Chapter 60.2

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Doctor Wang didn’t return to the Imperial Hospital as Emperor Cheng called him over. Unexpectedly he was asked about Rui Wangfu instead of the Empress Dowager’s illness. Sighing inwardly, Doctor Wang bowed and started to give his reports.

Doctor Wang said, “Countess Yongning has a pure and filial heart, and she thinks for Your Majesty in every way.” He continued talking about what Shen Jin said, and as his head was lowered, he didn’t see the Emperor’s face had changed and changed.

With how Shen Jin put it, it looked as if she was the one who had helped Emperor Cheng glossing over a mistake. The generous hat had swifted to someone else’s head, Emperor Cheng was inevitably angry but couldn’t say it openly. He could only try to swallow it down, but it felt like stuck in the middle, couldn’t go down but wouldn’t go up either.

Not only that, but his next move had also been disclosed. A letter to Chu Xiuming on the way as a warning that the mother and baby were in his hand would make Chu Xiuming distracted, and it would be easier for his people in Central Min to take action.

Shen Jin’s words were direct stabs to him. If this had been a fight, he was a master exerting his ultimate winning strike, but who knew the opponent rolled and dodged his move, and somehow in that critical moment he stumbled without knowing. That sort of wretched feeling!

Nevertheless when he thought from another perspective, this wasn’t bad either. He had been worrying of the prospect that when Chu Xiuming died, the army at the border wouldn’t listen to orders. Now with Shen Jin being loyal to the Court and himself this Emperor Uncle, this Countess Yongning with Chu Xiuming’s child in her belly could be used to get things done.

The more he thought, the more feasible it was. This had turned out to be a better plan than getting rid of them after Chu Xiuming’s death.

With pride in his eyes, Emperor Cheng said, “Zhen’s this niece, someone comes, reward…..”

Hoping for the ancestor’s blessing that Shen Jin’s child would be a boy. But even if it wasn’t….. at the time of the birth she could be brought to the Palace, and whatever was born that time would be a boy.

Shen Jin at Rui Wangfu was unaware what she did out of anger had led to the Emperor thinking very far ahead. She didn’t know that even if Chu Xiuming died, she and the baby wouldn’t be in danger. But if she could find out, she would desperately wanted to bite Emperor Cheng. Not only he played trick on her husband, but wanted to do the same on her child as well.

Because of what’s in Emperor Cheng’s mind, Shen Jin received many rewards and her days had turned even more comfortable. Rui-wangfei couldn’t fathom what the Emperor was doing, but receiving rewards was always a good thing. She secretly paid more attention and took care on not speaking too much.

When Yongle Shizi learned that his wife was pregnant, he immediately looked for his supervisor to ask for a leave. Unfortunately what he saw at home wasn’t a happy smiling wife, but a miserably crying wife. He tried to persuade her to no avail as she wouldn’t tell him anything.

Shuangqiao couldn’t stand it anymore, she said, “Master Shizi, Shizi-fei is worried about the child….”

“Is there any problem?” Yongle Shizi was surprised.

Shuangqiao cried, “Master Shizi, remember the child last time was already a fully formed male baby, and this time Shizi-fei….. The doctor ordered a quiet recuperation.”

Yongle Shizi was quite embarrassed to be reminded of the previous child. Shen Qi angrily reprimanded Shuangqiao, “Stop talking nonsense.”

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Shuangqiao still continued, “Furen, you have sufferred so much but Shizi is still in the dark….”

She dropped down and bumped her forehead heavily on the floor in kowtows. “Master Shizi, please think more on behalf of Furen, it was a strange matter. Shizi-fei trusted Master Shizi so much, in what way the child was lost….. how Concubine Yun was able to conceal everything. The person behind it was someone Master Shizi never suspected!”

“What are you talking about!” Yongle Shizi was thoroughly shocked.

“Don’t say it.” Shen Qi cried.

Shuangqiao ignored her, “Master Shizi, can’t you see it? Marchioness Yongle knew your Shizi position would become more stable if you had a di son. Shizi-fei investigated it as soon as waking up but nothing was found, all the clues had been cleanly wiped. Who else in the whole residence was able to do it…..”

His heart shaken, the humiliation inflicted by his brothers and sister-in-laws when they were kneeling at the gate flashed in his mind. He went up to hold Shen Qi, “Don’t worry, just stay at Wangfu to wait for the birth. I’ll talk to Father first and come back to accompany you.”

“Fujun….” Shen Qi wrapped her arms around Yongle Shizi, her face looked touched. “If only I had had the management of the residence that time, I wouldn’t have let Fujun in difficulties now.”

This made Yongle Shizi upset, Mother wasn’t willing to let go of the authority, and Shen Qi had born it all for him, everything happened because of him.

“It’s not a problem, don’t think too much. I’m going now but I will be back.” Yongle Shizi warmly said.

Shen Qi nodded and restrained her tears, she wiped her face and saw his off. When he had gone, all the upset disappeared from her face.

Shuangqiao called someone to help her freshen up. “Would Master Shizi believe it?”

“Why wouldn’t he?” Shen Qi understood Yongle Shizi now. “It is better than admitting that he was deceived by a woman, and also better than putting all the guilt of losing a child onto himself.”

Shuangqiao sighed inwardly, she knew not to talk more of this. “Wangfei sent a momo here, I’ll check the room they are preparing. I saw Furen liked the soft cushions at Yongning-furen place so I have the stewardesses made some, they should be ready now.”

Shen Qi nodded, “Don’t let anyone from Yongle residence come near me.”

“This Slave understands.” Shuangqiao responded.

Shuangqiao helped her to the bed to rest and called a little maid to stand watch, then she went out to get busy.

With the two daughters being pregnant and the rewards from Emperor Cheng, Rui-wang was very happy that apart from sighing once, he didn’t say anything else when Rui-wangfei told him about Xu-cefei and Shen Jing.

Rui-wangfei gently said, “Xu-cefei might has done wrongs but she is sincere towards Wangye, and Shen Jing is Wangye’s daughter. In this situation it doesn’t look good to keep them at the hamlet, how about letting them come back? In Wangfu they could be treated by doctors and would be better served. Maybe they would recover faster when they see Wangye is fine.”

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“You can arrange it.” Rui-wang sighed and felt his wife was really magnanimous.

Rui-wangfei nodded and told him about Li-shi next. “When Wangye had fully recovered, we should have a small family banquet, invite Shen Zi and Second Son-in-law here as well.”

“What good it is to call her here.” Rui-wang had heard from people around him that Shen Zi didn’t even send anyone to ask about him, and Rui-wangfei still helped her conceal this.

“It’s probably not very convenient, but she is still your daughter.”

Rui-wang stopped but his face was displeased.

Shen Jin’s days had turned more comfortable, under Chen-cefei’s and Zhao-momo’s care, her fair face had turned rosier and more beautiful. Shen Qi often came to have meals with her, whether her appetite had grown due to the pregnancy, or because watching Shen Jin ate made herself hungrier, she found herself ate more and her face turned rosier too.

At the beginning Marchioness Yongle was happy to hear about Shen Zi’s pregnancy, thinking the management right would be returned to her soon.

However her son next said the doctor had let Shen Zi stayed at Wangfu during the unstable early pregnancy. This was a slap to the Marchioness’ face, but Marquis Yongle said to the Shizi, “It’s fine, prepare some gifts to take with you.”

“Master!” The Marchioness exclaimed in anger, “Shen Qi is our daughter-in-law.”

Marquis Yongle said, “Shizi go now, have your wet nurse help you prepare.”

“Yes.” Yongle Shizi answered right away.

He stopped the Marchioness from speaking, after their son was far enough, he said, “You still can’t see it? If you keep on oppressing our daughter-in-law, he would be distant from you.” He left after speaking.

Shen Qi told Rui-wangfei her worries, Rui-wangfei told her not to be anxious, the child wasn’t born yet, some things couldn’t be rushed.

When Xu-cefei and Shen Jin was taken back to Wangfu, Shen Jin and Shen Qi weren’t allowed to see them fearing that they would be emotional. Rui-wang went to see them once only. Shen Rong and Shen Hao also went to see them once. Shen Zi didn’t come, she only send someone to deliver some things.

Rui-wangfei told the maids to serve them well, Xu-cefei and Shen Jing didn’t return to their original courtyards, they were now staying at a more remote one in the corner of the Wangfu. They woke up multiple times at night, and only got better after some doses of calming medicine.

Rui-wang’s injuries were only external wounds, he became well after a month. At that time Shen Jin had been pregnant for 3 months, and Shen Qi’s was 2 months, she looked well and had gained some weight. It was just a family affair so the preparation was simpler, Rui-wangfei had her subordinates to manage it, she only needed to check when done.

Today was a happy occasion, so Shen Jin chose a aqua-red dress to wear, a hibiscus hairpin with pearl beads and another small pearl hairpin on her hair, a pearl imbedded bracelet was on her wrist.

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Zhao-momo was busy telling Anping and Anning to serve well, after checking everything was complete, she told Shen Jin, “Furen, never be alone.”

Since getting pregnant, Shen Jin rarely wore jewelleries so she was a bit uncomfortable now, but she nodded, “Momo don’t worry.”

Zhao-momo and Chen-cefei had been accompanying Shen Jin everywhere but today they couldn’t go with her to the main courtyard. Zhao-momo couldn’t help herself to keep admonishing Anping and Anning.

Shen Jin and the girls left for the main courtyard, she whispered, “I think Momo nags more and more now.”

Anping laughed, “Momo does it for Furen.”

Shen Jin looked proud, “Of course, Momo loves me the most.”

With Anning supporting her hand, Shen Jin reached the main courtyard. Shen Qi was talking to Rui-wangfei. “Eh, why is Brother-in-law not with Elder Sister?”

Shen Qi smiled, “Father called him to give him a lecture.”

Shen Jin smiled too, Rui-wangfei told her to sit on her side, “Take it easy.”

“I will.” Shen Jin leaned against Rui-wangfei.

Shen Rong arrived, after letting her sit down, Rui-wangfei asked, “Where is Hao Boy?”

“Little Brother is in the study with two Elder Brothers.”

Shen Rong was wearing a light green dress, she had lost a lot of weight and looked somewhat unnatural with powder on her face, it wasn’t really necessary at her age. Even Shen Jin and Shen Qi weren’t using any powder and rouge, they had stopped since the pregnancies.

Rui-wangfei warmly said, “This cake is not bad, try some.”

“Yes that’s right.” Shen Jin picked one piece, “Fifth Sister have some more.”

Shen Qi laughed, “Your Third Sister also wants some more but she is not allowed.”

Shen Rong smiled her thanks, took a piece and ate it slowly. She didn’t speak unless spoken to, she was completely different from the old Shen Rong in Shen Jin’s memory. It was as if Shen Rong had suddenly matured at once.

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After they chatted for a while, Shen Qi frowned, “Second Sister and Second Brother-in-law aren’t here yet?”

Rui-wangfei said, “Zheng residence is a bit far.”

Shen Rong was still lowering her head, she didn’t react. Shen Jin said, “Mother Consort, I am going to change my clothes.”

“Alright. Let Cuixi help you.”

Shen Jin nodded. It was said to be changing clothes but was actually a trip to the restroom, it was more convenient with Cuixi along. They left with Anning and Anping following behind.

Rui-wangfei asked, “Qi-er, do you want to change your clothes too?”

Shen Qi shook her head, “No need.”

At that moment a maid came to report that Zheng Jiaqu and Shen Zi had arrived. Shen Qi laughed but didn’t say anything. Shen Rong slightly bit her lips and fell silent.

Rui-wangfei ordered, “Take Shen Qi here, and Zheng Jiaqu to Wangye.”

Shen Zi was soon there. She was wearing in bright red from top to down, a golden phoenix hairpin inlaid with pearl on her hair, and a pair of golden earrings with red gemstones on her ears. Her dress up looked completely rich and impressive, and it complimented her lovely looks.

She came in and greeted Rui-wangfei, smiled to Shen Qi, then sat down next to Shen Rong, “You don’t know how to call people now?”

“Second Sister.” Shen Rong said in a low voice.

Shen Zi she wanted to see Shen Rong’s face but didn’t feel right to try. She didn’t know what actually happened that had incriminated her mother and Fourth Sister. The only person she could ask was Shen Rong but she looked to be still upset with her.

Shen Zi felt a bit guilty, but the guilt turned to anger as she remembered her lost child. The anger soon changed to hatred. It was a hatred towards Shen Jin, Shen Jin made them lowered like this. Hatred coloured her face.

Shen Jin happened to return at that moment, she looked at Shen Zi once then returned to her seat next to Rui-wangfei.

Shen Zi’s eyes turned sharp, before Shen Jin sat down she had said, “Third Sister is really something, coming this late.”

Shen Jin didn’t care at all, she was handed her goat milk by Anning, she turned to Shen Qi, “Elder Sister, milk doesn’t smell good but it is most nourishing.”

Shen Qi’s maid also handed her a bowl of milk, she would drink it for the baby.

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