Chapter 59.1

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Zhao-momo’s room was not far, she draped on an outer-clothes and came right away. Seeing how pale Shen Jin was, she urgently asked, “Furen, are you not feeling well?”

Shen Jin grabbed Zhao-momo’s fingers, her hands were very cold, Zhao-momo became very worried.

Shen Jin’s lips were trembling, “Momo, is Fujun in danger?”

“Did Furen have a nightmare?” Zhao-momo asked Anping who was waiting on the side to fetch hot water from the kitchen.

Biting her lower lips, Shen Jin said, “Momo, I am afraid Fujun is in danger.”

Zhao-momo’s face changed, “How does Furen say so?”

Chen-cefei came into the room, worriedly asked, “Should we call a doctor?”

Shen Jin shook her head, “Momo, I am afraid….. afraid they are going to lay a hand on Fujun. Please send someone to Yongning residence to tell Steward Zhao about the doctors and what Mother said about Xu-cefei.”

Seeing Shen Jin’s expression, Zhao-momo nodded, “I am going now.”

Chen-cefei was terribly anxious, her daughter would be in danger if anything happened to Count Yongning. As Zhao-momo ran outside, she walked up and pulled Shen Jin, “You are pregnant now. Count Yongning is not careless, he should have been prepared.”

“En.” Wrapped in her mother’s arms, Shen Jin had gradually calmed down. “Maybe I am thinking too much.”

Chen-cefei stroked her hair and comforted her, “I’ll have someone make red date drinks, sleep after drinking it. Tomorrow morning, go see Wangfei.”

Pulling Chen-cefei’s hand, Shen Jin whispered, “Mother, stay with me.”

“Alright.” After Shen Jin had the red date drinks, they got undressed and lied down. Chen-cefei slowly patted her daughter’s back.

Anping and Anning were slightly relieved for Shen Jin, but still worried about Count Yongning’s safety. Instead of sleeping they put out the lights and went to keep watch outside.

Shen Jin still couldn’t sleep but Chen-cefei didn’t force her, “Do you want to talk?”

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“Did you wake up because of a dream?”

“I wasn’t sleeping.” Shen Jin never hid anything from Chen-cefei, “Keeping Mother and Mother Consort detained in the Palace to make Fujun and I come to the Capital, is similar to what Xu-cefei would do.”

Chen-cefei wouldn’t have thought it if Shen Jin didn’t mention, but now she also felt it uncanny.

Shen Jin said further, “Something similar happened earlier, like withholding the supply wagons just to release them later after some delay. It wasn’t really harmful but enough to be an inconvenience.”

Chen-cefei didn’t know whether to cry or to laugh. It was indeed similar, although normally people wouldn’t have put them as comparison. Xu-cefei’s tricks were common rear courtyard tricks, annoying but not life threatening, unlike Rui-wangfei’s actions which were the really dangerous ones.

However when the similar tricks were done by Emperor Cheng, lives could really be lost. Denying reinforcement for the border town or withholding supplies wagons were delays that had pushed hundreds or thousands lives to death. Chen-cefei didn’t experience it herself but just listening about it had made her cold and angry.

It didn’t matter for whose sake the soldiers were fighting for, in the end the ones they were protecting were the commoners and the country. Emperor Cheng played tricks due to his animosity to Chu Xiuming, but had he ever thought of the innocent people dying under the hooves of Barbarian army’s horses, and how it was also a danger for his Tianqi country.

Emperor Cheng had never stopped wanting Chu Xiuming’s death, but at the same time also had extreme confidence in Chu Xiuming to win the war? If he still wanted the latter, what was the reason for doing the tricks and adding extra layers of hatred?

Chen-cefei couldn’t understand Emperor Cheng’s way of thinking, she marvelled at how Shen Jin could draw the comparison.

It was actually a coincidence. Xu-cefei was the person Shen Jin disliked the most prior to her marriage, while Emperor Cheng was the one she disliked the most after her marriage and lived at the border town. It was easy to put disliked people in the same group, the similarities then gradually became more apparent. For example, both of them had incomprehensible thoughts and actions.

“Didn’t Mother say that when Xu-cefei was smugly about something but couldn’t express it, she would find something she thought was clever but actually an absurd thing to do.” Shen Jin whispered, “Following that reason, some clues can be found.”

“En.” Enemies knew the other side the best. Xu-cefei never put Chen-cefei and her daughter in the eyes, so she didn’t know of Chen-cefei’s absolute hatred her towards herself, it started early on when Shen Jin was put in danger. It was also due to knowing Xu-cefei well that Chen-cefei had seized the opportunity to take her revenge in one swoop.

Shen Jin’s ability to see things clearly but keeping mum was a trait learned from Chen-cefei. Chen-cefei had trained herself through much suffering, but she didn’t wish her daughter to grow crooked or turned gloomy in the face of the unfairness in Wangfu. When an opportunity came, mother and daughter grabbed it well, and it led to Rui-wangfei taking Shen Jin under her wings.

The real power in the Wangfu was with Rui-wangfei who outwardly looked gentle and benevolent. Chen-cefei had even thought that Xu-cefei being favoured by Rui-wang for long was actually due to Rui-wangfei ‘pushed the wave and added to the billows’. Someone like Xu-cefei wasn’t a threat to Rui-wangfei, even the state of Wangfu’s offsprings were likely to be under the control of Rui-wangfei.

Chen-cefei had never thought of fighting for Rui-wang’s favour with Xu-cefei, instead she silently worked on getting Rui-wangfei’s attention, and that was how she could became a Cefei after giving birth to a daughter.

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For the sake of her daughter, Chen-cefei had been appearing more and more wooden to Rui-wang, and more and more respectful and obedient towards Rui-wangfei. She was hoping that one day on the accounts of her being tactful and sensible, Rui-wangfei would select a good family for her daughter to marry into so daughter could live a good life.

Her hard work had actually bore fruits, without Emperor Cheng’s intervention, Rui-wangfei would have carefully chosen a good son-in-law for her. Might not be as good as Shen Qi’s, but definitely better than Shen Zi’s. Shen Zi had married into a family who was only outwardly good but bitter on the inside.

In contrast to Chen-cefei, Xu-cefei who had been bouncing around on Rui-wang’s favour didn’t realise she had fallen into Rui-wang’s plan. For instance, in the matter of palace momo’s. The momo’s arranged for Shen Qi and Shen Jin had wholeheartedly taught them rules and etiquettes and often talked some reasons into them without restricting their characters. The momo’s for Shen Zi, Shen Jing, and Shen Rong….. had raised them to be outwardly smart but inwardly muddled. Their tendency for flaunting air and prestige in falseness was also the handiwork of their momo’s.

Before Shen Qi left to get married, Rui-wangfei had taken Shen Jin under her wings and genuinely guided her well. Whether the intention was for dispersing Rui-wang’s focus to Shen Zi and her sisters, or whether she had other plans, in the end Shen Jin managed to obtain some of Rui-wang’s attention so the mother and daughter days in Wangfu improved.

Rui-wangfei herself was an outstanding woman but she was able to appreciate others’ good points. Shen Jin didn’t have as exceptional looks as her sisters, but she was obedient and lovable with a naïve quality about her. Rui-wangfei didn’t try to carve her into the standard dignified template, instead she let the momo’s nurtured her nature. Even Shen Jin’s clothings and make ups were selected to bolster her strengths.

Looking naïve didn’t equate being foolish. Rui-wangfei never intended to raise her to be a waste, so like a piece of unpolished gem, Shen Jin was polished to be more perceptive. Chen-cefei had her hands in the gem’s original form, and Rui-wangfei polished it to be the Shen Jin right before her marriage.

Once she got to the border, the things she experienced had continued to nourish her character, and the result was the Shen Jin that everyone loved now. Rui-wangfei and Cuixi had actually underestimated Shen Jin, they weren’t aware the crisis at the border, the life and death danger, had let Shen Jin grow more.

Xu-cefei was also determined to raise her daughters well but she wasn’t up to Rui-wangfei’s level. Shen Rong was raised to look innocent and lovable and she looked fine when she was by herself. But when compared to Shen Jin, Shen Rong’s innocence looked deliberate and mediocre. The difference was because Shen Jin’s naivety originated from inside.

Shen Zi’s marriage was decided by Xu-cefei and Shen Zi herself. They thought the family was very good but they had unknowingly fallen under Rui-wangfei’s trap. Rui-wangfei was just using their own wild ambitions to facilitate it. They did have the ambition but without the real power and capability that should have come with the ambition.

Originally Rui-wangfei was going to let Xu-cefei and her daughters alone as they were basically harmless and just wanted to enjoy things. However when Rui-wangfei sensed the atmosphere in the Capital was about to change, she went ahead and sorted them out. Being a cautious person, she wanted to avoid trouble just in case of a carelessness.

Xu-cefei and Shen Jing, the two of them were sly but they didn’t understand themselves. Smart people weren’t scary, the scary ones were those who were stupid but thought themselves to be smart, noone could predict what sort of confused action they would do. Rui-wangfei had no patience to deal with them, so she had them sorted out.

Shen Zi was already married, if she was going to ruin something, she would ruin Zheng family, she wouldn’t affect Rui Wangfu and she wasn’t a threat for Rui-wangfei and her children. Shen Rong was cunning but she had self-awareness and knew to retreat, it was fine to leave this kind of person.

Shen Jin’s words made Chen-cefei recollected numerous past matters. Shen Jin had been silent as she had something in her mind. After a long time she said, “Mother, I am not at ease.”

Chen-cefei didn’t speak, she knew what her daughter needed right now was a listener, there were some things daughter could only say to herself.

Shen Jin said in a low voice, “I always feel… that person isn’t smart.” Who was it wasn’t said but they both knew.

The Emperor thought his plan had worked, but Shen Jin could see that Chu Xiuming set out not on the Emperor’s order, he left because there was something he needed to do. However, what was going on in Central Min that Chu Xiuming risked his life to go?

It was said to be the pirates, but the issue with the pirates might not be the same as what the Emperor was thinking.

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Shen Jin wasn’t someone who liked to think negatively of others, but everything the Emperor had done, she was unable to think in positive way. Had it been someone else, they wouldn’t need to think so much.

Emperor Cheng shouldn’t have used Rui-wang to send a gynecologist over, it would have been better if he had openly said it was for the women in Wangfu. He would even received praises for being a wise ruler who was considerate for his subjects. To say that Emperor Cheng was similar to Xu-cefei, he was the leader of the country, how could he be that idle? Shen Jin grew uneasy, could it be the Emperor was trying to say ‘I know you have Chu Xiuming’s child, you better be careful’.

But Emperor Cheng thought of many ways to get Chu Xiuming to go to Central Min which was full of the Emperor’s close subordinates. Could it be that he planned to do away with Chu Xiuming on the road or in Central Min, then push the blame to the pirates?  Had he managed to get rid of the thorn in his flesh without the public knowing, was that why you feel smugly and did peculiar things like sending that doctor here…..?

It was unbelievable, how did such as person get to sit on the throne?

Shen Jin fell asleep, but Chen-cefei was still wide awake. She understood Shen Jin’s unfinished words. Actually it was the same reason with Rui-wangfei sorted out Xu-cefei and Shen Jing, but Emperor Cheng was the ruler so her daughter could only worry.

Shen Jin got up early due to the weight in her heart, but Chen-cefei was even earlier. She didn’t say much apart from letting people helped Shen Jin, made sure she had breakfast first then let Anping and Anning go with her to the main courtyard.

Zhao-momo didn’t go but she walked them outside, “Furen don’t worry, I have made arrangements, Steward Zhao had been notified.”


At the main courtyard, Rui-wangfei and Shen Qi were accompanying Rui-wang. When she saw Shen Jin, Shen Qi smiled, “I can see Sister is worried about Father, otherwise you would have slept until later.”

Rui-wang was happy to hear it, “Jin Girl, you are pregnant, why don’t you sleep longer?”

Shen Jin smiled, “Yesterday I didn’t get to talk much with Father.” Her voice had traces of reliance and complaint, Rui-wang’s heart softened to hear it. He felt he had mistreated this daughter in the past.

Rui-wang ordered, “Bring a chair for Jin Girl. You should rest more.”

“I know Father.” Shen Jin laughed, looking sensible and obedient. “Mother Consort also told me that, I have become lazier now.”

Rui-wangfei also laughed, “You have always been lazy and only know eating, don’t blame me.”

Shen Qi pulled Shen Jin to sit with her, the sisters leaned to each other intimately, “Father, you have to recover quickly.”

Rui-wang nodded, virtuous wife and obedient daughters besides him, he felt extraordinarily content.

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However with his injuries, it wasn’t good to keep his wounds covered all the time. After conversing a little more, Rui-wangfei brought the two daughters away. The maids and pozi’s helped taking off Rui-wang’s clothing to reapply medicine.

Only now Shen Jin said, “Mother Consort, I have something to ask for your advice.”

Rui-wangfei nodded, “Alright. Qi-er, you go back first.”

Shen Qi was going to say something when she saw Rui-wangfei’s eyes, she nodded, “Then I’ll go see Younger Brother.”

“En.” Shen Qi took Shuangqiao with her.

Rui-wangfei supported by Cuixi walked with Shen Jin to the pavillion in the garden, Shen Jin had Anning with her. After the maids prepared the pavillion and the two of them had sat down, Rui-wangfei said, “All of you can go.”

“Yes.” Except for Cuixi and Anning, the rest of the maids retreated.

After serving red dates tea, Cuixi went to guard outside the pavillion. Anning also left after catching Shen Jin’s eyes and saw her nodded.

Shen Jin spoke, “Mother Consort, I feel uneasy with the doctors sent by His Majesty.” Shen Jin had no intention to hide anything or going in circles with Rui-wangfei, it was foolish to play mind games with Rui-wangfei, especially when she came to ask for an advice.

Rui-wangfei had guessed it, “What do you think?”

Shen Jin bit her lower lips, with a worried face she said, “I am worried about Fujun.”

Rui-wangfei nodded, “His Majesty’s mind is deep, hard to understand.”

Somehow Shen Jin felt the ‘deep, hard to understand’ part was said with a bit of sarcasm. Seeing Shen Jin didn’t make a comment, Rui-wangfei appreciated her calmness more.

“Although you are now Countess Yongning, but you are still a Junzhu of our Wangfu. Wangye and I could always protect you, at least some parts.”

“Count Yongning is capable of handling big matters, he must have had his own plan. Moreover, whatever the result will be, it is not something we here can decide. Since the doctors are here, we shouldn’t waste His Majesty’s kindness. You are now expecting, it is not good to think too much.”

Shen Jin looked at Rui-wangfei’s expression and didn’t speak more, she just drank the red date tea with Rui-wangfei.

At noon Rui-wang woke up again so they had lunch together. Shen Xuan, Shen Xi, even Shen Hao were there too. Shen Rong was not feeling well, Rui-wangfei didn’t send people to call her either, she only sent her some dishes on Rui-wang’s name. After they accompanied Rui-wang talking for a while after the lunch, Shen Jin went back.

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