Chapter 60.1

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Zhao-momo approved of what Chen-cefei did, it was the least she could do out of love for her daughter as she had no say in the Wangfu. Zhao-momo comforted her, “Cefei there is no need to blame yourself.”

“I have made Jin Girl worried.” Chen-cefei sighed. Zhao-momo didn’t answer, some matters needed to be processed by the person themselves.

Shen Jin had been waiting, without beating around the bush she asked, “Mother Consort told Mother to tell me about the 37th year of Yongjia, but some parts of it are still unclear.”

Zhao-momo wasn’t surprised, she had been waiting for Shen Jin to ask, “Furen, which part you would like to know?”

“Did the late Crown Prince leave any offspring?”

Zhao-momo nodded, Shen Jin’s body shook.

Without any proof, the paranoid Emperor Cheng had suspected Chu Xiuming to be late Crown Prince’s son. Chu Xiuming’s previous three fiancees lost their lives because Emperor Cheng had meant for him to marry into the family.

If Chu Xiuming disobeyed the bestowed marriage then it must be because he was hiding something and was unwilling to marry a cousin. If he accepted, then even if he later had enough evidences to declare himself the late Crown Prince’s son, he would be despised by the world.

As this might affect reputation, the girl had to be Rui-wang’s instead of Emperor Cheng’s own daughters. Rui-wangfei had probably guessed something so she had silently arranged for Shen Qi to be betrothed very early.

Shen Jin touched her own belly, she didn’t ask more. She was afraid of knowing too much, afraid that if one day the child’s safety was threatened, she wouldn’t be able to resist trading the knowledge for the child’s life.

“Furen don’t think too much.” Zhao-momo gently said, “The General has his own arrangement, he can protect Furen and the child.”

Shen Jin nodded, “That’s right, I shouldn’t think too much, the child may be born ugly.”

Zhao-momo laughed, “I’ll have some hot water ready. This evening Furen could have a warm bath and a good night sleep.”

“Yes.” She had been jumpy since Chu Xiuming left, it wasn’t good for the baby and herself. She had to get herself out of this condition, and that including getting out of self-blaming.

“If this child is born ugly, then it’s Fujun’s fault, not mine.”

Thinking about Furen and the General’s appearances, Zhao-momo was very certain when she replied, “The child will be beautiful.”

Shen Jin smiled until her eyes curved, then she asked in a spoiled tone, “Momo, I want to eat milk cake.”

Zhao-momo immediately promised it, “How if I take Furen to the garden to play with Xiaobudian?”

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“Good.” Shen Jin nodded. Seeing her mood had recovered, Zhao-momo was relieved, she helped Shen Jin get up and walked her to the garden.

Shen Jin had thought it through, whatever was going to happen let it happen. As long as Chu Xiuming was fine then Emperor Cheng wouldn’t dare to touch her. If she kept on scaring herself, she might soon….. then it would be just what Emperor Cheng wanted. He would be pleased, but Shen Jin wouldn’t. Between letting others happy and letting herself happy, she chose the latter without the slightest hesitation.

“Call Doctor Wang here to check my pulse.”

Zhao-momo smiled, “Yes, I am going now.”

Shen Jin nodded contentedly, Zhao-momo helped her sit down and told Anning to wait on Shen Jin before she left for the doctor. Shen Jin called out, “Xiaobudian.”

Xiaobudian was sitting at the door of the small kitchen gnawing a piece of bone. It’s ears pricked up and without waiting for the second call, it ran to Shen Jin with a bone in the mouth.

Chen-cefei hurriedly called out, “Xiaobudian don’t run around.” The cook who came from the border laughed, “Cefei don’t worry, it’s must be Furen calling, otherwise it won’t run around.”

Chen-cefei saw it was indeed running to Shen Jin, she laughed, “No wonder people praise dogs have good hearing.”

Shen Jin smiled, “Xiaobudian, I miss you.” Xiaobudian put it’s bone on the floor then crouched next to Shen Jin, letting her fingers on it’s head, “Aowu!”

Shen Jin smiled until her eyes narrowed, seeing the bone, “You went to the kitchen to beg food again?”

“Aowu!” Xiaobudian’s eyes were also narrowed, it’s ears waved.

“Eh, yesterday your left ear was drooping and the right ear sticked out, how come today it’s the other way around?” She pinched Xiaobudian’s ears. Xiaobudian wiggled, “Aowu.”

“Alright, I am waiting until your both ears stand up. That time Xiaobudian is grown up.”

Xiaobudian used it’s dog face to rub Shen Jin’s legs, making her laughed, “Don’t think I forgot you want to eat. Can’t eat more, you are too fat already.”

“Aowu.” Xiaobudian looked at her innocently.

Shen Jin scolded, “I won’t fall for it. Anning, take the bone away. You can’t eat more, your stomach is bulging.” Since Chu Xiuming left, Xiaobudian had been gaining weight quickly.

Anning bent down to pick up the bone. Xiaobudian’s tail slumped, it was looking very pitiful but stayed put, “Aowu.”

Without Shen Jin’s order, Anning and the others wouldn’t dare to touch Xiaobudian’s possessions. The dog looked docile in front of Shen Jin, but they still remembered it had wolf blood running in it’s body, and Chu Xiuming had used blood to train it.

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Doctor Wang arrived soon. He was a very skillful doctor especially on gynecology, he was also taking care of the Empress and the Empress Dowager. Shen Qi was also there, silently watching the doctor took Shen Jin’s pulse. She came when she heard Shen Jin called for the doctor, and she was relieved when she saw Shen Jin was sitting there with rosy complexion and a relaxed face.

“Furen is fine.” Doctor Wang said, “There is no need to worry.”

Shen Jin smiled, her voice was soft and adorable, “I am not well enough to go to the Palace to thank Emperor Uncle. When Emperor Uncle summons Doctor, please send my gratitude.”

Shen Qi’s paused at that, did Sister really not know the Emperor had hidden meaning for sending this doctor here?

Shen Jin sighed, “I have enjoyed this due to Father’s light, but when Doctor returns please remind Emperor Uncle that Father’s injuries are external wounds, and he is a man. Perhaps Emperor Uncle himself is very healthy so he didn’t remember.”

Doctor Wang didn’t know how to respond, he also knew he wasn’t there due to an overlook. He felt uneasy to hear the gratitude Shen Jin displayed.

Shen Jin continued as if there was nothing unusual, “Or probably Emperor Uncle has known Father’s concubine and myself are expecting so he sends Doctor here.”

After saying that, her face looked very satisfied as if she had just solved a big mystery. “If it’s so, then Emperor Uncle didn’t send a wrong person, he is just caring for us the younger generation.”

Doctor Wang sighed in his heart that Countess Yongning was really kind and filial.

Shen Jin turned to Shen Qi, “Elder Sister, what do you think?”

“Very good,” Shen Qi was also smiling, “Younger Sister is thoughtful. Doctor, could you also take my pulse. My appetite hasn’t been good lately.”

Doctor Wang checked Shen Qi’s pulse, his expression unexpectedly turned serious, “Please Shizi-fei give me your other hand.”

Shen Qi was only trying to share the focus but never thought it turned into something real, she hurriedly stretched out her hand. Shen Jin became anxious as well.

After a while Doctor Wang said, “Congratulations, Shizi-fei is over one month pregnant.”

“Congratulations Sister.” Shen Jin recovered first. But then she smugly followed with, “But Sister’s child would have to call mine Elder Sister or Elder Brother.”

Shen Qi didn’t care about it, her face was still full of excitement, mixed with disbelief, “But …..”

Shuangqiao knew what she wanted to say, “Doctor, is my Furen fine? She just had her period not long ago.”

“It might not be real. And it’s still a little unstable, but basically there is no problem. Shizi-fei will be fine after taking some medicine and resting for a few days.” Doctor Wang explained with a smile, “It’s still early, so….”

Shen Qi and Shuangqiao understood. Shen Qi smiled, “Thank you Doctor.” Coming for Shen Jin, she didn’t bring anything suitable, Zhao-momo took out a pair of high quality jade pendants to reward the doctor.

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Anping had prepared writing equipment so Doctor Wang could write their prescriptions right away. Shuangqiao picked up the prescriptions and Zhao-momo sent the doctor out.

Shen Jin reminded Shen Qi, “Elder Sister, send someone to inform Mother Consort and Brother-in-law, they would be very happy too.”

“Alright.” Shen Qi’s eyes was glistening with tears as she touched her belly, “I will not lose this child.”

Shen Jin knew Shen Qi was thinking of the previous unborn child, she reached out to hold her hand, “Sister, are you going back to Yongning residence?”

Shen Qi’s eyes narrowed, “Not going, I’ll talk to Shizi.” It wasn’t good to leave the residence too long, but the child was more important than material things. Anyone dared to make a move while she was away, she could still sort them out later. Right now she needed to get Shizi to agree to it.

Shen Jin nodded, her hand lightly touched Shen Qi’s belly. The smug face came back, she said to the belly, “Call my child Older Sister or Older Brother, okay.”

“You are awesome.” Shen Qi laughed and grabbed her hand. Looking at Shen Jin’s still flat belly, a thought formed in her mind, but she would discuss it with her mother first.

Chen-cefei heard about it, she congratulated Shen Qi with a smile, “And how about talking inside the room?”

“It’s still Chen-cefei who is most thorough.” Shen Qi smiled and nodded, the two of them headed inside.

Shen Jin was in the mood of ‘being joyful of other’s misfortune’, “Elder Sister, from now on, no tea for you, and you can’t have much cakes either.” She was so happy at this.

Shen Qi laughed, “I am not you. I don’t usually eat cakes anyway.”

Shen Jin frowned, then she patted Xiaobudian’s head, “Go back.”

Xiaobudian licked her hand and left with for the garden without waiting for anyone to lead it away. Shen Jin didn’t mind Xiaobudian around her during pregnancy, but she didn’t know if Shen Qi would mind.

Due to Shen Jin’s pregnancy, all the dishes in Moyun Courtyard were already suitable to pregnant women so they could just sat down and started with their red date soup. Rui-wangfei quickly arrived, her face was also full of unconcealed happiness. Before they could stand up, she already told them not to, “No need, sit down.”

“Qi-er, have you sent someone to inform Yongle residence?” Rui-wangfei asked Shen Qi.

At the words Yongle residence, the smile on Shen Qi’s face faded a little, “Not yet.”

Rui-wangfei turned to Cuixi, “Send someone there.” “Yes.” Cuixi answered and went out.

Rui-wangfei asked, “What did the doctor say?”

Shen Qi told her what the doctor said, Rui-wangfei nodded, “Don’t go anywhere these few days, just stay inside to maintain your health.”

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“Yes.” Shen Qi answered. After a few more words, Rui-wangfei took Shen Qi away.

Chen-cefei asked Shen Jin, “Tired?”

Shen Jin shook her head, “Not yet. After thinking it through, I feel a lot more relaxed.”

Chen-cefei saw her looking much better, she smiled, “Good then.”

Doctor Wang was supposed to stay two more days at Rui Wangfu, but he was called back because the Empress Dowager suddenly fell sick. He found the Empress Dowager was just suffering from common older people sickness, he prescribed some supplements and advised her not to think too much. The timing of this sickness was very good, but he couldn’t say it was just an excuse to call him back.

The Empress had lost a lot of weight due to Prime Minister Chen’s problem, she had become thinner than the Empress Dowager. Empress Dowager sighed, “Doctor Wang please also check the Empress’ pulse.”

“Empress Mother….” The Empress was going to refuse but the Empress Dowager on the bed shook her head.

The Empress refrained and sat down to let Doctor Wang check her pulse. After a long while he said in a serious tone, “The Empress has too much worries.”

The Empress’ health was actually much worse than the Empress Dowager, but Doctor Wang couldn’t say it. “It is better if the Empress could take a rest and recuperate for a longer period.”

The Empress Dowager understood, she sighed, “Doctor please prescribe medicine.” The Empress looked troubled, she lowered her head in silence.

After the doctor left, the Empress Dowager called her to come closer to the bed, “Don’t think too much, you are the Empress because you are my son’s main wife, other things are not your problems.”

“Thanking Empress Mother.” The Empress said, holding back her tears. The Empress Dowager wasn’t in high spirit either, she waved her hand to let the Empress and her attendants left.

When the Empress returned, her birth daughter Zhaoyang and the adopted daughter Chenyang had been waiting. Zhaoyang Gongzhu supported her arms and asked, “Mother Empress, how is Imperial Grandmother?”

“Nothing serious.” The Empress looked tired, “The Empress Dowager doesn’t like to be disturbed, but as the closest granddaughters, you still must pay your respect everyday.”

Chenyang Gongzhu was spoiled and overbearing but she still knew when she had to, “Yes.”

Zhaoyang Gongzhu saw her mother’s face, “Mother Empress, are you alright?”

The Empress thought for a while before answering. “The doctor told me to take a rest for a while. The two of you can replace me with the filial duty attending to the Empress Dowager.”

Paying respect meant just showing face then leave, while attending meant they were to stay for a while. Zhaoyang Gongzhu and Chenyang Gongzhu were a little reluctant but they still accepted it.

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