After excusing themselves to Rui-wang and the rest, the two sisters walked out seemingly in harmony. However once they were out of the courtyard, Shen Rong let go of her hand without waiting for Shen Zi to say anything.

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Shen Rong’s face turned cold, “Second Sister is already very familiar with the mansion, so why don’t we just sit somewhere.”

“What attitude is this.” Shen Zi was angry to see Shen Rong behaved ambiguously alternating between hot and cold.

Shen Rong sneered, ignoring Shen Zi, she led her maid towards the garden in the middle of the mansion.

Shen Zi chased after and grabbed her arms, “What are you doing.”

Shen Rong stopped walking, turned to Shen Zi and coldly said, “Second Sister, what attitude do you want me to show?”

“You……” Shen Zi took a deep breath, “Alright, I won’t argue with you. I was wrong to hit you, but I also had a miscarriage.”

Shen Rong’s face suddenly broke in smile, “I am joking with Second Sister. Are you angry?”

Shen Zi watched Shen Rong’s face carefully, but she couldn’t find anything, “It’s not fun.”

Shen Rong’s eyes flashed, “Little Brother and I are Second Sister’s closest family.”

There was a note of sorrow and grief in her voice, but she linked her arms around Shen Zi’s again. The two of them walked side by side towards the garden.

Biting her lips, Shen Zi asked, “What actually happened to Mother and Fourth Sister?”

Shen Rong turned her eyes down, said in low voice, “Mother Consort doesn’t want us to talk about it.”

Shen Zi looked around and quickened her steps. When they reached the pavillion, she dismissed all the maids, “You can talk now.”

Shen Rong sat down, started to talk slowly, “Mother Consort knew of Sister’s miscarriage….”

Shen Qi and Shen Jin left together but since their places were not on the same direction, they had separated right outside the main courtyard.

Anning said in a muted voice, “Furen, please be more careful.”

“What’s wrong?” Shen Jin asked.

Anning replied, “Nubi thinks Zheng-furen didn’t have good intention.”

* Nubi 奴婢 = This Slave (referring to self)

Shen Jin nodded, “Then we won’t meet her. Anping, inform Mother Consort later that I don’t feel well, so this evening I am not going to the main courtyard for dinner.”

Whatever Shen Zi planned to do, she wouldn’t break into Moyun Courtyard. Even if she did, let’s see who would eat losses, definitely not Shen Jin.

Anping smiled, “Nubi understands. All these times, Zheng-furen’s plans have never worked.”

Shen Jin muttered, “Eating with others is very inconvenient.”

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Anping and Anning laughed. Of course it was much more comfortable to eat at home, at Moyun Courtyard all the dishes were made according to Shen Jin’s taste and Chen-cefei took meticulous care of her.

Thinking further, Shen Jin’s nose wrinkled, “The table was full of dishes, but I could only eat the few that were right in front of me.”

“Zhao-momo will feel sorry for Furen if she heard this.” Anping said.

As expected, Shen Jin smiled, “Anping, you are very smart.”

T/N – Naughty Shen Jin was planning what sorry words she would say to make Zhao-momo pity her, and smart Anping had seen through her!

Anping smiled too, “What does Furen feel like eating?”

“Duck in sour bamboo shoot soup.”

“Nubi will remember.”

Shen Jin happily nodded, but then she sighed, “I wonder what Fujun eats outside.”

Anping and Anning was thinking on how to console her when Shen Jin continued, “It won’t be as good as at home, dried rations and such….”

Her lips pursed, “Tasting bad, dry and hard.”

“Furen don’t worry, the General can take care of himself.” Anping softly said.

“Good thing I don’t have to eat dried rations.” Anping and Anning looked at each other. What were they felt heartache for?

Shen Jin rubbed her belly, “And Baby doesn’t have to eat dried rations either. Poor Fujun. Fine, today I will eat more. I will eat on behalf of Fujun’s.”

Both Anping and Anning were now perfectly sure their heartaches were wasted for nothing.

Anping kept her face blank as she said, “Zhao-momo won’t allow that.”

Shen Jin wanted to sigh but then she remembered Zhao-momo said the baby would be born with wrinkles if she sighed too much. She imagined wrinkles on old people and stopped sighing.

“The best is if Fujun can be back soon and eat with me.”

Shen Jin worried that Chu Xiuming was starving, but at that moment the man she was distressing for was facing a short table full of sumptuous dishes. Central Min being close to the ocean, some of the dishes served were not found in the Capital or at the border.

He was wearing a brocade robe, leaning on a soft couch with two charming and exquisite girls dressed in thin gauze waiting on him. Whichever direction Chu Xiuming looked, the two girls would immediately picked the dishes for him.

There were four more tables with similar arrangements in the room, four middle-age men were sitting surrounded by laughing girls. One of the men was exploring under a girl’s skirt, the girl leaned heavily on him and wriggled her body in an extremely alluring way.

In the middle of the tables, a few young girls were lightly dancing, their bodies were wrapped in bright-coloured budou and silk pants covered with light coloured tulle. Small bells hang on their wrists and ankles, they threw coquettish glances from time to time while performing provocative postures.

T/N – Want to see what budou is? Have a look at the bottom of this post.

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Chu Xiuming’s eyes fell on fish lips plate, the girl beside him picked it up wanting to feed him, but when she saw his eyes, she put it back shaking in fear and dared not try again. At a loss of his lack of interest, she didn’t know that Chu Xiuming was thinking of his little wife. If only she could see all these food, she would be terribly happy.

Even banquets at Rui Wangfu weren’t be this extravagant, for example that plate of fish lips, only the lips were taken and the rest of the fish were thrown away. He had been in Central Min for a few days, and everyday was like this. It was as if they were trying to gauge his limit, each time it was more extravagant than the one before.

“Are these not to Count Yongning’s liking?” The one who was holding a girl asked Chu Xiuming. They had been observing him for the past few days, he had been consistent and unmoved, not even rushing to enquire about the pirates as they expected he would.

Chu Xiuming didn’t answer, he just raised his cup. The man who just spoke could only smile and raised his cup as well. After he finished drinking, Chu Xiuming also drank his cup. The girl besides him took the wine jug to replenish the cup.

The other three men had also toasted, one of them laughed, “I am afraid these women are too common, not Count Yongning’s taste.”

“Or perhaps Count Yongning doesn’t like ladies?” The other one also laughed.

Chu Xiuming only looked at him, the object of his gaze felt cold sweat broke out on his forehead and had to avert his eyes. At that time he heard Chu Xiuming said, “I have a wife.”

“I heard Count Yongning’s wife is a Junzhu from the Capital?” They knew that but still deliberately asked.

Chu Xiuming ignored him, these kind of people talking about his wife was an insult to her.

“Whatever Count Yongning likes, just tell us.” The man who spoke first suddenly asked.

Chu Xiuming sat up straight, his eyes slightly lowered, “What are you actually trying to do?”

Hearing this, the man waved his hand, all the girls serving and dancing left the room. The man said, “Does Count Yongning have a plan?”

Chu Xiuming asked him back, “What does Liang-daren think?”

Liang-daren was promoted by Emperor Cheng so naturally he was willing to do Emperor Cheng’s bidding as long as it didn’t harm himself. Unfortunately the current task on hand was extremely problematic. He was ordered to arrange for Chu Xiuming’s death in the hands of the pirates.

Killing Chu Xiuming was straightforward and they could try their best, but to have him killed by the pirates? Did the Emperor think the pirates listen to them? Especially that although Central Min was their territory but the soldiers here weren’t exclusively theirs, and with Chu Xiuming’s prestige in the military, just one leak was enough to see all of them finished.

Moreover who could guarantee their safety after the deed was done? It was possible that they would be killed too to keep the secret, or given away to the military officials to appease their anger.

This was also a fruitless exercise as Chu Xiuming’s base was in the northwest, while Central Min was in southeast, there was no benefit for themselves in eliminating Chu Xiuming.

“Naturally we wouldn’t do anything to hinder Count Yongning.”

Seeing Chu Xiuming was silent, Liang-daren felt somehow relieved. Had Chu Xiuming rushed to accept, he would have thought Chu Xiuming didn’t actually intend to cooperate.

Liang-daren continued, “We also wouldn’t do anything that would affect Count Yongning’s honour.”

“I want the officials who colluded with the pirates.” Chu Xiuming finally spoke.

“It was the commoners who colluded with the pirates.” Liang-daren said.

Chu Xiuming took up his cup, slowly tasted the wine.

Liang-daren said, “We will bring the criminals to Count Yongning.”

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Without a word, Chu Xiuming took the wine jar and refilled his own cup, his eyes had grown colder and more arrogant.

Liang-daren watched his face and said, “Then we’ll do it according to Count Yongning’s order.”

Chu Xiuming raised his cup, Liang-daren did the same, “A toast for us working together.”

“En.” The two of them gulped their wine.

Liang-daren smiled, “And does Count Yongning have further plan?”

“I hope it could be done quickly.”

“En? Is there any rush?”

Chu Xiuming casually said, “My wife and child are at the Capital.”

Liang-daren saw that Emperor Cheng was anxious about Chu Xiuming, but Chu Xiuming also had something to be anxious about.

“Congratulations in advance.”

Chu Xiuming responded, and the two of them didn’t speak more.

In Moyun Courtyard, while Shen Jin was sleeping soundly, Anping and Anning told Shen Zi’s abnormal behaviour to Zhao-momo and Chen-cefei.

Zhao-momo asked, “What did Furen say?”

“Furen let me sent an apology to Rui-wangfei due to not feeling well.”

Chen-cefei lightly smiled, “Go now then.”

“Yes.” Anping responded.

Zhao-momo said, “This is fine too.”

Shen Zi might not be able to do much, but it was still better to be careful during pregnancy. Moreover, staying at their own place was still more convenient.

Zheng family needed a backer, but during Rui-wang’s incident they kept their distance for fear of being implicated. Realising that they had bet on the wrong side, they had to urgently mend the relationship with Rui Wangfu. Shen Zi didn’t seem to have very good relationships within Wangfu, so when Rui-wang’s youngest son Shen Hao approached him, Zheng Jiaqu happily followed him for a chat.

In the garden, Shen Zi’s face changed after Shen Rong finished telling her. Shen Rong was secretly pleased to see it even though nothing was shown on her face.

Shen Rong rose, “If Sister wants to see Mother and Fourth Sister, just go to Yilan Courtyard. I’ll go and change first.”

Her heart in chaos, Shen Zi had no mood to talk more.

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Shen Rong left with her maid, but she didn’t go back directly.

“Is it all arranged?”

“Yes.” The maid replied, “Third Shaoye had brought Zheng-shaoye there.”

* Shaoye = Young Master. Third Shaoye was Shen Hao.

Shen Rong nodded, mistress and maid walked to Plum Garden. It wasn’t the season for plum blossoms, so the garden felt cold and empty. The scenery at the garden looked to be random but also oddly in order, it was a quite distinctive arrangement.

Shen Rong and her maid sat in the pavillion, there was a fake mountain not far from the pavillion.

A lantern swayed in the distance, the maid started, “Miss, is it true what you said?”

“En.” Shen Rong sighed, she said with a bit of difficulty, “I also only knew recently. Originally the one to marry Count Yongning was Second Sister, but Second Sister was unwilling because of the situation at the border and the rumours about Count Yongning. That time Mother was favoured so…… in the end Third Sister’s marriage plan was changed……”

The maid asked again, “But why did Nubi hear Second Junzhu has blamed Wangye. She said Wangye was unfair, and that the marriage with Count Yongning should be hers?”

“Nonsense.” Shen Rong spoke.

The maid replied, “It is not a nonsense, if not like that, Xu-cefei…..”

As if the mention of her mother had made her upset, Shen Rong’s voice turned sadder.

“Rumours can’t be trusted, who knew Third Brother-in-law has such good character, so Second Sister became regretful….. Actually Second Brother-in-law is also very good, it’s just that Second Sister always put herself above Third Sister so she was disappointed.”

Behind the fake mountain, Zheng Jiaqu’s face turned green. The two of them had strolled to the Plum Garden and heard some talking voice. They were about to move away when unexpectedly Shen Rong and her maid’s words came into their ears. Shen Hao wanted to say something but Zheng Jiaqu covered his mouth in lightning fast speed.

“Does the Third Junzhu know?” The maid asked in horror.

Shen Rong sighed, “They knew. That time Chen-cefei and Third Sister had begged Father, but Father…… Chen-cefei’s words had no sway in front of Father.”

The maid said, “No wonder Third Junzhu doesn’t talk to Second Junzhu.”

Shen Rong shook her head, “Forget it, I’ll go see my mother.”

“Miss is just too kind. If it wasn’t because Second Junzhu, Miss wouldn’t have that scar on the face.”

“Second Sister wasn’t doing it on purpose.”

“But Nubi heard Second Junzhu’s nails was shaped that way on purpose?”

“Second Sister and I are birth sisters, she wouldn’t do it to me. It was only because she felt lost to Third Sisters, so Second Sister…..”

“So Second Junzhu was actually going to hurt Third Junzhu?” The maid sounded shocked.

Shen Rong voice hurriedly said, “Don’t talk nonsense anymore, let’s go.”

“Yes.” The maid supported Shen Rong’s arm and they left.

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