-wang, but he told Shen Xi in detail the names of all people and officials who had caused trouble to Rui-wang.

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Shen Xi made note of each of them, “Third Brother-in-law if there is no further instruction, I’ll go back first.”

Chu Xiuming said, “If it is possible, could Chen-cefei come to visit my family’s Furen.”

Shen Xi nodded, “I will talk to Mother, Third Brother-in-law please don’t worry.”


Chu Xiuming personally walked Shen Xi out after thanking him, then he went to Doctor Sun’s temporary accommodation to ask about Shen Jin’s condition in detail. He released a breath of relief after learning there was nothing wrong with Shen Jin’s body.

Doctor Sun said, “Furen’s pregnancy is still on early stage, it is not stabilised yet. It is not good to be affected, and it would have been dangerous has this not been discovered early.”

His wife’s best point was that she never tried to pretend to be brave when there was a problem. “Will have to trouble Doctor for this period of time.” Chu Xiuming said.

“It’s my duty.” The doctor replied respectfully, he was quite relieved to find Count Yongning was unlike the rumour that said he was a mass killer, his face was cold but the attitude was quite good.

Chu Xiuming asked further about important things to notice during pregnancy, then he went to the main courtyard. Inside the room he saw his little wife was lying sideways on the bed while hugging a cushion with a slightly unfocused look on her face, unsure what she was thinking about.

She stirred as Chu Xiuming came, “Fujun.”

“En.” Chu Xiuming walked over, reached out and stroked her face, “Still uncomfortable?”

“Not uncomfortable anymore.” Shen Jin smiled.

Zhao-momo said, “I will prepare meal for General and Furen, Furen can have the medicine after the meal.”

Shen Jin wrinkled her nose, she was a bit depressed at the word ‘medicine’ but still said “Alright.” It was for her and the baby, she would take it.

Zhao-momo smiled, “Furen don’t worry, Wangfei sent plenty of sweets.”

Shen Jin nodded, “Good.”

Zhao-momo went out and thoughtfully closed the door. Chu Xiuming said, “I’ll wash first.”

“En.” She stayed on the bed watching him using the cold water in the copper basin to wash his hands and face. After drying himself he took off his shoes and sat on the bed, grabbed Shen Jin and her blanket into his arms, she comfortably leaned on him.

Chu Xiuming rubbed Shen Jin’s belly through the blanket, pressed his chin on her shoulder, “Furen you have suffered.”

“Fujun, I am very happy.” Shen Jin whispered, “I was very scared that I had lost the child because I was careless.”

Chu Xiuming silently listened to her telling him about her fear prior to the doctor’s arrival, “I don’t even know when the baby is here.”

“Fujun, I want to go back to the border.” Shen Jin’s mood was somewhat low. Her pregnancy couldn’t be concealed, Emperor Cheng was able to lay his hands on his own blood brother Rui-wang, Shen Jin felt it was dangerous.

Chu Xiuming lightly kissed her cheek and said, “When the doctor says it’s stable, we’ll go back.”

“En.” Shen Jin grabbed his hand, “Is my father alright?”

Chu Xiuming told her what happened in detail without covering anything, Shen Jin smiled when he was talking about the Nine-Kinship Extermination, she couldn’t imagine what the Emperor had in mind that time. However her smile had disappeared at the end of the story, her lips pursed without speaking.

“Don’t be afraid.” Chu Xiuming soothed her, “There won’t be a problem.”

“En.” Shen Jin thought it wouldn’t be as simple as he said. Emperor Cheng wouldn’t dare to kill Chu Xiuming in the open, but there were still countless little tricks available.

Moreover the Capital wasn’t stable anymore. Emperor Cheng threw dirty water on his own brother to avoid issuing The Edict of Repentance under his own name, he even personally decided on Rui-wang’s crime, what would the ministers think?

With this precedent, similar thing could happened to anyone else. Would everyone just wait for their turn to be the scapegoat. Would they be framed guilty if they happened to be an eyesore for Emperor Cheng?

It was Chu Xiuming who mentioned the Nine-Kinship Extermination, but it could have been in the mind of some other people. And they were not Rui-wang, they were not some royal relatives. The next time Emperor Cheng decided anyone guilty without investigation again, the Nine-Kinship Extermination would certainly happened.

Many of the people who spoke on behalf of Chu Xiuming weren’t doing it because they were his old pals, but more likely due to some kind of self-preservation. The officials wouldn’t just wait to be captured, afraid that…. After a troubled time, the matter with the natural disaster hadn’t finished but the inner Court would be in turmoil already.

Chu Xiuming said it as if it had been for his father-in-law’s sake, but it was directed to the Emperor, to knock some awareness into the official’s ears, the Emperor wasn’t aware of it, wanting to make trouble for Chu Xiuming was absolutely poking a finger into a hornet nest.

Shen Jin didn’t know what he was thinking but she could vaguely guessed it was planting the seed of discord among the officials, then bit by bit watering it down so it would grow bigger.

Oh, she suddenly missed the fruit trees in her courtyard in the border town, were they bearing fruits yet, the fresh fruits must be very sweet and appetising, the fruits could be made into sweet and sour candied fruits…..

Seeing his wife’s frozen expression, Chu Xiuming knew her thoughts must have wandered off again, she must be thinking of some random things. He inwardly sighed, his face revealed some traces of anxiety when Shen Jin didn’t notice.

Actually Chu Xiuming also felt it unsafe for the pregnant Shen Jin to stay in the Capital, but at that moment they couldn’t go anywhere. The most immediate reason was that it wasn’t good for Shen Jin’s to travel.

So that was why she recently liked sour taste while she used to be rejecting sour fruits. After wandering away, Shen Jin’s mind returned to current, her eyes slightly lowered, she asked, “Fujun, I am currently pregnant, right….”

Chu Xiuming suddenly laughed lightly, interrupted her, “Silly girl, the child will come when the destiny arrives.” He knew what she was going to say, he felt more heartache.

Shen Jin changed her posture and completely dived into his embraced, responded once and stopped talking. Chu Xiuming gently stroked her hair, “You have me.”

Shen Jin was easily content, Chu Xiuming’s one sentence made her heart settle  down, all the worries were discarded on the back of the head. Anyway, if the outside was chaotic then she simply wouldn’t go out, Chu Xiuming was with her, they would be together no matter what.

Zhao-momo and Anning came with the meal and the chicken soup special for Shen Jin. She had been cured of her previous appetite loss and now ate with relish.

After the meal and the medicine, Zhao-momo helped her wash up before sleeping. Chu Xiuming waited until she fell asleep then he went to the study, Steward Zhao had been waiting for him there.

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Steward Zhao asked, “Does the General has a plan?”

Chu Xiuming said, “If I can’t protect my wife and child, what great things can I do?”

Steward Zhao sighed, the pregnancy was a happy news but the timing wasn’t that good, Emperor Cheng might do something while the General’s hand were tied. The trip to the Southern would have to be delayed as well, unless the General could leave Furen in the Capital but according to General’s character it wouldn’t happen.

But it was exactly the reason they were loyal to the General. As for the Emperor, Steward Zhao sneered in his heart, he’s just a short-sighted man with cheap tricks that were even inferior to a woman’s trick.

“Does the General has a plan?” It was the same question but different implication.

Chu Xiuming’s eyes narrowed, “Stillness is better than motion. Just wait.”

Steward Zhao laughed, “The General must have had a plan in mind.”

Chu Xiuming asked back, “Doesn’t Advisor have one too?”

Steward Zhao didn’t deny, “Which piece of chess does the General think will be the next to be discarded?”

Chu Xiuming looked at him, Steward Zhao said, “How about writing it down, see if it’s the name the General is thinking about?”

Steward Zhao dipped his finger in the tea and wrote a word on the desk. Chu Xiuming nodded without speaking, Steward Zhao wiped the writing with his sleeve.

Rapid footsteps suddenly heard from outside, Chu Xiuming’s eyes narrowed from a bad feeling in his heart. The study door was knocked three times, “General, there is an urgent matter to report.”

“Come in.” Chu Xiuming said.

Yue Wen entered with anxious face, “General, there is a news from Central Min….”

T/N – I assume this is Central Min / Central Fujian (Min 闽 is the short name for Fujian province in the southeastern coast of China), but there is still a smaller possibility that it refers to someone called Min Zhong.

Chu Xiuming’s face turned colder and colder as Yue Wen reported the news, the fist on the table was also clenched tighter and tighter. Steward Zhao’s face had changed greatly, it was full of anger, he had to force himself to calm down.

When Yue Wen finished, Chu Xiuming’s face was completely cold. Steward Zhao abruptly lifted his cup and downed the tea, he also couldn’t resist striking the desk hard. After a deep breath that was quickly exhaled, he said with gritted teeth, “General please do not be reckless.”

T/N – The tea he just dipped his finger in to write on the desk?

Chu Xiuming nodded, “I know.”

Steward Zhao rubbed his face fiercely, “We have tolerated everything for the sake of the people, we are walking the most difficult path, but….”

Chu Xiuming nodded without a word, thinking that he would have to break his promise to his little wife to stay in the Capital with her, his heart was quite frustrated.

In Rui Wangfu, Rui-wangfei finished listening to Shen Xi, she asked, “Xuan-er, what do you think?”

Shen Xuan contemplated for a while, “Mother, I am afraid Father would have to suffer a little.”

Rui-wangfei said with her eyes slightly lowered, “En. Wangye in the Ancestral Hall, how is he?”

“His Majesty had ordered an imperial physician to treat Father.” Shen Xuan said, “Father’s injuries have been medicated, he looks better.”

Shen Xi snorted coldly, he was after all still young with youthful high spirit.

Rui-wangfei turned to him, “That is the Emperor.”

“But Mother, Father….”

“Remember, it is the Emperor who sits there, and he can decide life or death.” Rui-wangfei very slowly spoke, every word was heavy, “Remember it.”

“He hit Father, and…..” Shen Xi was dissatisfied.

Shen Xuan looked at Shen Xi, “Thunder and rain are all on imperial favour.”

Shen Xi bit his lips, “Mother, I understand.”

“Mother, others will look down on us if Wangfu does nothing.” Only then Shen Xuan looked at Rui-wangfei.

“Of course we have to do something.” Rui-wangfei said in a deep voice, “Have someone send a letter to your paternal grandfather family, charge Prime Minister Chen…..”

Shen Xi listened to his mother’s and elder brother’s conversation, he didn’t really understand fully, and was slowly pondering it in his heart.

When the conversation finished, Rui-wangfei sighed, “Xuan-er, tomorrow you continue on visiting your father. Xi-er take Chen-cefei to Yongning residence.”

“Right, Third Brother-in-law has also asked if Chen-cefei could go see Third Sister.” Shen Xi remembered now.

Rui-wangfei nodded, “Let Chen-cefei stay there for a few days.”

Shen Xi nodded, Rui-wangfei said, “Xi-er, take a rest.”

“Yes.” Shen Xi went with lowered head.

Rui-wangfei watched her second son walking away, then she turned to Shen Xuan, “I have been holding your Father from deciding on your marriage.”

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“This Son understands Mother’s difficulty.” Shen Xuan said.

Rui-wangfei slowly released a breath, “It is time to tell you something. Cuixi, call Chen-cefei here.”

“Yes.” Cuixi responded.

Shen Xuan was a little confused but Rui-wangfei wasn’t explaining now.

“Mother, I feel directly charging Prime Minister Chen isn’t very appropriate.” Shen Xuan said after considering, “Why not aiming for the other officials first?”

Prime Minister Chen was the Empress’ biological father and the Emperor’s trusted person, charging him was not only fruitless, moreover it would anger Emperor Cheng.

“Xuan-er, I am very pleased you could consider this.” Rui-wangfei hoped it wasn’t too late to start teaching her son, she explained, “But… we only need to start the fire, someone else would do it.”

“En?” Shen Xuan looked at Rui-wangfei.

A sneer appeared on Rui-wangfei’s face, “Today Rui Wangfu isn’t the most restless one, it’s the other officials.”

Shen Xuan frowned, Rui-wangfei continued, “A Wangye could be beaten and imprisoned on false charge, then what about other people? Isn’t it a danger for everyone?”

“This Son understands.” Shen Xuan said, when the officials went home today they would start to feel unsafe, worrying that some day their turn would come. The one who initiated the charge against Rui-wang was Prime Minister Chen, and with his special background, he would be an eyesore for everyone, either for self-preservation or for other purposes such as counter-attack or warning.

“But Prime Minister Chen is His Majesty’s person, wouldn’t His Majesty…” Shen Xuan hesitatingly asked.

Rui-wangfei’s eyes narrowed, “You think again carefully of His Majesty’s actions these recent years.”

Shen Xuan was silent.

In Moyun Courtyard, Chen-cefei was packing things. She was very joyful when she heard her daughter was expecting, and she was pleased beyond expectation when Rui-wangfei unexpectedly allowed her to go to Yongning residence to look after her daughter. It didn’t really fit the norm, but she couldn’t care less.

When Cuixi gave her the summon, Chen-cefei thought Rui-wangfei had another matter to instruct her. She followed Cuixi to the main courtyard, she saw Shizi was also there with a confused looks on his face. Rui-wangfei told Cuixi to open the windows then they walked outside.

Rui-wangfei slowly said to her, “The 37th year of Yongjia reign……”

Early morning the next day, Chen-cefei sat on a carriage to Yongning residence. Unlike the joyous time when she just learned the happy news, her heart was very heavy. She knew she couldn’t let her daughter see it at all, so she had to cover her anxiety. As Rui-wangfei said, at least until her daughter’s pregnancy was stable.

Yongning residence looked normal except for some who knew about the pregnancy whose faces had some traces of joy. There were only a few of them, but Steward Zhao wasn’t seen the whole day that even Zhao-momo didn’t know what he had been doing, while Yue Wen was always a steady and quiet person.

Chu Xiuming also didn’t look different apart from some extra attention to Shen Jin. He went to personally welcome Chen-cefei by himself as Shen Jin was ordered by Doctor Sun not to move too much.

Chu Xiuming brought Chen-cefei to the courtyard, there she saw Shen Jin on a chair staring at the door with a face was full of expectation. Seeing her arrival, Shen Jin’s eyes slowly reveled her happiness, “Mother!”

Xiaobudian on her feet also looked up at Chen-cefei.

Chen-cefei never knew a dog could be that large, she hurriedly come over saying, “Animals can’t control themselves, with your condition remember to take care not to get hurt.”

Shen Jin stretched her hand to stroke the large dog’s head, “It is not a problem Mother. Fujun had trained it himself, it is very well-behaved.”

Chen-cefei was amazed this son-in-law who looked like someone in paintings was able to do such thing, she nodded without a word, some things were better not said too much.

Shen Jin wanted to rise but Chen-cefei scolded her, “Don’t move, sit there properly.”

“Mother.” Shen Jin said in spoiled manner, “Doctor said I can move, ask Fujun if you don’t believe me.” But Chu Xiuming didn’t react, Shen Jin frowned and obediently sat back down.

Chu Xiuming then said, “Mother-in-law, there is no elder in my house, please stay for a while.”

“Even if you don’t say it, I have also braved my thick skin to stay.” Chen-cefei said, “It is Wangfei’s order. She said you are both still young, even though you have people serving you, but this isn’t the border town, some things aren’t convenient.”

The news of Shen Jin’s pregnancy might bring visitors to come, this definitely was not something servants could deal with.

“Thank you Mother-in-law.” Chu Xiuming said, he wished himself could stay with Shen Jin at this kind of situation so she would be happier. He lowered his eyes but didn’t dare to say it, unexpectedly there was a time when Chu Xiuming was afraid.

Chen-cefei gently said, “As long as you don’t feel I interfere too much.”

Zhao-momo was relieved to see Chen-cefei was able to control Shen Jin. She was the only person with experience in the residence so as now Chen-cefei was here, she could relax a little. Especially as she had never been able to resist Shen Jin’s hopeful eyes……

Everytime she had to refused Shen Jin something, she felt an inexpressible guilt. With Chen-cefei around, she didn’t have to always be the bad person.

Being pregnant didn’t mean the more you ate the better, it would be a problem during delivery if the baby was too big. Shen Jin was still young and this was her first child, Zhao-momo was wholeheartedly thinking for Shen Jin so she worried a lot too.

Zhao-momo saw Shen Jin’s hand reaching out for a pastry, she respectfully said, “Furen, you just had a walnut pastry, how if I get some candied fruit so Furen won’t feel it too sweet?”

Hearing this, Chen-cefei frowned at the sugared osmanthus rice cake in front of Shen Jin’s lips, “You’ve had one piece so don’t eat more. From now on, you can only have six pieces a day.”

Shen Jin’s eyes turned round, she looked at Chen-cefei in disbelief. ‘How could you be so cruel’ was written on her face.

Chen-cefei ignored her, she turned to Zhao-momo, “Starting from today, everyday Furen can only have four pieces of honeyed candied fruits, give her more walnuts….”

Shen Jin’s eyes were brimming with tears as she looked at Zhao-momo, Zhao-momo could only looked back helplessly. Inwardly Zhao-momo thought inviting Chen-cefei was a correct decision.

Looking at both of them, Shen Jin cried into Chu Xiuming’s arms. Was this really her own mother?

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