Zheng Jiaqu had heard Shen Rong and her maid’s conversation and it was confirmed by Shen Hao but he didn’t confront Shen Zi right away. The memory of the tender feelings Shen Zi showed him at the beginning of the marriage had him hesitating and wavering, but he still moved to sleep in the study.

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Shen Zi failed to notice Zheng Jiaqu’s abnormal behaviour as she was occupied with denial upon seeing her mother. Unable to admit herself to be the cause of her mother’s condition, she put all the blame and hate on Shen Jin, why should Shen Jin be that fortunate and why wasn’t it fall on herself. Shen Jin’s smiles and gentle touches on the belly became a mockery in Shen Zi’s eyes.

Thinking about that baby, she said with clenched teeth, “Chunxue, go find that….”

Chunxue was the dowry maid given by Xu-cefei and her deed was in Shen Zi’s hands. Her face changed as she heard the order, “Young Furen, this is not right…..”

Shen Zi glared at her, cold sweat dripped on Chunxue’s back. Anyway, she wouldn’t end well either should anything happened to Shen Zi, “Young Furen, Countess Yongning….”

“Pah!” A slap rang on Chunxue’s face.

Shen Zi said in a stern voice, “Because she deserves it?”

Chunxue hurriedly knelt down, “Nubi said something wrong.”

Shen Zi said, “Say it.”

“Yes.” Chunxue said very carefully, “Third Junzhu is now on the third month, it is already stable now….”

Shen Zi touched her own belly, “Right, you are right, it is too simple.”

Chunxue dared not reply, Shen Zi’s eyes narrowed, “Still not a problem. If it doesn’t work the first time, there is a second time….. Go look.”

“Yes.” Chunxue stopped trying, respectfully responded.

Servants who were allowed to serve in the study would be of both good looks and good literary skill. Zheng Jiaqu was trying to paint a picture, his helper had her sleeves rolled up revealing a pair of clear slim arms, her movement while grinding the ink was very graceful. Painting and writing needed calmness of mind, and with the current state of his mind, Zheng Jiaqu had been unable to produce any satisfactory works. Throwing the brush away, he tore the painting to shreds.

“Shaoye.” The maid in aqua blue dress softly asked, “Why not take a little rest?”

“Manrong, you say…..” Zheng Jiaqu sat down, he was mentally exhausted.

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Manrong cleared up the desk and walked up to Zheng Jiaqu. Her slender white fingers lightly rubbed Zheng Jiaqu’s temples, softly asked, “Shaoye has difficulty?”

Zheng Jiaqu sighed, leaning back on the chair with his head tilted back. Manrong’s body exuded a light ink scent, unlike Shen Zi who always had strong perfume smell. After some deep breaths, he felt slighly better, “You say, how to make someone tell the truth?”

Manrong wasn’t as beautiful as Shen Zi, but even in the whole Capital frankly there were not many who could compare with Shen Zi’s beauty. It was also the reason Zheng Jiaqu was wavering for so long. However Manrong has a gentle and good-tempered air and being well-versed in poetry and dance, she was able to converse with Zheng Jiaqu on music, chess, books and painting. Moreover, prior to Shen Zi’s arrival they had already had a relationship.

After Shen Zi married over, Manrong didn’t make a fuss and never tried to approach Zheng Jiaqu. That was why she could stay while the others had long been sent away by Shen Zi.

When the initial lovey dovey newlywed period was over, Zheng Jiaqu discovered he and Shen Zi weren’t speaking the same language. He tried to set up a common interest with Shen Zi but she couldn’t keep up, Shen Zi wasn’t illiterate, but Zheng Jiaqu had hoped for someone he could share poetry with. Manrong’s goodness was becoming more and more apparent.

Zheng Jiaqu inwardly sighed, if only Shen Zi and Manrong could be combined into a person, that would be the most perfect wife.

“Nubi doesn’t know either.” Manrong had very nice voice and she was articulate, the end of her sentences were uttered lightly.

Zheng Jiaqu said, “Didn’t we agree that you wouldn’t call yourself nubi?”

“Rules should be followed.” Manrong smiled, “Young Furen wouldn’t be happy if she hears it.”

Zheng Jiaqu’s face sank. Manrong’s voice turned even gentler but she had changed the subject.

“Nubi thinks, didn’t they say wine makes people say the truth?”

“That’s right.” Zheng Jiaqu sat up straight, “Get me a jar.”

Manrong responded softly, she was about to say something when the study door was abruptly pushed open. Shen Zi saw their position inside the room, a violent rage burst in her heart and she ran forward. Shen Zi grabbed Manrong’s hair and slapped her face.

Zheng Jiaqu was stunned for a while, then he angrily shouted, “Shen Zi what are you doing!”

“Thief.” Zheng Jiaqu’s words made her even more furious.

Manrong immediately knelt and started to kowtow, her forehead bled as it was knocked against the floor, but Shen Zi still wouldn’t let her go. Zheng Jiaqu grabbed the ink stone and threw it towards Shen Zi. He wasn’t confused, he just directly reacted against Shen Zi.

Shen Zi’s screeched in shock, she turned and rushed to lay her hands on Zheng Jiaqu. Manrong hastily stood up to put herself between them, the ring on Shen Zi’s finger fell on Manrong’s face. Seeing her face scratched, Zheng Jiaqu yelled, “Poisonous woman!”

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Zheng Jiaqu and Shen Zi came to blows, while Manrong hurriedly sent someone to call Zheng-furen.

Zheng-furen was so upset that she almost fainted. After the two were separated, Zheng-furen said to Shen Zi in dark voice, “Junzhu is a high and noble person, my Zheng family has climbed too high. If there is anything Junzhu is dissatisfied with, please ask His Majesty for a decision. Please do not insult my son.”

Shen Zi didn’t expect this time Zheng-furen didn’t take her side, angrily said, “Your son and this maid were careless, conducting illicit relationship in broad daylight in the study. How come it is me who is insulting them?”

Women hated their husbands sowing wild oats, but they wanted more women for their sons to spread the family branches. Zheng-furen never thought there was anything wrong with the idea that her son was with Manrong.

Zheng Jiaqu was angry, “Nonsense.” Calming himself down, he said, “Mother, This Son was practising and Manrong was grinding the ink. She suddenly broke in and just hit Manrong without asking. Manrong didn’t make any excuse but she was still unsatisfied, she rushed to grab me, so Manrong took the hit for me.”

Zheng-furen was shocked to see the blood on Manrong’s face, if this had been her son’s face… but she concealed her thoughts.

“This seems to be a misunderstanding. Manrong can come work for me at the main courtyard. And Junzhu..….” She was a bit speechless, “..… every couple has quarrelled but everything should be fixed overnight so it is not good if I interfere too much. If there is any problem please Junzhu just tell me, I will punish well, there is no need to personally action it.”

Shen Zi was soothed by Zheng-furen’s words, she nodded, “Mother-in-law is right.”

Zheng-furen said, “Then Junzhu please take a rest, there are other matters in the residence that need Junzhu to handle.”

Shen Zi nodded, Zheng-furen turned to Zheng Jiaqu, “No matter what, today is your fault, come with me to the main courtyard.” Zheng Jiaqu’s face was dark, but his mother had been always been the authority of the residence so he didn’t reply, moreover he also had something to say to her.

Shen Zi softened her tone thinking Zheng-furen was going to give Zheng Jiaqu a lesson. Zheng Jiaqu didn’t try to hit her and it was actually her who came on top on the fight, so she was willing to put on a good word for him, “I think Fujun was only careless for a moment, it’s all that thief’s fault.”

Zheng-furen smiled but didn’t say anything, she left taking Zheng Jiaqu and Manrong with her.

Shen Zi smugly walked back to her room with the maid, Chunxue quietly reminded her, “Young Furen, didn’t you go to Eldest Shaoye for something?”

“Forget it.”

She was feeling good after sorting out on how to deal with Shen Jin, and remembered that her husband had moved to sleep in the study. She had thought it was good that he moved away while she was busy with her thoughts, but now she felt it hurt her pride. Just now she had specially put on her make up to indicate that she had softened, but who knew she would find all other maids standing outside while Manrong that thief was inside.

In Rui-wangfu, Shen Qi had reach the third month mark and was now comparably calmer. At this moment she was walking in the garden with Shen Jin. Shen Jin’s belly was obviously pregnant now, without thinking her hands were placed at the back to support the belly.

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Shen Qi laughed, “Are you now happy that Brother-in-law won a battle?”

“En.” Shen Jin’s face was rosy, she smiled, “I just hope Fujun would come back soon.”

The news of Chu Xiuming’s victory was sent by Central Min’s magistrate, Shen Qi was also relieved by that news. Shen Jin was happy but not as happy as Shen Qi thought. Before Chu Xiuming left, he had told her not to trust any news that wasn’t written by himself personally, or sent by someone carrying special tokens.

After some hesitation Shen Qi said, “Actually I have been thinking of something. Sister, hear me out, it’s good if you agree, but it is also fine if you don’t.”

“En?” Shen Jin looked at her in confusion, “What does Elder Sister have in mind?”

“Our babies are only one month different in age. I am thinking if our children are a pair of male and female babies, then let them be betrothed. If it’s a pair of girls or boys, then we’ll just wait for the second ones?”

Shen Jin was stunned, stupidly asked, “How if the seconds are also of the same gender?”

“Then wait for the third ones.” Shen Qi smiled, “As long as they are our children and are of suitable age.”

Shen Qi had been considering this for long. Yongle Shizi would be happy to be connected in marriage with Yongning residence. If they asked after Count Yongning returned, people would looked down on them because their family’s prestige wasn’t as high as Yongning’s prestige. However, at this moment Count Yongning was still away and Shen Jin’s position wasn’t very safe, so the proposal would look more appropriate and compassionate.

Moreover with a private agreement, in case something unfavourable happened….. Shen Qi lowered eyes swept on her belly, her child was valuable, but her sister’s child wouldn’t be at a disadvantage either.

After thinking for a while, Shen Jin said, “Elder Sister, let’s talk about this matter later.”

“Sister finds it difficult?” Shen Qi asked.

Shen Jin nodded, bit her lips, “I understand Sister has this idea because Sister values me, but in the end it’s about the children. When the children have grown up and are also willing, we certainly will give our blessing.”

Shen Qi frowned, Shen Jin continued, “In my life, I had no choice on my birth or my marriage. My children can’t choose to be born by me, but they should be able to choose who to marry. There is no guarantee that they would be as lucky as I am in an arranged marriage.”

Her eyes gentle, a light smile was on her lips. In that instant, it was as if all the childishness was shed away, as if she hadn’t been Count Yongning’s spoiled little lady.

Choice? Shen Qi was silent. Had she had a choice, would she had chosen Zhu Yuhong? Shen Qi didn’t know. Sometimes she envied Shen Jin, the border was a barren and cold place, but there were only the two of them in their world.

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A man like Count Yongning would have a bunch of women. Even without the title of Count Yongning, the man himself would have attracted many women willing to follow him. But such a man had given his whole self to his wife, he had no eyes to any other.

It was this kind of affection that made Shen Zi was so jealous as if she was possessed. Thinking about Shen Zi, Shen Qi sneered inwardly. Shen Zi’s crazed obsession should have stemmed from regret.

“You are right.” Shen Zi wasn’t upset of Shen Jin’s rejection, she broke into a smile instead. “If the children like each other in the future, then let them be together. If not, there is no need to force it.”

Shen Jin laughingly nodded, “I feel so too. Just like Elder Sister has so many sisters, but loves me the most. This is fated, and our children’s matter should also be on fate.”

Shen Qi nodded too, “Just like your sweet mouth.”

Shen Jin was going to reply when Cuixi came, she respectfully said, “Wangfei invites Third Junzhu over.”

“Does Mother Consort want to see me for something?”

Cuixi answered, “There is someone outside looking for Junzhu, he said he was sent by Count Yongning.”

Cuixi looked a bit strange when she said so. Shen Qi frowned, just now she felt Shen Jin was lucky, but could it be…..

Shen Jin didn’t think as far as her, “Fine.” She turned to Shen Qi.

“I’ll go with you, I also need to see Mother.”

“En.” Shen Jin walked outside with Shen Qi.

Shen Qi asked, “What sort of person?”

Cuixi replied shortly, “A woman.”

Shen Qi worriedly glanced at Shen Jin, it wasn’t good for the pregnant Shen Jin to be shocked. But Shen Jin was only looking more confused, she was saying to Anping and Anning, “How strange.”

Shen Qi could only try to remind her, “Remember you are pregnant.”

“My stomach is large, how can I forget?”

Looking at this confused Shen Jin, Shen Qi was unsure the person who just before talked about giving their children choices was this same person.

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