Chapter 61.1

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Shuangqiao hurriedly brought Shen Qi warm water to rinse her mouth after finishing the milk, she also put a candied fruit into her mouth.

Shen Jin was laughing at Shen Qi. As for what Shen Zi said, none of it got into her heart as if nothing was said. Shen Zi’s face turned uglier at this blatant brush-off.

Behind a handkerchief Shen Rong lightly touched the scar on her face, there was some joy at Shen Zi receiving a cold shoulder. If only Shen Zi hadn’t forgotten herself, Mother, Fourth Sister and herself wouldn’t have been in this predicament. Mother was Father’s favourite, and she….. The wound had healed but the scar remained, she didn’t dare to go out without covering it with powder.

Shen Rong’s eyes were slightly lowered as she said in small voice, “Second Sister, just now Third Sister was only changing clothes.” Shen Zi glared at her but Shen Rong kept her head bowed. Shen Zi didn’t say anything as there was still some guilt in her heart.

Rui-wangfei asked her, “How is your health?”

Shen Zi’s face changed but she restrained herself, she still needed to rely on Rui Wangfu for support, this time she had actually breathed a sigh of relief that she was still invited here. “I am much better now. I haven’t congratulated Eldest Sister for the good news.”

Shen Qi nodded, “Thank you.”

Rui-wangfei didn’t ask her more. Shen Qi and Shen Jin started to talk about some mundane things with Shen Rong interjecting from time to time, in a short time the four of them were chatting and laughing, making Shen Zi on the side feeling very uneasy as if she had been excluded by everyone.

After a moment Rui-wangfei smiled, “Let’s go to the dining hall.”

“Yes.” Several people responded.

Anning came forward to support Shen Jin getting up. Shen Zi finally found an opportunity, she sneered, “Third Sister is really precious, what are you so cautious for, unless…..” She waited for everyone to understand the unspoken part themselves.

Rui-wangfei’s expression turned dark, Shen Qi also looked unhappy. The words were directed to Shen Jin but she herself was also being supported by Shuangqiao.

Shen Jin didn’t even look at Shen Zi, but Anping replied, “Young Zheng-furen had miscarriage before being aware of the pregnancy, so naturally Young Zheng-furen doesn’t realise caution is necessary even at early months. And as Young Zheng-furen is not familiar with our Furen, please address our Furen as Countess Yongning.”

“I am a Junzhu, how dare you this cheap person talk to me like that.” Shen Zi pointed her finger at Anping while scolding, “Third Sister, your maid lacks teaching. I’ll help you control her, come someone slap her!”

Unfortunately noone moved to do her bidding, Shen Qi coldly laughed, “Second Sister, you can show off later when you are back at Zheng family.”

As if nothing had happened, Rui-wangfei just proceeded to lead them outside. Shen Qi and Shen Jin followed behind her, and Shen Rong behind them in a slight distance. It would be a problem in case there was something wrong with any of the pregnant ones.

Shen Zi could only gritted her teeth and tailed them at the back. When they reached the dining hall, Rui-wang’s group weren’t there yet. Rui-wangfei told Cuixi to urge Rui-wang.

Rui-wang, his three sons, and the two sons-in-law arrived not long after. He smiled as he entered, “I am late.”

Shen Xuan said, “If Mother didn’t call, we would have forgotten.”

Rui-wangfei smiled, “All of you have thick faces and thick skin, it is fine to starve a little, just don’t let my sons-in-law hungry.”

Shen Xi laughed, “Mother is biased.”

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The maids had prepared water for washing hands, Rui-wang sat down with Rui-wangfei on his side. Rui-wangfei beckoned to Shen Rong, “Rong Girl, come sit with me.”

Shen Qi laughed, “As expected, with Fifth Sister around, Mother doesn’t love me anymore.”

Shen Rong shyly sat down. Shen Qi pulled Shen Jin and said she wanted to sit with her. Shen Jin sat next to Shen Rong with Shen Qi on her other side. Yongle Shizi sat next to Shen Qi, he was followed by Zheng Jiaqu. Shen Zi took her seat next to Zheng Jiaqu.

The other side was filled by Shen Hao, Shen Xuan and Shen Xi. Shen Rong wasn’t married, and Shen Jin’s husband was away, so the arrangement was quite good.

Yongle Shizi whispered to Shen Qi, “Did you have a good rest last night?”. He was too busy to come to Wangfu yesterday.

“Yes, very good.” She smiled, “And I had goat milk today.”

“Good then.” Yongle Shizi warmly said.

Shen Jin smiled, “Brother-in-law really cares for Sister.”

Shen Qi wasn’t shy, “Of course.”

Rui-wang and Rui-wangfei looked at each other, they were happy their daughter and son-in-law was in a good relationship. Rui-wangfei said, “Only you is the naughty one.”

Shen Jin pretended to lean on Shen Qi, Shen Qi laughed at her. Rui-wang saw them, “You two sisters are good to each other.”

Yongle Shizi also commented, “With Third Sister around, my Furen also looked much better.”

Zheng Jiaqu remembered what his mother’s advice, he joined in, “Father-in-law’s family is clearly close to each other, I am quite envious.”

Shen Jin looked at Zheng Jiagu, smilingly said, “Junma Brother-in-law, you are also family.”

Noone had time to react to her words yet when Shen Qi followed, “Yes, that’s right, Junma Brother-in-law.”

T/N – Fuma is a princess’s husband. Shen Zi was a Junzhu (second rank princess), so Junma is Junzhu’s husband.

Yongle Shizi looked at Zheng Jiaqu with a slightly odd expression. There was nothing wrong with Shen Qi and Shen Jin called him ‘Junma Brother-in-law’, but they had been calling him just ‘Brother-in-law’ before. Shen Zi was a Junzhu, but Zheng Jiaqu had no official position even if he was somewhat famous. This was the fact, but saying it out loudly was like tearing Zheng Jiaqu’s face apart.

Zheng Jiaqu asked her, “Didn’t you usually just called Brother-in-law? Why do you suddenly change it?”

He saw Shen Jin was still smiling widely that her eyes turned into crescent moons, it was as if she was just casually calling without intention except for including him into the family. Moreover, the relationship between Third Sister family and theirs wasn’t bad.

Shen Jin blinked innocently as if asking what was wrong?

Shen Zi was still upset, she replied, “Just now Second Sister has specifically said that she is a Junzhu, so Third Sister adjusts the address.”

Zheng Jiaqu’s face darkened but he couldn’t reply. Shen Zi must had been embarrassed that her own husband had no title while her sisters’s were Yongle Shizi and Count Yongning. She must have been trying to emphasis her own status as a Junzhu. Marrying a wife was marrying virtues, being married to such a woman, Zheng Jiaqu was extremely humiliated.

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Rui-wangfei said to Rui-wang, “Wangye, please have a meal.” It was as if whatever was said didn’t mean anything. Actually Rui-wang really didn’t feel anything.

It was just a family banquet, not many servants were around. Rui-wang personally picked some bamboo shoots and ferns to put on the small plate in front of Rui-wangfei. For himself, he took some gongbao rabbit. Everyone else started to move their chopsticks as well.

It was then that Shen Zi recovered and now she was suddenly panicking. Zheng Jiaqu and her had only  recently started to warm up, it would be bad if he misunderstood. Shen Zi was proud but she also knew that without Xu-cefei she shouldn’t be reckless, Rui-wangfei wouldn’t let Rui-wang help her.

Shen Zi angrily said, “Shen Jin, don’t start a nonsense rumour!”

“Ah?” Hearing someone said her name, Shen Jin looked up, when she saw it was Shen Zi with an ugly expression, she just said an “Oh”. Picking up a chrysanthemum loin, she lowered her head again and started to eat. She already had breakfast and goat milk but since falling pregnant, she got hungry very often, even after nap she had to eat something.

Rui-wang frowned at Shen Zi, “Go home if you don’t want to eat. What are you shouting for.”

Zheng Jiaqu’s face became even more displeased, again he felt Shen Zi was too embarrassing. But this was Rui Wangfu, so he just lowered his head to pick some dishes for Shen Zi.

“Father-in-law, these two days Junzhu has been unwell so please forgive her if she is a bit irritable.” He was speaking on Shen Zi’s behalf, but the word ‘Junzhu’ was clearly spoken with difficulty.

Rui-wangfei said, “What Junzhu. Second Girl is married into Zheng family, she is your wife now.”

Zheng Jiaqu smiled, “Mother-in-law, I understand.”

Shen Zi kept her silence, she knew her situation wasn’t good. If only Shen Jin hadn’t been there…… It was suddenly clear, if only Shen Jin hadn’t existed, she would still be a pampered Junzhu at Rui Wangfu, and her husband would have been …..

Shen Zi’s misstep was quickly forgotten as the others soon managed to coax Rui-wang and the atmosphere returned to being peaceful again. However Shen Zi’s existence there became awkward that even Zheng Jiaqu ignored her.

Shen Jin didn’t talk much, she just kept on eating until full. Holding the cup of warm water Rui-wangfei prepared for her and Shen Qi in both hands, she drank sips by sips until it finished. Putting down the cup, her eyes narrowed in satisfaction and happiness.

Zheng Jiaqu saw her that way, he inwardly sighed. How could sisters be so different from each other.

Shen Jin didn’t notice him at all, she was leaning against Shen Qi whispering to each other. It was not known what they were talking about when she broke into a laughter, her eyes turned crescent and her small dimples appeared.

Zheng Jiaqu suddenly felt his heart was shaken, unfortunately his cup shook as well and the wine spilled on his hand. Seeing Shen Jin was about to look his way, he hurriedly turned up his head to drink his wine. As he tried to drink too fast, the wine choked in his throat.

His one side was Yongle Shizi, so he turned to Shen Zi’s side while coughing. The maid lightly patted his back and Shen Zi handed him a handkerchief to wipe his lips. Zheng Jiaqu’s face was completely red as he awkwardly said, “Drinking too fast.”

Yongle Shizi laughed, “Father-in-law’s wine is very rich, it’s natural that Junma Brother-in-law drank too fast. I have also drunk a lot.”

Rui-wang didn’t mind at all, he laughed widely, “Ha ha, it’s good if you like. I’ll send a few jars with you to bring home, just tell me when you run out.”

Shen Zi’s clothes was splashed with drops of wine, she took this opportunity and stood up, “Father, Mother Consort, I am going to change my clothes.”

“Go on.” Rui-wangfei gently smiled.

Shen Zi left with her maid, leaving Zheng Jiaqu there with unhappy thoughts. As an accomplished literary talent from Zheng family, it’s inevitable that he was prideful and thought highly of himself. From the beginning he had been feeling that Shen Zi looked down on him. The previous conflict wasn’t resolved yet, the new one had occured, and now Shen Zi left him alone…. he felt more and more humiliated.

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For some reason he recalled Shen Jin’s smile and couldn’t stop himself looking at her direction. Shen Jin felt someone was looking, it was Zheng Jiaqu.

She looked back in puzzlement but he only stared at her without a word. Trying to think what wrongdoing she had done to make Zheng Jiaqu staring at her, her eyes suddenly brightened, she knew it. Just now Zheng Jiaqu was choked with wine, he must be wanting her warm water to drink. But after understanding it, Shen Jin was put in difficult position.

She wasn’t stingy for just a cup of water, Shen Qi’s and hers was the special one prepared by Rui-wangfei. It wasn’t actually water or tea, it’s the special nourishment for pregnant women. Thinking again, Shen Zi was Zheng Jiaqu’s wife, and it’s not like she gave him on her own initiative. Shen Jin whispered an order to Anping.

Sitting next to Shen Jin, Shen Qi heard her order very clearly, her eyes lit up with laughter but she didn’t stop Shen Jin.

Zheng Jiaqu saw Shen Jin talked to her maid, he stopped looking with a sigh in his heart. After a toast with Yongle Shizi, a maid suddenly approached him with a cup of water. It was the maid who was standing behind Shen Jin before.

Zheng Jiaqu’s heart moved, but when looking over he saw Shen Jin and Shen Qi were talking without any notice to himself. He took the cup and drank it after a thank you. It was a little sour and bitter, unsure what water it was, but he still felt a bit more comfortable after drinking.

Yongle Shizi saw him but saw nothing unusual, “Brother-in-law, wine should be drank slowly, too fast is not good for health.”

“I know.” Zheng Jiaqu held onto the cup, but finally putting it down as Shen Jin still didn’t look his way.

Actually Shen Qi and Shen Jin were talking about him.

“You bad girl.” Shen Qi whispered.

Shen Jin spoke, “And Sister didn’t stop me, did you? Brother-in-law looked at me for so long, I shouldn’t be stingy for a cup of water.”

Shen Qi also thought it harmless, she pinched Shen Jin’s hand and turned to Rui-wang, “Father, you have just recovered, don’t drink too much.”

“I know.” Rui-wang smiled.

Sitting silently in the middle of everyone, Shen Rong was probably the only one who got to see everything. Shen Qi and Shen Jin disliked Shen Zi so they didn’t pay attention to Shen Zi and Zheng Jiaqu side, but Shen Rong had noticed Zheng Jiaqu’s moment of lost. Shen Rong’s eyes flashed and a decision was made.

After everyone finished eating, Shen Zi led the maids with a few bowl of sobering soup. Holding a bowl, she personally brought it to Rui-wang, “Father, I saw Father was very happy today and drank a little more wine, so I have specially made sobering soups, please Father accepter this daughter’s filial act.”

Rui-wang’s face softened as he picked it up, “You are married now, how come you are not as sensible as your two little sisters?”

Actually Rui-wang didn’t mean to pick on anyone, but in Shen Zi’s ears his words sounded like she couldn’t compare to Shen Jin. She became very angry but had to hold it in.

Rui-wangfei smiled, “Second Girl had made the sobering soups, so you all have to drink it too.”

“Yes, thank you Second Sister.” Shen Xi had some wine, he took the lead and picked a bowl to drink. Shen Xuan and the rest also drank after uttering their thanks.

Rui-wangfei said to Shen Qi and Shen Jin, “You two are expecting, go back for a rest. Fifth Girl, stay here to keep your sister company.”

T/N – Rui-wangfei meant for Shen Rong to accompany Shen Zi.

Shen Rong rose, but Shen Zi said, “Mother Consort, I haven’t seen sisters for a some time already, how if I chat with them in the garden?”

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T/N – Shen Zi wanted Shen Qi and Shen Jin to go to the garden with her, instead of going back to rest.

Shen Qi’s eyebrows knitted, Yongle Shizi was also unhappy. What’s wrong with this Shen Zi, didn’t she hear Mother-in-law said his wife was pregnant so she had to rest early? Why was she still trying to drag her for a chat.

Shen Hao kept his head lowered in silence, while Shen Xuan and Shen Xi both looked at Shen Zi with annoyance.

Rui-wang directly said, “Your sisters need to rest, you talk with Fifth Girl.”

Shen Zi eyes reddened, “Father, This Daughter knows I have been willful and ignorant in the past so I was distanced from my sisters. It’s just that today I had some gifts for sisters to express my heart….”

Rui-wang pursed his lips, he turned to Rui-wangfei. Rui-wangfei said, “There is no need to rush. Qi-er and Jin-er are easily tired, and they have been up since morning to keep me company. Second Girl, you can chat with Fifth Girl today. Let them take a rest first, you sisters can still get together later.”

Up to this point it wouldn’t be good if Shen Zi insisted, she unwillingly responded, “This Daughter understands.”

Shen Rong said, “Second Sister, I’ll go with you to the garden for a walk.”

“En.” Shen Zi finally agreed.

Rui-wangfei told Shen Jin and Shen Qi, “You two, go back and take a rest.”

“Yes.” The two of them left with their maids.

Shen Rong took hold of Shen Zi’s arms as if she was supporting her, the two of them standing next to Rui-wangfei like a pair of affectionate sisters.

When Shen Jin and Shen Qi had gone far, Shen Rong said, “Mother Consort, I am going with Second Sister.”

“Go ahead.” Rui-wangfei said with a smile.

T/N – I didn’t post for weeks. I have been long stressed at work due to barrage of unreasonable demands and neverending pressures for things beyond my control. It’s getting worse and worse partly due to my workload has increased by 60% from when I started to the point that staying back (a lot!) didn’t cut it anymore. I didn’t have the energy or mood to do translation.

Especially this one, as this needs heaps of editing (the silver lining is, editing helps a lot with interviews! It has become much easier to organise my thoughts on the spot). My other one “I Am This Type of Woman” has more difficult words but also much easier to translate, almost no editing required.

Long story short, I have found a new job starting next month. The paperwork isn’t finished yet, but the job is 99% mine. Can’t wait. The translation should be going back to normal.

I thought gongbao rabbit was a made up dish for this story, but to my surprise there are a lot of pictures of it, so it’s really common. But here is gongbao chicken 宫保鸡丁. Some restaurants cook it wet but I prefer the dry one like this picture. If you haven’t had this yet, try order this, it is a very common dish and easy to find.

Chrysanthemum loin 菊花里脊.

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