Chapter 59.2

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Zhao-momo had been waiting for long, Shen Jin nodded at her.

Chen-cefei asked, “Have you got your answers?”

“Not really.” Shen Jin answered.

Shen Jin sat down and looked at Zhao-momo. Chen-cefei let all the servants out, she also ordered the windows be opened.

Chen-cefei was about to go out when Shen Jin said, “Mother, please stay.”

After thinking for a moment, Chen-cefei said, “Is it fine?”

Zhao-momo spoke, “There is nothing to hide.”

Chen-cefei sat back down. The sisters Anping and Anning guarded outside, one at the door and one at the window.

Shen Jin told what little Rui-wangfei said to Zhao-momo. Zhao-momo said after listening, “Steward Zhao also has some questions for Furen.”

“En?” Shen Jin was confused, she was the one who wanted to ask Steward Zhao, but now why Steward Zhao asked her questions? Fujun had also told her to ask Steward Zhao.

Zhao-momo said, “First. If something happened to the General, what would that person do to Furen.”

Shen Jin was shaken, her face turned white.

Zhao-momo felt heartache but still asked, “Second. If something happened to the General, how would the Wangfu treat Furen.”

Not only Shen Jin, Chen-cefei had also limped, cold sweat all over her body.

Zhao-momo’s eyes narrowed, “Third. If something happened to the General, what would Furen do.”

Zhao-momo didn’t speak more, she poured warm water for Shen Jin and Chen-cefei.

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If something happened to Fujun, Emperor Cheng wouldn’t let her live either. With Chu Xiuming’s prestige and military power, Emperor Cheng wouldn’t let the child grow up, wouldn’t want to see Chu family hold military power again.

But there was still Chu Xiuyuan at the border, why……

“I also have a question.” Shen Jin looked at Zhao-momo, “Chu Xiuyuan. Could it be that he is not a di son of Chu family?”

Zhao-momo’s eyes was appreciative, “That’s right. It is not a secret that Second Young Master isn’t the General’s blood brother, he is a maternal cousin.”

A maternal cousin with the same surname Chu? There must be something difficult to explain. Shen Jin nodded, so that was the reason Emperor Cheng didn’t put Chu Xiuyuan in his eyes at all, he must have thought Chu Xiuyuan as unworthy person with unclear background. He didn’t know about Chu Xiuyuan’s ability, Chu Xiuming must have concealed it to protect him.

T/N – I think at first Shen Jin thought the Emperor dismissed Chu Xiuyuan because he was a shu / illegal son, then he probably was an out of wedlock child who was called a ‘cousin’ to cover an embarrassing family secret.

The second question. No wonder Rui-wangfei said Wangfu could protect Shen Jin — at least some parts. As to how much that ‘some parts’ went, it also depended on situation.

If Fujun was fine, Wangfu could protect her with all it’s might, but if…… In the end Rui-wang and Rui-wangfei couldn’t bet the whole Wangfu on a daughter who had married away. Moreover Rui-wang had no real power, what he could do was limited. Shen Jin understood, and there was not resentment, but no matter how, her heart felt a little chilled.

Just as Rui-wangfei said, the outcome wasn’t in their hands. On a glance it looked like it’s in Emperor Cheng’s hand, but to think further, it also depended on Chu Xiuming. As long as he was fine, then Shen Jin would be fine too. The only thing that could protect her was Emperor Cheng being wary towards Chu Xiuming.

If something happened to Chu Xiuming, what would she do? Her eyes drifted, both hands subconsciously reached for her belly. Without this child, if something happened to Chu Xiuming, Shen Jin would simply go to accompany him. But now….. she wasn’t willing to see this child lost his or her chance to grow up.

Chen-cefei had the same thought. If something happened to Chu Xiuming, Emperor Cheng wouldn’t let his wife and unborn child alive. And that time Rui-wang and Rui-wangfei couldn’t just for the sake of Shen Jin alone…..

Emperor Cheng said he had no daughter of suitable age so it had to be Rui-wang’s, but talking about age, Shen Jin wasn’t at the suitable age either. Rui-wang wouldn’t disobey the Emperor for a shu daughter, and Rui-wangfei…… Let’s say Rui-wangfei had known some things, but that time she hadn’t met Chu Xiuming yet, while there were rumours about Chu Xiuming’s fiancees being killed in some so-called accidents. The more she thought, the more Chen-cefei was fearful and cold. Shen Jin was sacrificed.

Meeting this kind of Chu Xiuming was Shen Jin’s good fortune, but how if the rumours were true? Even if just some parts of the rumours, Shen Jin’s days would be hard to endure. Could Rui Wangfu had helped Shen Jin to escape? No way.

During the siege Shen Jin had written plenty of letters to Rui-wang asking for help, but nothing happened, just like stones sunk in the ocean. Chen-cefei didn’t know about the letters either, only later that she learned about it. Most likely Rui-wangfei knew about the letters, but Shen Jin had basically been forsaken.

In short, as long as it didn’t endanger herself or her children, Rui-wangfei was willing to lend Shen Jin a hand, and to build relations with Chu Xiuming. Nevertheless, at the bottom of the matters was … that Shen Jin was forsaken.

Chen-cefei felt her heart twisted with a knife, to think she only understood now but her daughter had seen facts clearly from the early days. If only she had been aware earlier, she would have hung herself at Rui Wangfu gate so noone could conceal the news of her death.

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Shen Jin stroke her belly, “Did Fujun leave a word with Steward Zhao?”

Zhao-momo said, “Yes.”

At Shen Jin’s looking at herself, Zhao-momo said, “The General ordered everyone to listen to Furen.”

“Oh.” Shen Jin thought about it. “How sure are you about sending Mother and I out of the Capital, or keep us hidden?”

Emperor Cheng must have sent someone inform Chu Xiuming that he knew about Shen Jin’s pregnancy to mess with his mind. It would be good if Shen Jin could escape being in Emperor Cheng’s hands.

“Half.” Zhao-momo said.

Chen-cefei said, “That way, would it be better if Jin Girl return to Yongning residence.”

Shen Jin shook her head, “It might be harder to leave from Yongning residence.”

Chen-cefei asked, “Why is that?”

“I don’t know.” Shen Jin answered plainly.

Chen-cefei looked at her, Shen Jin explained, “Fujun told me to stay at Wangfu, maybe he thought Wangfu is safer, or easier to escape from?” She was just trusting Chu Xiuming wholeheartedly.

Zhao-momo spoke up, “It is correct, because there are too few people in Yongning residence.”

Chen-cefei understood now. There were less than 20 people in Yongning residence, while there were over 100 in Wangfu. Escaping during a chaos from Wangfu was easier. “Then how if only Jin Girl?”

“60% chance.” Zhao-momo said.

Chen-cefei decided, “Then just only Jin Girl.”

But Shen Jin asked Zhao-momo again, “How if only the child?”

“80%.” Zhao-momo knew Shen Jin would have made her decision. This Furen was extremely obedient to the General when everything was safe and fine, but in a dangerous situation, she wasn’t someone who would back down.

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Chen-cefei understood. She pulled Shen Jin into her arms, “If only you weren’t born in this Wangfu, you wouldn’t have to suffer this much.”

As if she had returned to her childhood, Shen Jin rubbed her face on Chen-cefei. Zhao-momo withdrew with a sigh in her heart, carefully closed the door for them.

Before she met Chu Xiuming, Shen Jin had also thought how wonderful it would have been if she wasn’t born in Wangfu. She didn’t need silk clothing and fancy cuisine, she only wanted to live well with her mother. But now…. she felt fortunate to have met and married Chu Xiuming, it wouldn’t have happened if she hadn’t been Rui-wang’s daughter.

Shen Jin couldn’t say so to Chen-cefei, “Mother, it is fine. Fujun has promised to come back safely.”

“I feel this Wangfu is full of people without compassion.” Chen-cefei’s teeth clenched.

Shen Jin realised her mother had resentments in her heart towards Wangfu. She thought for a while before speaking.

“Actually, Mother, it would be false if I say I don’t feel bitter in my heart, but in the end….. Say Mother Consort as an example, when she entered the Palace with you to see the Empress Dowager, she wouldn’t have known whether Fujun and I would come or not. If we didn’t come, you and her would be in trouble, but she still went. It was because the most important thing for her wasn’t herself. She would have hoped that you and herself would be safe.”

“And today, had this been Eldest Sister or Eldest Brother or Younger Brother, Mother Consort would also have to choose one person to let go for the sake of the lives of others.”

Shen Jin didn’t want herself to have too much resentment. However, she wasn’t someone who was willingly sacrifice herself for others either. She knew that if she and her mother escaped, Rui Wangfu would be implicated. Still, she wanted to escape if she had the chance. In the end it was all about everyone having different priorities.

Chen-cefei sighed, “You are just too kind.”

Shen Jin’s smiling eyes were curved, but she wasn’t prepared to tell her mother what she just thought. She loved to be viewed by her mother as the obedient daughter that always needed to be protected.

Chen-cefei glanced at Shen Jin’s belly, wishing Chu Xiuming could really come back in safety. Shen Jin wouldn’t have casually asked the question of letting just the child escape if she hadn’t had some thoughts.

It was a long way to Central Min, and another period of time needed once he got there. Emperor Cheng would have to wait for Chu Xiuming to have had some fights with the pirates before he took action. The pirates had just plundered a while ago so they wouldn’t come ashore in short time. Chu Xiuming wasn’t a reckless person, he wasn’t familiar with the soldiers in Central Min yet so he wouldn’t rashly go down the sea to attack.

Not only that, based on Emperor Cheng’s temperament, even if there was a news of Chu Xiuming’s fall, he wouldn’t act before making sure first. Sending information return and fro would take a lot of time, so he wouldn’t move against Shen Jin for long time. Shen Jin was currently 2 months pregnant, she only needed to wait until the 7th month, then she could stake it all in getting the child born earlier, and had Zhao-momo and the rest could bring the child to escape.

This was the worst case scenario, but Shen Jin still felt nothing would happen to Chu Xiuming, “Mother, Fujun will come back.” Because he had promised.

Chen-cefei silently nodded.

Shen Jin gently stroke her belly, it wasn’t obvious yet, but their child was inside.

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Chen-cefei exhaled slowly a few times to calm herself down, “I will tell you some things.”


Chen-cefei said, “This is something Wangfei told Shizi and me at the night of that earthquake.”

Shen Jin looked at the mother who stretched her hand to stroke Shen Jin’s hair, she slowly began, “The 3th year of Yongjia reign…..”

Yongjia was the reign year of the previous emperor. The current year was the 25th year of Yongqi, Emperor Cheng had been on the throne for 25 years already.

“That time Ying-wang, the previous emperor’s younger brother, colluded with the Barbarians to rebel. The former Emperor wasn’t prepared, he suffered losses by losses and was actually defeated. Ying-wang’s army was approaching the Capital, the Crown Prince…..”

Shen Jin’s eyes were full of shock, what Chen-cefei said next was completely different from what she knew. The Crown Prince was not killed by Ying-wang, the Crown Princess didn’t die of suicide in order to follow her husband, Emperor Cheng wasn’t given the throne prior to the previous emperor’s death due to his merits in turning crisis into victory…..

What did it all to do with Chu family? Ying-wang stole military maps for the Barbarians, and hid Barbarians army in his vassal land. When Ying-wang marched to attack the Capital, the Barbarians went to meet Chu family army.

By the time Chu family army managed to drove the Barbarians away, everything in the Capital had happened. Emperor Cheng had obtained a posthumous edict by the previous Emperor appointing himself to the throne, and he blocked Chu family army to enter the Capital.

Out of all Emperor Cheng’s male siblings, only Rui-wang was left. The rest were said to be dead of sickness or were killed by Ying-wang.

“There was a girl from Chu family who was the Crown Prince’s Cefei.” Chen-cefei said.

Shen Jin had heard about the ends of the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess, but nothing about the other people in the Crown Prince’s residence. She had wondered about it but didn’t pay much attention.

Chen-cefei said, “Wangfei told me these, but I don’t know more.”

Shen Jin nodded and bit her lips. She still felt strange, the Crown Prince had really left no children? What did Chu family do after that? There were missing parts, did Mother Consort really know nothing more…… but then why did she secretly help Fujun? Were there more that she hadn’t said?

Chen-cefei had finished talking, she got up, touched her daughter’s face, “I’ll go to the kitchen. You are pregnant and last night you were frightened. It’s not good to drink too much of calming mixture, so I am going to the kitchen to make you some nourishing soup.”

“Alright.” Shen Jin understood Chen-cefei wanted her to ask Zhao-momo. She was Shen Jin’s mother, but it’s still not appropriate for her to listen to Chu family secrets.

Chen-cefei didn’t see Zhao-momo outside, there were only Anping and Anning who told her that Zhao-momo was concerned for Shen Jin so she had gone to the kitchen first.

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